Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

yep the gdp cheese is ken estes grand daddy purple and i crossed it with a purple cheese auto, in the end ill get 2 strains, a gdp cheese auto and a gdp cheese reguler,

but ill see how it goes, all depends how well it produces first time round, i only crossed it as i was fed up of getting males with the gdp so kept the best and used for pollen, so the gdp cheese is the results from that, if the results are ok then ill work with it at some point in the near future.

i was fed up of getting small yielding autos so i decided to work with just 1 strain so bought 20 kc45 auto seeds and selected the best male from all 20 seeds, then collected pollen and crossed it with the biggest female, then each batch of seeds produced i back crossed the biggest and best female with the male pollen, hopefully its pretty stable now, ive got seeds from each back cross i did just in case a genetic problem showed up, its still kc45 but shouldnt produce small plants which 3/4's was when i first started growing it,
not good people, i just snapped my kc45 auto stem, i was moving the plants aout it snapped, so not to happy with myself, should of been more careful,
Sorry to hear the bad news.
Don Paul when you said you were sick of getting males from your seeds of GDP did you not think about making fem seeds from the best female? Iv never done it personally just curious if you have either with chemical aid or purely stressing a girl to hermie
@RainStacks, thanks brother, the kc45 auto was 80% cloudy about a week ago so thought it was close to harvest so i stopped giving nutes and just gave plain water then it started growing white pistils again and it was foxtailing all over the main buds and lower buds, so it would of been ready for harvest as it had no brown pistils left on it, it just had the odd white pistil here and their so was just giving water so i could harvest 2ish weeks after the last feed, but then it started foxtailing and the white pistils started growing like crazy, so im sure it would of got much bigger and looking at the pistils id have to say it could of went easily another 2 weeks with nutrients then a week or 2 with just plain water before harvest.
is a certain pheno type i had been back crossing with to produce a big kc45 auto that produced nice buds, i started by buying 20 kc45 autos seeds and some where tiny plants with small buds and others where a decent size but this one male i got grew to like 4ft so collected the pollen and crossed it with the biggest female, then with that batch of seeds i crossed the biggest female with the pollen, i dont that about 5 times in total and now the seeds seem to produce good results each time grown now, so im hoping the foxtailing will come out in the seeds i harvest from it.

im wondering if its the 12-12 light schedule thats caused it to foxtail because all the autos ive grown under 12-12 seem to get much bigger and yields are anything from double to 4 times what i was getting under 24-0, so hopefully these seeds will produce some that foxtail, ill be growing a female in dwc under cfls for the experiment ill be doing alongside spimps grow, ill grow another under the hid and see what the end results are, but fingers crossed ive took it as far as i want and its not producing small plants anymore, i know ive not changed the strain but ive made the strain better by working with the best pheno types,

so id say it could of went 3 weeks or more before harvest due to how it was foxtailing, it went from having just a couple of pistils to having lots of pistils just like it was starting to flower, so im guess it could of doubled in size easily if it had kept on growing, so hopefully the seeds will produce a similar plant.

@BAR, its all good mate, its 100% cloudy so wont affect the quality, i would of liked to of seen how much further it could of gone but i should easily have 300 seeds from it when its dry, i put pollen on it really early so the inner buds along the stem are full of seeds but then as the buds get bigger they was seed free, so in that big bud i can see lots of seeds running all the way through it but very close to the stem, so maybe it was foxtailing due to that, ill know more when i grow some out but theirs lots of bud thats not got seeds in it so will be ok to smoke,

@chornic, back at ya my friend,
@Spimp, yep not good mate, i think your plant must of jinxed my plant, one of the branches on my dwc auto had wrapped round and got caught on the stem so when i pulled the dwc out i heard a snap and the bud fell, its ready for harvest but would like to of seen how big it would of get as it was really getting pretty fat the last few days and it looked like it was starting to flower again,
ill get to work setting up the cfl room tomorrow as im home all day, i dont think ill use as many lights as your using but depends on the growth,

the main reason i want to try cfls again is because when i was growing before growth was good but not as fast as it is now, now im watering my plants less often with less water growth has been very aggresive, now i got ok results with cfls the first time round so now ive dialed my watering method in and everything seems to be going well then im pretty sure i could get some good yields off cfls,

at the minute my plants are just under 2cfls, i got 1x 30watt 6400k cfl and 1x 2700k cfl in the other grow room or cupboard with these plants growing under it,
1x ken estes gdp cross with purple cheese auto male (part of my super male project as this will be the 2nd male im using.
this plant has been under cfl from day 1 and its got no stretch what so ever which is pretty amazing since im growing it under 60watts in total,
1x big buddha cheese clone, again doing really well and no stretch at all, it dont seem to grow upwards very quick but its bushing out very nice.
1x sensi star clone, again another nice plant, rooted and about 6inches high and mosnter cropped, ive just done a heavy defol on it and stripped it naked, again no stretch or signs it needs more lights.
1x ww x sk clone, only just rooted and new growth has just stared,
1x sour diesel clone, just rooted and now showing new growth.
1x dragons breath, pretty big plant again with no stretch,
1x blue mystic seedling
1x nirvana ice seedling,
1x auto white widow ( it spends 12 hours under hid and 12 hours under cfl.

so considering im only running 2 cfls of 30watts each my plants are doing really well, ill take some pics tomorrow and put a new journal up called cfl project, then we can bounce ideas of each other and see what works and what dont, once ive harvested my plants in flower now most of the above plants will go under the hid and ill do a complete fresh grow from seed to harvest with cfls and we can then work out whats best and how to produce good results,

i was happy with the results from cfls, my buds was not fluffy unless it was down to the strain, the ak47 x uk cherry cheese had solid dense buds under cfls and i was very happy with the trichome production and yield, so ill get this room set up and get some reflectors in their and mylar on the walls, at the minute its my electric cupboard, no reflectors, the walls are yellow and 2 cfls hung about 6 inches above all the plants and im not getting any stretch or signs of problems, so cant wait to get the cfl grow up and running and we can see what we can do with cfls, ill do a dwc auto, then a couple of other plants, some of the strains ive bought ill do under cfls and see what happens, im sure i can pull a good yield,

@AleX, i never even got 1 female mate, if i idid id keep it in clone form and would of produced fem seeds or crossed it with a male gdp and produced regular gdp, but the problem was i didnt even get 1 female, everyone i grew was male, so kept the bets male with the best growth pattern and collected pollen, the only plant i had in flower was the purple cheese auto, so far it looks like its a very nice cross and results are pretty stinky all ready so cant wait to test the end results, not sure if its a stable strain but gdp is a pretty stable strain and the purple cheese auto produced some potent bud considering it was an auto,

so yep if i had of get a female id of kept it in clone form or produced more seeds, but didnt even get 1, i just wish i would of kept the male for this super male project im doing, but so far got 2 males for the project one in flower that ill collect pollen from first and the other is in veg under cfls but clearly a male, so once ive collected pollen ill try everything to make it go hermie,

the quickest way of found to get plants to go hermie is keep them in pots that are way to small, so might rip the male out the big pot and stick it in a small pot and torture it for a week or 2, hopefully then it will go hermie and the mad scientist can get to work
hi all, hope you are all well,

one of my own strains that i gone 12-12 from seed with is showing me its a ducks foot strain, 3 bladed leaves that are sort of joined together like a ducks foot, from what i have read this should be a nice strain and worth using to cross with, so ill flower it off and see how it produces and how it smokes, hopefully its going to be a nice potent strain, its the first seed ive planted from this cross as it was one a made while back but not had chance to grow,
hi all, hope you are all well,

one of my own strains that i gone 12-12 from seed with is showing me its a ducks foot strain, 3 bladed leaves that are sort of joined together like a ducks foot, from what i have read this should be a nice strain and worth using to cross with, so ill flower it off and see how it produces and how it smokes, hopefully its going to be a nice potent strain, its the first seed ive planted from this cross as it was one a made while back but not had chance to grow,

I inquired to our good friend Herbie a few weeks back to see if he has any Ducks Foot genetics, he replied he did not. I suggest you start building your supply of that ducks foot because you my friend have a commodity.
Good weed to you my friend and may your weekend be a fine one. I have a stupid question. A very stupid one lol I know grafting can be done. Can you do a whole plant half graft? When a girl is say half through veg could you split 2 plants of the same size right down the middle and switch sides out real quick strap together and try a complete half graft?
I did say it was a stupid question, I know it would stress but say if you could do this what would be the result? Sorry for the dumb question I'm just curious.

Also has anyone tried scoring the main stem of a girl when still young in veg? Its just I've noticed that with some girls if they get a cut or mark into the stem surface you get growth sometimes forming from this spot. could this be used to promote extra growth and branching in cannabis plants?
I'd think the splitting of an entire plant would be too much to bounce back from, but I like your train of thought regarding scouring a branch to promote new growth.
La that's interesting also about the graft, I also think it would probably be to much. I mean if u split a girl down the middle and then quickly banded her back together I think it would be lucky to survive never mind joining two diff plant halfs together lol
I am now very curious to see if its been done....

The second question u mentioned is very interesting. I always thought if a plant got a "nic" in it it would just brown up hard n heal itself. Never new u could promote growth that way but now I want to see this done also :)

Good day don p and donP followers
I'm thinking the scoring method could be used with girl kept in a humidity chamber when young and use something like a clonex folia spray or some kind of product that promotes new growth. I'm sure there would be a certain depth of cut and maybe even a certain part of the plant that would be easier to do this with. Even maybe picking the girl at the right age and point of growth would most probably be a factor. I need some more girls to experiment on lol.
@Skybound, thats my plan my friend, clone it and produce fem seeds, crossing it with itself im told should produce plants with the exact same trait.

@Light Addict, not something ive come across, even if it was possible the stem would have to be the exact same size. really not sure if it would work, ill get round to grafting at some point. but ill go with the usual method and graft a branch onto a different plant, would be nice to have 2 nice strains and grow them off the one stem, the cutting a plant to produce new growth does work but not all the time, when ive pulled leaves off and its ripped part of the stem it was on ive then had a new set of leaves grow out of that cut so its possible but not sure if it would produce branches, ill give it a try.

@chronic, back at ya my friend,

@AleX, i just took a load of pics so ill try and find the pics of the ducks foot trait on the one plant i got, just uploading pics now





















more pics in next post
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