Chi-Chi Gelato Auto Day 77
@Weed Seeds Express @Mars Hydro @Prescription Blend Gelato

Moving right along, we are seeing some early initial yellowing of the uppermost leaves. They are getting a little brittle and dry as well. The rest of her, however, not showing any wilt.

Chi-Chi Gelato Auto Day 78
Drought Day 4: Trichome Shots +1 Bud Shot
@Weed Seeds Express @Mars Hydro @Prescription Blend

F it, I am just gonna say it....these babies are BULBOUS....:rofl:

Seems like all the :reading420magazine: is paying off on this one.

Don't do this :morenutes: and we get this :yummy:

Happy Drought Day 4 to Chiich. Be back with Plant/Leaf shots

Chi-Chi Gelato Auto Day 78
Drought Day 4: PLANT/LEAF SHOTS +1
@Weed Seeds Express @Mars Hydro @Prescription Blend

As we can see, not much discoloration at Day 4. Pot is super light today. She is a trooper for hanging on like she is. Let's see if we can push her to 6 before her trichomes tell me it's time to snip!

Chi-Chi Gelato
Drought Day 5: Photos and Notes
@Weed Seeds Express @Mars Hydro @Prescription Blend

Today would have been Day 6 Drought for Chi-Chi. As we have noted, these girls can go from totally fine to showing help is needed very fast. It is so important to use the LWA, whether you use a protractor, app, or your eyes, to see when they have had enough.

I wanted to elaborate on the end of this drought, make some notes on things and be as thorough as possible for those who are new or skeptical to the concept.

I want growers to not be afraid of this technique and to appreciate its worth. We do have a new sponsor here with kits that check THC percentages. Although I am doing different reviews now, I'm going to reach out to Rob to see if we can work with this sponsor come next grow round.

I've got a new @Mars Hydro 100 x 100 that will house 3 photos. They will be under a new @Mars Hydro light and the tent and light in this new grow will then be reviewed. In addition, my goal is to run 2 of the same ladies in there, drought one and leave the other and compare the testing results thereafter using our sponsor's kit. Then we can really put this to the test!

This new run will begin as soon as I get the new light as Chi-Chi will more than likely be getting harvested Monday. The only thing I neglected to do last night and this morning are her trich shots and I will gather and post those this evening.

Yesterday morning I walked into Chi-Chi and some seriously wilting but not overly discolored leaves-remember, all plants show their stress to this differently! Her soil was so so dry...

Checked on her mid-day and these leaves were getting better....

Droughting didn't hurt her ability to BULK...

She recovered well when I checked on her last night, including that one bad leaf

She took some leaf injuries do to the drought but nothing too crazy!

Her trichomes really did amp up throughout as we can see in some of these flash shots

And for all who question the health, post drought of our ladies, these are some pics this morning that show how she just went back to doing her thing, here at the very end of her time with us

Other than a couple ugly little leaves that will stay

...her color, her plump and her vigor remain and I will be back tonight with some of what could be, her final trich shots

Thanks for following on Chi-Chi's droughting journey!
Chi-Chi Gelato
Drought Day 5: Photos and Notes
@Weed Seeds Express @Mars Hydro @Prescription Blend

Today would have been Day 6 Drought for Chi-Chi. As we have noted, these girls can go from totally fine to showing help is needed very fast. It is so important to use the LWA, whether you use a protractor, app, or your eyes to see when they have had enough.

I wanted to elaborate on the end of this drought, make some notes on thing and be as thorough as possible for those who are new or skeptical to the concept.

I want growers to not be afraid of this technique and to appreciate its worth. We do have a new sponsor here with kits that check THC percentages. Although I am doing different reviews now, I'm going to reach out to Rob to see if we can work with this sponsor come next grow round.

I've got a new @Mars Hydro 100 x 100 that will house 3 photos. They will be under a new @Mars Hydro light and the tent and light in this new grow will then be reviewed. In addition, my goal is to run 2 of the same ladies in there, drought one and leave the other and compare the testing results thereafter using our sponsor's kit. Then we can really put this to the test!

This new run will begin as soon as I get the new light as Chi-Chi will more than likely be getting harvested Monday. The only thing I neglected to do last night and this morning are her trich shots and I will gather and post those this evening.

Yesterday morning I walked into Chi-Chi and some seriously wilting but not overly discolored leaves-remember, all plants show their stress to this differently! Her soil was so so dry...

Checked on her mid-day and these leaves were getting better....

Droughting didn't hurt her ability to BULK...

She recovered well when I checked on her last night, including that one bad leaf

She took some leaf injuries do to the drought but nothing too crazy!

Her trichomes really did amp up throughout as we can see in some of these flash shots

And for all who question the health, post drought of our ladies, these are some pics this morning that show how she just went back to doing her thing, here at the very end of her time with us

Other than a couple ugly little leaves that remain

...her color, her plump and her vigor remain and I will be back tonight with some what could be, her final trich shots

Thanks for following on Chi-Chi's droughting journey!
Very Nice 👍
Chi-Chi Gelato
Drought Day 5: Photos and Notes
@Weed Seeds Express @Mars Hydro @Prescription Blend

Today would have been Day 6 Drought for Chi-Chi. As we have noted, these girls can go from totally fine to showing help is needed very fast. It is so important to use the LWA, whether you use a protractor, app, or your eyes to see when they have had enough.

I wanted to elaborate on the end of this drought, make some notes on thing and be as thorough as possible for those who are new or skeptical to the concept.

I want growers to not be afraid of this technique and to appreciate its worth. We do have a new sponsor here with kits that check THC percentages. Although I am doing different reviews now, I'm going to reach out to Rob to see if we can work with this sponsor come next grow round.

I've got a new @Mars Hydro 100 x 100 that will house 3 photos. They will be under a new @Mars Hydro light and the tent and light in this new grow will then be reviewed. In addition, my goal is to run 2 of the same ladies in there, drought one and leave the other and compare the testing results thereafter using our sponsor's kit. Then we can really put this to the test!

This new run will begin as soon as I get the new light as Chi-Chi will more than likely be getting harvested Monday. The only thing I neglected to do last night and this morning are her trich shots and I will gather and post those this evening.

Yesterday morning I walked into Chi-Chi and some seriously wilting but not overly discolored leaves-remember, all plants show their stress to this differently! Her soil was so so dry...

Checked on her mid-day and these leaves were getting better....

Droughting didn't hurt her ability to BULK...

She recovered well when I checked on her last night, including that one bad leaf

She took some leaf injuries do to the drought but nothing too crazy!

Her trichomes really did amp up throughout as we can see in some of these flash shots

And for all who question the health, post drought of our ladies, these are some pics this morning that show how she just went back to doing her thing, here at the very end of her time with us

Other than a couple ugly little leaves that remain

...her color, her plump and her vigor remain and I will be back tonight with some what could be, her final trich shots

Thanks for following on Chi-Chi's droughting journey!
Absolutely gorgeous chunky buds.
What's not to love?
Absolutely gorgeous chunky buds.
What's not to love?
I agree, she's a cute chunky auto. Those are the kinds we a love so much!
I think the side-by-side comparison will be very helpful. A good way to highlight a sponsor's product as well. :thumb:
I agree, that's why came up with it Azi lmao just kidding I couldn't help being silly. I'm in a mood. In all seriousness, I think this is just the next step we need here Az!
Awww seeing you on a feed again makes my heart so full and happy! :green_heart::circle-of-love:

Thank you West!
The heat pushed us out of the field 98 and it’s not even lunch time yet . The melons are getting thinner I think the morning rh is keeping them going !
Later Sweetheart
The heat pushed us out of the field 98 and it’s not even lunch time yet . The melons are getting thinner I think the morning rh is keeping them going !
Later Sweetheart
Pushed TK and his crew right off the hospital solar roof they were running electrical to yesterday-if they sat, they melted if they stood, they melted. He was home by 2! Save the melons!! Thank God it's humid for them but this girl can barely breathe outside when it's like this!
I'll end Chi-Chi's Story with her last day trichome shots. She will be harvested tomorrow.

I'll drop her harvest pics here once we are done and I'll also leave you with a nugget of Eva, our @Weed Seeds Express Big Jack Widow Auto

Thanks again for all your support!



Chi-Chi Gelato
Drought Day 5: Photos and Notes
@Weed Seeds Express @Mars Hydro @Prescription Blend

Today would have been Day 6 Drought for Chi-Chi. As we have noted, these girls can go from totally fine to showing help is needed very fast. It is so important to use the LWA, whether you use a protractor, app, or your eyes, to see when they have had enough.

I wanted to elaborate on the end of this drought, make some notes on things and be as thorough as possible for those who are new or skeptical to the concept.

I want growers to not be afraid of this technique and to appreciate its worth. We do have a new sponsor here with kits that check THC percentages. Although I am doing different reviews now, I'm going to reach out to Rob to see if we can work with this sponsor come next grow round.

I've got a new @Mars Hydro 100 x 100 that will house 3 photos. They will be under a new @Mars Hydro light and the tent and light in this new grow will then be reviewed. In addition, my goal is to run 2 of the same ladies in there, drought one and leave the other and compare the testing results thereafter using our sponsor's kit. Then we can really put this to the test!

This new run will begin as soon as I get the new light as Chi-Chi will more than likely be getting harvested Monday. The only thing I neglected to do last night and this morning are her trich shots and I will gather and post those this evening.

Yesterday morning I walked into Chi-Chi and some seriously wilting but not overly discolored leaves-remember, all plants show their stress to this differently! Her soil was so so dry...

Checked on her mid-day and these leaves were getting better....

Droughting didn't hurt her ability to BULK...

She recovered well when I checked on her last night, including that one bad leaf

She took some leaf injuries do to the drought but nothing too crazy!

Her trichomes really did amp up throughout as we can see in some of these flash shots

And for all who question the health, post drought of our ladies, these are some pics this morning that show how she just went back to doing her thing, here at the very end of her time with us

Other than a couple ugly little leaves that will stay

...her color, her plump and her vigor remain and I will be back tonight with some of what could be, her final trich shots

Thanks for following on Chi-Chi's droughting journey!
How many colas are on that beautiful lady? I counted 23 but can’t see her all the way around.
How many colas are on that beautiful lady? I counted 23 but can’t see her all the way around.
He counted lmao...I had to check, it's a total of 35 Cap
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