Dos-Si-Dos & Wedding Cake ala Dope Seeds

Good morning Mr Otter :)

I’m a hermaphobe from waaaaaaaay back. I literally spent my first year in constant herm fear.

Just so I understand was that originally a female?
Yes female, she grew fine until day 22 of flower give or take a day. I didn't have to water one day so I didn't really look closely that day and wham she snuck the balls of pollen out. Apparently hermaphroditism is kind of common in the plant world. I've had nanners before. Little yellow nanner thingies protruding from buds emitting pollen. Not this all in both sexes at once thing though. The nanners got plucked off late in flower and the plants got to finish.
Yes female, she grew fine until day 22 of flower give or take a day. I didn't have to water one day so I didn't really look closely that day and wham she snuck the balls of pollen out. Apparently hermaphroditism is kind of common in the plant world. I've had nanners before. Little yellow nanner thingies protruding from buds emitting pollen. Not this all in both sexes at once thing though. The nanners got plucked off late in flower and the plants got to finish.
I thought they were one and the same.

What is a nanner?

(Apart from being the start of the Batman chant… nanner nanner nanner nanner BATMANNNNN!)
Highya SO, Trala, folks,

A nanner (nannah) is a miniature banana-like protrusion that emits pollen if left on long enough. Can appear most anywhere on the plant, but usually in the buds.

SO - yeah, we have a good cover of snow (3-4 inches), but the roads are all clear. Kinda cold, but not like growing up! I'm glad for that!! I have had better stone from the Mobsta. They're both 2 months curing, but I'm smoking the Mobsta full time now. I'm going to try using the bubble bags to get some A13 trichomes to jazz things up a bit. Sounds like fun! Happy Smokin'
Highya SO, Trala, folks,

A nanner (nannah) is a miniature banana-like protrusion that emits pollen if left on long enough. Can appear most anywhere on the plant, but usually in the buds.
Good morning Bode:)

So Hermaphrodite means exactly that, having both sexes, like in humans, and it can still impregnate your female. And a nanner/Nannah is like just a spermless willy, like it hangs around but it won’t get your ladies preggers? Is that right?

Hmmmm Oh hang on the pollen is plant sperm aye? So can it get your ladies pregnant or not?
Good morning Bode:)

So Hermaphrodite means exactly that, having both sexes, like in humans, and it can still impregnate your female. And a nanner/Nannah is like just a spermless willy, like it hangs around but it won’t get your ladies preggers? Is that right?

Hmmmm Oh hang on the pollen is plant sperm aye? So can it get your ladies pregnant or not?
Yes, nanners can pollinate female plants. It's the anther of the male without the rest of the male flower.
Yes, nanners can pollinate female plants. It's the anther of the male without the rest of the male flower.
Legit thought that was a spelling error, then the cringe part of my brain shouted “before you make a joke of his spelling error check”. I was going to give it, do you have a lisp, then sing “the anther my friend is blowing in the wind… the anther is blowing in the wind” to you.

People I was today years old when I learned anther is in fact a word. I swear I know at least 10000 less words than most of you guys.

Highya SO, Trala, folks,

A nanner (nannah) is a miniature banana-like protrusion that emits pollen if left on long enough. Can appear most anywhere on the plant, but usually in the buds.

SO - yeah, we have a good cover of snow (3-4 inches), but the roads are all clear. Kinda cold, but not like growing up! I'm glad for that!! I have had better stone from the Mobsta. They're both 2 months curing, but I'm smoking the Mobsta full time now. I'm going to try using the bubble bags to get some A13 trichomes to jazz things up a bit. Sounds like fun! Happy Smokin'
That's a good thing to do. I love some hash anytime! Happier smoke huh?
I need seeds like y'all got
The grass is always greener in the other fellows yard Dust! I'm the same way.

Time and love of growing will get you a pile of seeds. I like to buy regular seeds and breed them just for fun. We don't share seeds here, it's a big no no. Wouldn't be fair to the seed sellers paying to advertise. Another thing I do is keep a mother plant. Hang around, grow well, and a seller might knock on your PM door one day. But just have fun growing!
Bummer about the hermie. Glad my photos can help people see what nanners look like. I never thought my sad pics would be educational lol.

You did good by showing that! Thanks! Yeah it was my first. I had one or two with nanners I didn't have a pic of. I almost crapped when I saw the pollen on the leaves the other day. Have a great day!
Just a weee bit. :)
Hi Em :ciao: ,these Black Skull seeds are roaring right now!
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