Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Awesome news dresney... My mother in law would shit a brick if she knew i was growing mj, yours buys you the light package !!..

May your build be happy and rewarding.. Dont hit ya thumb tho... That can smart somewhat..

I cant wait to see the finished grow room, but remember ... Measure twice, cut once.. When making my cabinet i loved the experience... Apart from when i made the shelving unit.. I got all the shelves cut and fixed to hide the fan ducting.. Stood back to evaluate my work... Then it dawned on me, where are my cupboard doors ??... What a tit i am, made shelves out of em...:bigblush::oops::oops::oops:

If i was roman my name would be maximus bellendus lol

Good luck dres
Thanks for the advice, Bud. Your words are wise, indeed.

I've learned that there are several reasons I did not become a carpenter in this life:

1. Boards aren't straight even though you think they are!

2. Crappy drills are crappy. I should have bought a new drill, but was hoping our little bitty one would cut it. It does not.

3. 2 1/2" nails are no joke when you're hammering a pavilion of them. My forearms are pissed.

4. I've had to lock my animals out of the basement. Pretty sure my dog has almost scratched her way through the door. No joke, she's at least a half inch into the wood at this point. No barrier will keep her away from me! Doors!? She scoffs at them!

I was tempted to post only this: "F**k this shit. I'm ordering a tent." But I figured that would be inappropriate and a tad crass, so I thought I'd use my words instead.

It's all going to be worth it in the end, right? Right?!!?
If I could loan you one of my drills, I would. My hands can't take pounding nails any more, so I know how your arms feel. I just use screws for everything now, besides it's much easier to dismantle things if need be. When my hands bother me I just eat 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich with some honey-slide, smoke a little bud in my pipe to carry me 'til the sandwich kicks in, then relax for the evening
Thanks, Bluefly. If I could borrow one of your drills I would. :laughtwo: :high-five:

I think the drill's battery is kaput. It's just not holding a charge long enough to do more than a few screws at once. I've been alternating between screws and nails while the battery charges. I guess the bright side is that I'm definitely getting my work-out in today. :goof:

I just got 6 screws in so I'm not feeling as bitter as I was earlier.

I have a feeling that bitterness will be in full effect tomorrow though... I have puny little arms and I can feel the ache settling in already. :trance:
Plants look really nice dres, I'm late but don't wanna miss the rest of your grow. I like the way your nutes read out. I think I want to do an organic grow. Haven't looked much into the nutes but since I'm a NFT/low pressure aero guy I have read they tend to gum up the sprinkler heads a bit more. So I need more research, I have a lot of nutes at moment though so that's far off.
Any way glad to have people like you on this site. :goodluck:
Hahahahaha, I think the end result will be more than worth it:) Wish I had the money and space to have this lovely opportunity.

I am excited to see the results. I am imagining a lot of swearing and sore thumbs in a basement right now.

And sorry to hi-jack your thread Dresney - but would anyone who is nice and knowledgable about plant problems fancy popping over to Cerditos Auto soil thread an having a look at my problems when you are finished with the lovely Mrs D?

Thank xx
Hi, Gozgrow :ciao: Welcome to my journal and thanks for the lovely compliment! Wonderful way to start my second day of cursed building.

I'd feel confident in recommending my nutes to anyone except aeroponics users only because of the warning on their website. They have kept my plants so healthy though, if you were ever thinking of toying with another technique I think you'd be impressed with them. :;):

Hi Rico :battingeyelashes:

Hi Cerdito :ciao: (A call for help is never hijacking in my thread! Hope someone recognizes what is going on - my untrained eye couldn't determine the cause. :love:)

You two are cracking me up. My right shoulder is on fire today. But you've both reassured me of my toil's worth, and I have steadfast faith in your words even though my body doth protest.

The show must go on. Break a thumb or something. Ramble ramble, hammer, screw, curse, throw something, curse.


(And an edit for my mom-in-law: A few of you have commented on how awesome she is.... And she is! :high-five: Also, I'd be willing to bet she could smoke all of us under the table. When she says, "You want to go smoke some," she's talking several joints in rapid succession for the two of us. I usually end up calling it, and she'll STILL smoke another joint and a half on her own. :laughtwo:)
My right shoulder is on fire today.
What's up partner, are you ready for this evening? That shoulder's not going to hinder you rolling out those prizes is it?
Hey dres I was just reading your profile. Lu shangs fishing rod. I could never catch that many most carp. I ended up paying for mine. I played on the valfor server for about 6 years. What server where you on?
Heya Gozgrow. FFXI! What a small world it is. :high-five: I played off and on for about 8-9 years. I fished every one of those damn carps while camping Fafnir and Nidhogg. :partyboy: (I'm not telling which server I was on because I'm a paranoid turd and know several people irl who I met in-game who still play, but it wasn't Valfor :laughtwo:) I played as recently as last year - great game still but nothing like the olden, golden days.

Progress update on my flowering flower room:



Leaning shack of flower

I'm adding braces now.

I'm feeling good. It's taking shape and I have most of the lean out. I'm going to put more braces in and see what we have at the end of the day.

Thanks, Rico :battingeyelashes:

Wonky is the perfect word for it. :rofl: I'm proud of it anyway.

I might still end up pushing it into the corner. I haven't figured out where my intake/exhaust/fans, etc will be yet. It's actually quite easy to scoot the whole thing around. I had to do a lot of that.... screwing/nailing boards together is difficult to do with nothing behind them. Who ever woulda thunk that? :goof:
Going nicely dres, fear not about the leaning tower of pisa... It will strenghten up with a dew more braces.
When you add the boarding it will go rigid... Just like flat pack cabinets... All wibbly until the backs on.

Gonna be a fair size room, mind you thats some basement you have there..

I have a vision if you muttering and swearing your way thru it... Lol

Keep ya chin up, when all done you can stand back and think " i did that"..

You will glow with pride..
Thanks, Bud. I was quite alarmed when I stood back and saw the lean. :laugh:

I have 12 more braces if I need them - I'm just using the ends of the boards that were cut down to 5' from 8'.

You know, it is actually quite a bit of space. I was shocked when my husband was standing in it and said, "You could fit way more than two plants in here." I didn't say anything, but my eyes got huge, I'm sure. :yikes: I'm absolutely taking that as permission to have more than two plants. I mean, who would plant that idea in someone's head if they aren't agreeable to it, right!?
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