Dresney's First Grow - Organic - Indoor - GDP - Trainwreck

Nodding slowly along to the beat too, sipping a glass of fine wine and clicking nicely :) The spirit of Charles Bukowski is floating above my head nodding too.

Hi, friends :ciao:

The party was okay. It was actually a really nice party, and I had some great conversations with a few people.

But it's one of those situations where you wonder if they would still be so friendly if they knew the 'real' you.

The older I get, the less I feel like pretending to fit in.

I'm happier alone with a joint and my computer than a room full of people I can't be myself around.

I did have a major milestone though. Several pages ago in this thread I swore I wasn't drinking anymore - I

managed to stick to that last night! And it was an open bar with top-shelf liquor... I didn't have one sip.

Guess who doesn't have a hangover today - me! :) I actually feel a little liberated.

Rico :battingeyelashes: That poem was splendidly fitting. You're such a wordsmith; I'm more than a little envious. :battingeyelashes:

LA, I think we'd get along smashingly well. I enjoy being around people with no shame. Once I'm coaxed into lowering my anti-social laser deflective shield I am quite silly too. Laughing is my second favorite thing after MJ. It's serendipity that they come hand-in-hand. :partyboy:

Cerdito - I'm certain there was a cylon there last night. He speaks five languages, and I think one of them is
Farsi. You could lure him into a false sense of comfort with your shared tongue, and I could take him out when he's not looking. It's a shame he'd spawn somewhere else though because he's a bit of a jerk. (I once asked Mr. Dres if he'd let me name one of our sons 'Thrace.' He did this: :icon_roll)

Thanks Dawnstar, Gozgrow, McLoadie and Sweetleaf for well-wishes and funny antics. I wish we could have a party. I think we'd put last night's party to shame.


The v2.0s are doing well.

Loretta v2.0 looked a bit dry last night - her leaf edges were curling up a bit. So silly me misted her and then got paranoid about the light burning her. Then silly me grabbed the nearest towel, which happened to be red, and patted her off. Well, apparently washing that towel several times hasn't leeched out all the excess dye and it kind of tinted one leaf with little red splotches. We'll see how that turns out. :laughtwo:

I put a clear water bottle over her and she was standing up tall this morning with no curling leaf edges. Pascalle v2.0 is still doing fine without a dome.

The big girls are still going great. :partyboy:

Last night I had a dream that Loretta died though! :thedoubletake: All her leaves had dried up and turned to crispy potato chips! I dumped a bunch of water in her dirt, but it just made her chip leaves soggy... they all fell off and I was left with nothing! When I woke up this morning the first thing I did was check her out... no chips anywhere. :phew:

I'm going to make my journal rounds now.

See you around! :circle-of-love:

Welcome, Kid156 :ciao: I hope 'interesting' is a positive aspect. :laughtwo: Glad to have you here. Thanks for joining!

Gozgrow, I have MJ dreams at least a couple times a week. I might be a little obsessed with my plants. This is the first time I've had an MJ nightmare though. :thedoubletake::rofl:

Hi, COorganics. Welcome to my journal. :welcome: I'm really impressed with these nutrients. I hope others order them and have the same great experience; I want everyone to buy them so the company never goes out of business. I'd cry if I had to switch to something else. :laughtwo:

Heya, Dr. Pepper. :ciao: I'm doing pretty swell. Just working on some Reps Are Right questions and staring at my clones. Hope everything is great with you. I peeked in on your latest photo shoot - your girls are very pretty. :dreamy:

Hi, Brit :ciao:

I'll be popping around journals for the rest of the night and getting ready for the game tomorrow. Hope to see you all there! (6pm EST in New City Grower 1.0.)

Hey Dres! Glad to hear the party was better than anticipated. Allow me to say :bravo: for staying away from the alcohol last night. :thumb: MJ is way better for you anyway, and it doesn't leave you hung over! :laugh: Sadly, I have no MJ, or access to any atm, so alcohol is the best I can do. Such a sad state of affairs.

Looking forward to the show tomorrow, will certainly try to be there for it. :party: Keep it green, girl!
Congrats on staying dry - it is good to stay sober when there are suspected Cylon agents around, does you well to keep your senses clear, we don't need another Tigh on this ship.

Your growing is going amazingly, I think you are a natural. I like the way the whole project keeps creeping bigger too :) Mr Dresney is bending :D

Dres, Please PM me! It's 40mins till show time.
Hi shottafire. I had a terrible first grow a few months ago. Everyone was so helpful, but having NO experience it was truly a learning curve extraodianaire! Question. This time, I planted the only seed I had left, it is a Ken Estes Candyland, supposed to be great as a mood elevator and pain reliever. I put the seed in a wool pod and the tiny little white sprout has just peaked the surface. I have a grow box and I can't find any information on how far away from the lights my little guy should be. Last time I tried hydro, this time I'm putting her in soil. How far away from the light should it be now, if I am going to soil grow? Thank you for any help
Hi shottafire. I had a terrible first grow a few months ago. Everyone was so helpful, but having NO experience it was truly a learning curve extraodianaire! Question. This time, I planted the only seed I had left, it is a Ken Estes Candyland, supposed to be great as a mood elevator and pain reliever. I put the seed in a wool pod and the tiny little white sprout has just peaked the surface. I have a grow box and I can't find any information on how far away from the lights my little guy should be. Last time I tried hydro, this time I'm putting her in soil. How far away from the light should it be now, if I am going to soil grow? Thank you for any help
What type of lights?
Nice one Sweetleaf, :) Putting interpersonal relationships (which many of us greenfingered loners do not understand) into plant training terms (which we have all read about or practiced enough to understand!) You should be an educator :)

Hey ParkinsonsPat, if you tell us which type of lights you have, it will be much easier to help. If you are using CFLs, you can get them really really close, like a few inches, then with the power of the light, the distance gets bigger. (I use 250w HPS, and if I don't want to light bleach or heat stress my plants, I need to keep at least 8 inches from the top of my canopy. IF you have a cool tube, you can get thi distance smaller. If it feels too hot for your hand over about 30 second - it is too hot for the plant too!

Best of luck with the second grow.

How are the Clone Rangers doing Dresney?

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