Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow







the main bud on this dwc auto seems to be growing 2 buds side by side















below is the kc45 auto buds that got snapped off, their now dry and in jars, took these pics below a few seconds before they went into the jars




@Dank, the kc45 auto took me a while to get it to where i want it but now it produces well each time so this next batch of seeds should be the last ill produce unless i produce fem or cross a male and female, i wont back cross it anymore as the trich production is pretty amazing for an auto and the buds are really dense, so ill leave it along now it gives decent results,
the gdp cheese is a stinky plant so hoping it turns out ok, one seems to be producing smaller buds and the other seems to be producing fatter buds with more trichs.
as it was the first cross between gdp and purple cheese auto then its going to produce a few pheno types, so ill work with the best and try and produce a nice strain, might even cross with kc45 auto to bring back the auto side of it.

@Light Addict, its nice but i need to cut my numbers down after this harvest, got way to much going on. so once these are harvested ill be working on trying to grow a nice purple strain. the smell is pretty potent at the minute, im so glad everyone round where i live smokes bud as it masks the smell a bit, but this time round its the stinkiest ive had it.
ill checy my mail shortly.
Thanks Laverns, she certainly looks good, looks like its going to take longer to flower than the others, seems a bit behind but might be down to how big it got in veg, looks like it will produce some big buds though, so very happy my first seed was female
Thanks Laverns, she certainly looks good, looks like its going to take longer to flower than the others, seems a bit behind but might be down to how big it got in veg, looks like it will produce some big buds though, so very happy my first seed was female

Cheers to you mate.

I will most likely chop down my plants in 2-3 weeks. It will come down to this because of my errors, soil with slow release ferts in too bigs container is no fun. I cant water my plants more then once in 10 days, i have nutes def's because of the soil & ferts, cant feed my plant like i want, 3/4 of my stems are too small, Roxy haze is going to fall apart real soon sincee her main cola is bigger then the start of the stem..., etc.

I have to say, it was a very good experience and learning. Im not saying that my next grow will be great but it will be better, i will be able to focus on the grow itself instead of worrying about everything around it.

Hope you will still follow me around in the nearly future :thumb:
If you think about it, you will be more in tuned to a limited amount of plants, so there is less that can go wrong. Not to mention that everyone of us is subbed to many journals and trying to remember who is growing what strain in which medium and how far along is each etc is just mind numbing. Less DP plants to follow frees up a whole lot of CPU power in my brain and will generally be easier to follow your grows.
@Lavernz, im sure your next grow will be much better, my first grow i over watered and ended up with small yields and small plants, now ive got the watering sorted out and let my plants totally dry out between watering my plants have started to grow much quicker and getting much bigger yields,
so im sure you will get your setup sorted out, its a big learning curve and ive not been growing long myself. its just a case of changing things till you find something that works, once you hit tht sweet spot you will be very happy indeed.

@Skybound, your right, ive got to admit ive got more plants than i really have room for, im sure i could hit similar yields with less plants and possibly hit bigger yields as i can let the plants get bigger so buds should in theory be bigger, at the minute i have to flip 12-12 early so i dont run out of space so this is not bringing the plant to its full potential, now if i had just 3 or 4 plants max then i could let them get bigger and hopefully produce more.

less plants = less risk and less small to worry about. but it dont mean i need to hit smaller yields as i can veg for an extra 2 or 3 weeks.
the 3 ive chosen are
BC bud depot ultimate purple (suppose to be a stable purple strain)
high quality purple tops (again suppose to produce purple each time its grown)
TGA subcool's deep purple (the write up says it has a few pheno types, so clearly not a true stable strain but will produce great results either way,)

ive been after the purps for a couple of years now and tried all sorts of true purple strains such as purple widow, purple cheese, auto purple plus few others, none turned purple so i did give up on the purps, but ill give it one last try and see how it goes.

cant guarantee purps but should still produce some nice plants, subcools should be a very nice strain, been following his strains for a while now but never bought none before,
back at ya chroinic

@AleX and spimp, thanks both

@Light Addict. your words of wisdom are always welcome, i think your words are working well. my plants are looking nice and frosty, in the last 24 hours the wwx sk has decided to start growing some trichs, so even thats starting to look much better.

@Crazy Carl, ive not got the goggles or the white lab coat just yet. nearly but not quite, lets see how my super male experiment goes.

its all part of the fun of growing, if we dont try these things then we never know. just like how femenised seeds come around, no one would grow hermies then breeders found out that hermie plants was pollenating fem plants and all the seeds where fem, so then we got fem seeds, i just wish i could find more info on these super males, their was a really good site a while back that i was reading and it went into detail about the chemicals that was used to force a male to turn hermie, ill have to bring my old desktop back to life and see if its still bookmarked on their
Hey DP, still no word from 420Girl, I'll pm some other mods if I don't hear from her in couple of days. I sent her my info, and I'm sure she'll get around to it, I'll just be grateful to have it, gonna be awesome. My AK X is doing great, and the GDP Purple Cheese is coming along nice and steady.
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