Dos-Si-Dos & Wedding Cake ala Dope Seeds

Crazy! I hope he's got the fans blowing in there because it's getting dense. :eek:
It's like a wind tunnel in there! He's got big fans up top and bottom. I mean like 16 inch fans or more. Nothing like my little toy sized fans in comparison.
Is that Heaven. I would die . Never leave that room ever
I think he's in there like that. What a luxury to have a room with space.
field of stank
There's the name of the grow! Thanks!
That's an insanely gorgeous field of stank right there, wow. And look at that upper bud formation! Hey is that the mylar roll stuff you can get on the Zon you use for walls in there? How do you find that stuff? Rexer hates it, lol.
It's space blankets. There were cheap and fast. They're ripping in places, I wouldn't recommend it. But it's his grow and perfect as is.
I feel your pain, Dust. I even approached the 420 powers that be about creating a thread just for posting what all the acronyms mean as I found them so confusing but it turned out to be more trouble than it was worth. However, I did start a list and you're welcome to it if it helps:

Your spreadsheets give me LIFEEEEEEEE!

I am big smiling so hard right now!

Me: Hey Hashgirl, how’s the weather been there?
You:- well since you asked *fires up projector gets pointer stick*
This is a great list! You're so organized I love it. Might I suggest an addition or two?
LST = low stress training
HST = high stress training
SC = supercropping
She is so awesome aye?

Don’t forget:-
HGSS= Hashgirl’s SpreadSheets.

Happy Friday everyone! Lady Bonsai has some attention yesterday. She was getting hard to please so I'm trying some new soil.
That means a trim of her biomass, as she's going to have less root to feed herself with.
When I pulled her out I found I didn't poke soil all around her well enough. See the hole in her side?
Then 3/4 of an inch off the bottom and a half inch off each side.
And done! I'll lay soome @GeoFlora Nutrients veg bits all on top soon.
Keep it going Y'all, in a safe way!

Happy Friday everyone! Lady Bonsai has some attention yesterday. She was getting hard to please so I'm trying some new soil.
That means a trim of her biomass, as she's going to have less root to feed herself with.
When I pulled her out I found I didn't poke soil all around her well enough. See the hole in her side?
Then 3/4 of an inch off the bottom and a half inch off each side.
And done! I'll lay soome @GeoFlora Nutrients veg bits all on top soon.
Keep it going Y'all, in a safe way!
A very CUTTING post! You are the Bonsai Master. How long does it take for the plant to recover from the root trim? What is this new soil?
"Cutting edge" Bonsai treatment! :Rasta:

Happy Friday everyone! Lady Bonsai has some attention yesterday. She was getting hard to please so I'm trying some new soil.
That means a trim of her biomass, as she's going to have less root to feed herself with.
When I pulled her out I found I didn't poke soil all around her well enough. See the hole in her side?
Then 3/4 of an inch off the bottom and a half inch off each side.
And done! I'll lay soome @GeoFlora Nutrients veg bits all on top soon.
Keep it going Y'all, in a safe way!
Wow, never seen that before. Is that something you have to do periodically? Even if you aren't changing up soil, would you do that once in a while and add the same soil, just to recharge it or whatever? Fascinating. I would not have thought the roots could just get cut like that and keep right on going. I guess she'll "slow" for a bit after this? (whatever slow is to a plant like this, lol). Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really interested. Very cool procedure.
Wow, never seen that before. Is that something you have to do periodically? Even if you aren't changing up soil, would you do that once in a while and add the same soil, just to recharge it or whatever? Fascinating. I would not have thought the roots could just get cut like that and keep right on going. I guess she'll "slow" for a bit after this? (whatever slow is to a plant like this, lol). Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really interested. Very cool procedure.
I was wondering the same thing - did he slice the root ball too thin? I will be following here to see the results.
A very CUTTING post! You are the Bonsai Master. How long does it take for the plant to recover from the root trim? What is this new soil?
I am hardly that, but thanks! :love: I have no idea really. I don't put her to work so she's on the back burner. This is her third root pruning and I'm going off the tutorial from smoking Moose and using my Rev's LOS soil V2.2. His recommendation is straight compost.
You SLICED that one close.
He's a real cut up!
Wow, never seen that before. Is that something you have to do periodically? Even if you aren't changing up soil, would you do that once in a while and add the same soil, just to recharge it or whatever? Fascinating. I would not have thought the roots could just get cut like that and keep right on going. I guess she'll "slow" for a bit after this? (whatever slow is to a plant like this, lol). Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really interested. Very cool procedure.
It appears that in my soil every 4 or 5 months for re pruning. There's no need to add in between. I leave a small space on top for a layer of Geoflora. That layer gets scraped off and replenished every two weeks when I'm doing it right.
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