Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

:nomo::joint: Ok, so it's about 15-16 hours after the first feeding.

Day 25

I'm thinking Pascalle (GDP) is going to be the more sensitive of the two. Today maybe 2-3 of her leaves had the slightest Taco-y look.

Holey smokes! :yikes: I spy with my little eye something that begins with H...

Pascalle always seemed to be just a hair ahead in terms of size/growth, but this morning is the first time I sensed she wasn't in the lead anymore. Loretta is bushier and seems to stand more alertly. I'm not sure if Loretta packed it on overnight after being fed or if Pascalle is seeming daintier, but things have shifted in my eyes. I think she's outdoing her sister for the first time.

Loretta (TW)

And speaking of Pascalle seeming daintier... she does. The other day when I mentioned that her leaves were looking wilted, they were and I talked myself out of it. The next day the leaves that were laying down were totally perked up again. I'm going to let them dry out for probably 5-6 days before I even think about watering them again.

What do you guys think about that hole? :yikes: I still haven't seen any bugs around. Could a drop of water with lights on it burn through a leaf like that?

Happy tokes :circle-of-love::green_heart:

Looking good Dresney :thumb:
I heard you got a cat...maybe a few, eh?....I'm subbed!

my kitty is my grow buddy:)

Heya, AG! I'm so happy to see you here :slide:

I have two kitties who loves mischief and catnip... they take after me :partyboy:

Speaking of kitties, one of mine was checking out my GDP the other day. He was sniffing inquisitively and then touched some leaves with his paw and then sniffed his paw. Then he looked at me, gave me a head nod and a wink. :lot-o-toke:

And thanks, Northmann :ciao: I'm happy with how they're reacting after their first feed.

Still no sign of bugs, so I'm going to chalk that hole up to a burning water droplet. I don't usually get my plants wet, but I misted the soil once to see how much the humiditiy would raise. Guess I scorched it :straightface:
That little kitty Gave the paw of approval.
Hey Dres

Thanks for stopping by at mine. Thought I'd swing on over to get an idea of how the Girls are doing it. Lovin' your ghetto approach in your set up. Hope I'm not too late to the party, consider me subbed. Now back to page 3 so I can catch up. Wishing you all the best in this grow.

Hey Dres

I've caught up now and must say you've got everything pretty much nailed there Gal. They say less is more, so if I have anything to add, it would be live and let live for now. After a very impressive start, try to resist the temptation to interfere with your babies. That little three leaf 'problem' was nothing to worry about, just a regular genetic trait. Please resist any urge to over feed, although I agree a light 1/4 strength feed would not be wrong at this stage. Wishing you and your babies good health.

Heya, AG! I'm so happy to see you here :slide:

I have two kitties who loves mischief and catnip... they take after me :partyboy:

Speaking of kitties, one of mine was checking out my GDP the other day. He was sniffing inquisitively and then touched some leaves with his paw and then sniffed his paw. Then he looked at me, gave me a head nod and a wink. :lot-o-toke:

Haha the same goes for my little rascal! He's not even a year old yet and loves cannabis, maybe even more than I...NAHHH! You know what those winks mean Dresney. Cats slowly blink their eyes to show 2 things, that they mean no harm and approval . I really got into knowing everything possible about kittens before I adopted this little guy. I have even trained this mischivious feline to sit on command and roll over for a belly rub :) (I wish there was a kitten emoticon!)

But anyway enough cat talk before I cough up a hairball (now you got me saying corny cat jokes :laughtwo:). I'm glad to be here, I'll be watching this thread so if anything comes up just holler.
That's funny, I have a trim eating dog, lol.
Hey Dresney, our cats are barred from our kitchen where gert is, as they eat her leaves fast as f$&k! Constantly try steeling and eating any bud left lying about also lol. Best of blessed medically marvelous meds to you!
Hey, Brassic Brit! Welcome to my journal. :thanks: for joining. I can't complain about my progress so far, but I can definitely say it's a work in patience. Lately every morning I get out my magnifying glass and search for lady parts on my plants... every morning I'm disappointed :laughtwo:
Thanks for the tip on the 3-leaf thing. I just wasn't sure what to think about it. It certainly makes for a bushy plant. I guess all its nodes will be triple-leafed? :hmmmm: Maybe it will double-bud later! :goof:

AG, you sound like a true cat-lover :love: I love the blinking info - we call those slow blinks 'bedroom eyes.' I call myself a crazy-cat lady in-training. I'd probably have 5-6 cats if it were up to me. A pregnant stray stopped by our house for a day over the summer and I was ready to keep her and her kittens. I loved her so much my heart ached.

LA, one of my cats sometimes eat leaves from my lily houseplant. I must have 15 different houseplants and he only goes after that one. My other one loves little stems/twigs from the plants. She'll play with a stem for hours, chasing it around the house, throwing it up in the air. It's really fun at 4am.

Dank, I have a dog too! She doesn't care much about trimmings though. Just hot dogs, chicken, french fries, pancakes, ice cream, pizza... everything else, basically.

So much :love: for the animals here at :420:. Makes me happy :high-five::passitleft:

So for my girls today. All looks well - no post-feeding stress. I don't plan on watering them for a couple days still, but I will check to see how wet the soil is today.

Now I'm going to go get in the shower and start my day. I'm going to go collect signatures for a certain medical marijuana petition :slide:

Have a happy day full of many good tokes! :circle-of-love:
Hi, everyone :byebye: Hope you're all having a very green day :tokin:

Today is day 30 since sprout. We made it this far!! :cheer:

My last photos were from 5 days ago. Such a huge difference today! I think each time I do an update I spend about 45 minutes going through every picture back to day one... flipping back and forth :geek:

I'm getting really excited as they're finally starting to get taller. I was getting discouraged with the lack of vertical growth.

Pascalle (GDP)

Loretta (TW) Her pictures always come out blurry. I think she's camera-shy.


I think Loretta's 3-leaf trait makes her very pretty. She reminds me of a poinsettia or something.

I took the LST string off yesterday. I'm going to replace it with some gardening wire this week. The string I had was a little leaf-clingy and not as easy to work with as I'd like. I'm a bit sad about that because the colors looked great with the green in my plants. A lady must accessorize :;):

They got their first feeding 11/6 (Wednesday). They started to wilt a little from dryness on the night of 11/10 (Sunday). So based on that I'm going to work out a rough feeding/watering schedule of feed+water on Wednesdays, water on Sundays. Next feeding tomorrow! :slide:

Have a great day, everyone! :high-five:
Happy tokes! :tokin:
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