Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Let's get an expert over here.
Sending out the canna-signal. Plant in distress.

Calling all canna-superheroes :lot-o-toke:


If nothing else, I'm getting a good education and decent photos out of it. :rollingeyes:
Lol not me then on this one :) Dresney dont get to down, you can keep inspecting and removing, a pain in the ass, but if you get em all you would be ok. Also there is a reverse product out there for this. Search fleebay!
If its not genetic and was caused by whatever, then if left to produce seeds they would be fem I think :) just a thought.

So far I've just found them on those two branches. If they're limited to this area, I'm more inclined to think it was the light incident, which is why I'm eager to snip those branches if nobody thinks it's a bad idea.

If I find more on the other side of the plant, I'm going to cry and disappear for a few days to drown my sorrows under my blankets.
Easy partner... I have a super hero on the way.
Easy partner... I have a super hero on the way.

Stay strong Dres!

We'll get through this

Thanks, guys :love:

I'm such a nerd. I'm a little teary already. :geek:

(Who has the imagery of me sobbing, plucking balls off her plants under the glare of the HPS? :rofl:)

AG found a couple balls on one of his plants. Caught it early enough, and was able to remove all the balls and bring the plant to term with no further issue. You'll be just fine! Constant vigilance!
It a hermie, kill it IMO. Picking off the hermie bits is usually a recipe for a seeded crop of crap seeds. Plus it looks like it early/mid flower, so it not the more normal (and easier to control) hermie at close to ripeness, but rather a full on hermi. Bad genetics IMO, where seed come from?

Bad break, happens.
It a hermie, kill it IMO. Picking off the hermie bits is usually a recipe for a seeded crop of crap seeds. Plus it looks like it early/mid flower, so it not the more normal (and easier to control) hermie at close to ripeness, but rather a full on hermi. Bad genetics IMO, where seed come from?

Bad break, happens.

Okay, I'm officially depressed now.

This is Loretta. :straightface:


Going to go poison her with the salt from my tears.
I was a very distraught, when I missed the balls altogether, and then found some seeds in my buds, while testing for potency. After harvest, and all totaled, it was maybe 10-15 seeds total between 2 plants. The smoke was still amazing, and friends that sampled, raved and raved ... I don't even recall what I was worried about. :)
(not an expert, or superhero)

Vasectomy that shizz, and keep on truckin!
I thought about it a little, since your first grow probably do not want to chop a nice plant. Just be careful about finding the nanners, does not take much to ruin a whole room. The original pic you posted of small little budlet with nanner made it seem like plant was not that far along. I just error on the side of caution with hermies cause of bad experiences in the past.

But I would not continue to grow any clones from that plant for sure.
My guess is the balls are not due to anything you did wrong, Dres. Hermie traits are very common in cannabis. Just pluck 'em if you see more. Think of it like kids with chicken-pox. I remember when my kids got them. My daughter only got three or four pox. Her little brother got it a week later and was literally covered from head to toe. The poor little guy spent the better part of a week in a tub with calamine lotion. You've just got a couple of pox on the plant. :)
Okay, I'm editing my figure of three balls and two limbs to two balls on one limb. One that I plucked earlier wasn't a ball, after all (that rhyme made me feel a little better :)).

Vasectomy that shizz, and keep on truckin!

I think this is exactly what I'm going to do. Thanks, CareStaker ;)

But I would not continue to grow any clones from that plant for sure.

Yeah, I was thinking about that. I do have a clone of her vegging right now. This plant had three leaves growing from each node instead of two during veg, and my research pointed to whorled phyllotaxy, which is more common in males. Some people also reported hermie traits when their plants exhibited this trait. Makes me wonder. :hmmmm:

My guess is the balls are not due to anything you did wrong, Dres. Hermie traits are very common in cannabis. Just pluck 'em if you see more. Think of it like kids with chicken-pox. I remember when my kids got them. My daughter only got three or four pox. Her little brother got it a week later and was literally covered from head to toe. The poor little guy spent the better part of a week in a tub with calamine lotion. You've just got a couple of pox on the plant. :)

I love this analogy. I have a chicken pox scar above my right eyebrow that I've grown quite attached to. :laughtwo: This definitely lifts my spirits! :high-five:

So I spent more time going over the plant and didn't come up with anything else - just the two balls I took photos of. I had to stop searching because every calyx was beginning to look like a ball. :icon_roll

I did decide to pick off quite a few more leaves than I normally would. I usually leave leaves :)icon_cool) on the plant until they're completely yellow and a bit crinkly on the end. For the sake of being able to see into this bushy plant on my future ball-seeking adventures, I pulled off any leaves that were 50% yellow and any that were wilting from not getting enough light.

I'm glad I made myself stop and breathe. I had the big snips out and was ready to cut those two branches off (and one of them didn't even have a ball!). I'm not going to panic (anymore) over two balls on a lower part of the plant. I'll wait until I see them all over. I will, however, spend a lot more time with my plant each day until it's chopped. And sadly, I don't think I'll try to re-veg her now.

Here are some of her fall colors, now removed. I might press them.

I wouldn't stess too much over the male flowers Dres as they are only individual pods and not male "buds". Plucking them off may increase the chances of shaking pollen around IMO so I would get an eye dropper with watered down honey and just put a blob on top of them to "seal" them up. Loretta looks lovely too . Cheers Pat.
I wouldn't stess too much over the male flowers Dres as they are only individual pods and not male "buds". Plucking them off may increase the chances of shaking pollen around IMO so I would get an eye dropper with watered down honey and just put a blob on top of them to "seal" them up. Loretta looks lovely too . Cheers Pat.

This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing it!

Have some reps ;)
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