Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Good day, everyone :ciao: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US and Happy Thursday to everyone else! May your bellies and minds be full and happy! :allgood:

Thanks, LA. I'm so happy with how this grow is going. I'm super lucky and I don't take it for granted! I expected to have a few bumps in the road, but it's been smooth sailing so far. :surf: Can't wait til I start to feel a bit human again so I can get to work on my flowering space. Seeing those little pistils is getting me so excited about seeing some blooms soon.

Rico, how do I apply for membership? Is there an interview or do I have to bribe my way in? :battingeyelashes:

TMM HG KC :lot-o-toke:

:thanks: so much, Shin. When I took my very first photo for my journal I used the auto-enhance on my phone and was about to upload it, but then I thought, "Hmm. I'm a noob and if I'm changing the color of my leaves maybe people won't be able to see deficiencies as quickly and I might not recognize it on my own." So I removed the enhancement and have never tweaked a photo since then except to crop out extra background space and messy basement. I had to remind myself I wasn't here to impress people, but to safeguard my plants. (And make some lovely friends along the way! :high-five:)

Thanks, Reg! Mr. Dres and I are going to my parent's house today. My mama is a country cook who makes everything from scratch. I :love: going home for holidays. Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving!

Plants look good after their feeding - no wilting or burn. I'm thankful for my nutes today. And good tap water. And :420::circle-of-love::love::love::love::circle-of-love:

TMM HG KC :lot-o-toke:
Hi Dres :battingeyelashes: Did I ever say you have beautiful plants? I always meant to :ciao:

how do I apply for membership? Is there an interview or do I have to bribe my way in? :battingeyelashes:

The use of an interimaginarypersonal emoticon ensures automatic entry to the club :battingeyelashes:

Welcome aboard

:cheer:TMM HG KC :lot-o-toke::partyboy:

What does the HG mean? :scratchinghead:
Happy Thanksgiving
I just read through 24 pages of this and it was well worth it, Im defiantely going to sub and sit this grow out! Happy Thanksgiving and keep em growin Dres! (JK i cant figure out how to sub but will be keeping up anyway)
Happy Thanksgiving Dresney. I know you'll enjoy your Mama's home cooking!
Happy Thanksgiving Dresney! Going home is always nice.:circle-of-love:

You're watching the the original Star Trek? - thats so cool! I remember watching it on tv when I was a teenager- loved that show- had a major crush on Captain Kirk! Still watch reruns whenever I get a chance. Wait till you see "Trouble with Tribbles" , it's sooo funny!
Hello, everyone :byebye:

Thanks, Reg and Dank. We had a wonderful dinner with family and now there's leftover apple pie and pumpkin roll in the fridge. Going to have apple pie for breakfast tomorrow :slide:

Welcome, Marcus! I'm so glad you've enjoyed the read. It's been really fun to document my growing journey, and I feel honored that people spend a few moments of their day reading it. :high-five:

Hi, TanR :ciao: Eating dinner with my family is one the things I miss most about living at home. Today was a really good day. Hope yours was as well!

Happy Thanksgiving, Flo! I think tomorrow is going to be a knitting/TV day. (Couldn't pay me to go out shopping.) I'll be on the lookout for that episode. Hope you had a great holiday :love:

Heya, D-Pep. I'm doing swell, but still fighting off a cold. How about yourself? I will definitely check out your new thread. :thumb:

I'll be at your journal soon, BB. I think I'll try taking a clone or two next week. Going to get some more bulbs to set up a clone-veg space this weekend.

Good evening, Budworshipper :ciao: My mom makes a pineapple-cherry-coca cola ham for Christmas. It's mouthwatering. I think I like it even more than Thanksgiving turkey.

I'm going to make my journal rounds now. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday or a wonderful regular Thursday!

Happy tokes! :passitleft:

Pinapple Cherry Cola Ham? Wow indeed. Is your mum Willy Wonka?

Hope you enjoyed Turkey day.

After all the posts yesterday I almost wish I wasn't a vegetarian easter european and could celebrate a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens" Thatš what it is according to Wiki.

2 occasions to eat Turkey in the calander - does that mean Americans are twice as successful as English?

@ Dresney,

Happy Thanksgiving, Flo! I think tomorrow is going to be a knitting/TV day. (Couldn't pay me to go out shopping.) I'll be on the lookout for that episode. Hope you had a great holiday

What a refreshing statement that is in today's crazy world !
Hi dresney... You wouldnt catch me shopping either... I hate the commercialism aswell..

As for that ham, it sounds awesome... The citric acid will penetrate the meat and the sugars must give it an awesome glaze, turning into a caramalized crust.. Complementing the salty ham.. No wonder you go home to mom's..

I am a cook/chef and have never heard of that combo before, just hearing about it makes my mouth water..

I hope ya grow is going great in your absence and pleasantly surprises you when you get home.
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