Dos-Si-Dos & Wedding Cake ala Dope Seeds


Hi, had a chance to visit the remote garden of my BIL today for some trimming and flipping to flower. He's growing with @Remo Nutrients and loving them!
Stankberries gone wild.
The @Dope-Seeds / Black Skull grow is steaming forward. Already increasing water intake. Today they took a gallon and a half each before runoff. Every 3 days. Just water.
The quad tent is a never ending source of joy to look at for me. All different cultivars going their ways yet quadded. It's a jungle in there! Today's day 20 since flip and tomorrow I'll be pollinating! Yay!

Hoping for the best always. :peace: :roorrip:
A veritable smorgasbord of greenery, Mr. Otter! :thumb:
A veritable smorgasbord of greenery, Mr. Otter! :thumb:
Smorgasbord? That's a Muppet charachecter?:p
Your BIL has quite the sea of Stankberry...can't wait to see all the towering spears in there! And your thirsty beauties don't look half bad either. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I was wondering. He has them trained somewhat different than I so it'll be interesting to see what the spearing will do. I hope so!
Hi Jon, kind of. The supercrop came where the plant went from double to single node and I bent maybe 2 single nodes, thought it was one really. She is an odd one! Tall and close to the trunk, especially comparing to her sister, short and wide. Her branches all sprung out on the day I did it when asked. Surprising!

Which plant? My goal was to remove every shoot from the plant that wouldn't see great light. My grows have had too much weak inner bud taking resources away from the good buds lately.

Haha, you're doing lots of things right!
Hey Otter, sorry it took me a while before I could get back to people's journals. I was talking about that beauty that all the leaf sets are perfectly stacked with what looks like a pie cut into quarters when you look down on it in the one picture. Your answer pretty much answered the question. Thanks! Glad to be back.

Hi, these ladies look ready to me. All rooted up. There's a time when they catch on after a pott up or pruning. I see it now. 73 days veg. Tomorrow will be flowering day 1. Here they are. Dos-si-dos on left, Wedding Cake on right.
They look gorgeous and this is the coolest thing ever. I didn't see where you were going with the training at first but now I do. I also see what 73 days in veg looks like trained on the DSD. So my outdoor DSD FF coco photo is now also a tent plant. I'll grab a pic of it. Yours is all tricked out. Mine was 100% untrained and grew just as the plant naturally grows. I haven't as much as taken a leaf. Mine are into the second week of flower and showing buds, so not too far ahead of yours. I can't wait to watch this comparison, my plant is humming all healthy like yours, my leaves look the same, the color is very similar. I LOVE this strain already. Just the way it grows and the structure and the side branching is awesome. And if the autos budding now are any indication, our buds get SUPER colorful. My DSD autos (about the size of your plants now) are light and dark green, dark red hairs, and starting to toss in purples and even blues now. It turns out evil and awesome looking. I don't wanna go posting pics in your thread to compare or anything, but if you wanna see any of what I described you can and likely have. But I am psyched to see the strain grown properly and TRAINED so I know what it can do that way. COOL.
They look gorgeous and this is the coolest thing ever. I didn't see where you were going with the training at first but now I do. I also see what 73 days in veg looks like trained on the DSD. So my outdoor DSD FF coco photo is now also a tent plant. I'll grab a pic of it. Yours is all tricked out. Mine was 100% untrained and grew just as the plant naturally grows. I haven't as much as taken a leaf. Mine are into the second week of flower and showing buds, so not too far ahead of yours. I can't wait to watch this comparison, my plant is humming all healthy like yours, my leaves look the same, the color is very similar. I LOVE this strain already. Just the way it grows and the structure and the side branching is awesome. And if the autos budding now are any indication, our buds get SUPER colorful. My DSD autos (about the size of your plants now) are light and dark green, dark red hairs, and starting to toss in purples and even blues now. It turns out evil and awesome looking. I don't wanna go posting pics in your thread to compare or anything, but if you wanna see any of what I described you can and likely have. But I am psyched to see the strain grown properly and TRAINED so I know what it can do that way. COOL.
Hey Jon, making them into a shape is some of the creative fun. I enjoy that. I'd appreciate it if you would post pics! This is a place to learn. The dsd closest (left front) is something else to wonder about! She's got a lot of good things going, like close nodes with healthy shoots to bud up! Way different from her sister in back who is thick branched and less nodes/length but perfect in her way.
They're on their way to flowerdom! day 3
Hey Otter, sorry it took me a while before I could get back to people's journals. I was talking about that beauty that all the leaf sets are perfectly stacked with what looks like a pie cut into quarters when you look down on it in the one picture. Your answer pretty much answered the question. Thanks! Glad to be back.
I look at that and dream of the buds man! She's exceptional I think!
I look at that and dream of the buds man! She's exceptional I think!
Ok, if it's cool, here's a few I just took I was going to do an update with but I'll show you here instead cuz they reference what we are discussing. So these are three DSD autos, 2 in 7s, 1 in a 5. All began the same day and are the same age, all either Geoflora or Sohum, ie organic. I got two of the same pheno and one of what I'm calling the indica pheno. The two "sativa" phenos are side by side, and see how almost identical they are? WAY different than the indica pheno next door to them. So the first pic is to show you at least how auto phenos compare on this. I don't know a lot about comparing phenos, but in this case it doesn't take a rocket scientist, it's pretty damn obvious. I can't tell which will yield more, the less number of bigger buds, or the longer and more smaller sativa type buds.

Then, about the complexity of the color palette I was referring to I put in three bud shots. This level of color is a recent development, like in the last four or five days. It reached a point where she suddenly decided to announce her end look presence. And you can see how these buds form. But the colors are incredible, not sure I did them justice. The sugar leaves are turning purple, and in the buds you can identify about five different colors. One of them is blue, as a few purple spots are positively closer to that than purple. Never saw blue before. But it's pretty complex and evil. So I hope that our photo buds of this come out as colorful as this. Big fan of colors!!! This indica leaves themselves are oilier than the other two as well, btw.

Then I gave you one of the whole plant to show you the ridiculousness of how fat the indica pheno buds get. If this auto gets like this, what they heck is the same pheno in photo gonna do? Need support I bet!!!

Anyway, for what it's worth, there you go. Hope the comparison has some value even though they're autos. Not sure how closely they compare (autos to photos)
DSD compare.jpg
DSD1 bud shotz 5.jpg
DSD1 bud shotz 4.jpg
DSD1 bud shotz 2.jpg
, but also psyched to have auto DSD and photo DSD to compare as well. The photo you've seen and is just in budlets that look like every other budlet we ever grew. Lol.

DSD 1 girlz whole.jpg
Ok, if it's cool, here's a few I just took I was going to do an update with but I'll show you here instead cuz they reference what we are discussing. So these are three DSD autos, 2 in 7s, 1 in a 5. All began the same day and are the same age, all either Geoflora or Sohum, ie organic. I got two of the same pheno and one of what I'm calling the indica pheno. The two "sativa" phenos are side by side, and see how almost identical they are? WAY different than the indica pheno next door to them. So the first pic is to show you at least how auto phenos compare on this. I don't know a lot about comparing phenos, but in this case it doesn't take a rocket scientist, it's pretty damn obvious. I can't tell which will yield more, the less number of bigger buds, or the longer and more smaller sativa type buds.

Then, about the complexity of the color palette I was referring to I put in three bud shots. This level of color is a recent development, like in the last four or five days. It reached a point where she suddenly decided to announce her end look presence. And you can see how these buds form. But the colors are incredible, not sure I did them justice. The sugar leaves are turning purple, and in the buds you can identify about five different colors. One of them is blue, as a few purple spots are positively closer to that than purple. Never saw blue before. But it's pretty complex and evil. So I hope that our photo buds of this come out as colorful as this. Big fan of colors!!! This indica leaves themselves are oilier than the other two as well, btw.

Then I gave you one of the whole plant to show you the ridiculousness of how fat the indica pheno buds get. If this auto gets like this, what they heck is the same pheno in photo gonna do? Need support I bet!!!

Anyway, for what it's worth, there you go. Hope the comparison has some value even though they're autos. Not sure how closely they compare (autos to photos)
DSD compare.jpg
DSD1 bud shotz 5.jpg
DSD1 bud shotz 4.jpg
DSD1 bud shotz 2.jpg
, but also psyched to have auto DSD and photo DSD to compare as well. The photo you've seen and is just in budlets that look like every other budlet we ever grew. Lol.

DSD 1 girlz whole.jpg
Getting different pheno's is fun! Your colors are something I'm hoping to have here! Blue huh? Let's go Blue Bud!

Good Sunday morning to all! I'm happy to have laid my @Mars Hydro TSW 2000 in place of the 185 watts one in the 3 x 3 tent. Its 300 watts of grow power will come in handy now! I was getting some low PAR numbers in some spots in there so I gave it a try. BIG difference! These ladies will be more happy to get their grow on now with this PAR.
Oh, I got to pollinate some of them with Red Sky pollen! Bags will come off tonight.
Be safe!
Let the sun shine! And VG's allergies as well. :)

Congrats on the brown paper bags Otter. They look like they've bulked up nicely!
There's The 5th Dimension again! Great song! Yep, these ladies are on the bigger buds every day program this week. The front row smells sweet so far, runtz muffin and peyote forum. The back row is ...back there ay. I'll get them sniffed soon.
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