Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

My right shoulder is on fire today.

Hi Dres. Beemer Bill on the "Over 50s Club" has a recipie for a killer pain cream. It works. My back has been killing me and last night I made a new batch with double the weed. Bliss. Slept all night with no pain. Used again this morning. Pain gone for 4.5 hours.
Have to be careful cause it can hey you pretty high too. For me that' same bonus side effect.
10 minutes till showtime.
Looking good Dres, when you build your next room pick up a few furring strips (1x3's) or 1x4's for bracing. They are easier to adjust, screw or nail and will help a lot for squaring things up.
Fantastic Dresney! I am excited for you, especially now that you have express marital permission to get your rolling sea of green in action!

Just imagine how many little babies you can grow with your shiny new 600 and all that space! The pain is going to be so worth it.

I am a little bit in love with your family now ;)

Hi, friends! :ciao:

I'm pretty sure he meant you should do a SOG. :;):

I like the way you think. :thumb: I'm going to start cloning this week. We'll see if I can't fill this flowering room up ASAP. :laughtwo:

Beemer Bill on the "Over 50s Club" has a recipie for a killer pain cream. It works. My back has been killing me and last night I made a new batch with double the weed. Bliss. Slept all night with no pain. Used again this morning. Pain gone for 4.5 hours.
Have to be careful cause it can hey you pretty high too. For me that' same bonus side effect.

That sounds wonderful! I will definitely look into that. Although I've been weed-less for a month now and will probably remain so for a fair bit longer. Well, weed-less in the form we all want. :laughtwo: Thanks for the recommendation. +reps for you

Hi, Bud and BB :ciao: Tool Time? You mean that Home Improvement show?

I didn't build anymore beyond what my last picture shows. I will probably do some braces today. Maybe even start stapling my mylar up. :cheer:

Welcome to my journal, Inkdot! Very pleased that you are here. :welcome::passitleft:

Yep, Bluefly, you're right. These bigger boards are a pain in the butt unless the drill is totally charged. I'm excited right now though because it's been charging all night. I might be able to put up 3-4 braces before it poops out on me again. :rollingeyes::laugh:

Good day, Cerdito! :ciao: Mr. Dres is slowly coming round. Yesterday he commented on being able to smell my little babes all the way upstairs! He came in from outside and it was the first thing he noticed.... but he shrugged it off and said he didn't mind! I thought to myself, "Wow, it's a good thing I'm building a room for flowering then. They don't smell a quarter as strong as they will in two months!" :rofl:

Hi, Mono :ciao: :thanks:

I'm going to take my babes upstairs and do some LST work on them. Since I had to move my furniture around in the basement I no longer have a desk or table directly under light. So they'll get their first photo shoot in natural light by the big windows!

I'll see you guys in a bit with an update! :high-five:

(Sorry for neglecting my journal somewhat yesterday evening. Between building and prepping for The Reps Are Right I was little spazzy. :goof: I'm back on track now. :thumb:)
Hi dresney... Yeah that show was funny.. Cant remember the geezers name tho, and his bearded side kick.. He used to chat to neighbour over the fence..

As for the smell problem, once you get a decent filter set up it will be a thing of the past. :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

More pics on the way, cant wait . Take it easy dres
And here they are today! :tommy:

I didn't do the photo shoot upstairs in natural light because it's gray and cloudy outside and the light was mediocre up there, too. I had to do a lighting juggle in the basement and run some extension cords. It was hard to hold the lamp and take pictures, so some of them are more blurry than usual. Sorry - I'll get it worked out for next time. :partyboy:

Day 57



She's bushing up too, but still has kind of an 'airy' look.


I added a third wire for her. The stem is too thick and woody to bend except at the very top where the new growth is.



When I look at pictures of her I feel like she's my favorite.... and then I look at pictures of Pascalle and I think she's my favorite. Oh, how to choose.... guess I'll wait til I smoke 'em to decide. :tokin:

Put on my stilts for this one.

She got a third wire too.



None of Loretta's internodes have been 3-leafed.

They got a pretty good soak of water last night - about 1 liter each.

They will be fed on Wednesday.

I love weed.

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