Dos-Si-Dos & Wedding Cake ala Dope Seeds

White lightning and Mr Bill was feken great when I was a kid. :thumb:
Who knows with all the crazy stuff going on now if they still make lsd.
I'm so glad I don't drink or do that crazy shit anymore.
Mornings are hard enough as it is for me now.
Don't need a hangover and brain fog anymore.
Or that statement " do you know what you did last night? " :rofl: :laugh: :rofl:

Stay safe everyone.
Ahhhh...but you still have those keen and "head-shaking" memories of all that misspent youth. A life well lived!
Very interesting discussion on CBD. Like Azi, I was always under the impression that THC targets pain and CBD targets inflammation. And, that is what works for me.

Personally, I find CBD helpful more with mental health issues. For example, I take CBD to treat depression. Prior to taking CBD for depression, I took Vitamin D oil and used a therapy lamp. Since, starting CBD, I no longer use the Vitamin D for depression or the therapy lamp as the CBD seems to be doing all the work.

Additionally, Felonious' (my husband) mum has Alzheimer's so he's taking CBD in hopes that, in the long term, it will prevent him from getting Alzheimer's and in the short term, will improve his day-to-day memory. I believe it's helping him.

I've touted the book we have on CBD multiple times here on 420 as it really lays out the best way to treat multiple conditions right down to providing all the possible doses based on a person's weight, condition and whether to start at a micro, standard or macro dose. If you want the book info, let me know and I will post it again.

Personally, I think of CBD like a multivitamin. It's just good for you.
I read a study once, might of been here, about THC and it’s binding to proteins etc, it’s supposed to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. I’ve talked to others who’s loved ones have had some success with it. My dad had it, so that’s my excuse. Whenever I get chastised for smoking too much, I pull the “preventive maintenance “ card. :laugh:
I read a study once, might of been here, about THC and it’s binding to proteins etc, it’s supposed to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. I’ve talked to others who’s loved ones have had some success with it. My dad had it, so that’s my excuse. Whenever I get chastised for smoking too much, I pull the “preventive maintenance “ card. :laugh:
I've been doing THC-A, but starting next harvest I'm going to join you guys on the dark side and start in with some THC, probably in the form of tinctures. I really do believe that the non-decarboxylated version is likely equal to, or better than, the other but all of the studies I've seen have used THC and, since it's still not federally legal I figure it'll be longer than I can afford to wait for them to prove that thesis correct.

So, why take the chance? :cheesygrinsmiley:

"Preventative Maintenance", I like it! :thumb:
I read a study once, might of been here, about THC and it’s binding to proteins etc, it’s supposed to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. I’ve talked to others who’s loved ones have had some success with it. My dad had it, so that’s my excuse. Whenever I get chastised for smoking too much, I pull the “preventive maintenance “ card. :laugh:
Fudo. Yes you are correct on the illness. But here is the thing. And u will find this out also. Or already know. Yes but different strains do different things for the body.. u can find out that on charts I have seen on strains here. Somewhere I seen it here. Tells u medical things it helps like sleep. Mental. Etc etc. But yes that is absolutely true on altimers. Things.
A Get Out of Jail Free card!

I wonder if we will be able to notice a difference in who gets dementia as the population of medical cannabis users ages.
I really think it borders on criminal what they have done to demonize this plant that we can grow in our gardens to improve our own health. The government has spent 70 years lying to us about this plant and brainwashing the population, and then brow beating other countries to follow suit or face consequences.

The biggest funders of the anti-legalization movement are the Drug and the For-Profit Prison companies.
I really think it borders on criminal what they have done to demonize this plant that we can grow in our gardens to improve our own health. The government has spent 70 years lying to us about this plant and brainwashing the population, and then brow beating other countries to follow suit or face consequences.

The biggest funders of the anti-legalization movement are the Drug and the For-Profit Prison companies.
I agree . And I used to work for the bastrds. Yes they are currupt and evil as they come when it's about population. We going thru it right now .
Fudo. Yes you are correct on the illness. But here is the thing. And u will find this out also. Or already know. Yes but different strains do different things for the body.. u can find out that on charts I have seen on strains here. Somewhere I seen it here. Tells u medical things it helps like sleep. Mental. Etc etc. But yes that is absolutely true on altimers. Things.
Yeah, I know it can be very specific. In one case, I believe it was a mother in law, who would get extremely agitated which is common in the later stages of Alzheimer’s. All pharmaceuticals failed to calm her and nothing worked, except this one strain of Jamaican weed. God I hope that’s not a bullshxt story.
Yeah, I know it can be very specific. In one case, I believe it was a mother in law, who would get extremely agitated which is common in the later stages of Alzheimer’s. All pharmaceuticals failed to calm her and nothing worked, except this one strain of Jamaican weed. God I hope that’s not a bullshxt story.
Jack Herrer told a story of his mother whose symptoms were greatly helped by his hobby, to the point of reversing some of the memory issues, temporarily, at least.
On the above discussion, it’s the government yes, but more the lobbyist’s. It’s easy to brain wash folks with piles of money. But don’t you worry, it’ll be legal. When Anheuser-Busch and Johnson n Johnson have there name all over it, and you and I have no possibilities of making any money on it, then it will be deemed miraculously safe for consumption. Don’t get me started. Lol
Nah, I was serious! If it actually prevents dementia then my wife will have the memory of someone in her 20. :thumb:
I thought you were making reference to the fact that none of us are going to remember Shxt. :laugh:
We never even made it out of the parking lot - tripping and doing whipits

I passed out in a pile of beer bottles cuz I was huffing g on a BIG OLE ballon and forgot to STOP huffing

S M H :rolleyes:
Those were the daze babygirl! I forgot about whipits!
Wow stone 50 year old memories. Dang bro. Telling off on ur age alittle bro
Hehe no hiding here brother! Age is a badge of honor my friend.
We called that thing a cracker that filled the balloons. I wasn’t to into it but I remeber this noise everyone would make mwah mwahhh. Something like that if it even makes any sense at all.
Never saw that. Saw some other weird things though, like folks huffing paint. That leaves them looking like they feel! Wacked!
Sweet looking plants SO.:bravo:

2 weeks in the sun just to turn you blue.:laugh:
Thanks VS!
I read a study once, might of been here, about THC and it’s binding to proteins etc, it’s supposed to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. I’ve talked to others who’s loved ones have had some success with it. My dad had it, so that’s my excuse. Whenever I get chastised for smoking too much, I pull the “preventive maintenance “ card. :laugh:
I've been looking at that for an excuse if needed too! May delve into shrooms one day for that as well.
A Get Out of Jail Free card!

I wonder if we will be able to notice a difference in who gets dementia as the population of medical cannabis users ages.

There's a study for ya! Go get the grant!
I've been doing THC-A, but starting next harvest I'm going to join you guys on the dark side and start in with some THC, probably in the form of tinctures. I really do believe that the non-decarboxylated version is likely equal to, or better than, the other but all of the studies I've seen have used THC and, since it's still not federally legal I figure it'll be longer than I can afford to wait for them to prove that thesis correct.

So, why take the chance? :cheesygrinsmiley:

"Preventative Maintenance", I like it! :thumb:
I like the way you think!
Yeah, I know it can be very specific. In one case, I believe it was a mother in law, who would get extremely agitated which is common in the later stages of Alzheimer’s. All pharmaceuticals failed to calm her and nothing worked, except this one strain of Jamaican weed. God I hope that’s not a bullshxt story.
When I was working my boss's mother had dementia of some sort. She would get frustrated and agitated as one of her symptoms. He would give her a half a thc gummy and in half an hour she'd be calm and could talk to him. Otherwise a nurse would have to hit her with some drug that would just make her sleep all day. It wasn't over the table. They were luck to do it.
A wise man once said that happiness is good health and a bad memory. I can’t say I totally disagree. :laugh:
The more I hear this the more I believe it Fudo!
A Get Out of Jail Free card!

I wonder if we will be able to notice a difference in who gets dementia as the population of medical cannabis users ages.
Some of us might be able to notice. :straightface:
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