Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

ok cool, ill update my threads then come over and have a look, it sounds interesting, ill try and find out what i can about it on the net as well once i know what kind of info im looking for,

plus reps for providing the info
i need an outdoor grower to take a look at this thread, or anyone who thinks they can add anything to what i have wrote, i dont know anything about outdoor growing or using tea's to feed a plant with, but this grower has got plants that are lacking in something, so if anyone can take a look it will be a huge help, hopefully we can save his plants and get him to harvest.
Budding and Flowering Marijuana
hi all,

ill try and get a picture update done tomorrow or get a video posted, my plants are all doing great

:popcorn: now watch, I will forget to come back
I am interested to see how this super male experiment comes along, as well as Spimp's side note of the of sensimilla males. Now that is the peak of a new age of breeds. Maybe we can will start getting some 420 forum-born cannabis cup winners in the future ;)
its just something ive had rattling around my brain for a while now, but a recent conversation on it sparked my interest again so thought it wont hurt to give it a try and actually see what the results are myself,
theirs a lot to learn and try so ill see what i can do and try what i can.

the pollen from the male hermie will be used on a female,
the female pistils on the male hermie will be pollenated with male pollen or maybe some fem pollen, then i will be able to check which method produces the best results,

it might end up producing poor results or none at all, but from what i read a while back it should work ok, its just ive not seed anyone try it on the net to find out what the results are, the only place i did read about it producing fem seeds and producing high thc and cbn levels was on the site i was on ages ago, so ill try and bring my old laptop to life and see if the bookmarks are still on their, if they are i can check if that site is still live and copy n paste the info over so ive always got it,

if you dont try then i guess you will always wonder what the results where, look how much money femenised seeds have made, so clearly someone one day decided to use the hermie for pollen instead of killing it they learned it produced fem seeds, im sure we have a lot to learn and their will be more projects in the future,

polyploids is also on my project list but dont want to do everything at the same time because of plant numbers, so lets go with the male hermie option first and see how that pans out, ill need to hermie a few males so i got a good spread of results then ill know if its worth doing again or worth anyone else trying it, if no one tries then no one knows, if someone tries and fails miserably then we know not to try it again, but if it produces great results like suggested then maybe it will be a good way of producing some potent strains. for all i know this might be how some of the most potent strains are created, could be a trade secret for all i know, but ill find out one way or another.

im sure their was a chemical that can be used to turn a male female, so ill try and find out what that was and if i cant do it with light shock or nute shock or even Spimps method then ill go the chemical route,

polyploids are another story for another day, or lets just say for another project in the future,
I just read about your insomnia on the MOTM thread and I feel for you. I suffered from very bad insomnia for years.
Its very much like the movie fight club, you are never really awake or asleep. Everything run together and days can seem like 20 mins or 20 days. Its a brain f*ck for sure. I never tried any perscription drugs but ive taken over the counter sleep aids and they made me a zombie. I feel like Icant reember some of the events that happened during my insomnia issues as well. Its like I remember it as out of body. I hope yours gets better and you find a strain that really lets you get some rest.
Real Deals! something I just started since my harvest; Cannabis Tea. Not for growing but drinking. I take some fan leafs, a few sugar leaf clippings & a teaspoon of ginger. Boil them in a sauce pan with water. That's it. I add sugar & lemon just like I do with any tea. I've been sleeping like a baby. If you notice lately I haven't been making a lot of eastern standard time pre-dawn morning post. :nomo: Stuff really works.
Real Deals! something I just started since my harvest; Cannabis Tea. Not for growing but drinking. I take some fan leafs, a few sugar leaf clippings & a teaspoon of ginger. Boil them in a sauce pan with water. That's it. I add sugar & lemon just like I do with any tea. I've been sleeping like a baby. If you notice lately I haven't been making a lot of eastern standard time pre-dawn morning post. :nomo: Stuff really works.

I like the way you think BAR :circle-of-love:
Real Deals! something I just started since my harvest; Cannabis Tea. Not for growing but drinking. I take some fan leafs, a few sugar leaf clippings & a teaspoon of ginger. Boil them in a sauce pan with water. That's it. I add sugar & lemon just like I do with any tea. I've been sleeping like a baby. If you notice lately I haven't been making a lot of eastern standard time pre-dawn morning post. :nomo: Stuff really works.

I am going to have to try this! Instead of ginger, I will use mint.
@Spimp, yep it sure sucks, im hoping the cheese strain will be a great choice of meds for me, i know when ive bought it in the past it helps so i thought id try growing it and see if that can be a good night time med, prescribed meds just not worth taking when they make you feel like crap. the worse thing i find is that night time is just the same as daytime to me, it just dark and not a time when id normally sleep, most of the time its getting light when i finally get a couple of hours sleep.

@BAR, sounds like an interesting idea and something i can certainly try, ill be paying the postage on the magic butter machine in the next couple of days so that might also be another option, some cookies or other edibles might also help, its going to be trial and error till i find something that works,
thanks everyone, i know i not done a pic update in a few days but im not busy tomorrow so ill get an update going.

the nirvana ice seed has sprouted,
the blue mystic seed has also sprouted,

for the flowering plants,
the sensi star is again going to be covered in trichs, its covered now so should be another good harvest from that.
the kc45 auto is really putting on weight in the last week or 2 of its life, so far its the biggets kc45 auto out of the crosses i have made, the buds are much bigger compared to previous grows, so hopefully the seeds it produces should produce nice plants,

jack flash is ready for harvest, still unsure if its the quality im looking for, sometimes it smells like jack flash and other times it dont, so wont know until test it once its dry,

ill put some pics up tomorrow so you can see what i got going on, plenty of bud porn for all
Hi all,

just uploading some bud porn for you all,

now just wondering if i should run another 2 journals and this is why.
project 1, this is going to be my super male project and the project will involve making a male plant go hermie to turn it into a super male then i can experiment and see what kind of results i can get and see if its something worth doing in the future and see how the results from the pollen and resulting seeds turn out,

project 2, this ill be running alongside Spimps grow, ill set up a cfl room and we will try and dial in cfls to perfection and see what works and what dont, ill be growing autos which will be my own kc45 autos as i know how they produce under hid light so can see how they do under cfls alone, also ill try a dwc as well and again see how that compares.

would it be best to put both of these projects in seperate journals so its easier to find the info instead of scrolling through pages of posts to find the info your looking for, so im thinking 2 new journals would be the best option, 1 called super male project and the other cfl project,

pics will follow when their uploaded,
If you decide on the new journals, please link me me my friend.
Hi all,

just uploading some bud porn for you all,

now just wondering if i should run another 2 journals and this is why.
project 1, this is going to be my super male project and the project will involve making a male plant go hermie to turn it into a super male then i can experiment and see what kind of results i can get and see if its something worth doing in the future and see how the results from the pollen and resulting seeds turn out,

project 2, this ill be running alongside Spimps grow, ill set up a cfl room and we will try and dial in cfls to perfection and see what works and what dont, ill be growing autos which will be my own kc45 autos as i know how they produce under hid light so can see how they do under cfls alone, also ill try a dwc as well and again see how that compares.

would it be best to put both of these projects in seperate journals so its easier to find the info instead of scrolling through pages of posts to find the info your looking for, so im thinking 2 new journals would be the best option, 1 called super male project and the other cfl project,

pics will follow when their uploaded,
What DL said.
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