Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Hey my friend great to have you back about on here. hope you and yours are all better or at least on the home stretch. Just wanted to chime in DP as I was talking about an auto I grew a while back earlier with Mono I think. Anyway it ran way longer, like 7-8 weeks veg before it started to flower. My friend had tried to start it and it had a weird, unreliable upbringing. with extended dark periods etc. (a bit more too it) but it ended with 6.5 dry. Dutch Passion Snowstorm. I left a comment on their web site about it lol.
Anyway I think your bang on with the auto thing. Sorry I'm blitzed at mo!
@Spimp, thanks bro, ill check his journal out and see how they do outdoors, ive bought a few packs of 10 in the past, what shocks me is the price, their cheaper them most regular strains and i wasnt expecting any nice bud from it but id happily say its on par with any other plant ive grown, so some say autos dont produce well or produce weak thc levels, but i just never got this with the kc45, the buds was a very nice smoke and easily as good as anything else ive grown,

their was a few pheno types though with the seeds, some produced small plants and then you would get the odd male which would be big and bushy then you would get the odd female that produce really fat buds but didnt get to big, then id get a big female that grew big and bushy but didnt have the fat buds like the one did, the ones that didnt produce that fat buds where still a very nice size, but the one pheno was producing huge buds, id say bigger than most none autos i grew, so i knew it could do well and could produce well, it was just a case of locking down that one pheno type and crossing it the the male, once i done that and back crossed with the male pollen it give me the results im getting now which are consistent each time grown, im sure outdoors it could easily hit 3oz plus if theirs no problems with the grow.

for the price id say its more than worth if, ive paid £15 for 1 auto seed and the results where very poor, yet these kc45 autos are £10 for 10 seeds, im shocked at how low the price is, once i seen the results i just couldnt work it out, they produce better than any other auto ive grown apart from the one i just harvested.

@chronic, thanks mate. its well worth working with the pheno type you like, the only problem is time and space, if i had a nice plant that produced well and i wanted to keep that 1 pheno type, then id take 2 clones from that plant then force the one hermie and cross it with the other clone, that then produces fem seeds which will give you stable results and will be of that same pheno as you have not crossed it with anything else,
regular seeds take a big longer as you have to pick the best male and female or the 2 best females, then cross these with the male to produce the first batch of seeds, then with the first batch of seeds you would pick the best male and back cross that with a clone of the female you used for the first batch of seeds, then keep doing that until the results are where you want them

the first cross you make is the most stable, when you start back crossing or say you cross 2 different strains then the first cross will be stable but might not have the traits you are looking for, such as colour, smell taste etc, so this is when you would back cross with the pheno your trying to produce and this then produces mixed results, so you would need to plant a good few of the seeds you just made and find the pheno your looking for and back cross that to bring that pheno out a bit stronger with each back cross you make, so that takes a bit longer to do but again if you end up with a very nice strain then it would all be worth it.

but its worth it if you got the time and space, or if you just wanted to lock down a certain pheno type from the same strain then id go down the femenised seeds option, thats a lot easier and you dont need to back cross them, it only works if your crossing 2 clones from the same mother plant,
@Light Addict, thanks mate, yep we are all on the road to recovery now both me and my daugher was pretty ill the last few days but ok now, they recon we got snow in the week so going to make sure the kids are wrapped up for school as i dont want them getting ill again, but these buds spread like crazy through the schools, all the parents are outside in the cold waiting for the kids and everyone sneezing and eyes watering, so its getting around everyone. hopefully now ive had it i wont get it again

thats some great info light addict, ill need to do a lot more tests with other strains but im pretty sure that the 56day harvest is only for a sog style grow and fast turn around, so more harvest pre year, so clearing 24-0 would be the quickest way to reach harvest, if they flower and reach harvest due to age in light hours then under 24-0 their going to reach harvest much quicker, which is perfect if you got 100 plants and can do 60 days per harvest, even 10g dry per plant is a very nice yield.

so from my own autos i know that a dark period extends the growing time, which would be bad thing if you want a fast turn around, but unless you grow 100 autos in sog then 56 days is not going to produce much of a yield, but 1 or 2 autos grown and give it a dark period each day then im sure yields will be much higher, cant guarantee this works for all autos but thats the results im getting, i know for a fact that the autos ive grown under 24-0 start flowering early, any time around 2 weeks, so their is something going on by giving them a dark period,

now the other thing i was thinking of was the 12-12 method, this time i went from 17-7 down to 12-12 after about 4 weeks of growth, now when i flipped 12-12 growth exploaded and plant greww like crazy, so as ruderalis is crossed with a photo plant then does the 12-12 give the auto a boost as the photo plants its crossed with flowers under 12-12 only, so dose the 12-12 light schedule for autos give them a boost due to the photo background in it, ill do a lot more testing to find out for sure, but ill only grow autos under 24-0 just to compare the growth rates and yields, if i dont grow them under 24-0 then i wont have anything to compare them to.

@chronic, yep i know what nutes you mean, they work well and it was all i used, but this dogget simpson products seems to be doing a bit better, not to sure on the dwc yet as i would need to grow a photo plant in the dwc which is what im doing, im growing the aka snowbud or what ever its called in the dwc. i might need ph up and down but ill see how it goes. ill also try and buy some more gdp as id love a female to work with, just not had any females yet from the seeds ive bought, so will get some more and give it a try
@norcali, im more than happy with the auto, the kc45 autos is the cheapest you can buy at £0.99p per seeds, you cant buy any other autos for that price, im not even sure why its so cheap as its possibly the best auto ive smoked, some are weak and dont produce well but im thinking its down to the light schedules, but the kc45 autos packs a punch and easily on par with photo plants, its why i chose to work with it and pick the best pheno type so i can grow that pheno type each time i pop a seed, so i took my time and worked with the pheno i liked and now im happy with the results, so the kc45 is going to be in my seed stock for a while,

that auto harvested above is the auto northern lights, i was getting poor results with every auto when i grew them under 24-0, but i soon found giving them a dark period each day boosted the yield, so i wont grow autos under 24-0 or 20-4 unless im comparing grows and different autos strains i buy, but the kc45 autos produces well and is potent bud, that auto northern lights above is also a very nice smoke,

thanks for the info on the kc breeders, i never knew that, ive got a few of theirs strains in stock so will be trying more in the near future, maybe their prices are reasonable as their not in it to rip people off, i mean at the end of the day you can get the same amount of seeds per plant no matter what the strain is, so how can some seeds cost £50 per seed and some £0.99 per seed, i just dont get why they charge so much when their not any harder to produce, ok it mgiht of took time to perfect the strain so the first batch could be more expensive but once its hit market they should lower the prices, if not growers will produce their own seeds and other breeders will buy it and do the same, produce their own seeds and call it something else.

but if growers are going to pay £50 per seed then they will sell them at that price, but surely they would make more sale and more profit if the seeds where priced similar to others, not many people will buy them at £50 but at £5 per seeds they would make more sales, less profit per seed but more profit in the end as more sales made.

ill be doing some kc45 autos outdoors in the spring, ill find a good location and plant 10 to 20 outdoors and see how they do, hopefully we have a nice summer and they do well, it will be interesting to see how they do outdoors though
ill get some weights posted tomororw with the pics, for the size of the plants i done well this time, im more than happy with the results and i still got 2 plants left to harvest, actually i got 3 as i got the ducksfoot thats 12-12 from seed, thats not going to be a huge yied but its going to be something i work with in future grows, only downside is that the seeds is from a jar of mixed seeds that i mixed up when i first started crossing so i dont even know what it is,

but as its a ducks foot strain ill work with it as their suppose to be pretty potent.

ive planted all the purps, plus i now think ive worked out why i never had purps before,
im thinking it was down to the nutrients i was using, at the moment in flower i have got the ww x sk, now night time temps are cooler a its getting cold here now, plus ive stopped giving nutrients to the ww x sk, now the lower leaves started to turn light green then yellow, but the leaves higher up the branches and coming out the buds have turned purple, ill take some pics and show you, now as this is not a purple strain then it does suggest that all stains will turn purple given the right conditions, so ill keep it in flower and see how much more of it turns purple, no buds are turning purple but the leaves are turning dark purple and more of them now.

So this is just the seedlings i got growing, the clones ill put in another post tomorrow, hopefully ive cracked the purps and i should end up with purps this time, im thinking the soil had to much N in it due to the amount of nutes i was using, im thinking doggest simpson gives the plants what they need without giving them to much, even after a flush with my old nutrients the leaves would not turn yellow for ages, but after about 7 to 9 days the lower leaves turn yellow and now im getting purple, so fingers crossed ill hit the purps this time,

anyways this is the list of what i got growing, one of the fem seedlings will be in the dwc, not sure which yet as ive not made my mind up,
so the fem's
female seeds big grapefruit fem
samsara love potion fem
th seeds akorn aka snowbud fem.

now the regs,
blue mystic
nirvana ice
nirvana super skunk
TGA subcool's deep purple
high quality purple tops.
ive got 1 more purple strain but ill see how i get on with these before planting anymore
as some will be male then this leaves me room for clones, or ill plant another kc strain but not an auto, the kc 36 is another ive got from the kc range,

so fingers crossed ill hit the purps this time, hopefully one or more will give me something to work with, then id like to try and produce a nice purple cheese but got plenty of time to get to that, i cant wait to sample this big buddha cheese, its its the same as the uk cheese then its going to be very potent, so far it looks and smells the part.
Hey DP sorry to hear you got the flu, I'm just getting over something myself, really sucks. Good to see you online for a minute, 420girl finally sent me a pm about the machine, so that might be here soon.
@Dank, glad to hear she got back to you, been pretty rought the last few days, finally starting to feel a bit better, not good having the flu.

@chronic, back at you my friend

@teachmetofish, welcome to 420mag, thanks for the comment, please feel free to ask any questions.

a quick update, so i spend all this morning on purple strains, ive grown purple strains before and not got any purple buds.
now the shocking part is ive got purple buds and didnt need to buy any purple strains,

in flower at the minute i got the ducks foot strain, unknown what it is its one of my mixed seeds from the first crosses i did, i got the big buddha cheese and the ww x sk, now all are growing and flowering at the same temps.
the ww x sk is turning purple, one half of the plant is purple and the other half isnt, the side of the plant nearest the door is purple and the part further in is still green, so its turning a nice dark purple colour so leaving it in flower a bit longer,

it gives me a purple strain to work with, its slowly turning more purple each day, the other plants in flower are not turning purple but all are getting the same temps and nutes, so clearly its based on the strain, no other signs of purple on any other plants, but the ww x sk is a nice dark purple colour, the leaves turned purple, the calyx at the nodes have turned purple and now its working its way up the buds.

so its near harvest now, ill give it a few more days, for the last couple of days it will be taken out the flower room and placed in a cooler room for last few days, now im pretty sure its turning purple due to the cooler night and day temps, but the other plants are flowering as normal so clearly its all about the strain, ive got a rooted clone from it so can use it for breeding, hopefully some of the purps ive bought will also turn purps but under normal temps,

if it was due to the temp alone then the big buddha and ducksfoot would also be purple as their next to each other in flower room, but only the ww x sk is turning purps, ill take some pics tomorrow now im feeling a bit better and you can see how purple its getting.
Just a quick drive by to lend some advice on posting your photos.

Notice the difference in these two photos?



One is a medium version and the other is full size.

In my opinion, the photos look 420% better when the full size are posted.

You can always tell by the extra "medium" directory in the url.

A simple change in the way you are posting them, would resolve the issue and leave you with large photos in your journals instead.

Hope this helps.
@Light Addict, thanks mate, im just getting caught up now so ill fly by your journal and have a read, just uploading some pics now,

@420 admin, ill see if i can sort out how its posted, i might have to open each picture up in full size to post it in full size, i normally just copy n paste the url location,
let me see if i can sort it out, thanks for the tip
@Light Addict, thanks mate, im just getting caught up now so ill fly by your journal and have a read, just uploading some pics now,

@420 admin, ill see if i can sort out how its posted, i might have to open each picture up in full size to post it in full size, i normally just copy n paste the url location,
let me see if i can sort it out, thanks for the tip

in the following pics in my next post you will see the following

my reveg experiment, i harvested the plant and stripped everything off, all i left on the plant was the stem and side branches, i left no growth on the plant at all, wanted to see what would happen, so i left just 1 medium sized fan leaf on it, didnt even leave a tiny little bud to reveg from, so it was stripped naked with no growth at all on the plant, shockingly a couple of weeks later its now showing new growth, so it just shows reveg is very easy and even a plant with just 1 leaf left on it will reveg. you will see what i mean in the pics,

you will also see the ww x sk turning purps on me, the buds are not turning a nice purple colour but hard ot show in camera until harvests, you will also see the cheese buds and the ducksfoot strain i ended up with,

pics will follow shortly.
ok time for some pics,

first up we have the project reveg, chances are this plant will be not left to grow if i do decide to give it a 2nd chance then ill cut it right back so its just the new growth and no stems, i did nothing at all to the plant after harvest, i watered it once then left it under 24-0, it was just a test to see how far you could take a plant before it actually died, so i stripped it bare and left just 1 medium sized leaf on it,




then about 14 days later it started doing this



now for some purps, the buds dont show up as purple on the pics, im thinking the flash is making it to bright, ill take some pics in daytime and get some purple buds posted up, this is the ww x sk, its growing in the same space as 2 other plants in flower and the other 2 are not showing any signs of purps, i cloned it ages ago and now have a rooted clone, ill possibly use this to cross with one of the purps i got growing as the ww x sk grew like crazy so might make a good cross









purple cayx at nodes, these started turning purps just after the leaves, then it slowly turned the buds purple

so i bought a load of purple strains and planted them, then this ww x sk turns purple on me, all this time ive tried to get purps then when im not expecting it and its not a purple strain one just pops up and starts turning purple,

next we have big buddha cheese, this is super stinky, its 100% cheese according to its smell, its smell just like the uk cheese so cant wait for it to finish flowering, for some reason its taking ages to flower, not sure why but its dragged on and only half way into flower by the looks of it, ive harvested several plants and the ww x sk is not far from harvest now, well it ready for harvest but im letting it turn more purps before i pull it down,







room shot below,
left is the ww x sk purps, middle is the big buddha cheese, then climbing up the wall on the right is the ducks foot strain, not sure how i ended up with a ducks foot strain but its super stinky and i only need to knock it and it stinks the place out, worse than the cheese, so cant wait to sample the ducks foot, its suppose to be a form of triploid or some im led to believe, should produce potent buds but usually not big buds, but this is producing big buds but was 12-12 from seed so wont yield much, again its been cloned and it rooted and reveg


some close up shots of the main bud on the ducksfoot, you can see the stems on these leaves are a bit deformed, plus the leaves sticking out the buds just have 1 blade on them, a very strange plant, the fan leaves are 3 bladed and joined up to look like ducks foot, their are not leaves with more than 3 blades on this plant, it has 3 blade leaves and single blade leaves growing out the buds with the leaves sort of deformed and attached to the stem a bit strange

you can see they dont even look like cannabis leaves, i think more testing needs to be done with this strain, not sure what cross it was as it was a seed from some i got mixed up, super stinky and sticky, real dank smell to it,

some dried buds now, in a tub for a cure, harvested from auto northern lights 2ltr dwc, just under 2.5oz,







ill try and sort the pic sizes out with the next lot i post, in my img url its showing as medium, is that what i need to have it on or do i change it to large, ill play around with the next pics, maybe these will come out as big pics, who knows, ill find out when i press the post reply button,

thanks for looking,
nice plants, really nice buds.

the purple plant appears to have a lockout.
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