Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Great Photo Shoot partner. I'm still a little dizzy from last night. Is a possible we can get an update on your DIY grow room?
Forget Tool Time! Tim blundered every project he attempted. You on the other seem to have the golden touch; Everything you touch turns to gold.:angel:
Thanks, Jay! I hope they hold up this well for flower - just a couple weeks til the flip. I'm getting so excited! :headbanger:

Your babes are looking great too, Victor. :thanks: You've really done a marvelous job with that little fridge. ;)

LOL, Reg. There's nothing to update on the construction yet. I've been lazy today. That game wore me out too - after I logged off I took a shower and plopped down in my bed and didn't get up again til 10am this morning. :laughtwo: I'm going to work on it today... maybe after a sandwich. :morenutes:

And gee, I wish I could turn stuff into gold! Then Broke Ass Me could buy some auto seeds I've been eyeing. This new grow space is causing my ambition to be larger than my budget. :partyboy:
Hiya dres... I thought id let ya know about an auto which could be ideal for you.

Same company as my auto. Autoseeds ultra lemon haze. It is autoflowering, but doesnt require the same photo period as normal autos. More like a normal photo period plant.. Potent as hell aparently, from a cup winning strain.. Sounds ideal to fill spaces in the grow room of normal standard plants. Might be worth checking out !!.. There are loads of strains now, so have fun picking yours.

Glad you had fun on that game last night, i would have joined in but too late for me..
Thanks, Bud! :high-five:

I was checking out some autos a few weeks ago and I remember reading about a lemon haze, not sure which one though. I will definitely check that one out though. Lemon sounds tasty. :yummy:

Speaking of that hotel, I think I'm finished attaching beams and nails/screws. There are 47 screws and about 100 nails in it. I went a little overboard. :rofl:

But let me say - it is very sturdy! No wiggling at all! I'm actually very proud of it, even though it's not the prettiest thing ever constructed.


The dimensions are 5'x5'x7.5'. Plenty of room for more than two plants, indeed! :slide:

I'm going to start attaching mylar tonight probably. Loaded up a staple gun for the first time. Man, I'm really branching out, adding all types of skills to my resume. :partyboy:
Hello :)

Your tent-in-the-making looks great, as do the plants your playing with.
If your interested in things like Lemon Haze, Barney's Farm has a strain (we cant call by name on this site) that a few of us are calling Lucy. I think its a Lemon Skunk x Mazar cross... But since your indoors its a bit more manageable than Lemon Haze, which I've heard has kind of sporadic growth (seed to seed).

Lucy, like Lemon Haze... Has that lemon flavor, but with a bump in potency over just lemon skunk.

Can't wait to see the finished tent. You should be proud of yourself, a good sturdy home for your girls? From scratch? Right on! :high-five:
Good job Dres, reps for a topnotch job
But let me say - it is very sturdy! No wiggling at all! I'm actually very proud of it, even though it's not the prettiest thing ever constructed.
Dres, you've done a hell of a job so far. I can't wait to see the next step. It's a good thing I can't help you. I'd probably end up putting the door on upside down or something weird along those lines that would make you say "how the hell did you screw that up like that?" I had to be one of the few guys who flunked shop. (Being it was last period had a lot to do with it) You have to be there to pass. LOL
:goodjob: so far.
Thank you all so much!!!! :thanks:

I was really nervous about this whole thing - I am by no means a builder. I never even made the standard birdhouse in high school. I'm really surprised at how easy it has been to put together. (My complaining the other night was in the heat-of-the-moment drill-failure pissy rage :laughtwo:).

Mick - I'm with you. I have several leftover 3' boards and I'm thinking of building a clone chamber. Maybe there's still time left in this life to hone my carpentry skills. :loopy: Have some inspiration reps in return, friend!~

Thank you, DawnStar! I'm really hoping my girls like to party - nobody wants stick-in-the-mud weed... wait... I guess that's kinda what they are, huh? :rofl: Have some party reps! :slide:

Hi, THSea :ciao: I've seen your name around a few times - so glad to see it here! :high-five: I'll check out that strain too. I think I'll end up ordering some more seeds in January or February - my birthday is coming up and Mr. Dres can't say no then, right?! :laughtwo:

Thanks, Bluefly. It looks better in the pictures than it does up close. Don't get me wrong - it's sturdy and I have no fears of it collapsing, but some of nails are crooked, as well as some of the boards being a little crooked. And the 47 screws... the other 3 are in there but broken off. :rofl: Glad I'm not getting graded for professionalism. Thanks for the reps - coming back at ya!

Okay, a couple of things. I went to the store to get that fancy aluminum duct tape... holy crap, it was $16 for 60 yards. :trance: So I used regular duct tape at $3.50 for 55 yards. So far the total for this grow room comes in at just under $80. (This includes the wood, screws, nails, staples, tape and mylar.) I'm pleased with this total - a tent this size would be... several hundreds?

Here are some more progress shots.

The mylar is stapled into the wood. The tape at the top is just to prevent the curl that occurs.

The black poly on the back is light-proof.

I taped the join on the outside and inside. There is a 6-inch overlay between the upper and lower mylar pieces. I figured taping both sides would ensure no light comes through.

I also taped the mylar to the floor. It's already getting pretty dark inside, even though the ceiling is not covered and I've left a gap for the door. I still haven't decided how I want to make the door. Any ideas on that one? I have plenty of mylar left and will be ordering more - I just don't know how I can make it light proof and still have easy access. Maybe velcro strips? I might have to order thicker, more durable mylar for the door. Maybe I can buy some hinges and make a real door? I don't know. :hmmmm:

I'm waiting to cover the ceiling until my light arrives just because I don't know what I'm working with yet.

I've figured out roughly where my intake and exhaust fan will be. It'll be easy to mount them between the boards and cut out the mylar where required. I plan on attaching some horizontal boards to mount the fans/exhaust.

I'm so excited! Big thanks to you guys here at 420. I really wouldn't have taken up this project without you all. You've inspired me and it's paid off in a big way. :circle-of-love::high-five:


Thanks, Reg!

I never took shop or home economics even though one or the other was required. I somehow weaseled out of both of them. Still don't know how I got that one over.

Now I wish I would have taken shop. I've actually had some fun doing this. It's therapeutic to hit something really hard. :cheesygrinsmiley:

It's definitely taught me to not be afraid of trying something outside my comfort zone. I think I'll be more inclined to DIY in the future.

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