Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Hello, everyone! :passitleft:

Thank you to everyone for all the wonderful compliments - they truly make me smile and brighten my day. :) I sincerely appreciate every comment and love having all of you here. You guys give me the motivation I need to do updates even I feel like a slug ready to crawl back under my covers (like now :nomo:).

Good night, BB. :blalol:

CannabisMeds - so far the grow room has cost about $85. If I were to do it over I would splurge a little more on the mylar and get the 6mm or maybe even the panda plastic. I just wish it were a little more durable. I guess it'll be easy to tear it off and put up thicker plastic later down the road though.

Welcome, BrewedALLday :ciao: So glad to see you here!

Super mega thanks to everyone who gave me reps - they'll be coming back around. :high-five:

And now it's story time! :tommy: (That guy is doing the drum roll... :loopy:)

I did take two clones last night! I took one of each plant and I'm going to try out Brassic Brit's method. :high-five:


My medium is roughly 50% worm poo/ 50% perlite. I left my toes in the photo for your viewing pleasure. :ciao:

This photo is especially for BudW.
I can't resist playing in the worm poo! It's so soft and smooth and wonderful! I'm seriously considering starting my own worm farm.

I filled my cups up and watered until I got quite a bit of runoff. I used a tap water and distilled water mix. The tap water had been sitting out for days to evaporate the chlorine off. (I would have used 100% tap water, but I used almost all of it when I fed my girls earlier.)

Poo water runoff! I used the lid to a 5-gallon bucket.

This photo shows how low on the plant I was removing limbs. I chose these limbs because they weren't getting the best light penetration, so taking them off probably wasn't going to lose a premium bud site later down the line.

I made my cut using a brand new razor blade that I cleaned with 91% Isopropyl alcohol. I cut it and then immediately put it in a jar of water sitting next to me.


After that I made another 45º cut under water and then I scraped the stem a bit. From there I dipped it into my rooting hormone. I put the hormone in a pill bottle to make it a bit easier.

These clones are definitely going to thrive and be powerful... they are part dragon now, after all. :trance:

I went all the way up the stem with that stuff. :laughtwo: The directions said to cover everything that would be touching the dirt.

(Can see worm poo under my nails. Gross! :goof:)
The limb I hacked off of Loretta was way inside her foliage. It definitely wasn't getting enough light, so no loss to Loretta really. I'm hoping this doesn't hinder its surivivability, but we'll see.

It's the one in the back that's a little wimpier and lighter looking.

At first I had them under a 23 watt 5000K and an 18 watt 2700K.

That was crazy bright and I've been told/have read that clones don't need much light at first, so I removed the 23 watt 5000K. Now they're just hanging out in a warm sunset atmosphere.

My bulb is probably about 6-7 inches above them.

These shots are from about 5 minutes ago, ~15 hours post-trauma. Pascalle v2.0 has perked up quite a bit and Loretta v2.0 doesn't look any shabbier than she did last night. Bless her little nodes.


I guess I should remove the lower set of leaves on Pascalle v2.0. I'll do that in a few minutes. I was also debating cutting the leaf-tips off. I've read differing opinions on that and haven't decided what I want to do.

Loretta v2.0 was a pitiful little thing when I cut her off, but maybe there's hope for her yet. I do plan on taking more clones to test different methods - maybe 2-3 more off each plant, so I won't be smashed if she doesn't pull through.

I've left their light on all night... what is the recommended light schedule for clones? 24 hours or 18/6 like regular vegging plants?

And wow, I got my HPS going last night... and whooaaaa!!! :trance::trance::trance: It's sooo bright. I see why Rico uses the term "Sun-God" now. :battingeyelashes:

I do have a few questions about how I should set up my flowering room though. I'm going to get some 6" ducting to attach to the cool tube with an exhaust fan at the end. Should I just let it pull the air through the open end of the cool tube or should I run more ducting from the other end of the cool tube to the other side of the tent? (Does that make sense? :hmmmm:) If I do leave the other side of the cool tube open, is this sufficient to exhaust my whole room or would I need a second exhaust for that? Blarg.

Ok, that's it for now. I think. :lot-o-toke:

Have a toke for me today... this is my 25th day of not smoking. :rollingeyes:

Yeah, I wasn't sure about it either, but I got confirmation that it's okay.

Then I remembered that pool noodles and some floaty chairs are styrofoam too.

I just went with it.

I was only kidding, just didn't seam like something you would use haha
:woohoo::goodjob: great stuff, leave the fans on unless of course they've gone already.

Now leave 'em be and let the magic happen. If they done nearly a day already and are still standing it's a good sign. Lighting is good, 18/6 will be fine.
ATTENTION ALL :420: MEMBERS: THE REPS ARE RIGHT will start 2hrs earlier this Sunday to accommodate all time zones the best as possible. That's 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (US Eastern Coastal Time).
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