Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

There are also quite a few deficiency questions with some nice pictures attached.


Sorry folks. Just a test run for the show.
Hiya, BB and Bud :ciao:

Thanks for the compliment, Bud. I'm sure with your worm poo nutes your babes are going to be growing green monsters too! :high-five:

Now I'm off to the grocery store. I'm in the line of this massive ice storm that's supposed to hit soon, and the news is saying power might be out for days in some areas. Hopefully not mine or my little green monsters will have an extended dark period and then either immediately flower, hermie or freeze to death. :rollingeyes:

Oh well, off to get some supplies!
Hiya, BB and Bud :ciao:

Thanks for the compliment, Bud. I'm sure with your worm poo nutes your babes are going to be growing green monsters too! :high-five:

Now I'm off to the grocery store. I'm in the line of this massive ice storm that's supposed to hit soon, and the news is saying power might be out for days in some areas. Hopefully not mine or my little green monsters will have an extended dark period and then either immediately flower, hermie or freeze to death. :rollingeyes:

Oh well, off to get some supplies!

Just get them girls in some natural light with a top off under candles or torches if the worst happens. they should be OK.
Thanks, everyone :ciao:

I think all will be well. I stocked up on Gobstoppers and Hershey nuggets, so I can survive for at least two days without going outside. :laughtwo:

The worst of the ice will be here by noon tomorrow. It'll be a mix of rain/freezing rain/sleet for about 10 hours and then an estimated 6 inches of snow on top of that. So weird considering it was almost 60F (~16C) this morning. Supposed to get down to ~10F (-12C) tonight. A 50F degree drop in a day. The weather here is stupid.

As long as my power doesn't go out I'll be happy with hunkering down for a while. It's nice having an excuse to stay home instead of having to make one up. :)
As long as my power doesn't go out I'll be happy with hunkering down for a while. It's nice having an excuse to stay home instead of having to make one up. :)
I know, Right...
I lived about .5 mile away from the power plant and the outages killed my 1000w magnetic ballast I'm sure I had so many I lost count.
Hope your storm was bearable Dresney!

We had so many outages last night I lost count of the amount of time the ballast and fan kicking back in woke me up! Now we have about 10 centimetres of snow outside, but the ladies seem happy despite the fact that they had a disco last night. :) Mine got down to about 69 degrees in the cupboard - but that is at soil level, I think that at canopy level it was few degrees higher.

Hope you are fine too!


(wow - watched an Amazing BSG yesterday - Resurrection Ship part 1-2 - it blew me away!)
Whoo Sci-Fi!
There should be a sub group on this forum ''Green Growers and Geeks anonymous'' It seems it could be a joint effort with ''Emoticons Anonymous'' :thumb::circle-of-love::cheer::Namaste:

Joint effort was no pun intended.

I like this cold weather, it means I can have our lights right down at canopy level and there is always a good supply of cold air to keep the cupboard at a lovely 74 degrees.

(Also means there is good excuse to stay in and not work and watch more BattleStar Galactica - can't believe I have not seen this series yet - and there are so many to catch up on :) )

Best of wishes all - it feels like Xmas today, hope all your buds are suitably frosty and xmassy.

Hi Dres.
@ Cerdito.See how this works. Ask and RICO delivers! :slide:
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