Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

heya Dp Happy Sativaday to you man :thumb:
so my first GDP turned out to be a male im gonna try another seed but im gonna make use of this pollen from this one
like you did
Also I noticed you guys talking about scarifing the stem to produce more branches...this is something I happen to know about

The plants have chemicals with in them that are responsible for triggering different responses...the chemical process that happens at a branch node when a pruning cut is made is different than the chemical process than happens when a mechanical injury occurs on the main stem

Many plants will produce shoots when an injury to the main stem occurs...these are not true branches...they are shoots that are a result of the plant moving excess starches to that area as a defense mechanism to provide extra energy to aid in the healing process...these shoots have a very weak union to the main stem as they are not branches an are not attached as such...Also the purpose of these shoots are not centered around flower production but rather to aid in the healing process by providing energy to that portion of the plant through photosynthesis

Just a little food for thought

I haven't medicated yet today...that's the only way I was able to explain that :)
Some very valuable insight there Jay.
What The Spimpster said...
Where ya @ DP, we miss ya brother!
Hi all, sorry been a bit busy with the kids and haloween so not had much time to get on here.

just harvested the sensi star last night, 100% cloudy but had to pull it down as it stank real bad this time round, i would of waited till 20%amber but the smell was just to much,

got another plant to pull down in a few hours, not sure what it is as i cant remember till i pull the pot it, its either the sour diesel or one of the gdp cheese plants, what ever it is it looks damn nice so cant wait to sample it, not long buds but fat and short, so still a nice yield but just short fat buds, possibly an 8th to 1/4 per bud when dry, at least thats what it looks like at the minute.

so got that to do in a few hours,

the jack flash was nothing like the old skool jack flash, not even close so not to impressed with that so wont be buying jack flash again, ill take a trip south and pick up some cuttings from an old 80s version.

im not to impressed with the gdp cheese either, its super stinky but bud development is not as good as it should be, looks like small buds unless it really bulks up in the next few weeks, its got a while to go though.

the ww x sk is going to be the winner this time round, the buds are going to be long and huge by the looks of it, the branches are covered from the bottom to the top with 1 big bud forming on each branch, possibly going to give me 10 or 11 1ft buds at harvest, but still got some way to go bud the best bud development ive seen, all nodes have joined up early in flower so it should fatten up nicely now.

ill get some pics put up of the sensi star harvest later or in the morning, main bud was 1ft the rest wa average sized buds but super stinky like it was last time, so thats going to be another nice smoke.

once ive harvested this other plant tonight ill plant the purps and get them going, ive got a few clones and seedlings in suspended animation under cfls, i only got 2 cfls above them just to keep them alive while i free up some space in grow room, so these 2 lights have kept growth slowed down and no stretch at all, ill run a cfl grow from seed to harvest once i moved these clones and seedlings out.

ill try and get caught up with the journals tonight or tomorrow, just been a bit busy the last few days but back on now so will get caught up,
Congrats on the Harvest. Sorry to hear about the Jack Flash. I was hoping it was as strong as the old school you talked about.
Rico picked up some 'Cheese' and was raving about it's strength and actually mentioned it was 'as stronf as DP says'. ;) Gosh I hope we can figure out if its Exodus, or what cause I want to grow some!!
Take your time DP, we're just happy to hear from you and know all is well on your end of the pond. Congrats on your ongoing harvest! Hope you finish with monster yields. I am also greatly happy to have read what you wrote about the WW/Skunk. For me, it's looking like that will be the only plant I'll be growing this time around (hope it's female), but using LA's flux style will go hand in hand with the results you are seeing thus far.
@Spimp, cheese will know your socks off mate then leave you flat on your back tickling your feet, you will be left with a smug smile on your face for a good few hours while everyone else you know is smoking some regular strength bud,

Exodus cheese and big buddha cheese is the same strain my friend, big buddhe cheese some how managed to get hold of the clone only uk version and crossed it to produce cheese fem seeds, exodus is the exact same, so both should be top sheld meds, my cheese is in early flower and the leaves look potent and smell potent, you can just tell by looking at it that its some potent ass bud,

check out this link to see how to test the spectrum of your lights using a cerial box and blank cd or dvd, click on the link below and you will see how to make it, its fuzzy ducks design, i tried it on my dual spec hps and the results are at the end of the link
DIY Spectrometer - Check what wavelengths your lights give out

@Skybound, that ww x sk seems a very nice strain, grows like crazy and seems to be producing long fat buds as well, i could of done with a bigger pot then i wouldnt of needed to pull it over on its side, i had no choice as it was getting way to tall compared to the other plants, i thought it was male due to how quick it was growing, id say at least 3 time quicker than any other plant ive grown, i planted 2 seeds, 1 was male and will be part of my super male project, the other is the one i got in flower now which i have taken a clone from,
i took 1 clone and it rooted with no problems, i might even use it for breeding purposes due to the rapid growth, im thinking crossing it with cheese or gdp might be an option, but i got to much going on so that will be a future project along with my polyploid experiment

@Light Addict, kids loved it mate, i hated scraping out them pumpkins though, all slimey and sticky. should of wore gloves. but they had a great time trick or treating around their friends houses. ill get some pics up tomorrow of the harvests. this sensi star stinks the place out, id didnt stink like this last time i harvested it, im thinking its down to the dogget simpson nutes, its got a strong tangy smell to it this time, cant wait to sample it.

also a found some purple on one of my plants,
the ken estes gdp male cross with purple cheese auto produced 3 pheno types from the 3 females i have got, 1 is an auto, 1 produces small frosty buds and isnt auto but flowered very quick and reached harvest quick, the other seems to be growing like regular plants with normal size buds,

but the auto gdp cheese i harvested had some purple on it, i left it in flower as long as i could but it went way past harvest and started to grow bananas so pulled it out, it was at the back of the room so was going to leave it in but noticed a banana pop up at the bottom nodes so pulled it out, then when i was trimming it i noticed that underneath some of the leaves they had patches of purple, now the purple cheese auto did not produce purple even when i left it in flower to long, so their is some purple in this cross i made so hopefully i can lock it down and find the purple pheno and work on a purple gdp cheese strain,
it was only the first cross i made so not worked with it yet as ive never crossed an auto and none auto so didnt know what to expect, but it gives me something to work with for my purple project.

ive planted all the purple strains now, subcools purple, purple tops and some other one i think its deep purple, ill check tomororw when the lights come on, not sprouted yet though, nirvana ice sprouted a few days ago and so did the blue mystic, all seeds are regular so not sure how many fem ill get, but i got plenty of clones if i need to swap some out, plus could do with a few males for this super male project,

im trying to get caught up with all the journals so ill appologise for going mia for a few days, some journals have 50pages extra that i need to catch up on, going to keep my busy for a few days i think,.
Good to see you online DP, if my GDP X PC is purple I will get some pollen from it, let it go past harvest, can I harvest half the plant then let the bottom go past harvest? Then if I get some pollen, I can grow another GDP X PC, and use the pollen on that plant? I thought about using purple maxx, but that stuff's not cheap, but if mine comes out purple, I would like to preserve it.
@Dank, yep its possible mate, i have done it a few times, its just going to take time to get the purple pheno type coming out so might take a few crossed to get it right,
hopefully one of these purple strains im growing will give me some nice purple buds, if it does then ill possibly crosss the best with the big buddha cheese just to make it more potent, but all depends on the result at harvest, ill take clones from all the plants and if any turn purple then i can cross and back cross,

so im on a purple mission at the minute, my other crosses are on hold, the kc45 is finished and im more than happy with the results, its pretty potent as well for an auto so very happy how that worked out, so ill cross the best male and female to give me a lots of seeds then that one will be finished and can grow it when i like then.

the gdp cheese i want to perfect but ill see how the other pheno types look before i go any further, but these purpls im growing now will be the project ill work on possibly for the next 2 or 3 grows, ill grow other plants with them but i wont start any other crosses until i finished with this purple project, i want a nice colour then potent buds so might need to throw a cheese or skunk into the mix,
ive not tried purple maxx but all strains will turn purple given the right conditions, subcool grows many strain that are not purple yet they all turn purple in his super soil, so im thinking his super soil must lack in something towards the end of flower which allows the chlorophyl to break down and bring out the purple,

so cant wait to get this purple project started, fingers crossed ill hit the purps this time, if not ill give up and buying purple strains and try some other methods to get purps, clearly their is something in the genetics that brings out the purple, so their must be a way of changing the genetics to bring out the colour, cold temps does it but it gave me some nasty bud last time i froze a plant, id did turn purple, well i say purple the buds was black, but couldnt smoke it as it was like razor blades.

welcome to the part autopsycho, ill get some pics uploaded tomorrow, got some very tasty bud drying,
its either the dogget simpson product thats giving me great results or something else, the sensi star clone is much more stinky than the mother plant, so something changed and its either the nutes or the sns flower enhancer,
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