Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Whew! Just read the whole thread from start to, well, here! :D Better late than never, and I'm here now. I've gotta say, those beauties are looking amazing! I can only hope to have ladies half that lovely when I finally get to grow. Great job!

Now to return to reading Reg's journal, which is how I found my way here in the first place.
Welcome, DawnStar! It's so wonderful to have you. :welcome: Reg's journal is so fun and tells such a great story. Well worth the read! I hope you get to grow soon - it's way more fun than I expected it to be. And of course journaling is completely addictive ;)

Great Journal Dresney! Just got caught up too! I love your shelf/tent! Nice work. Beautiful ladies! +reps

Thanks so much, SweetLeef! I really wanted to buy a tent in the beginning, but didn't even want to present that idea to my husband - they're so expensive! I'm okay with the results of my setup so far. And I'm really excited to build a flowering room - first time testing out my carpentry skills. I'll take many pictures along the way so you can all laugh at (err, with?!) me. :laughtwo:

Drawing plenty of new faces here dresney


I know - it's like an early Christmas! :xmas: It's always so surprising (in the best kind of way!) to see that someone is willing to spend their time reading my words. I really feel like I'm just a noob who is along for the journey. But I'm so happy to share that journey with all of you :circle-of-love:

Still going lovely Dresney, I love the look of your plants, they look healthy and loved and happy.

Reps for talented lady fingers.


Heya, Cerdito :ciao: The girls and I thank you for your kind words! And you're right - they're very loved. I have a feeling that when it comes time to harvest I will have to beg my husband to do the initial chops. I don't think I'll be able to bring myself to do that. :straightface: I'm a nerd. :geek:

The girls have completely recovered from the LSTing session yesterday. Their leaves have flipped the right way and everything is mostly horizontal again. I gained about 1.5 inches (~4cm) in headroom for each plant. I think from now on I'm going to have to tighten/add wires a couple times a week. AG was right in his earlier posts - they're growing faster now than they ever have. So exciting! :slide:

I'll feed them later today. Have to feed myself first. :morenutes:

Again, welcome to DawnStar and Sweetleaf! And ultra-thanks for everyone who gave me reps - they're coming back at you. :high-five:

See you all throughout the day!
Wow this is awesome! I'm going to be growing soon and couldn't decide for the life of me to use a grow box or buy a tent. The shelf is an excellent idea that I may have to try for myself. :goodjob:
Hi, Jumpingjacks! :ciao: Welcome! :welcome:

I'm so glad you like that idea. It has really worked well for me, and I will keep it as a veg area for future grows too. I would have been fine with using it for flowering, but I let my girls get too big for the space. It'll be nice to have a separate flowering area anyway - perpetual here I come! :surf:

Hope your setup goes smoothly. ;)
Dresney you have some awesome looking plants. So healthy!! You must be treating them to much love.
I'm not currently growing but will start another grow after the new year. I did a little research on the nutrients you are using and did not find much on them but the results so far are very impressive. I need to do more research on nutrients I'm thinking of changing from what I used on my last two grows but I digress your grow looks great I'll be watching with baited breath lol.:peace::goodjob::thumb::bravo::high-five::circle-of-love:
Dresney you have some awesome looking plants. So healthy!! You must be treating them to much love.
I'm not currently growing but will start another grow after the new year. I did a little research on the nutrients you are using and did not find much on them but the results so far are very impressive. I need to do more research on nutrients I'm thinking of changing from what I used on my last two grows but I digress your grow looks great I'll be watching with baited breath lol.:peace::goodjob::thumb::bravo::high-five::circle-of-love:

Heya, Harley. :ciao: It's great to see you. Thank you for kind words - they truly bring a smile to my face! :partyboy:

I attribute all my success to gentle soil and mellow nutes.

I feel like these nutes are really forgiving. In the beginning I was just winging the doses and never ran into any burn... as a noobie I thought for sure that would happen. At this point I'm not sure anyone could convince me to try something else. If they hold up this well for flowering, I'm sold for life. On top of that they're pretty inexpensive. :)

Sending early luck vibes your way for your New Years grow. I'll be switching to flower around that time. We're both bringing in the new year in the best green ways! :high-five:
Happy tokes to you, LA!

I think my journal hit a growth spurt at the same time as my plants. I'm very grateful for both. :adore:

Thanks for the compliments! You give me too much credit though - while I'm happy to share any knowledge I have, my contributions are minute compared to what you've done for us all. So I'd like to thank YOU for everything you do! :thanks::thanks::bongrip::partyboy:

Have a great day, LA!

(Your divine nine are looking mighty fine. :clap: Have you started thinking of names for them?)
Thanks to everyone who helped Shin out/subbed to his journal. I think I got reps to everyone. :circle-of-love:

Thought I'd do a mini-update to show how quickly they straightened out after their LST.

Day 52



After just one day it doesn't even look like they're tied up. Craziness. :thedoubletake:

The feed today was 7.5ml Super Plant Tonic, 15ml Grow It Green, 2.5ml Flower Power in 1.9L of water. They each got about a liter. I will almost certainly double it to 2 liters each next week even though I'm getting run-off with a liter. Just want to make sure every bit of the roots are getting a good soak.

I love feeding/watering days. The girls are especially pungent after a drink. :yummy:

That's it as far as the girls go, but I have a song stuck in my head. So for anyone else who knows these lyrics, "Why everything that's supposed to be bad make me feel so good?" There! Now it's in yours too! :laughtwo::love:

And we have Loretta coming down the runway.... with her dazzling self.
Those plants look amazing Dresney:bravo:

Thanks, Jay! I can't wait to see what they like when they start budding... January seems soooo far away!

If it's the song I'm thinking of, those aren't quite the right lyrics, but it's Counting Stars by One Republic. <3

Your girls are looking mighty fine! I would never guess they're tired in any way.

That's not the one I can't stop listening to (it's literally on repeat :loopy:), but I'll check that one out :high-five:

And we have Loretta coming down the runway.... with her dazzling self.

She was pouting about having to pose two days in a row, but when she heard you might be around she started strutting her stuff like a proud hen. :partyboy:
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