Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

You guys are sweeter than a pineapple-cherry-coca-cola ham! :love:

Thank you, Cerdito. Turkey day was great, although I fear all the running around has caught up to me and now I'm just dreadfully tired. I haven't been sick in a few years and I think this illness is hitting me twice as hard to make up for that. It's making it really easy to keep off the :joint: for my new job though.

Thanks for thinking about me, BB. :circle-of-love: I slept about 17 hours so far today, and it has helped a lot. I think I will request a new set of lungs if I'm not totally recovered by Thursday. :laughtwo:

Oh, RicoRico
It would take much more than hakus
To be mad at you :battingeyelashes:

Heya, Budworshipper! :ciao: Wow, I'll pass along to my mother that a chef approves of her recipe. That will make her day. You nailed it - it is even a bit flaky on the outside in some places. That is one of my favorite parts. And it's so pretty the way she attaches the cherries and pineapples on the outside. It almost makes me sad to tear it apart and eat it.... but not quite :winkyface:

Last night I was checking on the green girls, and I pulled Pascalle out of the cubby to give her a once-over. I had a kitty with me, as usual. Pascalle was out for maybe 3 seconds before he nipped one of her leaves and ran! Took a chunk out of her! He's not even that quick with the catnip. He really, really loves the smell of MJ. :laughtwo:

Other than the kitty antics all is well.

I'm going to start catching up on journals now. I have a million and four to read, at least. :goof:

Hey Dres,

So sorry to hear you're still under under the weather somewhat, you had a few of us worried for sure.

God speed to good health, we're thinkin' about ya.

I called my clone after you, very fitting as I know she'll go on to great things.

Take care, thanks for the update. :circle-of-love:
Awww, thanks LA! You're so kind. :circle-of-love:

I am finally starting to feel much better. I think I can maybe even do without the lung replacement. :laughtwo:

Heya, Mono! :high-five: :passitleft:

I'm going to do an update today. The girls need tied down some more, and they're sad they haven't had a photo shoot in 6 days. Don't want them to feel neglected. ;)
Okay, I spent the past hour primping and posing my little loves. Time for a show! :cheer:

It's so refreshing to compare photos from days ago - you really don't notice the changes when you're staring at them all the time.

I went overboard with the photos again. Hope nobody minds. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Day 51


She's getting so tall. And her insides are no longer inside!

I have to stand on a chair to get them in the shot now.

I wouldn't dare put them on the floor. This area is rampant with violent kittycide.

She's getting quite a figure these days. :trance:

This leaf is the only one that might be unhappy with me. I'm not sure why. :hmmmm:
This is the only blade on the leaf that looks like this.

Gave them a little stretch and a bend... didn't have a jacuzzi around though (does anybody ever get my cheesy jokes?!)



Aerial photography

Added another wire for her too.

She's waving goodbye for now (do you see it?) and blowing you all kisses!! :kisstwo::love:.. especially God-dad Reg!

The plan is for a feed tomorrow. They seem happy and I'm still following the modified BMO schedule. Tomorrow's feeding will be the same dose as last week, as this is the second 'Dresney week' of BMO week 4. Yeah... :hmmmm:

And OMG!!! :yahoo: I just noticed my journal has a 5-star rating!!! I am beyond flattered - seriously. I absolutely did a jig in my basement for at least 3 minutes. My animals were staring at me like I was a crazy woman... crazy for you 420ers! :love::love::love: I'm not sure who did it or when, but thank you sooo much! This forum has fast become my favorite place to spend my time, and I cherish you guys! :circle-of-love:


(Never too many 'motacons, right? :partyboy:)
Looking great dres... Congrats on the 5 stars..)

Im kinda hooked on this forum too... Full of kindred spirits and nice people.. Im feel at home already

Diggin the photos too... Dont let the fame go to the girls buds, they will be demanding only blue M & M's for food next. :thumb::goodjob::nicethread::smokin::woohoo::):blunt::smokin: Ive tried emoticons anonymous too, didnt work for me either lol
I just noticed my journal has a 5-star rating!!!
It's well deserved!
Dont let the fame go to the girls buds, they will be demanding only blue M & M's for food next.

Doh! You just uncovered my growing secret - soil amended with M&Ms... but no fears, they love all M&Ms equally and know they're all the same on the inside... except for those gross peanut ones. :loopy:

It's well deserved!

Thanks, Reg! You sure know how to make a girl smile. :cheesygrinsmiley: :;):
Thanks, Jay!! :high-five:

I'm impressed that you read the whole thing - catching up on long journals is a daunting task. Maybe I'm just lazy though :laughtwo:

I'm honored that you spent the time to go through it and am very happy you got a few laughs out of it. Sometimes my humor is a bit corny. :loopy:

I'm going to pop over to your journal and sub up. It might take me longer to catch up than it did you though!

Welcome again! I'm certain you'll add a certain spicy flavor to the atmosphere. :winkyface:
Thanks, Jay!! :high-five:

I'm impressed that you read the whole thing - catching up on long journals is a daunting task. Maybe I'm just lazy though :laughtwo:

I'm honored that you spent the time to go through it and am very happy you got a few laughs out of it. Sometimes my humor is a bit corny. :loopy:

I'm going to pop over to your journal and sub up. It might take me longer to catch up than it did you though!

Welcome again! I'm certain you'll add a certain spicy flavor to the atmosphere. :winkyface:

Glad to be here Dresney...Looking forward to following along...it's a pleasure :)

I really read your whole thread...you should have about 400 likes LOL
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