Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

It is indeed very sturdy dres.. You have even used some diagonal bracing, good job.

The project is racing along, be suitably proud of yourself :peace:

Its amazing how us stoners can create things we never thought possible, when its for ladies.

Have some reps for a job well done dres. :Namaste:
Hey Dres,This is what I use for my panda film tent's.It may not work with the mylar.
Hey Dresney, don't know if you doing this already but a little tip

Put tape over the top of the staples and underneath as this will make the Mylar less likely to rip/tear through the staples.
Duct/gorilla tape under the staples and reflective ducting/lagging on top of the staples would be ideal.
But I have seen it done with paper underneath with silver/Gary duct tape on top, so you can use whatever you have if you don't wanna buy more
Hi Shotta and Cajun :ciao: Thanks for the compliments and reps - much appreciated! :thanks:

And also Gozgrow, DawnStar and Reg, too! Everyone has been so generous with the reps that I'm afraid I have missed someone. Can we see more than the last 5 reps somehow?

Anyway, thanks to everyone! You've all made this fun. :party:

Hi, BB :byebye: I was so opposed to this idea before - thanks for the encouragement last week. :)

Thanks, Bud :ciao: I was thinking the same thing - we really do find motivation when it comes to our beloved plants. I threw this thing together relatively quickly, but still haven't managed to finish painting that one bathroom wall. :loopy:

After all this work I hope I don't flux up flowering. I'm a little nervous about getting the fans/intake/exhaust/lights all rigged up. I'd like to run the whole setup for a few days before moving my little ones in there to see that I've worked out the heating/air flow kinks. Hopefully I'll get it all done in time for my 1/1 flip goal.

On that note I still haven't chosen an exhaust fan. I have about 200 ft³ so I know I'll need at least that in CFM rating. I'd like to not overdo it too much on the fan because I don't want it to sound like a jet engine in my basement all the time. Anyone have brand recommendations for a fan?

Jimmy, thanks for the suggestion. I'm definitely going to look those things up. I was a little stressed last night after I started thinking about the door. I brainstormed with Mr. Dres before falling asleep, and I was thinking maybe I could use one of those outdoorsy mylar blankets I've seen people talk about. I could cut and sew it to fit my door and then staple it to the wood frame on the top and one side and then velcro the other sides. But if that zipper setup works and isn't too expensive it could be a good route. I'll figure it out eventually. Hopefully. :hmmmm:

Victor, I ran into exactly that problem last night. It did tear in a couple places. I put tape over the holes, but could see light through the tape... so I cut small patches of mylar/black poly and covered the holes and then covered the whole piece of mylar with tape. It did stop the light, but you're right - it's a way better idea to staple into tape and then put tape over the staples right away. I'm probably going to cover the staples today. Will definitely do it differently next time. Although it was a pain in the butt stapling the mylar to the beams. It's 4' wide and kind of difficult to keep even when you're rolling it out and stapling as you go. I was surprised at how annoyed I got with it. :laughtwo:

My plan today is to work on the door between naps. I stayed up way too late and I guess my excitement has induced insomnia because I woke up way too frigging early. I feel like a zombie.

Beautiful beautiful looking - Though I think I have to be leaning towards Loretta if we are talking favourites. :)

Watch it there buddy, that's my God-daughter your talking about! Dres, this Grow Room is a show in itself. Princess DIY is in jeopardy of having her royalty challenged! Just teasing you Canna... :blunt:
Beautiful beautiful looking - Though I think I have to be leaning towards Loretta if we are talking favourites. :)


Whoops! I forgot to respond to this... I think I agree with you. Her voluptuous figure is hard to resist. And her color seems to be a bit more vibrant too. Hopefully at least one of her clones survive. I plan on trying to reveg both of them too. :partyboy:
Watch it there buddy, that's my God-daughter your talking about! Dres, this Grow Room is a show in itself. Princess DIY is in jeopardy of having her royalty challenged! Just teasing you Canna... :blunt:

Oh, Reg. You just wait til you see the next project I have planned. Mr. Dres has a degree in electrical engineering and last night he told me it would be super easy to DIY an LED panel. (This was after I told him I'm jealous of LED growers because they have all the pretty lights. :dreamy:) He said the only bad part would be the tedious soldering, but luckily, I excel at mind-numbing tedious work. He's going to help me with the design and explain all the wiring. He'll supervise my first tiny experiment and I'm going to start really small - just a tiny light for one plant. But all this won't be until the beginning of year at least - I've been spending a lot of moolah on my hobby lately. :goof:
Thanks, Reg!

I never took shop or home economics even though one or the other was required. I somehow weaseled out of both of them. Still don't know how I got that one over.

Now I wish I would have taken shop. I've actually had some fun doing this. It's therapeutic to hit something really hard. :cheesygrinsmiley:

It's definitely taught me to not be afraid of trying something outside my comfort zone. I think I'll be more inclined to DIY in the future.

Hi Dresney! :ciao:
Very impressive grow room in the works.:goodjob: You've gotten a lot done in a week and your girls are looking lovelier than ever.:cheer:

Shop class is overrated.
I took shop eons ago and only remember making a copper ashtray- the tools were too complicated for us girls to use, according to the teacher- GRRRRRR! (and were definitely too complicated for him- he was missing a couple fingers:whoa:)
Luckily for me I was a farm kid and didn't care that shop was a joke. Hopefully things are better nowadays.........
Anyway, your grow space is proof that inspiration and THC driven creativity are all you need! Reps for all the hard work!
Thanks so much, Flo! :circle-of-love:

The shop teacher at my school was missing some fingers too! :thedoubletake: I wonder how common that is - scary thought. :rofl:

My parents and brothers are all very handy and creative when it comes to building. I just never got into it - I was a nerdy, book worm growing up. I guess it's never too late though. I think we'll have to invest in some decent tools soon.

My shopping list seems to be growing exponentially. :lot-o-toke:
When you finish this project dres u will have plenty of time to do that wall !!.. Lol

Have a doobie before painting, works for me. Im a qualified painter and decorator, but even i get fed up with it. As i said ive moved recently, non stop renovation since then... Apart from my cabinet sabatical !! ( did i say that right )..??...

Nearly finished entire 3 bedroom house... Downed tools for chistmas now, thats what i told mrs budw anyway
The rest of the day i shall be mainly :tokin::tokin::

Enjoy ya building... Perhaps you should make your LED... Save loadsa $$
Heya, LA :ciao: Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the reps! Indeed, I've been hard at work. :) Anything for having the best of buds, right? :high-five:

Now now, BB. I think you're just out to make me blush at this point. :bigblush::;):

Yeah, I'm still not doing that bathroom wall, Bud. :rofl: The problem is that I'm very short and can't reach the part near the ceiling over the tub. Mr. Dres could reach it easily, but he hasn't gotten around to it. I'm sure I could put a piece of plywood over the tub and then put a stool on it, but dang, I'm not letting him off the hook. I did the other 95% of the room - this is his share! :goof: (I'm totally going to end up doing it. :rollingeyes:)

For some reason I'm no longer getting email notifications when someone posts in a journal I'm subscribed to. I woke up from nap #1 and was surprised to see nobody had posted anything.... checked my subscribed threads and there were 15 different journals with new posts. I checked my settings (I hadn't changed anything) and it still says, "Instantly, using email." Anyone else having this issue?
Hi Dres :battingeyelashes:

E-mail notification is nonsense anyway. It just fills up your inbox. I turned it off ages ago.
Agreed Mr. Suavay. It has your phone beeping all day long via E-mail. Dres & Jay, just go to: User PC > Settings > General Settings > Default Thread Subscription Mode: > Through my control panel only...

Then every post on a thread your subbed to will pop-up every time you hit settings.
PS. Don't get too busy. Starting Thursday you know what we have to start preparing.
Ok, glad it's not just me.

I like the email notifications. A little box pops up in the corner of my computer screen when a new posts comes - I click it and it takes me right to the newest post. I don't even have to check my settings. :blalol: It also means that I can see a notification instantly even when I'm not on the 420 site.

I don't have my email setup to forward to my phone so it doesn't beep all day.

Hi Rico :battingeyelashes:

Edit: I'm also super nerdy and use the folder system in my email to sort my 420 subscriptions: things I need to research more for my own info; things I need to research for other people; outstanding questions; Reps Are Right stuff. I love my email :)
very nice buddy, the new room looks like its coming along well,

not a bad price for everything you bought, plus it should hold up stronger than the lower priced tents, just double check you have no light leaks be standing on the grow space and have the lights on in the room and check its totally dark inside the grow room,

nice work getting the room set up though, looks like you done very well,
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