Dos-Si-Dos & Wedding Cake ala Dope Seeds


Hi all, 10 days after flip today is. They look fat! What a diverse crew in there for only two cultivars. A thin and thick leaved set of Do-si-dos, and the Wedding Cakes are freakishly different being tall and short. Leaves seem the sameish. Short one is the triple noder in front.
Do-si-dos on left, Wedding Cake's on the other left. Just starting to bunch up preflowers.

Is that a euphemism for bow chika wow wow?

Coz heavy cyber flirting is frowned on around here. I’ll be forced to report you both.
haha funny girl! Em and I are friends. And my wife of 40 years is sitting right next to me! Besides, I'm unable to lie, so hitting on sweet things is just out of the question. :bong: Bow chika wow wow! hahahaha!
haha funny girl! Em and I are friends. And my wife of 40 years is sitting right next to me! Besides, I'm unable to lie, so hitting on sweet things is just out of the question. :bong: Bow chika wow wow! hahahaha!
Let me anther that with the Otter doth protest too much, methinks…

I’ll be asking Admin to keep a close eye on you both just the same.

PS Omg this has tickled me soooooo much. I’m laid here lolling like a loller!

PPS I am sorry if this is a sponsored grow and I’ve tarnished it with my debauchery. I promised Teddy I’d try and be good in sponsored journals. :laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:
Let me anther that with the Otter doth protest too much, methinks…

I’ll be asking Admin to keep a close eye on you both just the same.

PS Omg this has tickled me soooooo much. I’m laid here lolling like a loller!

PPS I am sorry if this is a sponsored grow and I’ve tarnished it with my debauchery. I promised Teddy I’d try and be good in sponsored journals. :laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:
With monikers like @Dope-Seeds and Black Skull I don't think they'll mind. I love the word debauchery BTW, excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures is my pleasure thank you for noticing!

Hi all, looks like I dodged the bullet in the quad tent! After the Cannatonic letting go of her/his pollen there was some amount of probability that the tent got sprayed with it. But no. Pics say it all.
These 2 buds were pollinated a day or two before the incident and here they look today. You can see her pistols shrunken and brown.

But in the rest of the place it's all white and fresh!

Crisis averted! @InTheShed had the presence of mind to suggest spraying the whole tent with water and I believe that contributed to the success! Way!
That shade of green Mr Otter. So beautiful:)

There’s a fancy word for green. It starts with V, I think it sounds like verdict - it’s totes not verdict lol - what ever that word is, it describes your plants. They are fancy green.
That shade of green Mr Otter. So beautiful:)

There’s a fancy word for green. It starts with V, I think it sounds like verdict - it’s totes not verdict lol - what ever that word is, it describes your plants. They are fancy green.
Some call it verdant- "of the countryside green". That's a fancy term where I'm from. Now we fancy too! I'm with you Tra, that green color tells the story! They're feeling fine, don't change a thing until it's all milky trichome time!

Hi folks, Merry Christmas eve day! I was looking at this wedding cake in the back. She's a real tall drink and getting taller! Flipped her/them 10 days ago and looked like this.

Today, about 14 to 16 inches later they look like this.
I love how they unveil the way they will be over the stretch time! And BTW, I'm naughty and nice! Have the best day!

Hi folks, Merry Christmas eve day! I was looking at this wedding cake in the back. She's a real tall drink and getting taller! Flipped her/them 10 days ago and looked like this.

Today, about 14 to 16 inches later they look like this.
I love how they unveil the way they will be over the stretch time! And BTW, I'm naughty and nice! Have the best day!
Merry Christmas Otter! WOW they look amazing. Your canopy has changed so much from last post to this one! Stretch city, eh? I love the stretch. It's fun. You never know how nuts they''ll go. Awesome lift you have going, your light is obviously dialed in like mad. And the shade of green!!! HEALTHY girls. Those are in 7s, right? Damn. Holy yield, Batman! If you can keep your Rh down and harvest the entirety of both those DSDs (which I'm sure you will in a tent, you got this no problem), you are not going to believe the yield on them. BTW - I attached a picture of my Dos Si Dos photo taken today, I'm on day 21 of flower. But see my leaves? I got the sativa pheno all the way. I could tell anyway from how the buds are forming, but this was a pretty good clear indicator. Your leaves are WAY fatter than this. I'm guessing both of yours are at least the hybrid pheno, and maybe the indica! They say there are three distinctly different phenos in those three forms, and I'm pretty sure I saw two in my grow. Can't wait to see how the buds form on yours, that's going to tell the story better than anything. Great grow man. Enjoy your holiday.

BTW - I can't stop looking at how CLEAN and super sweet your tent setup is. I respect that and consider it essential.

DSD bud 12 24.jpg
Merry Christmas Otter! WOW they look amazing. Your canopy has changed so much from last post to this one! Stretch city, eh? I love the stretch. It's fun. You never know how nuts they''ll go. Awesome lift you have going, your light is obviously dialed in like mad. And the shade of green!!! HEALTHY girls. Those are in 7s, right? Damn. Holy yield, Batman! If you can keep your Rh down and harvest the entirety of both those DSDs (which I'm sure you will in a tent, you got this no problem), you are not going to believe the yield on them. BTW - I attached a picture of my Dos Si Dos photo taken today, I'm on day 21 of flower. But see my leaves? I got the sativa pheno all the way. I could tell anyway from how the buds are forming, but this was a pretty good clear indicator. Your leaves are WAY fatter than this. I'm guessing both of yours are at least the hybrid pheno, and maybe the indica! They say there are three distinctly different phenos in those three forms, and I'm pretty sure I saw two in my grow. Can't wait to see how the buds form on yours, that's going to tell the story better than anything. Great grow man. Enjoy your holiday.

BTW - I can't stop looking at how CLEAN and super sweet your tent setup is. I respect that and consider it essential.

DSD bud 12 24.jpg
Thanks Jon! These are in 10 gal's so plenty of soil to dine on, I spiked them too so there's about a cup of raw nutrients around the perimeter of the pot being nibbled on about now!
One of mine may be leaning to the sativa side pretty good. She's way different that her sister. I'll show them soon together and you tell me what you think. One does resemble yours I think. We'll see.
Yeah, gotta keep things kind of clean anyway. And dry pans.
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