Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

I would follow their relative proportions, but to know exactly 'how much' to increase by, I would invest in a PPM meter. I feel that it is so useful in determining what strength your nutrients actually are.

Lower on that nute page from their website it says this:

"Note: Our organic fertilizers do not register on a TDS /EC meter like chemical fertilizers do, because of the way they are bound.

Our fertilizers are less conductive because we do not use pH stablizers, dyes, or hard mineral salts.

Start your feeding at the lowest recommended guidelines and work upwards. Some plants require more fertilizer than recommended. The use of a supplemental calcium / magnesium product is reccomended with coco growing mediums.

Heavy feeding plants may require 5 ml more of of GIG and FP, after week 2 of vegetative growth.

When used in Coco growing mediums, reduce FP dosage by 5 ml per gallon after week 2 of vegetable, nut, fruit, or flower production.

SPT may clog drippers over time, and is * not * recommended for Aeroponic Grow Systems.

Is that referring to the PPM meter?
I also checked out BMO, and they seem to be pretty cheap nutes, especially compared to FF trio, and the bennies in the tonic are an added bonus.

Yes!! The whole package was only $37 with shipping!

When I saw that they already had in them everything that people were supplementing individually I couldn't pass them up.
>>>So... maybe I could count on flipping on January 1st?

So that gives you about 6 more weeks...NICE. I hope you got room, cause she is going to be a producer!

I would take the last 3 weeks of veg from the BMO schedule, and adjust that to your last 3 weeks according to your your scheduled transition into 12/12.

I really want to give you more EXACT detail, but until I can get my hands on the stuff, and measure out the PPMs, I would trust BMO!

It seems like they know 'what' we are growing, and seems like they don't try and give you ridiculous amounts to feed, in order for you to buy more product(unlike a few other nutrient lines I won't mention :laughtwo:)

I heard that they even double the bottle size for the same price if you order consistently!
Are those quart containers? If so that is a hell of a deal, especially as good as they seem to work.
Yes!! The whole package was only $37 with shipping!

When I saw that they already had in them everything that people were supplementing individually I couldn't pass them up.
>>>Note: Our organic fertilizers do not register on a TDS /EC meter like chemical fertilizers do, because of the way they are bound.

Well that's interesting. I know organic fertilizers have a different atomic makeup than chemical ones, but I don't think they are saying that it cannot be read by a EC/PPM meter. There should still be conductive solids in the fertilizer no matter what, so a PPM meter would still give you an estimate of salt content in the fertilizer.

This really has got me going, I might just order some next week just to test out the EC/PPM readings for myself!
Are those quart containers? If so that is a hell of a deal, especially as good as they seem to work.

The package comes with 1/2 qt. of each. You can buy them individually at a great price on the Flea though. Actually, I think Flea is the only way to buy them. And believe it or not, they sometimes sell out and you have to wait for them to mix up new batches.
So that gives you about 6 more weeks...NICE. I hope you got room, cause she is going to be a producer!

I hope they get 4-6 feet tall. I'm going to hang my light from the planks in my basement ceiling, which is 8 ft tall and I'll hoist that baby all the way up if I need to. I started them in 7 gallon pots, so hopefully they become monsters!
Ok, so all this nutrient talk has got me thinking.

I think I'm going to start following the GMO website schedule. Tomorrow will be day 38, so the middle of week 6. Should I jump in and up the doses to match week 6 even though this will only be their third feed or should I build up to it? My gut is going with the building-up route.

If I followed the bottle, which is closest to what I've been doing, I'd be feeding 7.5ml GIG and 15ml SPT per half gallon (1.9L). If I follow week 6 of the website schedule, I'd be feeding 15ml GIG, 7.5ml SPT, 7.5ml Flower Power per half gallon. Quite a difference. :trance: Maybe since this is only my third feeding I'd follow week 3 of the schedule? That'd be 12.5ml GIG, 7.5ml SPT, 2.5ml Flower Power.

The veg schedule ends at week 6. Since I'm planning on a much longer veg than that, should I start Flower Power later? I notice they start feeding Flower Power with the last 4 veg feedings before flower. Should I leave out the Flower Power until about 4 weeks before I flip?

The more I think about it the more confused I get. :hmmmm:
This is what I do when I base my feedings off of the companies schedule:

Whatever the total amount of veg is (which is usually 4 weeks, but in this case GMO has 6 weeks) I correlate it to the total amount of time I plan on actually 'vegging'.

So since the Flower Power is introduced at week 3 (halfway through the recommended 6 weeks) then you should also start it halfway through your veg cycle. So since you are at week 6 and still plan on another 6 weeks before you flip, you would be halfway through in relation to the GMO schedule.

Now this is where things get a little tricky. Since they incrementally increase dose within the final 3 weeks of veg, you should then space these increments out between your 6 weeks. So essentially treat each 'GMO week' as 2x 'Dresney weeks'. This enables you to still increase dosage safely without the potential for deficiencies as the plant matures and calls for more nutrients!

I hope that makes sense, as I am falling asleep on the keys....goodnight!
Crikey some intense technical discussion over here. Outta my league for sure, but noone can deny its getting results. I'm more of a K.i.s.s. kinda guy. Then again when you guys fully understand this higher level stuff its simple for you ! Interesting read.
I'm not sure about that either. I'm a terrible grower. :icon_roll

I'm probably going to veg them for quite a while longer... at least 3-4 weeks more.. maybe even longer than that. I have a 400 watt HPS on my Christmas list from my mom-in-law and she usually sends presents early. I guess when/if that comes in the mail I could flip. But I also want a fat yield and don't mind the extra veg time. :laughtwo: So... maybe I could count on flipping on January 1st?

You are NOT a terrible grower, you are a great grower and will only get better!!!!!:cheer: I almost got a nute woody reading about these nutes......The same approach that milo shammas takes with his dr earth products......he invented nutes with mychos in it and holds the patent I believe! It sounds like great stuff dres and I can see you've done your homework and your approach looks sound to me!
Nute woody :rofl:

I'm so happy you guys approve of my nutes. I was feeling like a lone wolf, which is a little scary as a first-timer, but they felt right so I went with it.

I've been working out a schedule and decided to stick to the January 1st flip. Yay for New Years flowers!

So it'll be something kind of like this:

I'm going with this schedule.

Wednesdays have been my normal feeding day, and January 1st is a Wednesday. Does it make any difference if you flip on a feed day?

My main question right now is... if I follow this plan I will be introducing low dose flower nutes today. Will it matter that they're getting those for 6 weeks before flipping?

I plan on feeding them in the next couple hours. I'll include some flower nutes unless anyone objects. :bitingnails:
>>> My main question right now is... if I follow this plan I will be introducing low dose flower nutes today. Will it matter that they're getting those for 6 weeks before flipping?

No, there is nothing wrong with this. I have explained why in my previous posts ;)

Matter of fact, I use 1 part flower nutrients to my 3 part vegetative nutrients throughout my WHOLE vegetative cycle. Only when I get to my last week before I flip my light schedule to 12/12, is when I give equal parts of flower, and vegetative. Of course these are based on a whole different line of nutrients (General Hydroponics), but the application is the same with the GMO schedule.

No objections here :thumb:
Day 38


I swear these plants are still tied up. :laughtwo:


I tightened up her braces. :)


No signs of lady bits. But what it is this?! A third stipule or something more sinister?

Here is a shot of their home.

I'm going to quit procrastinating and feed them now.

Thank you for all the help, everyone! You guys are truly appreciated! :high-five:

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