Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Wow Dresney - you sure have a lot of space to work with! Can't wait to see what you decide on and to see it filled with your lovely plants.
With all the help you have here it will be awesome. :bravo:
You guys are so much fun :slide: I feel like the walking dead and you all can still make me smile. :circle-of-love:

Reg, basements are the best! I'll never be without one... even if I have to move back in with my parents and live in theirs. Well... that might be pushing it, but yeah... A deep paranoia of tornadoes has been instilled in me since I was young. And a few tornadoes have hit close to home and a basement is the best place to hide. That and it literally doubles the size of my house. It's unfinished though, so doesn't 'count' as living space, but at one point we had our TV, couch and computers down there. We also had no -zero- furniture upstairs so when people walked in our house they'd always ask if we just moved in. It was a little awkward telling them, "No, we've lived here for 5 years. We just don't believe in furniture. Here's a rug to kneel on." No visitors over-stay their welcome if there is no place to sit! :laughtwo:

I do have a lot of empty space in the house. Don't get me wrong - it's not a big house. It's on the smaller side compared to the houses in my neighborhood, but it was built for a family with children and we haven't had any yet. So we have an extra bedroom that I put junk in and this basement that I've turned into 'The Lady Cave.' My biggest growing hurdle is my husband, to be honest. He's not a smoker, never will be, don't even offer it to him. In fact, go smoke outside or in the garage. Sometimes I sneak and smoke in the basement when he's sleeping or gone. Don't tell him! :cheesygrinsmiley: So, when I tell him I want to go buy wood to build a grow room it feels a little uncomfortable. He was okay with what I presented to him last night though. He even said he'd help. I think he really loves me. :love:

That being said, I decided to go a little smaller. I'm planning on building just one 5'x5'x7.5' stand-alone like the 8'x8' in that Jorge Cervantes video Cerdito posted. I like that it's not attached to anything because I'd be drilling into the concrete in our basement and for some reason that intimidates me. It's so... permanent. I figure 5'x5' is large enough to have 3-4 flowering plants in and still move around. I can also fit it in that little nook and keep my existing veg shelf where it is. I'll go buy some wood as soon as I feel like getting out of bed. *cough, sniff, cough*

42, BB! For those who don't know, 42 is a reference to 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.' It's very nerdy, funny science fiction. Probably one of my favorites series ever. The old show series I watched first is better than the more recent Hollywood film. And the books are better than any of the films/shows (maybe except for the original radio series). I'm a bit of a Sci-fi nerd. I love 'Firefly' and 'Battlestar Galactica,' too. I felt a wound open in my heart when I finished 'Battlestar Galactica'. I'm jealous of people who haven't seen it because they get to experience it for the first time still. Anyone who wants to start that series let me know. I'll watch it over again with you and we'll have nightly TV dates for the next year. :high-five:

Cerdito, I love the 'Dexter' reference. I read those books and watched the Showtime series. I'd have to say, for once, the show is better than the books. That doesn't happen too often for me, but Michael C. Hall really nailed that character. He was really great in 'Six Feet Under' too.

Okay, I'm going to go stare at my ladies. Chit chat with you cats later! :circle-of-love:
FIREFLY! Wow, I want to move to your country and you can be my new best friend.

I was just off to bed, and thought 'one last check' and saw that and you made me happy. :)
I'm with Credito! If you watched firefly, then what did you guys think of serenity? Eh, I didn't quite enjoy the spin-off compared to the series!

But all that side, I might have to take you up on Battlestar, as I just finished a series called Attack on Titan (yes I'm an anime-nerd, but a nerd nonetheless:laughtwo:)

As for Dexter, I think I preferred the novel series a bit more, only because of how the 'new' writers portrayed the last 2 seasons :/

You must be a somewhat of a Star Trek fan also I assume :)
Sounds like a plan, Cerdito! I need a new best friend. :;): We can watch nerdy stuff on TV and smoke :bongrip: all day!

I agree with you about Serenity, AG. I didn't enjoy the movie nearly as much as the series.

I enjoyed the Dexter books, but didn't feel like the supernatural aspect fit so well. A psychopathic, vigilante serial killer leading a double life is believable, but the supernatural dark passenger threw the story off for me. Not that things have to be believable for me to like them, but I feel like that came out of left field after two books that seemed more-or-less grounded in reality.

Believe it or not, I haven't seen much of Star Trek. I wish I would have paid more attention to it when I was young and my grandma had it on all the time. I think some of it is on Netflix though, so I might have to start it up. I've turned into a quality snob these days though, so hopefully it looks decent. :laughtwo:

I did see the first of the two newer Star Trek movies... with Zachary Quinto playing Spock and I really liked it. I think it might have had a bit to do with him though. :;): My husband and I have had a running 'wiktor, wiktor' joke for the past couple years because of that movie.

Edit: I just asked my husband about Star Trek on Netflix and he handed me the first three seasons of the original series on Blu-ray. Didn't even know we had that!
My wife and daughter love Dexter too... She getting the boxset this christmas, god help me...

At least the gammon looks nice in the opening credits..

But why kill off the blonde girlfriend ?... Nice bit of eye candy, perhaps it was time for her to start filming in wisteria lane., another boxset that is facing wearing out in this house...

And they wonder why i smoke ...

Plants look great by the way
I just finished a series called Attack on Titan (yes I'm an anime-nerd, but a nerd nonetheless:laughtwo:)

After Evangelion, i didn't think an anime could hook me like that again, i was wrong, if you have even a passing interest in anime get off your ass and watch it!

Dres, i have been chewing through this journal for the past couple of days, amazing work, you really know your stuff. Kudos!
You must be a somewhat of a Star Trek fan also I assume :)

Edit: I just asked my husband about Star Trek on Netflix and he handed me the first three seasons of the original series on Blu-ray. Didn't even know we had that!
Did someone say STAR TREK? Which episode, which scene, which series? The original Capt. Kirk, Commander Riker, Seven of Nine, Capt. Janeway, Dax, Capt. Sisko, Dapul (that's right even Enterprise) That's my Shishnick!
Hello again, friends! :circle-of-love:

Welcome, Potzilla! Nobody is ever late here - always right on time. Glad to have you join! :welcome:

LA, my husband and I love Fringe. :high-five: I'm starting to become embarassed about how much TV I've watched. But I'm always doing something else while the TV is on too, I swear! I've been in a knitting frenzy lately trying to get lots of presents finished before Christmas so there's been a lot of TV going on in my house. :loopy: And thanks for the heads up on Molly - she looks so much happier after that transplant. :thumb:

Heya, Budworshipper :ciao: I'm not even going to mention if I've watched every single episode of Desperate Housewives or not... (Wisteria Lane... ramble, ramble) :rofl:

Good weed to you, Sir Mono! :winkyface:

Shin, I've not seen too much anime... just a few episodes of Full Metal Alchemist. For some reason I just can't get into animated stuff. Well, except for Archer. That's definitely a guilty pleasure. Anyone seen it? And thanks for the compliment, but I'm still a pretty big noob. I've just been really lucky with no issues. Just wait til something goes wrong and you'll see me get spazzy fast. :wood:

Reg, I watched the first episode of the original series last night. The one with the creature that turns into other people and puts weird suction-cup circles on people's faces and is crazy about salt. I'm going to do at least 2-3 episodes a week until I finish it. :high-five: Oh, and Shatner was a real looker in his day! :love:

Hi, Rico :battingeyelashes: :high-five:

Okay and now for the meat and potatoes!

Today was a feed day for my babes.

I mixed 7.5ml Super Plant Tonic, 15ml Grow It Green, 2.5ml Flower Power in 1/2 gallon (1.9L) of water. They each got about a liter. I might bump it up next week to 2 liters each. We'll see how much growth they have over the next week.

Here they are today: day 45



Her innards

Her little bits!

Loretta - she's a bushy monster!

Her insides are almost her outsides!

Here you can see the LST effects. And you can also see her first set of leaves is yellowing. I know this is normal, just observing.

When I was putting Pascalle back in the veg cubby some runoff was coming out of the pan, so I lifted up the pot to empty it and Pascalle had a root hanging out about 4 inches long! They're both in 7gallon pots so they're not going anywhere, but I was happy to see that. :cheesygrinsmiley: I probably mangled that poor root when I sat her back in the tray. Oh well, what can you do.

Ok, that's it for now, I think. Thanks for reading! :circle-of-love:


Edit: Someone needs to start Emoticon Anonymous for those of us who struggle with addiction. :partyboy:
Hi Dres :battingeyelashes: :ciao:

"Emoticons anonymous" is a KC incorporated helpgroup.

Our symbol is :lot-o-toke:

We are presently debating female membership :battingeyelashes:

I can tell you, however, that in the Book of KayaK it says

" Emoticons are put on this interwebz to promote harmony and good feelings amongst members.

Used wisely, they can be a valuable learning tool and social status booster.

Used excessively, they can detract from the brevity of a serious message.

No case of "too many 'motacons" has ever been verifiably documeted."

Go girl, you do your thing Dres. And you & Mr.Dres have pleasant Thanksgiving.:thumb:
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