Dos-Si-Dos & Wedding Cake ala Dope Seeds

Thanks Jon! These are in 10 gal's so plenty of soil to dine on, I spiked them too so there's about a cup of raw nutrients around the perimeter of the pot being nibbled on about now!
One of mine may be leaning to the sativa side pretty good. She's way different that her sister. I'll show them soon together and you tell me what you think. One does resemble yours I think. We'll see.
Yeah, gotta keep things kind of clean anyway. And dry pans.
10s? Omg. I'm jealous. So that's four tens in a 5x5? Doesn't even look all that Hmm....

Cup of raw nutrients? Would you have a sec to be more specific?
10s? Omg. I'm jealous. So that's four tens in a 5x5? Doesn't even look all that Hmm....

Cup of raw nutrients? Would you have a sec to be more specific?
Sure, The Rev's book True Living Organics is a system to grow with and it contains a way to put more nutrients in the pot that would normally be workable for a plant. Spikes keep it in towers through the soil that over time degrade into yummy fodder for my microbes. Someone explained it to me like this: The roots will search around and will know where the spikes are and when it's time, they will take nutrients from that space. It's magically simple to me and I'm amazed it doesn't kill or maim them. Here's the process. 4.5 x 4.5
Highya SO,

I was just getting to journals after a half-day of kitchen duties. We baked an eggnog cake with eggnog frosting for desert tomorrow. Also made no-bake oatmeal bars! So good!Like eating candy bars!!
Love your pics from yesterday. Trala was right about your color green! Very verdant!! lol. Great looking ladies getting quite large!! Welcome Christmas enjoyment!
Oh, I wanted to say I've been smoking the Apollo 13 yesterday and today, and after curing for 2 months, it's getting much better. Been a very nice couple days. I wanted to use A13 to smoke inbetween the Mobsta (reduce strain tolerance), but I'm liking it much better. Hopefully in another month will be even better.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!! Wishing for a safe and relaxing Christmas time for us all!! Happy Smokin'
Highya SO,

I was just getting to journals after a half-day of kitchen duties. We baked an eggnog cake with eggnog frosting for desert tomorrow. Also made no-bake oatmeal bars! So good!Like eating candy bars!!
Love your pics from yesterday. Trala was right about your color green! Very verdant!! lol. Great looking ladies getting quite large!! Welcome Christmas enjoyment!
Oh, I wanted to say I've been smoking the Apollo 13 yesterday and today, and after curing for 2 months, it's getting much better. Been a very nice couple days. I wanted to use A13 to smoke inbetween the Mobsta (reduce strain tolerance), but I'm liking it much better. Hopefully in another month will be even better.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!! Wishing for a safe and relaxing Christmas time for us all!! Happy Smokin'
We could have swapped homes today and not noticed. We too were baking! Not a delicious sounding eggnog cake (oh my :love: ), but a swedish apple pie and a gingerbread cake dusted with powdered sugar! Good times man!

I'm encouraged to hear you're liking the A13 more. The talk around town(the net) is it's pretty good. I'm definitely looking to reduce grow time next year. I have some more pineapple chunk maybe too at 55 days to flower. That was the first one I grew that you helped me a lot with a few years back. She was a real good smoke!
Merry Christmas to you, and the rest of the Otters!
Some call it verdant- "of the countryside green". That's a fancy term where I'm from. Now we fancy too! I'm with you Tra, that green color tells the story! They're feeling fine, don't change a thing until it's all milky trichome time!
Omg that is it!

Verdant! Sounds very rodenty tho aye? If I was in charge of the dictionary I’d call it Verlovely.

Oiii 1,2,3 back to me. My flower girl is a perfect shade of green at 2g/2L of Tega Brop *taps nose code for Mega Crop*. Should I go up to the recommended 2.5?

And Merry Christmas:)
Omg that is it!

Verdant! Sounds very rodenty tho aye? If I was in charge of the dictionary I’d call it Verlovely.

Oiii 1,2,3 back to me. My flower girl is a perfect shade of green at 2g/2L of Tega Brop *taps nose code for Mega Crop*. Should I go up to the recommended 2.5?

And Merry Christmas:)
I don't have a clue on using Tega Brop. Never used it and I see it's something that needs some experience from other folks. But if it's recommended then why not!
Merry Christmas to the Otters. :circle-of-love: :theband: :yahoo:
Thanks Dynamo, Merry Christmas!
Everything looks like heaven in your tent @StoneOtter ! Finally getting my chance to start catching up on everyone’s journals!
Everything looks like heaven in your tent @StoneOtter ! Finally getting my chance to start catching up on everyone’s journals!

I found it next to impossible to keep up with everyone on 420 Magazine when I worked. Being retired now means I get to spend more time on 420. I highly recommend retirement for keeping up to date here. :battingeyelashes:
I found it next to impossible to keep up with everyone on 420 Magazine when I worked. Being retired now means I get to spend more time on 420. I highly recommend retirement for keeping up to date here. :battingeyelashes:
Yeah, well I got YEARS to go before I can do that!
Yeah, well I got YEARS to go before I can do that!

:laughtwo: Well, that's okay, too. I don't miss working but I do miss being younger. Enjoy your life. Retirement will be waiting when you're ready. :battingeyelashes:
:laughtwo: Well, that's okay, too. I don't miss working but I do miss being younger.
I concur. The most cherished memory of my youth is having energy! :Rasta:
Glad you survived from the hermie mass pollination :ganjamon:

And flip tents eating the whole tent for the breakfast, ez. :bravo: They gon be huge after 3 weeks from the flipperino.
Everything looks like heaven in your tent @StoneOtter ! Finally getting my chance to start catching up on everyone’s journals!
Thanks Babygirl! I'm getting around too!
I found it next to impossible to keep up with everyone on 420 Magazine when I worked. Being retired now means I get to spend more time on 420. I highly recommend retirement for keeping up to date here. :battingeyelashes:
I'm retired now and still have a hard time! But it's fun trying!
I concur. The most cherished memory of my youth is having energy! :Rasta:
That's another thing wasted on youth
Glad you survived from the hermie mass pollination :ganjamon:

And flip tents eating the whole tent for the breakfast, ez. :bravo: They gon be huge after 3 weeks from the flipperino.

That was a close one! Haha, yep, I like to fill em if I can.
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