Dos-Si-Dos & Wedding Cake ala Dope Seeds


Hi folks, it's watering day and they got a treat of Bokashi and Insect frass. People have been telling me these inputs are pure gold. Half a handful of bokashi and half of that of frass in the 10 gallon pots watered in to runoff. First time using it. Let's see if anything happens over the next week or two(code for wish it was tomorrow but it won't be that soon). Bud porn time!


Hi folks, it's watering day and they got a treat of Bokashi and Insect frass. People have been telling me these inputs are pure gold. Half a handful of bokashi and half of that of frass in the 10 gallon pots watered in to runoff. First time using it. Let's see if anything happens over the next week or two(code for wish it was tomorrow but it won't be that soon). Bud porn time!

Now we're talking!!! That's Dos Si Dos alright!! Yeah SO, Bill turned me on to bokashi and frass, and it is super good stuff. I made a tea on his suggestion to feed to all my plants about every three weeks. He's been a fan for a long time. Nice, hope you get great results. Bud time!!!!

Hi folks, it's watering day and they got a treat of Bokashi and Insect frass. People have been telling me these inputs are pure gold. Half a handful of bokashi and half of that of frass in the 10 gallon pots watered in to runoff. First time using it. Let's see if anything happens over the next week or two(code for wish it was tomorrow but it won't be that soon). Bud porn time!

Those are going to stack nicely!
All 47 of your plants are looking otterific! Pistils popping and buds a'stacking. :drool:

Also, mixing the two is a great way to dial in ideal ratios.
I just wanted to mention that @Amy Gardner (who has an unfortunate list of pain-causing ailments) has found that 1:1 is her "silver bullet" for pain. I'll pull-quote her here:
Dosing oil wise, a ratio of 1:1 CBD:THC is the silver bullet for pain. It gets written about as such all over the place and when I was first able to try it I found out why instantly. Happy days.

It varies how effective this all is due to varying levels of pain and fibromyalgia can vary a lot in intensity so I mix it up as needed, but I take a regular 1:1 dose under the tongue about 3-4 times a day (about 6-8mg of each, each time) and dose on top of that with edibles or tokes if needed, and use the topical as well.

I use a variety of alternatives if I need a break from the cannabis - or if there is breakthrough pain that the cannabis isn’t touching alone; a herbal blend called Nervagesic (which contains Californian poppy) is a very useful one. I also have a friend who gets relief w mushroom extract pan killers but I haven’t tried that myself.

Oh - and sugar is your enemy... that’s an aside that I can never leave out!

Right, so that's why you don't combine them up front, but rather make two separate tinctures. One high CBD, the other high THC.
Then when you make your capsules you tailor the ratio for you by combing the base tinctures.
When you make your sister's version you adjust the ratio for her.
Tailored medicine.
This! Some weeks a 1:1 mix might be exactly what is working for pain, but a few months down the line it might be that 1:2 or 2:1 works better. Best way to do that is with a CBD variety blended with a THC variety. And from the testing I've seen, THC/CBD hybrids have a wide range of percentages depending on the phenotype.

And for anyone who is interested in Korean Natural Farming techniques, Amy put together links to KNF guides here:
All 47 of your plants are looking otterific! Pistils popping and buds a'stacking. :drool:

I just wanted to mention that @Amy Gardner (who has an unfortunate list of pain-causing ailments) has found that 1:1 is her "silver bullet" for pain. I'll pull-quote her here:

This! Some weeks a 1:1 mix might be exactly what is working for pain, but a few months down the line it might be that 1:2 or 2:1 works better. Best way to do that is with a CBD variety blended with a THC variety. And from the testing I've seen, THC/CBD hybrids have a wide range of percentages depending on the phenotype.

And for anyone who is interested in Korean Natural Farming techniques, Amy put together links to KNF guides here:
Thanks, Shed. I think that link to the KNF source from Amy is what started me down that path.

Another good book is from Nigel Palmer called 'The Regenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments.' Like with those other links he gives details on how to make the various extracts but also at the back of the book are a series of tables detailing the nutrient levels contained in a couple of dozens plants. Interesting stuff.

And I'd not heard about Amy's 1:1 ratio for pain. I'll have to file that away. :thanks:
Those are going to stack nicely!
I'm getting excited now!
Yep I agree with baron
Hey Dust, I love getting down there to see what they did through the night!
All 47 of your plants are looking otterific! Pistils popping and buds a'stacking. :drool:

I just wanted to mention that @Amy Gardner (who has an unfortunate list of pain-causing ailments) has found that 1:1 is her "silver bullet" for pain. I'll pull-quote her here:

This! Some weeks a 1:1 mix might be exactly what is working for pain, but a few months down the line it might be that 1:2 or 2:1 works better. Best way to do that is with a CBD variety blended with a THC variety. And from the testing I've seen, THC/CBD hybrids have a wide range of percentages depending on the phenotype.

And for anyone who is interested in Korean Natural Farming techniques, Amy put together links to KNF guides here:
And there's only 15 plants BTW. :rofl: I am getting a little excited now for the stacking!
Thanks, Shed. I think that link to the KNF source from Amy is what started me down that path.

Another good book is from Nigel Palmer called 'The Regenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments.' Like with those other links he gives details on how to make the various extracts but also at the back of the book are a series of tables detailing the nutrient levels contained in a couple of dozens plants. Interesting stuff.

And I'd not heard about Amy's 1:1 ratio for pain. I'll have to file that away. :thanks:
Hey Azi, the 1:1 thing got peoples attention a while back. Might be something to it.
Now we're talking!!! That's Dos Si Dos alright!! Yeah SO, Bill turned me on to bokashi and frass, and it is super good stuff. I made a tea on his suggestion to feed to all my plants about every three weeks. He's been a fan for a long time. Nice, hope you get great results. Bud time!!!!
After I have coffee I'm heading down expecting a big surprise! @Nunyabiz has mentioned it as well and others too.
After I have coffee I'm heading down expecting a big surprise! @Nunyabiz has mentioned it as well and others too.
In my experience, albeit brief, but also based on what Bill told me, it takes a couple days to kick in. I might not expect a miracle right away. But you never know. Good luck!

I use Remo nutes and I also just started a mess of new genetics including dosido and wedding cake!...WC didn't make it but everything else did! What week/Day is this most recent picture in? im really looking forward to following
Welcome noydb! That was day 24 since flip. Good luck with yours!
I don't see a link to your journal to come and visit?
In my experience, albeit brief, but also based on what Bill told me, it takes a couple days to kick in. I might not expect a miracle right away. But you never know. Good luck!

Holy cow Jon I didn't realize you were a dead head.
I always thought you were younger than me.
I just checked your sig we are same age,hehe.
I don't know where you get all your energy from.
Your the dam 420magazine Energizer Bunny.hehe:adore:
Unfortunately I've only seen them once and I don't remember much of that weekend, maby the whole week. :rofl:
I might have over indulged in my youth. ;)
Take care my friend.

Stay safe
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