Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Thanks, LA ;) I'm chuffed too! (First time using that word :laughtwo:)

Although looking at those pictures, I think Pascalle is a little ugly. I just can't seem to get her nitrogen levels to a happy place, and she's either eating away at herself or curling in a tantrum. I'm almost ready to just throw in the towel on her and let her sort it until I hack her to bits. I figure she has about a month left to go, and since I didn't defoliate she has a lot of leaves to drain. We'll see what happens :)
I'm with you on that Dres; never through in the towel until (let's pray it doesn't happen) they die.

Then if all else fails :) and your not on meds etc then water down your urine and use that. :) ;)
I keep reading this. Have you had good results with your pee?
My girl doesn't want to stay green either. We just started week 3 of flowering and I'm seriously considering the pee thing. Grosses me out a little but I'm willing to do anything. Just flushed her and not sure what my plan of action will be.
What steps are you going to take Dresney?
I adore your name Mary.
lol :thanks:Thank you BAR you made me blush :dreamy: and smile:battingeyelashes:.

What is this episode thing tonight that you speak of??? Is it like a live forum?
It's a game show that last a little under an hour we do every 2 weeks here on 420. But the game is just a fun way we use to promote comraudary & discuss grow questions that have come up within the last two weeks. It's an open forum where you can discuss anything you may be having problems with in your grow & even help others. There's always some of the top growers here participating.
You should join us this evening. We always have lots of fun & more importantly, knowledge going on.
6:00pm EST is approximately 4 & 1/2 hrs from this post.
My girl doesn't want to stay green either. We just started week 3 of flowering and I'm seriously considering the pee thing. Grosses me out a little but I'm willing to do anything. Just flushed her and not sure what my plan of action will be.
What steps are you going to take Dresney?

I don't think I'm going to do much at this point. I'll continue to give her regular doses of nitrogen for the next two weeks, and then she's on her own. I'll be happy if she stays the color she is now, but I'm not going to worry about her too much. Her buds are really well-developed, so I'm not going to do much to interfere unless there is a drastic change in progress.

I did give her a little more than the full-strength recommendation of nitrogen this week (over the course of two waterings), and she didn't darken any, but she did get a wee bit of nutrient burn on her tips. I won't do that again. :icon_roll

I think she has about four weeks left. She has a lot of leaves to drain before I'll really worry about her. I just hope there are enough left to re-veg her :)
Some HPS photos of the Ladies today. (I would do them under CFLs, but I'll be doing Reps Are Right when the lights go off :partyboy:)

Day 40 since the flip / Day 32 since flowering began

Pascalle's buds aren't nearly as fat as Loretta's, but they are very sparkly :)

Loretta - She's making mama proud :woohoo:


I can't wait to see what they look like under a magnifier. I ordered one, and it should be here any day now.

Have a great day, everyone!

Hope to see you at the game tonight!

That Loretta, she's also making her God-daddy proud Dres.
Beautiful Dres, Loretta is a head turner!
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