Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

SER Don, I Got Plants This Year And Before, And Before, Virtually Every Time I Grow, That ALWAYS Turn Male, And Usually Once THE Process Starts, It's Irreversible(OUTSIDE) Anyways, I Know That I Think I Read That Male Plants Can Be Turned Female, In Much The Same Way,You Blokes TURN FEMALES Into MALES,For All Female Pollen, And If Am WAY Off The Mark Here, Someone Please School Me, So I Can Learn It Without Problems, Don Don't You Deal With Hermies:thedoubletake:??? Or Is It That You Keep The Lights Turned On A Little Longer, To Prevent It From Happening Whilst. I Guess I Am Just Old School, I Like To Pick Certain Plants And Cross Them With Other Great Plants, To Produce The Hybrid Vigor, I Love Hybrid Vigor, The Plants Generally Tend To Out Grow Their Siblings That Were Pollinated By The Same Type Of Plant(THIS IS GOOD As WELL), As This Preserves The Original Strains Of Both Types Of Plants That Were Crossed, Thereby Insuring The On Going Continuance Of The Strain. Never Ever Want To Lose Your Strains, Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES!!! They Are Like A Well Of Knowledge, And Creative Thinking In Coming Up With The Strains Traits, By Folks That Actually Thought About It Long And Hard!!!That Is Why I Believe In Sharing Strains With People, But You Really Have To Know The Person Or PERSONS You Are Entrusting The Strain Too, Easy To Get In Trouble That Way, Well Here I Am Again Hijacking Ser Don's Site:high-five: ,Sorry ALL, Take Care!!! SINCERELY, SER JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!! Lord Commander 420 Knights Watch.
SER Don, I Got Plants This Year And Before, And Before, Virtually Every Time I Grow, That ALWAYS Turn Male, And Usually Once THE Process Starts, It's Irreversible(OUTSIDE) Anyways, I Know That I Think I Read That Male Plants Can Be Turned Female, In Much The Same Way,You Blokes TURN FEMALES Into MALES,For All Female Pollen, And If Am WAY Off The Mark Here, Someone Please School Me, So I Can Learn It Without Problems, Don Don't You Deal With Hermies:thedoubletake:??? Or Is It That You Keep The Lights Turned On A Little Longer, To Prevent It From Happening Whilst. I Guess I Am Just Old School, I Like To Pick Certain Plants And Cross Them With Other Great Plants, To Produce The Hybrid Vigor, I Love Hybrid Vigor, The Plants Generally Tend To Out Grow Their Siblings That Were Pollinated By The Same Type Of Plant(THIS IS GOOD As WELL), As This Preserves The Original Strains Of Both Types Of Plants That Were Crossed, Thereby Insuring The On Going Continuance Of The Strain. Never Ever Want To Lose Your Strains, Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES!!! They Are Like A Well Of Knowledge, And Creative Thinking In Coming Up With The Strains Traits, By Folks That Actually Thought About It Long And Hard!!!That Is Why I Believe In Sharing Strains With People, But You Really Have To Know The Person Or PERSONS You Are Entrusting The Strain Too, Easy To Get In Trouble That Way, Well Here I Am Again Hijacking Ser Don's Site:high-five: ,Sorry ALL, Take Care!!! SINCERELY, SER JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!! Lord Commander 420 Knights Watch.
When ever your giving out valuable information (as you always do) it's not hi-jacking. Stop apologizing.:thumb:
Thanks For The INFO BAR, I Just Kinda Felt Like I Had taken Up A Lot Of His Space:high-five:!!! But Since You Put It That Way BAR, I Do Not Feel Bad Any Longer, SO THANK YOU:thanks:!!!It Makes Me feel A Whole Lot Better!!! I Was Just Popping In To See How Don Is doing, And Don, THANK YOU, For All The Info You Wrote Out For Me On Doing The DWC, But I Am Afraid Yarrow is Still Not Going To Have It, She says If It Does Not Get On The Floors, It Will Stink??? Is That True??? I Mean, I See Her Point, But It Seems Like It Would Only Get Funky Smelling If You Did Not Stay On Top Of What Was Happening?!?:loopy:Which Being A Virgo, I Have This Thing About Neatness And Orderliness, So I Feel I Would Be Able to Keep This From Happening,Her, Not At All, Plus She Does Not Want To Have To Pay For Anything That Might Accidently Occur To HER FLOORS:thedoubletake:!!! Which I Comprende, But That Does Not Mean I Do Not Want To Try!!! But She Is Right In That We Have So Much Herb, Why Risk It By An Experiment That Really Would Mean Nothing To Our MMJ(THE COPIOUS AMOUNTS) Anyways, Have A Good WEEDNESDAY SER DON. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!! LORD COMMANDER OF THE 420 KNIGHTS WATCH.
Good day Don. Hope things are lush and green with you my friend. I was hoping you would pop over a d drop some wisdom at my journal. Im after your techniques for stunting growth. Top fan removal, and your pinching technique. As Ive got a critical sensi star comming and want to veg it for about 7-8 weeks, getting her loaded with nodes and keeping her squat. I take it that you can do this with the plants limbs as well as its top?. If you can it would be great many thanks.
@james, your always welcome here my friend, ive not got hermies mate, this is what i got, i crossed ken estes gdp male with purple cheese auto female and this is the results so far from 10 plants,
1st pheno is a short fat leaves indica looking pheno, not such a upwards growing plant but a nice indica bushy type plant, sex unknown
2nd pheno type is a taller thinner fingered leave pheno also not showing sex.
2nd pheno again but this is showing me its female.
2nd pheno again is a plant thats showing me its male with clear pollen sacs.

now we know i crossed a none auto with an auto, this will give me 1/4 of the seeds as autos, so im thinking the plant showing sex as female this early on is going to be an auto as the others are not showing sex and some are bigger and a few days older. now ive got a male showing sex and growing pollen sacs, so is this also an auto male, or do males produce pollen sacs under 18-6, the pollen sacs are getting bigger and could open within 10 days but does this still happen if a male is not auto, do males show sex under veg schedule and do they produce pollen sacs and open them up during veg, if not then this to must be a male auto but i need to know for sure before i use the pollen,
i want to be left with a gdp cheese auto i can work with, also i will have a gdp cheese regular to work with, only 2 plants are showing sex, one is clearly female so if it starts flowering i know its an auto, but i dont know enough about males to know if this is an auto or not, if males dont show sex under veg schedule then this male must be an auto, but if males grown under 18-6 do show sex and do produce pollen then it might not be a male auto, i need to find out for sure

the dwc dont smell my friend, even if i tipped mine over it would not smell at all, nutrients dont smell once their mixed with water so even if tipped over their would be no smell from the water or nutrients, the only time i smell my dwc plants is when their in flower and i can smell the plant, but the res dont smell and creates no mess, soil plants create much more mess but dwc is all contained, nothing leaks out the res so no mess at all and certainly no smell, you could even put the res inside a bowl so if you did some how knock it over then all that would get wet is the inside of the bowl, but i know you need to keep both sides happy, im sure you would kike to see how dwc works and how quick the plants grow but you certainly dont need the bud, more of an experiment to see how it all works,

at the moment im only crossing the best pheno types to produce a new strain, so far its gone well and ive ended up with strains that produce more and better than either parents i have crossed, but my problem with this ken estes gdp cross purple cheese auto is that i have never tried gdp female, i kept getting males so used the best male to collect pollen from due to what everyone says about gdp,
so in the end ill be left with a gdp cheese auto and a gdp cheese regular, ill of course work with pheno types and back cross where i can to make a stable pheno type, so this is why i need to know if this male is auto or not,

@broke, couldnt agree more, james is always welcome here,

@chronic, happy 3 toke thursday my friend
@ light addict, cool no worries, if people want to say defol is not worth trying or wonder if it works or not then i just send them to bassman as he has mastered the art of defol and his results clearly prove that it works and works well, if anyone wants the links give me a shout here and ill post bassmans defol journal up so you can go and have a look at a master and his art

@kush and light, im on my way
@mc, interesting, ive crossed autos and none autos before and find if the female is the auto then the seeds turn out around 1/4 auto, when the male is auto the results seem to differ vastly, when i used the male auto pollen on a photo plant i had to grow 20 or more seeds before i found 1 auto and it was pretty poor to be honest as well, but when i use the female auto and male photo then the seeds are roughly 1/4 auto, so far i can safely say ive got 1 female auto out of this cross, the male im unsure of and dont think ill be using it for crossing, if i get a male auto out of this first batch then ill cross the 2 to produce the first round of gdp cheese auto then i can work with pheno types, if it turns out that i only get this 1 female auto then ill use some male auto pollen from the kc45 and just put it on a couple of the buds, it wont be a strain ill work with but it will give me more autos to grow and smoke for future grows,
the male kc45 auto pollen is from a really big male auto its what im using to produce a big yielding auto, i got some of that male pollen left so will use that just to produce some auto seeds but only for growing,

hopefully ill have a male gdp cheese auto and can cross them, im also going to be looking for the best male and female from the same batch of seeds thats not auto so a regular gdp cheese, so ill just have to see how things go, plus i got a friend growing a few of the gdp cross purple cheese auto seeds so i can see what he is getting with the seeds he is growing, plus with someone else growing i can get a bit of feedback on quality and how they grow in different climates and grow set ups,

@Dank, ill look now and post the link, if these things dont turn up by friday their will be more sent, jimmy is in the same boat,
its the kings kush, i think this is what your on about, check out how long they veg for, check out how long they flower for and see the results, they flush completely 3 times during flower as they say it gets more oxygen to the roots, their results speak for themselves, huge yields from a short grow and flower time, after 4 weeks of flowering the thc is at 7%, they let the pot totally dry out so the plant is heavier than the soil so its really top heavy, they say flushing is what helps produce huge flowers as it gets the most oxygen to the roots, ill pm you the link now, if anyone else wants it drop me a pm, its just a grow video,
@mc, interesting, ive crossed autos and none autos before and find if the female is the auto then the seeds turn out around 1/4 auto, when the male is auto the results seem to differ vastly, when i used the male auto pollen on a photo plant i had to grow 20 or more seeds before i found 1 auto and it was pretty poor to be honest as well, but when i use the female auto and male photo then the seeds are roughly 1/4 auto, so far i can safely say ive got 1 female auto out of this cross, the male im unsure of and dont think ill be using it for crossing, if i get a male auto out of this first batch then ill cross the 2 to produce the first round of gdp cheese auto then i can work with pheno types, if it turns out that i only get this 1 female auto then ill use some male auto pollen from the kc45 and just put it on a couple of the buds, it wont be a strain ill work with but it will give me more autos to grow and smoke for future grows,
the male kc45 auto pollen is from a really big male auto its what im using to produce a big yielding auto, i got some of that male pollen left so will use that just to produce some auto seeds but only for growing,

hopefully ill have a male gdp cheese auto and can cross them, im also going to be looking for the best male and female from the same batch of seeds thats not auto so a regular gdp cheese, so ill just have to see how things go, plus i got a friend growing a few of the gdp cross purple cheese auto seeds so i can see what he is getting with the seeds he is growing, plus with someone else growing i can get a bit of feedback on quality and how they grow in different climates and grow set ups,

@dank, ill look now and post the link, if these things dont turn up by friday their will be more sent, jimmy is in the same boat,
its the kings kush, i think this is what your on about, check out how long they veg for, check out how long they flower for and see the results, they flush completely 3 times during flower as they say it gets more oxygen to the roots, their results speak for themselves, huge yields from a short grow and flower time, after 4 weeks of flowering the thc is at 7%, they let the pot totally dry out so the plant is heavier than the soil so its really top heavy, they say flushing is what helps produce huge flowers as it gets the most oxygen to the roots, ill pm you the link now, if anyone else wants it drop me a pm, its just a grow video,

Hey DP...your breeding info is very interesting :thumb:

I watched a different video by greenhouse on the Kalashnikova where they did frequent flushes and dry out periods to stimulate root growth...Very interesting

All the effort you put into detailed explanations of your growing techniques is very much appreciated:thanks:
DP, can you link the video to your journal, my journal or even a PM to me if your prefer? I'd like to check that out.
thanks jay, im still learning as i go so i can only pass on what i have tried and tested myself, so far everything seems to be working out well.

@Skybound, ill pm you with it as cant post the link
im not sure whats going on with these seeds ive just bred,
as i crossed a none auto male the gdp with a purple cheese auto then only 1/4 of the seeds should be auto, how ever 2 days ago i checked the plants and one was clearly female and showing sex and the calyx started to swell up at the nodes telling me its likely to start flowering in the next 2 to 4 weeks, other autos ive grown progress the same as this compared to photo plants, now i just checked my plants again and another gdp cheese is showing me its female and the calyx is starting to swell at the nodes, again suggesting its going to flower in the coming weeks, ive also got a male that showing sex as well from the same batch of seeds,

so if these turn out to be autos then why am i getting such a high % of autos out of a cross like this, their basically growing identical to autos as they show sex real early between weeks 2 and 4 then 2 to 4 weeks later they start flowering, so ill know more if they start flowering, but so far all 3 look like autos to me,

now another things thats a bit strange is the pheno types, i thought all the taller ones would be male, how ever 1 is male and the other is now showing me its female and possibly an auto female gdp cheese, the only one not showing sex is the very short indica looking pheno, the taller faster growing pheno are all showing sex and progressing as if their autos, is this even possible with the cross i made, have i got a load of auto seeds and only 1/4 photo seeds.

if crossing a photo plant with an auto plant produces only 1/4 auto seeds, then is it possible that this can also swing the other way, could i have only 1/4 photo seeds and 3/4 of them turn out auto,
when i made the cross the female was auto so if they are in fact auto then the female genes have come out more in the cross than the gdp, does this suggest that the purple cheese auto was a very strong strain that had a lot of ruderalis in it,

im just not sure whats going on, i always thought id end up with 1/4 auto seeds and the rest photo, but at the minute id have to say its doing totally the opposite, the fast growing ones are showing sex at 10 to 14 days old, exactly like autos do that ive grown so if they are auto they could start flowering in anything from 2 to 4 weeks from now, but the short fat indica pheno which is the only one with that pheno type is not showing sex, the node spacing is very very tight and looks heavy indica, these taller ones have bigger node spacing and are 3 times as tall as the short pheno so i thought maybe most would be male, so far just 1 male and 2 female from the taller fast growing pheno type, but like a tw@ i decided to top and fim the plants as they was growing to quick, so if they do turn out auto i wont have a good idea on how well they would grow, but the growth is pretty crazy and growing much quicker than my other plants started at same time,
the only plant growing quicker than the gdp cheese is the white widow x skunk, ive never had leaves this big on a plant before, they was as big as my hands but now their fan leaves are bigger than dinner plates, its growing quick as well so hoping thats not a male
All I Can Say SER DON And BAR, Thank You Both Very Much For The Encouragement. SER DON, I WOULD GIVE MY RIGHT PINKY FINGER FOR ABOUT 25 OF THOSE GDP X CHEESE Babies You Seem To Have Goung, Ask Any Strain Of Mine That You Would Like To Have(IN A PM OF COURSE) And I Will Fill The Bill:high-five:!!! I Have Never Ever Seen Cheese, Not Once, EVER!!! That Is Why It Is So Interesting To Me. The GDP, Actually In My County Is Known As Lavender, The Mendocinians Say They Produced It First, And Humboldt Of Course Says They Did??? As Far As I Am Concerned, Does It REALLY MATTER, I Mean No One Should Take Credit For Another Mans Work, But Neither Side Will Be Honest(OR ONE OF THEM WONT BE HONEST) And Give The One That Created It Their Proper Dues!!!:hmmmm:Which If You Ask Me, Is Pretty Shitty!!! I Keep Hearing The The Name Ken Estes, I Believe It Is, What Is His Claim To Fame, Not The GDP, RIGHT??? My Mentor, God Rest His Soul, Had LANDRACE Strains From EVERY CORNER OF THE GLOBE He VISITED. When He Was In Vietnam, As A Marine, He Brought Back Several Different Varieties With Him,MANY THAI'S,CAMBODIAN,LAOTIAN. After The War He Went On A Walk About, And Procured Seeds From, BANGLADESH,INDIA,PAKISTAN,HINDU KUSH MOUNTAINS,AUSTRALIA,SEVERAL DIFFERENT AFRICAN STRAINS(MALAWI,DURBAN,TRANSKEII GOLD AND GREEN,ROJTBIERT(REDBEARD), And A Few Others I Cannot Think Of At The Moment.HE ALSO WENT TO MEXICO AND BROUGHT BACK MICHOACAN,OAXCAN,ACAPULCAN,GUERRERO GOLD,BLACK,RED And MULTI,JAMAICA WAS ON HIS WANDERINGS AS WELL, HE BROUGHT BACK LAMBS BREATH AND NEGRIL,Various Strains.COLOMBIAN,RED,GOLD,RED AND GOLD,BLACK, BLACK AND RED, And A Plethora Of Many Other Strains, I Was To Be The One Given All Of These Outstanding And Rare Strains, But His Wife, They Never Got A Divorce Unfortunately, Destroyed All Of His Things, Even A Guitar That He had Brought From Home With Him, When He Went To NAM. I Guess She Had A Lot Of Pent Up Frustration At Him, And Politely Told Me To Get The Fu.k Off The Property, That Everything There Was Hers Now??? Just Because They Were Married(I UNDERSTAND THAT PART) Just Not The Cruelty That Went With It, Oh Well, There Must Have Been A Reason!!! Rambling On Again!!! Take Care Ser Don!!! SINCERELY, SER JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!!Lord Commander Of The 420 Knights Watch.
im not sure whats going on with these seeds ive just bred,
as i crossed a none auto male the gdp with a purple cheese auto then only 1/4 of the seeds should be auto, how ever 2 days ago i checked the plants and one was clearly female and showing sex and the calyx started to swell up at the nodes telling me its likely to start flowering in the next 2 to 4 weeks, other autos ive grown progress the same as this compared to photo plants, now i just checked my plants again and another gdp cheese is showing me its female and the calyx is starting to swell at the nodes, again suggesting its going to flower in the coming weeks, ive also got a male that showing sex as well from the same batch of seeds,

so if these turn out to be autos then why am i getting such a high % of autos out of a cross like this, their basically growing identical to autos as they show sex real early between weeks 2 and 4 then 2 to 4 weeks later they start flowering, so ill know more if they start flowering, but so far all 3 look like autos to me,

now another things thats a bit strange is the pheno types, i thought all the taller ones would be male, how ever 1 is male and the other is now showing me its female and possibly an auto female gdp cheese, the only one not showing sex is the very short indica looking pheno, the taller faster growing pheno are all showing sex and progressing as if their autos, is this even possible with the cross i made, have i got a load of auto seeds and only 1/4 photo seeds.

if crossing a photo plant with an auto plant produces only 1/4 auto seeds, then is it possible that this can also swing the other way, could i have only 1/4 photo seeds and 3/4 of them turn out auto,
when i made the cross the female was auto so if they are in fact auto then the female genes have come out more in the cross than the gdp, does this suggest that the purple cheese auto was a very strong strain that had a lot of ruderalis in it,

im just not sure whats going on, i always thought id end up with 1/4 auto seeds and the rest photo, but at the minute id have to say its doing totally the opposite, the fast growing ones are showing sex at 10 to 14 days old, exactly like autos do that ive grown so if they are auto they could start flowering in anything from 2 to 4 weeks from now, but the short fat indica pheno which is the only one with that pheno type is not showing sex, the node spacing is very very tight and looks heavy indica, these taller ones have bigger node spacing and are 3 times as tall as the short pheno so i thought maybe most would be male, so far just 1 male and 2 female from the taller fast growing pheno type, but like a tw@ i decided to top and fim the plants as they was growing to quick, so if they do turn out auto i wont have a good idea on how well they would grow, but the growth is pretty crazy and growing much quicker than my other plants started at same time,
the only plant growing quicker than the gdp cheese is the white widow x skunk, ive never had leaves this big on a plant before, they was as big as my hands but now their fan leaves are bigger than dinner plates, its growing quick as well so hoping thats not a male

Shouldnt the 1/4 female thing be a photo and a true ruderalis not a hybrid auto? Ive always assumed an auto is like 50% ruderalis because they back breed them for stability and to make sure they auto. Shouldnt it be like 1 in 6 or something? Im tryingto remember Mendals laws but I cant regarding hybrids.
Btw, Thanks for the pics on SH thread. If you speak to him tell him he is doing awesome! His smallest plant is gonna outweight my total so far! :rofl:
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