Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

My last photos were from 5 days ago. Such a huge difference today! I think each time I do an update I spend about 45 minutes going through every picture back to day one... flipping back forth

Me too, I try to take photos from the same position, so when I upload em I can open 2 windows and av em side by side. Nerd haha

Looking very nice might I add, keep up the hard work
Thanks for the compliments, everyone! And thanks for the reps, Flower Child! :thanks:

Still no signs of sex that I can see. Just more little leaves growing in at each node.

I saw a bug today after my update. It was super tiny (size of maybe 2-3 grains of sand), light reddish brown. It looked like it had wings, but I couldn't be sure. I tried squishing it, but lost it in the soil. I'm going to get some diatomaceous earth this week just as a precaution, and I'll keep a super close eye on things.

In fact, going to go smoke a bowl and stare at the ladies now. :circle-of-love:

Thanks, Orez :ciao: Welcome to :420: Glad to have you along.

Today was feeding #2.

I mixed 13 ml of Super Plant Tonic and 6 ml of Grow It Green into 1/2 gallon (1.9 L). That's about 87% strength Super Plant Tonic and 80% Grow It Green. I also used all of what I mixed, so they each got about a liter. We'll see how it turns out.

After I fed them I was wiping droplets off the leaves, and the whole room quickly filled with a wonderful, weedy aroma. I did the eyes-closed-deep-inhale a few times against the leaves. hehe :geek:

I love growing :love:
~ it got to be to much hell, for me that is. Looking for the first pre-flowers showing me all that time up until this point was worth it.
I was reading other post trying to gain any edge possible.... real nerve racking...lol ~~
Your plants are looking really nice. I love the tight internode spacing. If you maintain that and don't have any problems, it looks like it might just be some beautiful buds coming your way. ( I got some really great advice on growing from McLoadie on the 420 site here. He once said
" It's going fine, Now just keep your big mitts off of them." ) ... that's some of the best advice I ever got. Because you do your planning and crunch the numbers outside of the grow room. Don't get inside and lose your head and deviate from your plans. like over watering, feeding,pinching and pulling and what not... lol
Hiya Dresney,

Thanks for stopping by at mine again. I think I'm on top off the stress thing now and thanks for sharing a toke. Hehe. :thanks:

I'm really interested in your plans for Lorreta. I was thinking a bit deeper about the potential for what you got going there. Lorretas' three leaf trait could make for a high yielding Lady without the need for any stress techniques. In that she should produce an extra branch of bud goodness at each node. That's up to 50% more than normal :slide:

I truly wish you every success in achieving something wonderful with her.

The concept of also going on to keep her alive for a reveg and clones is fascinating. I shall be pulling up a chair for that one. :goodluck:

Loving your style Dres.

Peace BB.
Hey, friends! :byebye: Hope you're all having smooth, satisfying days :rollit:

Today is day 33 since sprout for Pascalle and Loretta. Two days since their second feeding and all is well. :partyboy:
I'm really liking my nutes so far. The colors seem great and no signs of burn.


Just for fun... here was the holey smoke 8 days ago

And here it is today!

Loretta in all her bushy glory

There's no filter on this photo; the light just came out funky.

I also got my NORML packet in the mail today. I'm an official member now :yahoo:

Ok, now for the jabbering.

I did some research on Loretta's 3-leaf trait. It's called whorled phyllotaxy and is most likely a genetic mutation. I was sad to learn that it is more common in males. Loretta was a feminized Trainwreck seed, so I'll be a very sad panda if she turns out to be male. One site I read said that whorled phyllotaxy can be stress-induced, especially with heavy LST that twists the meristem.

It seems that many plants show the trait from the beginning. I saw a picture of a 3-leafed cotyledon! It's also common for plants to grow out of the trait by the 6th or 7th node. Loretta didn't show the trait until her 3rd node and she's making her 9th now and is still showing the 3-leaf trait as far as I can tell. It's so clustered in there, it's hard to figure out what's going on.

After I read that whorled traits are more common in males I had a mini panic attack. Pascalle (GDP) is a regular seed, so she might turn out to be a male in lady's clothing too! If my first grow ended up being two males, I'd probably really shed a few tears. Paranoia is working on me... I might drop some seeds in a glass of water today! I really can't handle 3-4 females right now though... so... I guess I'll wait it out a bit. I've been checking every day for something besides more tiny leaves at the nodes... nada. :rollingeyes:

I got some gardening wire yesterday and am planning on doing some LST work later today, so I may post more pictures later.

Have a happy, smokey day! :tokin:
Hey Dresney,

First, I'm just seeing pictures of health and beauty there. So regardless of traits and paranoia you need to keep doing what you're doing and stay positive.

My research on on whorled traits were inconclusive. Neither a good or bad thing but definitely interesting and worth the ride. My understanding on F1 fem seed is very conclusive, genetics 1 on 1 say it is impossible to end up with a true x-y male if current methods of producing the seed are strictly adhered to. So only a rare mix up at the breeder (reputations at stake) could result in you receiving a male.

I'm a little surprised you are suggesting some LST on your first grow. Even a noob like me doesn't feel confident enough to try that yet. May i suggest you let Loretta do her stuff, she's almost 100% likely female. Maybe try to gain your skills in LST on Pascalle (you're very brave).

Just me 2 cents.

Have a great smoke day:tokin:

No dis-respect Brit, but Dres you need to do what you feel comfortable doing. I LST'ed on LAVERNE her 1st go round & she was my very 1st plant ever. Your God-daughter told me to say hi... So Hi Dres.
Hey Dres,

So did the wire come out or not ? Hat off to BAR and the master LA, you guys are kinda convincing me to give this a go. I got some nice clones ready for a bending. Need to take some brave pills.
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