Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

That Loretta, she's also making her God-daddy proud Dres.

Doing a little NYC-represntin' the right way in The Lady Cave :high-five:

Loretta is GORGEOUS ! Train Wreck is known for dense buds as well. :thumb:
:goodjob: Very excited to see how she progresses :):cheer:

She has been very easy to grow, too - trouble-free from the beginning. I think she's a keeper. :)

Fine looking Buds Dres

Thanks, BB! Pascalle appreciates your non-specific comment. :rofl:

That sweet Loretta is making me proud, and I'm not even a relative! Kind of like a favorite on Dres' team cannabis. :circle-of-love:

Wooooo, I have a team! I need to come up with a crafty name now.... :hmmmm:

Thanks for the sweet sentiments, Canna :circle-of-love:

Bodacious Buds!

:ciao: Thank you, thank you!

Beautiful Dres, Loretta is a head turner!

Thanks, MrFlintstone! :thanks: I truly hope she turns my head in a few weeks ;)

wow, Loretta looks amazing.

Thanks, Budstep. She is packing it on quite pleasantly. :)

Sorry guys but Loretta told me she is into chicks.... I would be too for her. lol

I wouldn't mind :partyboy:

A little bit of feminism never hurt anyone :peacetwo:

She told me she doesn't have a gender preference, but is a sapiosexual like her mama. :battingeyelashes:
Sorry guys but Loretta told me she is into chicks.... I would be too for her. lol
I support my God-daughter on any life-style choices she makes... LOL
This is truly a tale that should inspire any 'newbie' to start a 'Lady Cave' grow, then again I think it must be your green thumbs :laughtwo:

Just WOW, I haven't been around lately, so this picture just got my mouth watering...and right in the middle of a smoke break! +Reps Dres, keep the buds coming!

Hi Dresney!:ciao:
Are you still not toking? Just looking at that big cola on Loretta makes me think it must be close to "sampling time" for you. :yummy:
What a treat that will be- Nothing compares to getting high on something you grew yourself! Reps!
You all certainly know how to make a newb grower feel good about herself ;)

Seriously though, the credit isn't mine alone. Without this forum and all you wonderful friends, Loretta and Pascalle would probably be half their size, nutrient-burnt and scraping for some lumenal attention under dim CFLs. The coaching and encouragement I've received throughout this very long grow (seriously, when is harvest time going to get here? :laughtwo:) is invaluable. I'm really lucky to have found you guys and gals. :kiss:

:) Im all smiles for you Dresney! Proper super dooper buds my friend! Great going indeedie! :)

Thank you, LA! Maybe in my next round or two I will try a flux and see what I come up with. :)

Looking really good :bravo: :Namaste:


:ciao: Thanks, Fr3d! I just wish my pictures came out as beautifully as yours. I feel like I'm not doing them justice.

I don't dare show bias when there are girls around, they're all beautiful LOL

I see how you play it, BB. :laughtwo: ...Keeping your options open. :rofl: :thanks:

Both Pascalle and Loretta are looking incredible! :bravo:

Thanks, IslandDog! :thanks: For my first grow, they're really already more than I could've hoped for. :)

I support my God-daughter on any life-style choices she makes... LOL

You're the best god-dad a canna-girl could ever hope for ;)

This is truly a tale that should inspire any 'newbie' to start a 'Lady Cave' grow, then again I think it must be your green thumbs :laughtwo:

Just WOW, I haven't been around lately, so this picture just got my mouth watering...and right in the middle of a smoke break! +Reps Dres, keep the buds coming!

Aww, this really means so much to me! I love these plants and hope that shows, but really, I chose very simple, inexpensive routes for growing because I didn't know what to expect. I honestly think anyone could get these results if they had the same tools and 'hands-off' approach.

Thanks for the lovely compliment and reps, AG. I know you and many others have high hopes for my grow, and I really want to do you guys right. :circle-of-love:

Hi Dresney!:ciao:
Are you still not toking? Just looking at that big cola on Loretta makes me think it must be close to "sampling time" for you. :yummy:
What a treat that will be- Nothing compares to getting high on something you grew yourself! Reps!

Heya, Flo :ciao: Nope, I've never been more sober. :laughtwo: I'm actually impressing even myself with my patience. I didn't think I'd be able to hold out this long with such pungent fragrances coming from the flower room. I was hoping my magnifier would arrive before I began sampling, so I could tie the effect with the trichome ratio, but it's taking longer than expected. I'm really surprised her colas are so big already... I figure she has about four weeks left. Can't wait to see what she'll look like then. :trance::drool:

You guys will know when I start smoking again. Every post is going to end with, "I don't know, I'm really high." :rofl:
If that's one of your girls she went hermie.
Do you have any idea why?

I can only think of one thing. A few weeks ago I went into the flower room at night because I heard a strange noise. I found a piece of tape had fallen and was being hit by fan blades. I didn't turn an overhead light on, but I had my cell phone flashlight on with my thumb over the light. It was just barely giving off enough light for me to see, and I made sure it wasn't ever shined on the plants. The whole ordeal was over in less than 20 seconds.

That was maybe 2-3 weeks ago. How long does it take for light stress to induce balls?

Other than that one incident, I'm 100% certain there is no light pollution. The surge protector is outside of the flower room, and the one LED on it has been covered with panda film. There are no windows near the flower room. The one window on the other end of the basement is covered with panda film. You can't see your hand a foot in front of your face in my basement. It is dark.

This is the only ball I found on the whole plant. I'm going to go back down and search some more now.
Thinking the same thing LA but didn't want to speak on something I'm not sure about.
Its such a hard one H'ing. Ive had a few in the past and was down to prolonged light cock up. My extension lead had a red power on light that I didn't notice or cover :) sent 9 Super critical H on a old tent run.
The one thing I always noticed is the plant stops producing trichs as much and stops smelling. Bud obviously stops or slows as the plant shifts energy to making seeds.
Another weird one was Gert. She was damn frosty and lush. Even though she got cooked prematurely she gave me one single seed back!???? Never really got how that happened on such a scale. :)
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