Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

You got an awful lot going on the DP, great work!! When you cloned and reveged that monster, how many shoots came out of the bud? Did you count?
thanks skybound,

its hard to say for sure, i know i had branches that grew 2 or 3 other branches out of them, it carries on through the whole grow so you dont just get the crazy branches early in the reveg it carries on until you flip 12-12, so i had leaves growing out the stems of other leaves, on the side branches you normally get 1 branch growing at the node where as a reveg has 2 or 3 growing at the same place,

increased yields are anything around 40% more with the same veg period, but reveg growth is pretty crazy all the way through veg, it dont really go back into a regular vegging plant, it does when its in flower it starts to settle down a bit then, i removed at least 60 side shoots from that plant, i could of had hundreds of clones but threw them all away as i dont have room for lots of clones, but if you do reveg a plant or clone then expect many many branches and the plant will be very bushy and you will end up removing lots of branches, i think outdoors the plant would end up pretty big and produce really well,

its hard to say how much more branch growth you get for sure but easily 10 times as many branches compared with a regular plant in veg
Sorry, but that just sparked another question in my mind. those branches you tossed that could've been clones, had you kept them an rooted them, do you think they would have kept the crazy ass veg gene of their parent? Pardon my abuse of the King's, but that amount of growth sounds retarded (insanely) good! Like, why wouldn't every grower want that from his or her plants? It may be more maintenance, but could easily double the potential yield for the strain?

Once again pardon my language usage, that word has taken a new meaning in today's lingo.
The auto I have in the 2 liter is way smaller than yours, and at day 20! Don't know why it's growing so slowly, maybe just a strain thing, but I just turned the pump on yesterday. Is 19 days considered slow for the roots to grow down into the res? Sorry to hijack your thread, but here is a pic at day 20, does it seem kinda small to you?
thanks stealth grow,

@Skybound, yep the clones would of all been monster cropped plants as well, im really not to sure why they dont go back to been regular plants, maybe with enough veg they will but my moster cropped plants only really sort themselves out when their well into flower, so clones will also be monster cropped plants if taken from a monster cropped plant, that big plant is the 3rd time its been revegged, each time it has produced the same crazy growth, i did take a clone from it early in veg and it was flowered in a smaller pot and that again was a monster cropped plant

now for the downside of reveg, when you harvest you have to leave a few tiny buds and some small fan leaves, this itself is not a problem, but when you put the plant under 20-4 you dont notice any new growth for the first 7 days, week 2 to week 3 you get some very strange leaf growth like curly leaves and leaves that look nothing like cannabis, then week 3 onwards leaf growth starts to return to normal and then the crazy growth starts, the other downside is all the shoots you have to trim off as if left on its own it would just be a mass of branches and you would struggle to produce buds of a decent size as everything would be touching everything,

if you was going to try a reveg then id take a clone from a flowering plant, take the clone when the clone has a bud on the end and buds at the nodes, not big buds but 4 or 5 weeks into flower, then root it under 24-0 or 20-4 then once its rooted and starts growing you will have a monster cropped plant, miwa has got some reveg plants going as well, it does produce bigger yields but you have that 3 week gap while the plant goes back into veg so you cant really count those 3 weeks as part of the veg cycle, so when comparing with the same growing time as none reveg plants or clones you need to take off the 3 weeks it took to reveg, so when you see normal leaves i would say thats day 1 of veg and not the day you put it under veg schedule.

its a good method to use and does produce well, ive always revegged a plant each grow so ive always got at least 1 reveg going on, now the only think im unsure of is how it would work if you used it for producing seeds, as the plant stays monster cropped then would it be something you could cross to produce seeds then if you kept back crossing the seeds with it would it produce a plant with the vigour of a monster cropped plant, but im trying to find out, i used pollen from the female sensi star so it is giving me a handful of seeds when i harvest it, so i can run with that idea at some point and see how it turns out

@Dank, it does seem a bit slow to me, my roots grow down in about 4 or 5 days, but some auto strains are not that stable and do grow slow, ive had strains that stay small and produce small yields so it might not be the method your using it might just be the auto strain, next time round try it with a none auto and then you can see if its the growing conditions or the strain that caused the problem, to me id have to say its the strain, the only thing that would stop roots growing is if the medium is over watered, apart from that the roots should grow ok, it could also depend on how deep the growing medium is, my soil in the top part i about 3 inches deep so i usually find the roots poking out the bottom 4 or 5 days after it sprouts out the soil,

you should notice it grow much quicker now its in the res, just start with the seedling stage feed and follow the feeding schedule you use and you will do ok, it will grow a lot quicker now its in the res, i also find that its best to let the res run low instead of keeping it topped up, when i kept topping the res up i found root growth was much slower, when i let the level drop the roots grew a lot quicker so they could get back into the nutrient rich solution, at this stage im changing the res every 5 or 6 days as the roots dont use much of the nutrient water up so i tip it out and refil, i keep the level an inch below the top part so the growing medium is not constantly getting wet, then as you get more roots the res will run down much quicker, when im in flower the plant is drinking the whole res in 24 to 36 hours,

so just keep an eye on it, make sure you got plenty of bubbles and keep the res in the shade so the temps dont get to hot, the roots will grow pretty quick now its in the res so wont be long before its drinking lots of water, you should see more rapid growth now the roots are in the res, i find it much quicker than soil,
it looks like my auto is slightly behind yours so it will be good to compare how they grow, i know yours is older by 2ish weeks maybe slightly more but we should both get more rapid growth now the roots are in the res,

if you look at my other auto the auto bubble fem then thats growing very slow and its not getting big very quick, so its just the strain, most autos are meant to be grown in sea of green setting so if you get just 10g dry then its not a problem as you could have 100plants producing 10g dry every 56 days, so thats 1000g dry every 56 days which is pretty damn good, but we dont grow autos in big numbers like that so finding the right strain is the hard part, i should have lots of seeds from the kc45 auto soon, ive not tried that in dwc but it does well in soil so should do well in dwc, but this is the first auto ive grown in dwc so it will be interesting to see how it does and how it produces
thanks waknbak, the camera makes the plants look a lighter shade of green for some reason not sure why but it did this last time i took pics, i think the camera is on its last legs so will try and borrow a camera next time i take pics, for some reason the colour seems to be off when i take pics with my old camera,
So you're saying it's never too late to clone, you just have to take the time for the the clone to go back into veg cycle... correct?
BAR's got light bulbs popping up like crazy above his head!
:idea::idea::idea: Oh; so you know...
Wow Ser Don, I Come Over To Your Journal, And Sometimes The Things I Read Just Really Get My Mind To Working:high-five: Like How Well One Of Your Cheese Strain Plants(I THINK IT WAS A CHEESE?!?)Would Do If I Grew It Up Here In My Garden, I Bet I Could Get That Sucker To Yield No Less Than 4-5 LBS, Just From How You Describe It's Growth Rate. And Your Doing A DWC Set Up As Well,RIGHT???That Is One Way Of Growing That Really Intrigues Me!!! I Want To Try It So Bad, But The Wife Refuses To Let me, She Says"JAMES, You Have TOO Much Herb To Deal With Now, What The Hell Are You Thinking!!! Are You Stoned Or Something"(I USUALLY AM:partyboy:) And Like A Bad Dog, I Put My Tail Between My Legs And Say "Your Absolutely Right Honey:scratchinghead:. She Says It Is To Damn Dicey That It Could Leak On The Floor, "And Our Budget Cannot Afford To Repair Water Damage Damnit!!!" Shes Right, I Am Wrong, As I Really Do Have To Much To Take Care Of Already Anyways!!! But It Makes Me Think About Doing It:bravo:!!!Just Because It Sounds Fun To Try!!! I Really Trip Out When I Read The Indoor Growing Sections, Drip Trays,Co2, Electrical Wiring,HPS Lamps For Budding, Metal Halide For Veg, It All Interests Me So Much, I Gotta See An Enormous Set Up Someday. The Most Plants I Have Ever Seen Under One Roof Was 500, That My Friend Rented In The Industrial Section Of Town, I Was WELL AND TRULY IMPRESSED By That, He Had Flowering Sections,Pollinating Sections, Veg Sections, ETC:woohoo:He Had His Shite Down. Anyways All, Sorry For Sabotaging The Site, I Just Felt A Need To Say It,Take Care SER DON AND ALL!!! SER JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!! Lord Commander Of The 420 Knights Watch.
@james, hello my friend, i did say id sort through what i get and pm you but i totally forgot, ill go check once ive eaten and see what we can come up with, im sure we can work something out,
now for the hydro and dwc you mention, it all depends how big you want to go, all i do is use a 2ltr pop bottle as the res with just the part cut off that goes in at the top to the lid, so i cut about 1/5th of the bottle off and the rest of the bottle is my res, then i use another cut up bottle for the part that holds the plant, so you can either go big or go small, if you have not tried it before and Y doesnt want the mess then why not try a 2ltr dwc, most growers in hydro and dwc use a different growing medium to start the plant in but i use compost and dont have any problems, i dont have tubes everywhere, just 1 that comes from the air pump, i dont check ph or ppm as ive not had any problems and the dwc plants always seem to grow like crazy, if i felt safe enough then i would go all out on the dwc and get rid of the soil grown plants because the speed difference is shocking, not tried hydro but i know the dwc grows a lot quicker than regular soil plants of the same strain,

so i like the dwc and if their was no issues my whole grow would be a huge dwc res that could hold juts 4 plants, growing dwc means i could grow less plants and veg for shorter time and end up with the same yield or possibly more, the dwc grows really quick, im pretty impressed, if i was legal to grow a lot of plants then id go dwc, if a dwc set up was basic then id use bigger dwc, but if the worst ever happens then i just planted the seed in soil and it grew, with hydro or dwc i couldnt play dumb, me just plants seeds and add water and they grow, thats all i know, honest. at least thats what id be saying, with hydro i couldnt play it down,

im sure you will give dwc or hydro a go at some point.

@broke ass reg, yep its never to late to clone, you can take clones in veg, you can take clones in flower, you can take clones when you harvest the plant and if you didnt want clones then you just reveg the same plant after harvest remembering to leave a couple of tiny popcorn buds on it and a couple of fan leaves then put it under 24-0 or 20-4, i prefer 20-4 as it seems to stress them a bit less, but if you take clones in flower or reveg then just remember the first week you wont notice any new growth or even a change, week 2 you will see some curly leaves and leaves that look nothing like cannabis leaves then week 3 the plants back to normal with regular leaves but its now a plant on steroids, miwa also has reveg plants and im sure he will tell you how much extra growth you get and how crazy the growth is, the plants end up with many branches, i easily threw away about 60 cuttings, the plant was to bushy and some places wasnt getting any light, so it would be perfect for a mother plant or to take a few clones from,

@chronic n light addict, thanks both, i enjoy growing and i enjoy been on this site, i cant talk plants to anyone apart from people on this site, ive made so many good friends on here and am more than happy to call them friends, pretty strange when you have never met most of them, but i enjoy helping others, i know if i had a problem then people would help, so i put back in what i get out and helping in the frequently asked questions part of the site is where all the new members are who are having problems, so i troll that thread and help out where i can, i know king also does the same as ive seen him all over the place as well, no wonder he also got nominated and won motm
the same with GiGa, he is popping up all over the place offering help, i know the 420 staff try and offer help and advice but they got lots of work to do so if more of us can help then its all good,

thanks for the reps
i just been checking my plants and feeding a couple of hours before the lights go out so took the plants out the grow room so i can swap them around, im pretty pleased to say the least but also a bit p'd off that i done something really stupid,
this is what i did,
i just started taking plants out the room to check them for problems and to move the room around, so im taking them all out and i pull out a pot with the ken estes x purple cheese auto seedlings in it, it wasnt the short pheno type this is one of the taller pheno types, im pretty sure ive got just 2 pheno types so far, anyways let get back to what i found, right as i crossed gdp which is a none auto with the purple cheese auto fem then this means around 1/4 of the seeds will be auto, well ive just checked the plants and one of the gdp cheese seedlings is 3 nodes high, i thought i seen white hairs so looked again and its a female and looks like its an auto, its 3 nodes high and showing sex all ready, so chuffed that i got at least 1 auto to work with, just need to make sure i got a male gdp cheese to cross it with, if not ill use some other auto pollen on it so at least i will have 100% auto seeds then i can work with the pheno types and back cross with a gdp or cheese strain depending on how it turns out,

now this is what p'd me off, well i topped and fimmed these 2 tall gdp seedlings thinking they was both male, it never clicked that one of them could be an auto or both, but their growing really quick so i thought they must be male, so the one i have fimmed is now a female and more than likely and auto female, so its a gdp cheese auto, donpaul's gdp cheese, so looks like its going to be an auto with this one, hopefully ill get a male before its at harvest if not i wont harvest any of it ill just let it go hermie and self polinate to give me some fem gdp cheese auto seeds, so not to myself, DONT TOP OR FIM OR DEFOL ANY PLANTS THAT COULD HAVE AUTO IN THEM, end not,

but its not affected it much, i only fimmed it a couple of days ago and its hardly even slowed it down, usually their is some recovery time but this thing just kept growing and has got 4 tops at the moment but when the new node grows ill have 6 tops, so im super chuffed to of got an auto out of this cross, lets hope the ken estes gdp and the purple cheese is a good combination, my problem is ive never tried a fem gdp as i kept getting males, so pretty amazed that the first seed to show sex is female and even better its an auto fem, so if i have a male auto grow with this lot then ill cross it with that to produce auto seeds but if not ill hermie it and produce fem seeds then i can use them for either crossing with a cheese or crossing with gdp to hopefully produce a very nice strain,

anyways just thought id share that with you all as im pretty chuffed that i got a female and possibly an auto fem within the first few seeds planted, lets just see how big it gets but fim has cost me some grow time so all i can do now is see how it grows and how it produces, but if its showing sex at just 3 nodes high then its going to be a quick flowering auto unless it shows sex for a few weeks before starting to flower like the purple cheese auto did, only time will tell i guess,

the auto northern lights in the 2ltr dwc is also growing pretty quick now, leaves are starting to get big so once the next set of leaves have formed it should grow a lot quicker so hopefully its going to be a nice auto, the auto bubble on the other hand is growing slow and all the leaves so far have been small

if anyone is interested in crossing strains and producing their own seeds then if you look in my signature below you will see a breeding for beginers link, its from this site so well worth reading if this interests you, it has plenty of info without going to technicall

your not going to believe this, anyways when i planted these ken estes gdp cross purple cheese auto seeds some never sprouted for 4 weeks, i think this was because the seeds where to ripe and almost black when i took them from the purple cheese plant, the seed shell i think is to hard and they take longer to germ, but then ive also read that its best to store seeds for a couple of months before you use them as planting them strait after harvested can cause them to take much longer to sprout, how i didnt know about this until i started researching why these seeds took so long to germ, so if anyone makes seeds try and store them for 1 month or more before planting as germination takes so much longer, i found this out as all the other plants ive crossed i have stored the seeds for over 2 months before i used them and germination rates where 100% and very fast, so clearly their is some truth in this, how ever even planting them directly after harvest will produce viable plants but they take much longer to sprout,

anyways i planted some and thought they was duds so i planted one of my fem dragones breath seeds in the same pot, so the gdp cheese seed sprouted and is the same height as the dragons breath, so after finding the female i decided to check all the other gdp cheese plants and this is whats amazing, ive got a male as well, now i need t make sure its an auto though, its clearly got male pollen sacs which will open in about 7 to 10 days, how ever do males flower under veg schedules, do they show sex under a veg schedule, im thinking they must be the same as females and only show sex under a veg schedule, now we know females show white pistils when their mature, but what do males do, do they grow lots of pollen sacs but then they wont open until you go 12-12, or do males flower under a veg schedule, im thinking if they show sex by growing the pollen sacs, then surely these would have to open even during veg as they only get so big before opening up,

so if they dont grow pollen sacs during veg and the pollen sacs dont open during veg then this means i have got a male auto gdp cheese, but if males do produce pollen sacs during veg and do open the pollen sacs during veg then clearly its not an auto gdp cheese, its got plenty of pollen sacs and look like a few are not far from opening, so does this mean its a male auto or is it just a male showing sex due to been mature,
i just need to find out if males grow pollen sacs in veg and if the pollen sacs open in a veg schedule, im really hoping their the same as females and they would just show one or 2 pollen sacs at the nodes but they wouldnt get bigger and open, if this is the case then its clearly an auto as the pollen sacs are ready to open in about 10 days,

so if it is an auto then i can use the pollen on the female ken estes cross gdp cheese auto that ive found i got growing today, but if males do grow pollen sacs under veg and these pollen sacs do open under veg then it might not be an auto, could really do with some advice on this, im hoping its auto as its clearly producing pollen sacs at all the nodes and lots of them, i guess if they dont open then its clearly a photo male and not auto, but if they open does this mean its auto and if it does then the pollen will produce an auto gdp cheese strain for me to work with.

i never paid this plant much attention as it was growing in the same pot as the dragons breath, i planted it and it never sprouted after 3 weeks so i planted the dragons breath then about a week after the db had sprouted this gdp cheese seed had sprouted, its clearly a male as the side branching is not as big and its very fast growing as it caught up with the dragons breath very quick, i wasnt expecting to find autos this quick so never paid much attention to them as i always thought 1/4 will be auto so the chances of finding the autos is slim and would take a few grows to find them, but if this male is auto then the first 2 plants from that batch of seeds to mature are auto, its going to be interesting to see how many more turn out auto,

so does anyone know anything about males, i normally only find their male after they have been under 12-12 for a couple of weeks, in veg i find males just show 1 ball at the nodes so it looks pretty much the same as a female, females normally grow the pistils first but ive had females grow the calyx first then the pistils a week or 2 later, so i always make sure i know the plants male or female before i throw it out, so normally if its not showing pistils it only shows its a true male about 2 weeks into flower, problem is we dont grow many males to know much about them, but auto males would show sex and produce pollen under veg, but do photo males do the same, is it just females that need the 12-12 to flower or do males as well, if males do need 12-12 to produce pollen then what does it do to show us its mature, clearly it has to grow some sort of pollen sac if left in veg long enough but would the pollen sacs open under veg,

i thinks i need some help, ill see what i can find out off the net, if im right then ive found the autos all ready and this makes life much easier for producing 100% auto gdp cheese seeds,
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