Dos-Si-Dos & Wedding Cake ala Dope Seeds



Alrighty then, sorry about that, darn finger! As i was saying, I have some flowering plants to show you! Let's see!
First Is Dos-si-do up front, the thicker leafed one getting her puff balls together.
And here's her thinner leafed sister behind. Dos-si-do
Wedding Cake from out back is next. She's funky hot!
And Wedding Cake front.
Just beautiful:)
A 3x3 fabric bed would be ideal.
Grow 3 to 4 plants in it, veg for 6 to 8 weeks and fill her up wall to wall.
Maybe one day. Earth boxes look interesting.
I use 7gal for my mix. They are starting to feed on the fans but are also almost done. Seems to be working ok.
Timed out nicely for you!
I was so 420 acronym confused you got your LST your SCROG and your RH…

Omg I remember back in the first text days I thought lol meant lots of love!


Girlfriend: Tra Wayne died
Me: omg what happened? Tell Lisa I’m sending lol
Just beautiful:)
Thanks! :bong: They could use a play date at the pool on a warm day with your beauties!
I was so 420 acronym confused you got your LST your SCROG and your RH…

Omg I remember back in the first text days I thought lol meant lots of love!


Girlfriend: Tra Wayne died
Me: omg what happened? Tell Lisa I’m sending lol
I can't read that. What's scrog and RH.
I'm old tarla. Lmao. RH is what blood is RH neg or pos. Least that's what my brain says it is. Scrog. I have idk. . Sorry I'm sheltered in air force for 27 years and aviation terms still.
Sorry about asking. But I'm lost on this two. Even asked my wife she had no clue.
RH is Relative Humidity
SCROG is a netting put over the plants to help separate and control the colas to keep a more even canopy.
Stands for SCR (Screen) OG (of Green)
Oh Kool. Never would have known that one sitting here thing all kind stupid sht it could have been lmao. It sucks getting old and being civilian now. I Feel dumb like haven't been in US long. Two different worlds for sure
Sure is a lovely collection, Mr. Otter! Your soil must be noice! :Rasta:
I can't read that. What's scrog and RH.
I'm old tarla. Lmao. RH is what blood is RH neg or pos. Least that's what my brain says it is. Scrog. I have idk. . Sorry I'm sheltered in air force for 27 years and aviation terms still.
Sorry about asking. But I'm lost on this two. Even asked my wife she had no clue.
Nunya got it.
Old timer, hehe me too.
Sure is a lovely collection, Mr. Otter! Your soil must be noice! :Rasta:
Thanks for noticing! I'm starting to think maybe next grow it'll be perfect enough. I messed it up for quite a while with wrong inputs. Now it's back.......I think. :passitleft: I'm a slow learner.
M got it
Old timer, hehe me too.

Thanks for noticing! I'm starting to think maybe next grow it'll be perfect enough. I messed it up for quite a while with wrong inputs. Now it's back.......I think. :passitleft: I'm a slow learner.
Stone , He's a master grower. . Learn alot from him. I can tell that first speaking to him.Years ago when I was growing with Denise
Oh Kool. Never would have known that one sitting here thing all kind stupid sht it could have been lmao. It sucks getting old and being civilian now. I Feel dumb like haven't been in US long. Two different worlds for sure

I feel your pain, Dust. I even approached the 420 powers that be about creating a thread just for posting what all the acronyms mean as I found them so confusing but it turned out to be more trouble than it was worth. However, I did start a list and you're welcome to it if it helps:

I feel your pain, Dust. I even approached the 420 powers that be about creating a thread just for posting what all the acronyms mean as I found them so confusing but it turned out to be more trouble than it was worth. However, I did start a list and you're welcome to it if it helps:

This is a great list! You're so organized I love it. Might I suggest an addition or two?
LST = low stress training
HST = high stress training
SC = supercropping
I feel your pain, Dust. I even approached the 420 powers that be about creating a thread just for posting what all the acronyms mean as I found them so confusing but it turned out to be more trouble than it was worth. However, I did start a list and you're welcome to it if it helps:

Lmao. That does help alot. I'll save that for later I'm sure I'm going to need that again. Ty. Well appreciate
I feel your pain, Dust. I even approached the 420 powers that be about creating a thread just for posting what all the acronyms mean as I found them so confusing but it turned out to be more trouble than it was worth. However, I did start a list and you're welcome to it if it helps:

Ty that helps alot hash. Boy does it

How nice it was to visit the ladies and my BIL today. They're close to half way flowered. 4 to 5 weeks to go. Mine ran 7? days last run 71 or2 I think. They have a light sweet berry smell now that's very pleasant. 7 plants and it's going to be close to being able to grow them with one box of Remo he thinks.


How nice it was to visit the ladies and my BIL today. They're close to half way flowered. 4 to 5 weeks to go. Mine ran 7? days last run 71 or2 I think. They have a light sweet berry smell now that's very pleasant. 7 plants and it's going to be close to being able to grow them with one box of Remo he thinks.

Is that Heaven. I would die . Never leave that room ever

How nice it was to visit the ladies and my BIL today. They're close to half way flowered. 4 to 5 weeks to go. Mine ran 7? days last run 71 or2 I think. They have a light sweet berry smell now that's very pleasant. 7 plants and it's going to be close to being able to grow them with one box of Remo he thinks.

That's an insanely gorgeous field of stank right there, wow. And look at that upper bud formation! Hey is that the mylar roll stuff you can get on the Zon you use for walls in there? How do you find that stuff? Rexer hates it, lol.
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