Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

damm DP...sorry about your daughter..and you..sounds like you got artheritis..hey..don't worry about that compu...take care of your bizz..that bagseed i got ..them round things sure look like nuts..but 3 days..shouldn't they have opened by now...maybe that plant got reveg some kind of way..i had reveg leaves start off as a ball..and unfolded..idk..keeping a close watch...that branch i cut off that bagseed is still alive in the tank...and there is a bud forming on the top...strange things...
thanks everyone,

some pics coming up in next post,

@miwa. sometimes it takes a week or 2 before the male pollen sacs open, when i grow a male i leave it in the flower room until the pollen sacs are pretty swollen, once you have grown a few males you can pretty much tell when the pollen sacs are going to open, usually a good week or 2 after they appear before they open, hermies tend to have pollen sacs that open much sooner and usually within a few days, but males seem to want to grow more pollen sacs before they actually open, as long as you got pollen sacs then they will develop and open,



below is where the ww x sk#1 was topped,


here you might be able to see where i pulled the plant right over on its side, its giving me between 10 and 15 main shoots growing upwards

below is bb chz


below is one of the grapefruit strains ive planted,

ak47 x uk cherry cheese reveg clone not rooted yet





its a little experiment i been doing on node spacing related to defol method, it really stunts growth so a slow process but node spacing seems very close and continues to stay close, ive stopped defol now and ill see how it develops from now

































some buds from previous harvest,

dried and in jars for cure sensi star bud


sensi star popcorn bud, been smoking it but will probably use the rest for hash making,

some ak 47 x uk cherry cheese popcorn buds



thats all i managed to take before my cam batt went flat, had more buds i wanted to show but camera froze and switched off while taking the pics of my other seeds so will charge it up and finish the pics off when i get up tomorrow,

@GiGa, good to hear from you my friend, i got something planned for the kids so hopefully if my daughter is well enough ill be taking them out with the detector the weekend, ive been buying roman coins and old coins off flea bay so will go out and bury them in a field for them to find, not worth anything so not fussed if i lose any but the kids should find them all as the detector seems pretty decent, might even find some coins that i didnt plant, will be interesting to see what can be found near where i live, lots of roman settlements around and a big roman temple near where my mom lives and plenty of farm land so got plenty of places to go,

G13 labs should be a nice product, G13 is suppose to stand for GM, g being the 13th letter of the alphabet, so the G13 strain is suppose to be a cross with a polyploid as its been genetically modified to produce big dense buds and very high thc levels, anything up to double what a regular plant produces, so i know the G13 strains is crossed with a clone from a polyploid plant, not sure on their other G13 strains but as its got G13 in the title then chances are its crossed with the original G13 somewhere in its past, so hopefully it should be a very nice strain,

they treat seeds with a chemical that changes the genetics of the plant and turns it into a polyploid plant, this is then crossed with a regular plant to produce a more stable plant that still retains the high thc levels and dense buds, so any cross with G13 should turn out ok unless their just using the G13 name to sell the products, but im thinking if its called G13's labs then chances are its been genetically modified to increase yield and thc levels so will be nice to see how it turns out and produces,

if you research G13 and polyploids then you will see what im going on about,
thanks light addict, i got more plants than im happy with to be honest, really going to cut my numbers down after these have finished,

im tempted to flip to a big dwc set up and lose the soil grows all together, im just not getting the speed of growth i need, hydro and dwc is easily twice as quick as soil grown plants, so really tempted to go with a big dwc set up and fewer plants, i could use 2 big res's and have 2 plants per res, if you watch the strain hunters videos you will see why i am tempted to flip to dwc or even hydro, might even go down the hydro route, just not 100% sure yet what im comfortable with.

but im pretty sure i can grow just 4 plants and get similar results or possibly better results, it all depends on the yield from this round of plants, im going to veg them a bit longer this time as ive got enough bud to last me a few months now so can let these get a bit bigger before flipping 12-12,
going to find a spot in the basement and start a hydro...its cool down there..i won't have to worry about warm nutrient temps..or i could finish this DIY chiller..i got a coil of 3/4 in copper tubing and an ice chest..hook hoses on the open ends..put the coil into the chest...cover with ice.. and figger out how to circulate solution to and from the plants..wht do u think...what system...DWC...Flood and Drain...Drain to Waste...what ???
First off, donpual, I truly aspire to one day be on your level in a similar situation. With all that growing going on, you must be truly happy. I'd love to be able to have the nearby space and constantly manage something like your grows. I'm just really in awe!

@miwa, I've had a similar idea for an RDWC and imagined so far as to do away with a res and have the nutrient exist in the plumbing because all ya need is an in and out to/fro the grow bucket(s). The rest could stay in transit in the series. I would however not use any metal piping, but rather coil up pex tubing as it is thick, pliable and light resistant. I don't know how much tubing would domicile about 10-15 gallons, or even 60, but I think it might be a lot, even if 1" ID hose was used. But anyway, just s simple 200-300 GPH inline pump would work. I'm thinking the larger ones come apart to function inline, but maybe the smaller ones don't. My 550 does, but my 160 doesn't. Using the ice chest might get a little needy in having to maintain a good amount of ice in there at all times. I envisioned stabbing right in and out the side of your average household refrigerator. Why not, everyone already has one and you're paying for it anyway, plus it's on 24/7. Just a thought... Like where your mind is heading.

Edit: A small dump and refill tank would need to be installed near a bypass valve, but it is very doable!

Edit #2: DonPaul, is it possible to reveg an auto plant? Like leave a small portion of bud on the bottom (if single cola) and snip the top and reveg a monster cropper?
Firefighter Math

Scratch that idea. 100' of 1" ID hose only holds 4 gallons.
its not a cloner its a 2ltr dwc, just a small res with air stone at the bottom, plant grows in top part which can be any growing medium, i dont have coco or pellets so used compost and it seems to work ok, so its just a very very basic 2ltr dwc, but even a small dwc like that outgrows soil grown plants, easily grow twice as quick.

im really not sure what dwc to go with, it would be very basic, a big res and a few big air stones in the bottom, then id have to find a way of getting it empty and filled back up without moving the res, i have enough height so i can have the res a foot or more off the floor so i could have a drain hole in the bottom of the res to empty it then just fill it up from the top, it wont be nothing fancy as i just dont have the cash, im only tempted to go hydro or dwc due to the how much quicker the plants grow, they grow easily 2 or 3 times as quick as any soil grown plants, all the research i have done and my own testing proves its easily twice as quick and possibly 3 times as quick. so dwy or hydro is the fastest growing method, maybe super soil would work better and grow plants quicker but i push my plants as far as i can with the nutrients and cant match the speed of my 2ltr dwc set up.

@Skybound, i got way to many plants mate, id be happy with just 4, i plant to many seeds to often and end up with to many plants. it means i cant grow them as big as i like as i run out of room, this ww x skunk#1 can easily fill the grow room on it own, thats how quick its growing, i had to lst it right over on its side as it was getting well over 1ft high compared with plants of the same age that was less than half the size, so i could do with just 4 big pots and grow 4 plants at a time, id run 2 or 3 grow rooms though so i can have a staggered harvest,

one room would be seedling room, 1 would be veg room and 1 would be my flower room, that way i can harvest one set of plants then move the next into the flower room to be flowered off, id have to time it right so my veg plants where in veg for roughly 6 to 8 weeks then they would go in flower room, so getting them planted at right time is going to take some working out as the seedling room would only be used for a couple of weeks, so i got some working out to do and decide what type of grow im going to go with,

hydro and dwc is a good option but puts me at more risk due to the set up needed, soil is just very basic and i can get away with saying i just planted some seeds and watered them, with hydro or dwc i cant say that as id need to have a good understanding of what im doing and would of had to get equipment to grow that way, so ive really not totally decided yet what ill go with,

with the autos ive tried many strains under 24-0 and all start to flower and reach harvest, i find they tend to start flowering quicker under 24-0 compared with 18-6 or even 12-12, but could all depend on strain, but the kc45 ive been growing does very poor under 24-0 but under 12-12 it ends up 4 times as big and yields go up from 7g under 20-4 up to just over 2oz under 12-12
when i take clones reg i do them direct into soil and if i can directly into the pot they will be growing in, if i dont have the option to do this then i use pot noodle tubs to plant my clones in as a 2ltr bottle dome fits nicely over the pot noodle tub which helps keep humidity up, i used to take several clones from each plant but the method i use works every time so i only take 1 clone off the plant i want a clone from and it always seems to root, ive only had 1 plant that would not root but i tried taking over 5 clones and not one would root, but some strains are hard to clone but air layering solved that problem as it allowed to me root the clone while it was still growing on the mother plant,
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