Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Nice work dresney. If your not ready to bend em yet a good way to promote branching is selectively removing the uppermost fans to allow light to the lower nodes. With those fat leaves no light reaches the inside.

Your thumb is definitely green and cool you joined the norml women's alliance.
reps sent.
Hi Dresney:byebye:
As nice as your girls look, I think you can do anything you want to them and they will do well. My first grow, I let 8 plants do as they wanted- only topped one time. The 9th plant I did a tiny bit of lst to and she actually yielded a few grams more than her sisters of the same strain! It might have been a coincidence but I am applying a bit of lst to all my current plants.
Congrats on joining norml.:thumb:
Have a great weedend!
Wow, thanks everyone! You guys are all great. :circle-of-love:

Special thanks to everyone who gave me reps yesterday! They'll be coming back at you. My little bar is almost full! :partyboy:

I'm still feeling a tad anxious, but all your reassurances have helped a lot. I'm definitely not germing any seeds until I know for sure that I don't have ladies.

Keep those please-be-a-girl vibes coming my way, LA. I just want to see some lady bits already!

BB, I didn't break out the wire yesterday. I forgot we had a party to go, so maybe today. I might let Loretta off the hook. I am going to wire up Pascalle though, I think. And I'm not brave at all - when I LST'd them a little before, I had the nervous-anxiety feeling in my stomach. Felt like I was going to the dentist or something. :laughtwo: I did it anyway though because I know I have an army of green gardeners behind me here at :420: to steer me back on course if I get into trouble. :)

Heya, Reg :ciao: I'm going to stop by and check in on Rachel after this post. ;) She's been looking a lovely shade of my favorite green lately.

Hodder, I'm not sure about healthiest veg ever, but I'm certainly partial to them. :;): I was seriously staring at Pascalle's photos yesterday thinking to myself, "It's too early to enter her in plant of the month contests, right?" :goof::rofl: Blinded by motherly love.

Good twists or bad twists, Dank?! I'll head over and check them out :high-five:

I'm still thinking hard about those autos, Mono. It might be fate - yesterday I got an email from a sponsor here about 25% off all seeds this week. I might have to get in on that.

Hi, Shotta :byebye: Thanks for the tip and compliment. I know I want to try cloning so I was thinking I could remove some leaves and try it at some point. I'm not sure when the best time to clone is, but I'm going to start doing some heavy reading, figuring out which method I'll go with and getting everything setup.

Hmm, Flower Child, you've got me thinking maybe I will LST Loretta, after all. I just need to repeat the mantra, "I'm not hurting them. I'm not hurting them. I'm not hurting them." :laughtwo:

Ok, I'm going to head to Waffle House (not LA's greenhouse of horrors) and get some greasy hashbrowns to appease my ailing tummy after pumping it full of the devil's juice last night. I swear, I'm never drinking alcohol again. :surrender:

Hope everyone has an easy, relaxing weekend :rollit:

You guys are the best.
You're 100% correct, may-or-not be Rachel. Pot does not grow in swamps. It does drink heavily once it gets going, and it loves light, but it does not grow in bogs. The Greenhouse seeds guys have a series of videos called strain hunters. You can find them on you-tube. They travel around the world in search of native cannabis strains. If you watch those videos and see where the wild pot grows, you will never see them put on Wellington boots and wade around in muck when they are looking at fields of pot. Never. Some of the areas get a lot of rain, but often the plants are growing on steep slopes. The soil is frequently volcanic and drains well.

In soil, grow the plants in a medium that drains well. Water them until some seeps out the drain holes. Let them go until they start to look a little droopy. Soak them well... yada yada yada. Very impressed that you pay attention to what they like!

Check out my journal....pretty soon I'm going to post pcs of weed that is growing in a tray of standing water....in soil.....I couldn't believe it, but I saw it in person and they can grow like that. They were healthy and bro told me the tray is never empty, I even filled it while I was there!
That's cool Mcloadie. I've seen that "soilponics" somewhere.... Interested to see how deep the tray is.

I searched for the picture pj and I'm sorry but it got lost somehow....I was pretty loaded all the time there. The tray was around 4 inches deep, I will ask next time I talk to him what the roots look like and if he hasn't.......... to knock the roots outta the pot and look....LOL. I myself cannot imagine what goes on inside that pot..............I would like to see the pot sliced down the middle with the root ball intact. IDK if they even got harvested, they were pretty insignificant in the big picture, but on the other hand, they were lovely!
Doubt they got wasted if they were pretty. It seems like it was sort of like doing a hempy with soil in the pot instead of perlite. The soil up top would stay dry, then down below it was saturated.
The space between your nodes is small, meaning your plants are getting plenty of light. If your looking for some stretch try moving your light away from the plants some, they should try to reach for the light. Plants look really good Dresney.
Hey Dresney! If you're still feeling iffy about LSTing your plants head over to my journal- did a heavy duty LST to all my girls last nite and it did'nt bother them at all- this morning they are 6" shorter but very perky and happy.
Happy growing!. :peace:
Hey Dresney. As others have said, don't be afraid of the LST :)

Even I have broken branches before from pure carelessness, BUT the great thing about cannabis is, THAT it will always grow back!

Here is an example of one of my main branches I bent over.....THEN....SNAAAP!


After a little patching up....


....And a week later, everything is all good.


Now I don't mean this to scare you now, as I know you are going to be much more careful than I. It just goes to show that even if you did get a mishap (I happened to be in a big rush when this happened) it will heal and fully recover!

Can't wait to see some training GIRL:morenutes:
omg, AF! :thedoubletake: I know that should make me feel better, but it doesn't! ( I do love seeing those pictures though, so thanks! +reps)

If I snapped a stem, I'd probably immediately break out in a hot flash and throw up. :biglaugh::rofl:

I'm going to do it today though. No excuses. I'll post pictures later. Hopefully none of them look like that!^^ :laughtwo:
omg, AF! :thedoubletake: I know that should make me feel better, but it doesn't! ( I do love seeing those pictures though, so thanks! +reps)

If I snapped a stem, I'd probably immediately break out in a hot flash and throw up. :biglaugh::rofl:

I'm going to do it today though. No excuses. I'll post pictures later. Hopefully none of them look like that!^^ :laughtwo:

good luck with the lst dresney. Can't wait to see the results :)
Just a little tip Dresney, If making big kinks use your thumb nail on the inner side to indent before bending. This stops alot of stress on the outer side,llimiting chance of snaps. I know your not really at that point yet though. Also once bent try the same indent technique on the leaf stems of any fans in your way. As with the indent you can tuck fan leaves out the way without using defol. I put this leaf tucking thing up at beginning of my tutt grow if you want to check it out.
Anyway Im sure your training will be nice and uneventful! Best of luck. I cant wait to see you handy work!
Ha... supercropping virgin at age 30... how did I manage to keep it this long?... with all you guys out there peer-pressuring me! :rofl::laughtwo:

Day 36

Pascalle (GDP)
She's getting tall enough that I have to stand on my tippy-toes to get her in the shot now. Can you guys spot my helper?

Loretta (TW)
She's so pretty. I just love her so much. :dreamy:


Pascalle took it like a champ.

Aaand.... I didn't let Loretta off the hook.... errr, wire, after all.

Here is a close-up of Loretta's newest nodes.... The tri-clops is strong in this one. Ignore that cat hair. :laughtwo:

Is this the beginning of sexy bits?!!!? Don't tell me yet if you can tell it's male. Let me live in ignorance for awhile longer. :rollingeyes:

How long do I leave them tied up like this? Should I remove it after a couple days and bend the other direction or just let them roam free?

Thanks for all the encouragement. I definitely needed it. :circle-of-love:
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