Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

since I got the gdp pollen im gonna do a little seed project myself stupid gdp male
just popped another one with a chemdawg I hope this ones a female maybe ill ibl it lol
Chronic weekend to ya Dp
well im gonna have the pollen real soon theres a couple open flowers dropping a little pollen but there a bunch more to open before I mess with it :thumb:
I bet that ww/sk gene with explosive growth might be helpful to some of your autos. I'm looking forward to see how you graft that gene into your other developing strains.
Looking forward to those purps hitting soil :)
Shame about the couple slight disappointments don p... Good that u can simply get old school cuttings tho :)
Looking forward to the piks of your recent harvest getting uploaded :)
Hi all, hope you are all well and everything is growing amazing, sorry ive not been around much but been ill over the weekend, ill get caught up with you all in the next day or 2, im just uploading pics of the auto northern lights dwc i harvested last night, looks like a nice harvest for an auto, im sure it would of kept on growing but not to sure what was going on with it, it flowered, reached harvest and was around 20%amber 80% cloudy or their abouts, then it sort of started growing new leaves and sprung back into life, if i wasnt about to flip my room to veg then i would of kept it going, but was concernd about mould.

anyways sns gets my vote and aproval, ive not had even 1 fungus gnat fly up when watering, it says to use sns a few times so i watered twice with the one sns product 7 days apart, then the systemic product i used one, ive not seen any bugs at all, so sns seems pretty amazing, so glad i got the chance to try the products, i cant buy them but wish i could but winning the contest solved my bug problem, so sns works and seems to work very well on fungus gnats, 10 or 10 from me,

@chronic, back at you my friend, im sure im sub'd to your journal but i need to catch up, will be interesting to see what your cross comes up with, ill try and get caught up today or tomorrow, good luck with the seed project, sounds like a nice mix to me, i just wish i could of tried the gdp buds but maybe i kept getting males for a reason, some things happen for a reason and maybe i was suppose to get males and cross them, im hoping the buds gods favor your cross and give you some huge dank buds, remember the first cross is always the most stable, so if your not going to work with the results and back cross to work with a certain pheno type then the first batch of seeds you get will be stable and will produce good results, but you might have 2 or more pheno types, which is not always a bad thing as some could be more gdp, some could be more of a chem bud and another could be a nice mixture of the 2, both are great strains from what ive heard

@AleX, im hoping the big buddha cheese is the real deal as well, hopefully it is as it did come from the clone only uk version, so fingers crossed big buddha didnt mess around with it to much, i know its background is skunk so the results should be good anyway, but im hoping its the true cheese, so far its looking very promising, its not in full flower yet but the plant just looks potent, its dark leaves and trichs look pretty potent, not sure how they look potent but compared to other plants ive grown this one is shouting out potent each time im near it, it certainly stinks and has got a distinct skunk smell to it and im sure im getting that cheese background as well, ill know more as i get further in flower, i dont think it will produce much as the buds dont seem that big, but thats something i can work with as long as the results are as good as i want them to be,

i can get clones of jack flash and the true cheese clone only version from the 70's, i was smoking cheese strains before it became poplular further north, so we was smoking cheese for a while, so i know i can get the jack flash pheno i like and also a cheese clone, only downside is a 200mile trip south to go and pick it up, then a short journey on a ferry, so theirs risks involved but no customs or anything like that, so some clones in a small box in a backpack should do,

@RainStacks, yep i was suprised to see purple on the bottom of the leaves and the calyx at the nodes was a light shade of purple as well, so it does have the purple pheno in that but not much, so these seeds i just planted should give me true purps and possibly something i can cross the purple pheno with,

id also like to produce a purple cheese, their is some already for sale but not sure why they call them purple cheese, hopefully i can produce a true purple cheese, ive planted all my purple seeds now so fingers crossed at least 1 of these should be a true purps, in fact 2 of them should be purps without fail, but ive heard and read this before and i still didnt get any purps, im wonding if its the nutes not letting the chlorphyl break down, so hopefully dogget simpsons nutes might do the trick, or ill stop feeding for 3 weeks before harvest.

just uploading some pics for you all, ive got a lot more to upload but its 02:30 and it will take me a while to sort them out, so ill just upload the pics of my dwc auto i harveted last night, its smells really nice, it looked leafy before harvets and wasnt expecting anything nice, but after harvest i could tell the buds wasnt leafy at all, it was just the leave sticking out the buds, so once i cut these off at the stem the buds where pretty big and small amazing,
cant wait to sample of that this auto.

give me a few minutes and ill have them up, just uploading now
ok people, theirs not lots of pics so just a few, ive got lots more to upload other other plants i harvested but will sort them out tomorrow, these are all from the 2ltr dwc auto northern lights i harvested last night, for an auto im pretty impressed, it was grown under 17-7 and then 12-12 till harvest, im sure it could of went much longer as it looked like it was starting to go back into veg,

it looked like it was turning revev as it started growing them stressed looking single bladed leaves out of the buds, then the buds themselves started growing upwards, so it did look like it was going back into veg, which is pretty strange under 12-12, so im happy with the results and again it suggests that autos reach maturity and flower due to light in hours and not how many days old it is, so under 12-12 it takes a lot longer to reach the same light hours compared with 24-0, this maybe why under 24-0 the reach harvest in around 56 to 60ish days but produce very little, perfect for a sog style grow if you had lots of them, but not very good if you only grow the odd one, but so far im finding out i get better results giving them less light each day, so id say 18-6 would be ideal, 12-12 seems to work and produce very well each time i use it, but im not saying 12-12 is the best to use as grow time is increased, but for me the yields are more than worth it,

so hers the pics, all are the 2ltr dwc auto buds,









in about 12 to 24 hours ill put pics up of the other auto i harvested a couple of days ago, now this one i grew under constant light, it was taken out of the 12-12 room and put under cfls for the next 12 hours, then back under the hps when it came back on, so it was grown under 24-0 from seed to harvest and i wont even get 1/4oz from it, i might at a push but buds are tiny, really small skinny buds, no weight to them at all, so its yet another auto that done very poor under constant light,
nice little harvest there Don
I hope I can get some good phenotypes too
I may try to find the phenol I like and do some backcrossing its still up in the air cause I know its gonna be time consuming so I might just live with the principle cross
on another note I think all plants even autos need some kinda dark time
an auto bomb I tried stayed 12/12 start to finish was a disappointment but that shouldn't surprise anyone
the 2- 60 dw I did so far started under 18/6 and went into 12/12 when the plant got too tall for the veg area
the first one gave me an ounce I forget what the second one gave think it was like 21 grams or something this is dried weights
I can double check on the second ones weight its in my current journal
and im doing a 3rd 60dw atm its actually still young enough to toss some of that gdp pollen on it maybe I can get a phenol with better yield in that short amount of time but well see
so ill see how this third one grows same light schedule as the first 2 but only diff will be the nutes I decided to use the nutes someone gave me cause they wasn't using one of our x sponsor guys you all know who im reffering to
its not my usual nutes and I figure for certain plants to keep it cheaper I just use that
well see if itll produce as good under same light diff nutes

Happy Tokerday to ya Dp
Just driving thru DP. Looks like you like the cheese strains. Good solid herbs to work with. You know KC is pretty close to be the oldest seed breeders still out there. They were the first seeds I could get my hands on from Amsterdam. I use to belong to another site years back that got popped selling seeds out of Canada. This was back when you got in alot worse trouble. Marc Emery was involved. Oh well a different day in time. Looks like that auto threw out some buddage. Most of the auto's I messed with never gave alot, and quality wasn't really the best. But they are fun. I think auto's wood be the way to grow outdoors. Imagine you harvesting when everyone else is waiting to see a flower. Your auto looked pretty frosted with trichomes so hopefully she'll smoke as good as she looked. Rep's ++
Keepem Green
See how I am? Harvest is in :cheesygrinsmiley: and I just stopped back... Let's Smoke! :passitleft:
Whats up Donpaul.p? Hope all is well. I think Relaxed Lester just ordered some KC Auto beans and is gonna run them outside. Im interested to see how well an Auto can do under the Ultimate HPS. :) Has your harvest dried and do you have a weight yet sir? Good Weed btw. :)
Hi all, sorry i not been around much but been really ill the last few days, got the flu off my daughter so we both been suffering.

thanks everyone for all the kind comments on the auto harvest, im pretty chuffed with it as its not an auto ive grown before, id have to admit though that it didnt start to put in much weight until i flipped it to 12-12, then it grew like crazy and flowered well.

so im thinking that autos dont flower due to age in days,
for example ive grown 56 day autos and reached harvest in around 60 to 70 days under 24-0 and 20-4, they would start flowering around week 2,
yet when i grow them under 18-6, 17-7 or even 12-12 they take much longer to start flowering and take weeks longer to reach harvest, but the results are worth it as i was getting nearly 4 times as much at harvest from giving the autos a dark period,
so 24-0 would be perfect if you had a big sog set up, you could have 100 plants and harvest in 60days, even if you got 10g dry per plant then thats 1000g dry every 60 days, so a quick turn around and big yields in total,

but i dont grow sog and only grow 1 or 2 autos at a time, so for me i want a good harvest, if my lights are on veg schedule then the autos will be under 18-6 or 17-7, or 12-12 if my other plants are in flower,

but the results im getting clearly show that 24-0 is great for a very quick harvest but small yields, ok for sog, or if you use 18-6 or longer dark per day then you will get bigger yields, i cant say this works for all autos but for the ones ive grown id have to say thats how it looks to me,
the kc45 autos didnt even reach 1/2oz per plant dry and i grew at least 10 or more under 24-0 and 20-4 from seed to harvest, they reached harvest quick but yields where poor,
now when i grow them under 12-12 from seed they take longer to start flowering and longer to reach harvest, but the yields are 4 or 5 times or more what they was under 24-0,

so im thinking that autos reach maturity due to age in light hours, the more light hours per day you give them the quicker the flower and reach harvest, give them less light and they have a longer time to grow, so thats what i thinks going on at the minute,

@Dank, ill come over and have a look mate, my harvest was better than i expected from the auto, before i cut it down it looked leafy, but after a trim it was all bud, the gdp cheese ill need to work with as 2 pheno types are not that good, buds produced are very nice and potent, but yield was not that but im thinking it was down to my high temps as all plants was affected by the temps getting high, but the 1 pheno type produced well, but it was the first cross i made with ken estes gdp and purple cheese auto so it was something i had not done before, never crossed auto with a none auto before so wasnt sure on the results, the quality of the buds is their but id need to lock down the 1 pheno type and back cross or introduce another gdp into the mix or even this big buddha cheese that im blown away with,
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