Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

I'm scared to laugh at that LA, my mother might scold me.
Hi, friends. :ciao: Hope you're all having wonderful, green days. :rollit:

The girls got fed today - 15 ml Super Plant Tonic, 30 ml Grow It Green, 7.5 ml Flower Power in a gallon of water. They each got half a gallon (1.9L). This is double the amount they usually get. Let's hope they flourish instead of flounder. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Here are a couple pictures right after they were fed.

Day 59





And now I'm going to admit something I'm a little embarassed about.

When I started growing I didn't have a pH meter so I went to the store and bought some strips. Silly me didn't look at the bottle before buying it (won't do that again). The color key only goes down to 6.8 (up to 8.4). That was a bummer, but I figured I'd use them until I could buy a proper meter.

Well, I got home and tested my water straight out of the tap. Wow, 7.0 right on the nose. I always let my tap water sit out for days to evaporate off the chlorine before using it on my plants. I tested it again after letting it sit. Wowzers, 6.8. It does go down a bit after adding my nutrients, and honestly, I'm not sure what it is, but I'm guessing somewhere around 6.2-6.4.

The first strip (the lighter one) is after adding nutes. The second one is tap water that has sat out for four days.

This is my runoff. I think it actually goes up a tad. Somewhere before 6.2 and 6.6ish, I'm guessing.

I'm about a couple months into my grow now without a pH meter. I actually knocked it off my Christmas list. I will get one if my tap water changes drastically, but at this rate I'm happy without it. :partyboy:

I'm planning on taking some clones in a couple hours. I was going to do it last night, but I read that it's better to do it after feeding so that your clone has some food to survive on. I'd like to take a couple from each plant, and I plan on trying a couple different methods. Hopefully I'll have a decent update tomorrow about the process.

Also..... :yahoo: my HID setup was delivered today! :party:

I'm going to tinker with that for a bit - maybe even see if I can hang it up.

Happy tokes!

Lots of fuss about pH, obviously not warranted in your case.

I feed my coco set-up at 6.3 now instead of the recommended 5.8, (remember the runoff results) the plants seem no worse for it. I figure they do some self buffering to get the elements they need. They get the water they need first and the acidity will increase as a result then the elements become more bioavailable. I could be wrong.
Oh and try get that blade out tomorrow Dres,

I would love to see some clones, those girls look sooo ready for a branch or two donation.

The feeling you get from successful cloning is awesome, free babies of ya fave strains for ever (well almost).
Lots of fuss about pH, obviously not warranted in your case.

I feed my coco set-up at 6.3 now instead of the recommended 5.8, (remember the runoff results) the plants seem no worse for it. I figure they do some self buffering to get the elements they need. They get the water they need first and the acidity will increase as a result then the elements become more bioavailable. I could be wrong.

Very true. I too let my plants get feed with water as high of a pH of 6.8 with no signs of stress. As you know inert media with no buffering effects require a pH of 5.8, but I (and other growers) seem to notice cannabis loves a diverse range of nutrients that are available at optimal levels throughout the pH scale.

Congrats on the HID arrival, fire that baby up ;)
Very true. I too let my plants get feed with water as high of a pH of 6.8 with no signs of stress. As you know inert media with no buffering effects require a pH of 5.8, but I (and other growers) seem to notice cannabis loves a diverse range of nutrients that are available at optimal levels throughout the pH scale.

Congrats on the HID arrival, fire that baby up ;)

Thanks for that AG, that backs up my thoughts somewhat from someone who knows.
Hey Dresney! Congrats on the HID christmas present- your girls are going to love it. Your mother in law sounds like a real sweetie. :love:

And I must say i'm more than a little envious of your tap water! Thumbs up to the folks who run your water treatment plant- they are really doing a great job.:high-five: We're not as lucky here - water varies from 5.0 to 8.5- so PH Up and Down are my plants best friends unfortunately.......

Looking forward to seeing how the cloning went- As bushy as Loretta and Pascalle look you should get some good ones!
Happy growing!:peace:
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