Dos-Si-Dos & Wedding Cake ala Dope Seeds

Your garden looks great, Stone! Did you know that Do-Si-Dos is the Leafly Strain of the Year? It seems to be quite popular these days. I was tempted to try them but I figured the Gelatos and Clementines are similar enough for now.
Highya SO,

I asked you yesterday about your CBD stash. You said you vaped it. I infuse oil with mine and dose that way. Hoping it will keep me healthy! Why do you do CBD? Trying to decide if I want to keep growing it. Happy Smokin'
Cbd is male plant. Female will carry the thc. Small part of male will but not enough to impair or anything to you. Only true way get cbd oil is cook it down. Pure alcohol cooked to paste. Leaving cbd. Now that will do most anything. But different strains does different things. U have find right strain for the body . I'm sure somewhere here has a chart tells u what when and how to.
Your garden looks great, Stone! Did you know that Do-Si-Dos is the Leafly Strain of the Year? It seems to be quite popular these days. I was tempted to try them but I figured the Gelatos and Clementines are similar enough for now.
I didn't know! I like having something good in the tent! I like how these are growing too. Different from each other enough to maybe make a difference in taste and effect maybe. Thanks for that :love:
Highya SO,

I asked you yesterday about your CBD stash. You said you vaped it. I infuse oil with mine and dose that way. Hoping it will keep me healthy! Why do you do CBD? Trying to decide if I want to keep growing it. Happy Smokin'
My wife likes the way it makes nerve issues calm from the car accident. I'm mainly a thc guy I think. We share the vape because that's what we do. It's still weed:smokin:. I'm searching for the right one or ones for me I guess for the medical aspect. Right now cbd isn't on top of my list for pain though I toke some every day. It may be helping more than I know.
My wife likes the way it makes nerve issues calm from the car accident. I'm mainly a thc guy I think.
That's interesting because I've always read that the cbd receptors were mostly found on the non-nervous systems of the body, whereas the thc receptors were more found on the electrical system.

Therefore, cbd is supposed to be great for treating inflammation and issues like that, whereas thc was better for chronic pain caused by nerve issues (also better for anxiety, PTSD, and social stress, basically all the non-physical body stuff to oversimplify).

Do you think your wife's pain is related to inflammation? If not, I'm going to have to do some more studying.
That's interesting because I've always read that the cbd receptors were mostly found on the non-nervous systems of the body, whereas the thc receptors were more found on the electrical system.

Therefore, cbd is supposed to be great for treating inflammation and issues like that, whereas thc was better for chronic pain caused by nerve issues.

Do you think your wife's pain is related to inflammation? If not, I'm going to have to do some more studying.
This is all non scientific here. She does what pleases her without my input mostly. Probably a good thing! What I can say is she reaches for the cbd rich weed to vape before a high thc one. I'm the opposite.
This is all non scientific here. She does what pleases her without my input mostly. Probably a good thing! What I can say is she reaches for the cbd rich weed to vape before a high thc one. I'm the opposite.
Been watching you guys discuss this and wanted to add...I'm like you Otter - thc thc thc. That's what seems to help my pain more than CBD for some reason. I tried the CBD dispensary weed, and a few other products, and they all do nothing for my pain. In my case we're talking neuropathy pain along the exact line on my lower stomache, in a circle around me, where my paralysis begins. If I miss a gabapentin that line begins to burn. High thc weed seems to calm this. The other pain I have daily comes from "adjunct" pain issues related to my clonus, which if you don't know means my legs sometimes go wobbly out of nowhere for like 30 seconds. Like a mini leg spasm. It sucks and it's constant, and I take Baclofen to control that. But same thing there - CBD does nothing for that, but somehow high thc weed calms it down. This is more like pain of muscles pressing on nerves that still fire and causing that type pain. I would have thought like Azimuth, but the reality of it seems to be, for me, the opposite. It's weird and interesting and I also have to go back to school on this a bit more. Interesting sidebar fellas.
This is all non scientific here. She does what pleases her without my input mostly. Probably a good thing! What I can say is she reaches for the cbd rich weed to vape before a high thc one. I'm the opposite.
Also, mixing the two is a great way to dial in ideal ratios. So one could grow a high cbd/low thc plant and a high thc/low cbd strain and then mix and match them in different ratios to find the best combinations.

Much easier than trying to find the ideal ratio in a single plant. Some people don't like the high from thc (especially for kids with epilepsy, etc.) and the cbd counters the effect of the high from thc.

But, the medicinal effect is supposed to be much improved by a combination of the two because of the "entourage effect." For those that don't want the high from thc, adding some cbd can counter the high. Adding a high percentage of cbd can effectively stop it while still providing the benefits of the thc particular molecule.

And even those conditions responding to thc are said to be further improved by adding some cbd. Of course, if you like the high you wouldn't want to add too much. :cool:
Been watching you guys discuss this and wanted to add...I'm like you Otter - thc thc thc. That's what seems to help my pain more than CBD for some reason. I tried the CBD dispensary weed, and a few other products, and they all do nothing for my pain. In my case we're talking neuropathy pain along the exact line on my lower stomache, in a circle around me, where my paralysis begins. If I miss a gabapentin that line begins to burn. High thc weed seems to calm this. The other pain I have daily comes from "adjunct" pain issues related to my clonus, which if you don't know means my legs sometimes go wobbly out of nowhere for like 30 seconds. Like a mini leg spasm. It sucks and it's constant, and I take Baclofen to control that. But same thing there - CBD does nothing for that, but somehow high thc weed calms it down. This is more like pain of muscles pressing on nerves that still fire and causing that type pain. I would have thought like Azimuth, but the reality of it seems to be, for me, the opposite. It's weird and interesting and I also have to go back to school on this a bit more. Interesting sidebar fellas.
Thc for neuropathy pain makes sense as I wouldn't expect cbd to really help directly with that. The muscle pain being helped by thc and not cbd is curious, though.

I just popped an ACDC bean which is a high cbd/low thc strain. If it's a girl, I'm going to use it to combine with my high thc strains in oils and tinctures to experiment with mixing and matching in different combinations for different things for different people.

If it's a boy I'll probably keep it around anyway and try my hand at pollen chucking.
Been watching you guys discuss this and wanted to add...I'm like you Otter - thc thc thc. That's what seems to help my pain more than CBD for some reason. I tried the CBD dispensary weed, and a few other products, and they all do nothing for my pain. In my case we're talking neuropathy pain along the exact line on my lower stomache, in a circle around me, where my paralysis begins. If I miss a gabapentin that line begins to burn. High thc weed seems to calm this. The other pain I have daily comes from "adjunct" pain issues related to my clonus, which if you don't know means my legs sometimes go wobbly out of nowhere for like 30 seconds. Like a mini leg spasm. It sucks and it's constant, and I take Baclofen to control that. But same thing there - CBD does nothing for that, but somehow high thc weed calms it down. This is more like pain of muscles pressing on nerves that still fire and causing that type pain. I would have thought like Azimuth, but the reality of it seems to be, for me, the opposite. It's weird and interesting and I also have to go back to school on this a bit more. Interesting sidebar fellas.
Just like that. I do think cbd has its place, I think I don't think I use it to it's best ability. For instance, if I were to start the day with a dose of pure cbd and keep a level of it in my system. I'd like to try it that way. I was growing the cannatonic for that purpose.
Thc for neuropathy pain makes sense as I wouldn't expect cbd to really help directly with that. The muscle pain being helped by thc and not cbd is curious, though.

I just popped an ACDC bean with is a high cbd/low thc strain. If it's a girl, I'm going to use it to combine with my high thc strains in oils and tinctures to experiment with mixing and matching in different combinations for different things for different people.
I'm on board! Going to grow another cannatonic asap and test it out.
Also, mixing the two is a great way to dial in ideal ratios. So one could grow a high cbd/low thc plant and a high thc/low cbd strain and then mix and match them in different ratios to find the best combinations.

Much easier than trying to find the ideal ratio in a single plant. Some people don't like the high from thc (especially for kids with epilepsy, etc.) and the cbd counters the effect of the high from thc.

But, the medicinal effect is supposed to be much improved by a combination of the two because of the "entourage effect." For those that don't want the high from thc, adding some cbd can counter the high. Adding a high percentage of cbd can effectively stop it while still providing the benefits of the thc particular molecule.

And even those conditions responding to thc are said to be further improved by adding some cbd. Of course, if you like the high you wouldn't want to add too much. :cool:
Got any of these strains that are in the mid 20s in THC and the mid 20s in CBD? That I would grow.

Yes, Azimuth, I find that to be the odd part too. In that case it makes me wonder if perhaps that part is more mental and due to me being high and forgetting about that particular pain for a while. It isn't sharp, more like a nagging, constant thing, so maybe that's more it on that...
Got any of these strains that are in the mid 20s in THC and the mid 20s in CBD? That I would grow.
Yeah, but that's the thing. Different ailments and different people will respond best with different ratios. So, rather than trying to find the holy grail in one particular strain, you can easily create it yourself for every occasion just by growing strains with the opposite characteristics and then mixing and matching in different ratios.

And you can dial it in to get the exact ratio that works best for you as opposed to taking whatever the ratio comes in in some combined plant.

I think that's the future of dispensaries. Rather than shopping for an eigth of a particular strain you know helps, you'll instead be asking for the tincture with the specific ratio of thc/cbd in combination with the specific terpines and other cannabinoids that work for your specific thing.

In fact, there will probably be base tinctures all lined up and you can order your favorite individual combination just like at Starbucks.
Makes me wonder if making capsules from infused oils would be the way to go. Have both high THC capsules, and high CBD. You could adjust the strength of the oil by adjusting how much bud you make it from, and mix and match as needed. Problem is some people absorb the cannabinoids differently that way. I absorb THC from edibles really easily, where my sister needs way more to get high, while vaping is the opposite.
Very interesting discussion on CBD. Like Azi, I was always under the impression that THC targets pain and CBD targets inflammation. And, that is what works for me.

Personally, I find CBD helpful more with mental health issues. For example, I take CBD to treat depression. Prior to taking CBD for depression, I took Vitamin D oil and used a therapy lamp. Since, starting CBD, I no longer use the Vitamin D for depression or the therapy lamp as the CBD seems to be doing all the work.

Additionally, Felonious' (my husband) mum has Alzheimer's so he's taking CBD in hopes that, in the long term, it will prevent him from getting Alzheimer's and in the short term, will improve his day-to-day memory. I believe it's helping him.

I've touted the book we have on CBD multiple times here on 420 as it really lays out the best way to treat multiple conditions right down to providing all the possible doses based on a person's weight, condition and whether to start at a micro, standard or macro dose. If you want the book info, let me know and I will post it again.

Personally, I think of CBD like a multivitamin. It's just good for you.
Makes me wonder if making capsules from infused oils would be the way to go. Have both high THC capsules, and high CBD. You could adjust the strength of the oil by adjusting how much bud you make it from, and mix and match as needed. Problem is some people absorb the cannabinoids differently that way. I absorb THC from edibles really easily, where my sister needs way more to get high, while vaping is the opposite.
Right, so that's why you don't combine them up front, but rather make two separate tinctures. One high CBD, the other high THC.

Then when you make your capsules you tailor the ratio for you by combing the base tinctures.

When you make your sister's version you adjust the ratio for her.

Tailored medicine.
Got any of these strains that are in the mid 20s in THC and the mid 20s in CBD? That I would grow.

Yes, Azimuth, I find that to be the odd part too. In that case it makes me wonder if perhaps that part is more mental and due to me being high and forgetting about that particular pain for a while. It isn't sharp, more like a nagging, constant thing, so maybe that's more it on that...
Oh yes, cbd Cream and Cheese at 22/18 last I looked.
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