Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

@b.real, thanks buddy.
what makes you think its got a lockout, are you suggesting the purple colour is due to some kind of nute lockout, or have you seen something in the plant that suggests some sort of lockout, let me explain what ive done with it, it suffered heat stress during flower and this caused the buds to stretch, when the buds where 100%ish cloudy i stopped feeding but then the buds started growing new pistils and some have an inch of bud poking out the top so its foxtailing to some extent, when this started happening i gave it some nutes so it had something to keep growing.
let me know what you think about the lockout and why you are thinking a lockout,

after i stopped feeding it the lower leaves started turning light green then yellow as i was going to harvest it, but then it carried on flowering so maybe thats what you can see, let me know then i can check it out,

@closetorganic, thanks mate, thats how i thought it would do it but it would take longer to post each pic but ill give it a try next time, all i usually do is have the gallery open with the small thumbnails at the bottom then the picture above is the one with an arrow either side of it, i just copy n paste the url of that pic, so if i click on that pic it will open it up in a new tab, then ill try and copy n paste the url of that and hopefully that will post the bigger pics, have some reps for the info, thanks

@chornic, back at you my friend, ill come over and get caught up on your journal, just got loads to go through,

right, quick update on the plants, i cleaned out the flower room today and moved the plants around and had a close look at the big buddha cheese, i pulled the big fan leaves poking out the buds down slightly so i could see the whole of the leaf, i was amazed to see the each blade on the fan leaves was growing little cluster of buds on it, when i harvest it ill take some pics and show you what i mean, but the one leave had 5 little buds forming on it, each leaf blade had about 5 or 6 calyx just at the base of each leaf blade, if not seen this before so was pretty amazed to so it, ive seen leaves growing out of leaves on reveg plants but not seen buds forming on the leaves, theirs no stem to the buds its just like 5ish calyx in a little cluster on each blade.

also the ducksfoot is now turning purple as well, the leaves are not turning purple but that could be down to the fact its still being fed nutes, maybe if i stopped feeding the leaves would turn purple like the ww x sk, but i had a close look at it today and the calyx at the nodes have turned purple, buds have not started to turn purple yet but looks like it might unless it gets to harvest before turning purps,

thanks for the comments everyone,
the plants I see that are missing the P grow small buds and turn purple. I would flush with molasses or reall light mix of humic acid (lemon works just as good)

if the buds get big then more power to you, but I don't want to see a plant go to waste. are they the same size as similar aged plants?
Congrats DP!
@b real, thanks for the advice my friend, ill give that a try next time i get similar problems,

thanks for all the kind comments everyone, hope you all had a great xmas, i been awol cuz i stopped at my moms so couldnt access the site, but im back now so will be playing catch up with all these journals.

now for my grow,
Everything is going great, in fact id say better than great, im trying a few experiments alongside my current grow so will explain below.
1, i got 2 plants in flower the one is the dragons breath and the other is a sensi star clone, im flowering these under 13-11, ive got a lot more pistil growth on the sensi star using this schedule, stretch was much less and it looks like its going to produce well under 13-11 so ill see how it goes,

2, sub cools deep purple turned out male, i used the pollen on 2 buds on the sensi star so ill see how that turns out when i can grow the seeds out.

now for the crazy experiment with crazy results, i revegged a plant and decided to try something totally different, im not fussed if the plant hermies or dies on me as im just trying to find out what will happen, so since i harvested it its had 2 weeks under 17-7 then 2 weeks under 12-12, ive repeated this process for over a month now and no signs of hermie, now for the strange part, the plant was small when it reveg and with the messed up schedule im giving it it went strait back into flower, but the strange part is this, from the base of the plant and along the branches is just thick pistils, litteraly hundreds of pistils covering the stems, leaf growth is minimul with just tiny single bladed leaves poking out the mass of pistils,

ill get some pics up to show you what i mean, the plant just looks like a mass of hairy catterpillars, you cant see the stems of the plant of the branches, its just a huge mass of pistils and ive never seen anything like it at all, no sign of buds forming but that is expected due to the messed up schedule im giving it. but pistils = calyx which means buds, so if its possible to work out some lighting schedule to use that gets the plants to do this before we flip them to 12-12 for the rest of flower then this might increase yields by lots and lot.
each branch just looks like a cats tail, its a total mass of pistils,

pics will follow shortly.
ok as promised, heres some pics,

first few pics are the plant thats revegged and been under 17-7 for 2 weeks and 12-12 for 2 weeks, ive repeated that for about 4ish weeks now and no signs of hermie, no signs of the plant in full veg or even in full flower, it just seems to keep growing pistils and the odd single bladed leaf, so ill see how far it can go, maybe its possible to veg a plant then do this at start of flower to increase the amount of pistils, if its possible to have all branches covered in pistils like this then that should give thick dense buds all the way along the branches, dont try this as im only experimenting, ill try it with a bigger plant when i flip the rest of my plants to 12-12, ill pick 1 plant and repeat this process for 4 to 6 weeks then ill let it go 12-12 till harvest, it might hermie on me but it hasnt so far. it might lead to nothing but the plant would of been in the bin anyways so thought id try something a bit crazy and see how they respond


the plant in the background is a different plant.




next up we have the dragons breath, this plant is pretty old now, ive had it growing slow under cfls until i had room for it, but its now under 13on and 11 off and a couple of weeks into that schedule, the plant was nice and even until i flipped to flower and now several branches have stretched up to the light, ill flower these next 2 plants under 13-11 until harvest as im pretty happy with the way the sensi star is looking this early in flower, that follows below,
a bit of background on this dragon breath, it was topped once many months ago, all ive done to it since then us defol and super crop, this turned it into a monster bush




now for the sensi star, this is a clone that ive grown for 4 or 5 grows now so i now how it normally grows and now im using 13-11 for flower it seems to be producing much bigger flowers, its only a few weeks into flower but looks like the extra hour of light has enabled it more growing time, the pistils are much bigger, the nodes are closer together and already joining up into nice buds without any buds actually forming, at this stage its just pistils and lots of them.
this sensi star is a reveg, its not been topped or defol or anything else, i cloned a flowering sensi star and revegged it, this is how its turned out.







sorry im behind on all your journals, ill do my best to get caught up over the next few days, hope you all had a great xmas.
thanks LA, so far everything seems ok, the sensi star ive pretty much grown for about 2 years now on and off and always from clone so i should have a good idea how it compares using 13-11 for flowering, so far it looks like the buds will be much bigger using this schedule, i know its only an extra hour of light per day so it might take a few days longer to reach harvest but if bud size and yield is much better than anything before then ill go 13-11 for all my plants.

the 17-7 for 2 weeks then 12-12 for 2 weeks is pretty crazy but i dont have room for the plant so im just messing about with it, but if i can veg a plant for a month or more than use this messed up schedule for another month then if it gives results like this then it might help produce buds the size of branches with no node spacing at all, so ill see how this small plant does over the next few weeks, if it stays in between flower and veg and keeps growing and just producing more pistils then ill try it on a bigger plant,
for the last 3 weeks its kept growing the branches but instead of growing lot of leaves it just keeps covering the branches in pistils. so ill see how it does over another few weeks and if it dont hermie ill let it go 13-11 till harvest and see how it buds off, but pistils come from a calyx so im thinking the buds should be the whole length of the branch, so if i can replicate this on a much bigger plant then it in theory should means the buds will be pakced solid along all the branches
im pretty chuffed with dogget simpson, the only bag ive not used is bag 1 so cant comment on how that works for seedlings, the bag 2 is perfect for veg, i have bumped it up slightly on my dwc and 2 soil plants, the dwc and 1 soil plant responded well and growth was slightly better but the other soil plant showed signs of to much N, i just fed plain water the next feed and it sorted itself out.
bag 3 also seems a good mix at the stated dose. ive not tried bumping the dose up with that as ill need to do that with some clones so i can compare side by side if the increased dose is worth doing.

but id say it easily compares to the old product i was using which was b planet nutrients so for me dogget simpson seems a good product and produces great results, i have got veg booster and bloom booster with the sns products i won but not noticed a huge difference when i have used the bloom booster.

the only thing i have changed is i use bag 2 until the plant has stopped the strech period under 12-12 then i move to bag 3, i found as the plant is stretching then it stills needs plenty of N so it makes sense to change to flowering nutes after week 2 of 12-12.

so id have to say its ok on its own and results are in line with other nutrients ive used, b planet was a really good product but this is easily on par with that and much easier to use, ive got veg and bloom booster with the sns products but ive not needed to use them as the plants always seem to do well and trichome production is very good also.

you could try bloom booster or mollases if you like but id go easy on it and see how the plant responds. if the flowering plants wasnt doing as well then id use the bloom booster or supliment with mollases which i always did when i used other nutrient as it always looked like the plants could do better, but im getting great results in veg now without having to mess around with adjusting doses for each stage of growth or age of plants, so its a very easy system to use and so far im more than happy with the results.

id go as far as saying that trichome production seems to start earlier and the sugar leaves tend to be covered in trichs compared with the same strain grown using other nutes, but i cant guarantee its down to the nutrients on its own but thats the only thing ive changed, everything else is the same, i dont check ph, i dont let my tap water stand, i dont check ppms.

the only thing i have really changed apart from the nutes is how often i water, i let the plants go much longer between waterings now and this made a huge difference on the speed of growth in veg, so when my pots are dry i let the plant go another couple of days before i water them again, then when i do water i dont give each plant a lot of water, i dont have any run off at all, i just water slow until i think the pot is fully watered, then they get nothing for anything up to 10 days depending on temps,
i have found that soil grown plants dont really need the ph adjusting, the soil acts like a buffer, when i see problems with soil grown plants and growers think its a lockout caused by ph or to much nutrients then i usually find its actually down to over watering, ph is not really a major issue in soil grown plants. i think sometimes we try and do to much to make everything right when in fact as long as the soil is healthy then the plant will do just fine, they dont adjust the ph where it grows naturally and the plants do well,

i know hydro is different and ph can play a part but again ive not adjusted my ph in hydro and even if the ph is to low then i still dont have problems like other growers, i think we do to much at times and this then causes more problems, such as flushing soil grown plants, most of the time flushing wont solve the problem, it often makes the problem much worse, if the roots are water logged then they will show lockouts and deff issues, but when the soil dries out and the roots recover then the plant recovers.

the ph of bag 3 seems to be spot on for me when ive checked it, i didnt have any problems with bag 2 either but spimp mentioned he checked the ph after mixing a batch up and the ph was really low, i checked it and he was right the ph was on the low side, but i wasnt getting any problems with my dwc plant which according to some growers i should of had prolems as the ph was way to low but my plants was all doing fine even with the ph on the low side, but what i found was that within 12 to 24 hours the ph of bag 2 came within the correct range so im thinking it takes some time for the bag 2 product to fully disolve.

ive always had a ph pen and got it in case i ever did have problems but i never did so never used it, i dont even have any ph up or down and have never needed any, the only problems ive had are problems ive caused myself and problems ive caused by listening to advice on what to do, i had a lockout a while back and flushed the plant and the plant pretty much died on me, but then when the soil dried out the plant recovered but it was to far in flower to make much difference, the problem was caused by me feeding molasses, maybe the dose was to high or maybe the plant was just over watered.

the ph of my tap water is steady at 7.0, when i mixed bag 2 and tested the ph it was in the low 5.0 range if i remember right, but it wasnt causing me any problems and i only checked it as spimp mentioned it, what im thinking is with dogget simpson the dose is set near to the max for these plants, im thinking that in early veg the plants are small and we only give them a small amount of water each feed then as the plant gets bigger we give them more water with nutrients in it, so maybe the dose is right for most strains, im pretty sure it can be bumped up and maybe it would increase growth rate or bud development but pushing it to much could set you back 2 weeks if you do have problems,

id need to run some tests with clones on bag 3 to see if upping the dose increased yield, i know we cant do much about trichome production with the nutrients but bud size is about all we can play with by adjusting the dose, potency and trichome production is more strain related,
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