Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Hi Dresney !

WOW !!! ... Your ladies look absolutely picture perfect and they are SOOOO GREEEEEN !!!

Sorry it took me a while to pop over and say hello but I'm here now and subbed :)

Glad to be a part of the journey aslong as you don't mind me tagging along ;)
They are the prettiest plants I've ever seen, I've not seen that many, but they are still very very purdy.

And you have the answer to life! And Everything. Obviously. Weird, I just commented on somebodies pictures pointing out a 42 inch TV, then I read your posts with the answer in! Very unusual. Took about 7 million years to come up with that number then it comes up twice in ten minutes - on 42!0 magazine forums. Wow indeed.

Oh, and get well soon, I've been feeling a bit under the weather, so I'm started a 7 day water fast today in he hope of getting better quick.

Thanks for the compliments everyone. :circle-of-love: And especially for all the get-well wishes. This cold is kicking my butt. But at the same time it's making it super easy to keep off the green for my possible whiz-quiz coming up. Guess you have to find the good in everything.

Of course I'm happy to have you along, D-Pep! No killing anybody though... not even with diabetes from all those cakes! :laughtwo: What do you think about your new nickname? :rofl:

They are the prettiest plants I've ever seen, I've not seen that many, but they are still very very purdy.

And you have the answer to life! And Everything. Obviously. Weird, I just commented on somebodies pictures pointing out a 42 inch TV, then I read your posts with the answer in! Very unusual. Took about 7 million years to come up with that number then it comes up twice in ten minutes - on 42!0 magazine forums. Wow indeed.


Cerdito! :kiss: You definitely get some reps for this post. You're awesome. :partyboy: I was starting to get a little sad that I was the only nerd around. :laughtwo: Hope you're feeling better soon too!

PS- I think being a nerd is a good thing! :geek::party::geek:
Dres, I'm so proud of my God-daughter Lolletta. Reps for that green thumb of yours...

AG, you just re-emphasized my decision to shoot for the stars or at least the complete 5 ft. of my tent with a long veg.
Thanks so much, Reg! She's turning out to be a looker, if I do say so myself. :dreamy: And I'm very happy to see your green dot lit up again. :high-five:

Can anyone with a spare moment stop by this beginning grower's journal and see if you have some pH answers? I only know the basics, and it's gone above my head. Thank you! :thanks:
Yes, 42

The answer to the ultimate question of the Universe, calculated by Deep Thought over 7 million years.

Unfortunately, nobody knows what the question is!


Mr. Squirryl once told me that it had to do with the 2 inversely fused tetrahedra that form the star tetrahedron containg a black hole at the centre of every atom, but he wasn't sure either.

I guess we'll figure it out someday :dreamy:
Okay, I took some measurements for AG.

My pots are 12" tall, but the dirt is only 10" deep. Their diameter is 13". I'm pretty sure they're 7 gallons. And they get smaller at the base, maybe only 8-9" in diameter.

Here's the ceiling I'll mount my lights from.

94" = 7 feet 10 inches = ~239 cm

I figured I'd drill the holes high up on those boards and the light could be pulled all the way up if need be, as there is still room for ventilation between those boards. I'm not sure how much space the lights take up though, since I don't have one yet.

Lay some wisdom on me. :high-five::circle-of-love:
Those pipes are actually where the water comes into our house, so they're always freezing. I used to check them regularly in the winter because I was worried they were literally going to freeze and burst. But after a few years, I finally started trusting them and stopped checking. :laughtwo:
Don't apologize. I want anyone and everyone to point out something that might burn down my house!

I was paranoid enough about my little CFLs that I bought another smoke alarm that sits on top of my grow shelf. And I don't think they even get hot enough to give me a blister. :laughtwo:
It is the angle of refraction of water in a rainbow ;)

Mr. Squirryl once told me that it had to do with the 2 inversely fused tetrahedra that form the star tetrahedron containg a black hole at the centre of every atom, but he wasn't sure either.

I guess we'll figure it out someday :dreamy:

...and I think the question that 42 answers is SO SIMPLE, I must be crazy. But here goes: What is the natural number immediately following 41 and directly preceding 43?

Such a simple question answered by such a complex number. I still don't see the need to have created Earth just to figure this out, but eh, who am I to criticize :bong:

>>> Okay, I took some measurements for AG.

Okay, so lets see what we are working with here!

A cooltube can definitely fit in between the width of your 7inch panels. Now this is depending on if you get a cooltube or an actual hood. I suggest the cooltube ;)

Let's say you mount your light harnesses at the same level as those predrilled holes your white power cord is going through. So we completely eliminate that 7in of extra height.

A cooltube is roughly no more than 6-8 inches in diameter, so at its highest point I would estimate your cooltube to be 6-8 inches below the 7in panels.

So rounding that up to 10inches in total, we are left with 7feet of height!

Now considering that we don't want the plants to get TOO close to the HID, I usually give myself a 1 foot leeway.

So all in all, I'll give you a maximum of 6 feet of height to work with (taking into account the pot height and rounding that 10inches of actual height down to compensate for the cooltube). :high-five:

Knowing that, I would suggest you don't go over 4 feet of height during vegetative growth if you are going to go with a pure LST regime, as the stretch will get you just to where you need.

In my honest opinion, I think you might want to consider building a trellis for your ladies with some simple PVC piping and 90 degree joints. With a trellis (Scrog) you have the ability to restrict vertical growth as much as you want by just keeping all growth below the net. And with this, you can set a MAXIMUM height of where you want your ladies to grow just before flower.

If you decide on this, then I can confidently say that you will have more than enough height not to stress over!

I feel like I am missing something. I'll have a reread after I post this, but feel free to ask any questions about my poorly written post, as I am quite baked at the moment :passitleft:
So Dres, is the plan to just use the open space, or build an enclosure ? Bear in mind it's easier to do climate and odour (UK english) control in a smaller space. I also believe you get better efficiency from your lighting if you enclose it and use reflected light to your advantage.
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