Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

these are the seeds ive got left that i will be planting soon, ill only be planting a couple but not sure what to go with
2 x samsara love potion
1 x female seeds big grapefruit
1 x delicious cotton candy, (grown before and its a very nice strain)
2 x white widow cross skunk#1, (got 2 growing at the minute in veg stage)
2 x sativa blackberry
2 x blue mystic, (last time i grew this it had major problems and many growers had the same gentic problems and plants just died, herbie pulled that batch from sale and has now got a new batch so bought some more this time round)
2 x nirvana ice.

ive also got lots of my own seeds and own crosses,
reserva privada sour kush cross with sour kiwi
fem ak47 x uk cherry cheese ( got a reveg going that was harvested about a week ago)
a tub of mixed unknowns
fem ak 47 x uk cherry cheese fem pollen put on purple cheese auto,
ken estes gdp male cross with purple cheese auto, (got around 5 of these growing at the minute all in early veg)

i got a few more but will need to find where i put them,
im thinking ill stick with herbies seeds in the first list, i really like the look of the nirvana ice as it looks a very nice strain. also the grapefruit or sativa blackberry looks good also, their all cheap seeds but sound like good strains, ive paid good price for some seeds and got poor results so i always by a load of cheap seeds from time to time so i can see how they turn out, so far the cheap seeds some to be doing very well and produce good yields and good quality buds
right, where my moms lives when they built the housing estate about 1mile from my moms they discovered a roman temple complex but only after most of it ended up buried at the local tip, so lots of it was damaged and thrown away, ever since i was little ive had a big iterest in history and metel detecting,
when i was younger i had motorbikes and all around where my mom lives and where this temple was is farm land with a river running through it, theirs also lots of woods with clearings in the middle and stuff like that, anyway i got to know the farmer from riding my bikes on his land, well he always turned metal detectors away, but i spoke to him a while back and told him i want to take up metal detecting and wondered if he would let me scan his land, he told me he turned lots of experts away as they wanted to profit from the finds or sell them to museums, i told him anything i find id split with him plus im not interested in selling anything i find as id like to display it at home, i also told him that id get gps location of each find and take a pic so i could give him details and locations of each find, he told me he wouldnt want to take anything from me but would like to see what i find as im not selling it he seemed keen on the idea, he also said if anything roman is found then the historian in the village would be keen to look at the objects and put them on display, so their is miles and miles of open land, some ploughed and the hilly fields are used for grazing and never plowed, he told me when he put fences up and pulled trees out the ground he would find the old coin,

anyways now my kids have got a quad between them we take it to the same farm and go round his fields on it, so as im interested in detecting i watch videos on tube and when i watched vides from Deepdiggerdan my kids started to get very interested as he is great to watch, so now each time we go out on the quad my daugher has a look around the hedgerows for anything old, she says she is looking for buried treasure, well today the rabbits have been digging holes in the big mound and my daugter was scraping the soil with a stick and she ended up finding 2 coins in 2 different rabbit holes, one coin was from 1836 and the other was from 1796, coins look in great condition, so i had a bit of luck today, well i say me it was my daugher who found it so she had the luck but she has only been interested in detecting since watching deepdiggerdan find stuff like silver coins and the odd gold ring, so now my kids want to keep going out looking round the fields, so clearly their is stuff their to be found, ive been trying to save up for a detector now for a few months so i can take the kids out and go hunting, it keeps them away from the tv and games consoles so its a great hobby to get into, but saving is a slow process as i save some money up then some bill turns up or this time it was the school uniforms as they went back to school on tuesday and started a new year so they needed new pe kit and trousers and skirts so had to go out and buy uniforms so its a slow process but ill get their in the end,

so had a great day on the quad and ended up coming home with 2 old coins that the rabbits had dug up while building their dens, so cant wait to go over the land with a detector and see whats their, the farmer says he has had experts come with ground penetrating radars and he turned them away as their plants was to profit from anything found, so he says as far as he knows the land has never been detected, he also said his father was a lord and used to hold big garden parties in one part of the land, so this farmer is getting me some old maps he has on his wall of where road ways where and where these garden parties where held, his family have owned the property and land for over 800 years so should be a good hunting ground,

so looks like i may have 2 hobbies, growing and metal detecting, im so chuffed that my kids are really keen on it as it gets them doing outdoor stuff and stops them playing their games consoles and watching tv, so im saving up again and will hopefully get a detector soon,

so thats my story, had a really good day and my daughter was screaming when she found them, she come running over shouting she had found buried treasure, she even knew not to dig the coins up in case it damaged them so they been watching this deepdiggerdan and they have been taking in all the stuff he does when he finds coins and jewelery, plus this roman temple was pretty big so their would of been small villages all around the area where the romans lived so hopefully its a good area to go detecting in
That's a beautiful thing, something you & the kids enjoy that the 3 of you can do together. & like you said; It's something outside & it'll also teach them a little history about their surroundings. Good luck on the detector.
donpaul, back when I first began my journal, I had wanted to use a fixed light and raise the plants all the way up and lower them as they grew. Anyway, I looked into what glass was the best to use as they all do hinder lumen penetration to an extent (maybe up to 15% loss?), but I think the spectrums (color of the light) stays the same. If memory serves me, I think quartz was the best glass to use, but it's expensive. I wanted something more like polymer glass that was scratch resistant. I may have saved some of that info somewhere in the beginning of my journal.

Glad to hear you had an awesome time with your posterity. Everybody want's to be Indiana Jones at one part of their life! Keep diggin!
@spring, sorry mate, you know what it is, i type quicker than i can speak so it dont sound a lot until i stop watching tv while i type, then i notice ive wrote a book

thanks broke ass reg, im trying to find someone via tube on the detecting vid members to see if anyone has an old detector their will to sell, the most basic one i can get that works at depths just over 1ft is called a garrot pro 350, my sister bought one of the cheap detectors as she is moving somewhere that has a beach and lots of tourists, the seller told her its as good as the expensive ones and will detect plenty deep enough, but when it arrived we checked it out online and it said its only good to 1 inch below ground level, so not much good for anything thats more than a few weeks old so we let the kids use it in my moms back garden and around the road where my mom lives just so they can get some enjoyment out of it, so far the found a hair slide, £2.43 in change, usually the kids would want to spend it but as they found it they want to put it on display so their really hooked on it and i want to keep the interested as it will help with school as they will have to research what they find and it keeps them outdoors keeping fit, the standard i need to aim for is around the 1ft mark, so the garrat 350 is perfect for what i need and the price is not to bad, their on the auction site for £135 plus postage, but your screen name fits me well, i saved up just over £100 and then got my kids to try on their school clothes and in 6 weeks they have grown out of their school clothes, the trousers and skirts and tops are not expensive but its the pe kit with the school logo on and the school logo coat and jumpers that cost a lot, you dont need to buy them but all their mates have got the schools ones so i know from when i was at school that its not nice to not wear the proper clothes as kids can be pretty nasty when you dont fit in or look like everyone else, i found this out the hardway as my mom and dad really struggled as my dad couldnt work because of his health and my mom could only work part time because she had 3 kids to feed and clothe, so a lot of my clothes where hand me downs and from charity shops so i got bullied pretty bad through school, but when i was 15 i noticed i was much bigger build wise than the other kids so i started fighting back and then i got the respect of the other kids, but they still wanted to bully other kids but as i was now part of that circle of kids i soon put a stop to it and made sure they didnt bully anyone else,
i just dont want my kids going through the same i did as its really not nice and will affect school work, you hear the other kids talking about other kids in the school at the school gate and even the kids moms dont stop them been nasty and spiteful, i think its pretty damn disgusting that they let their kids put others down, its not easy to have the best and most expensive brands,

so i had no choice but to get my kids what they needed, the trousers and stuff was cheap as most shops are competing so that was good but its the schools stuff as its not a state funded school things cost more and it hits me hard in the pocket but my kids come first, i go without food to give them food and clothes, so ill start saving up again and hopefully i can get a detector before xmas, so im broke ass donpaul.p.

i do my best as my kids lost their mother at a very young age so i want to give them the best life possible as i know my fiancee would of done the same, she would of went without food and clothes if it meant the kids could play musical instruments at school or go to dance classes like my daughter does, i go without but when i watched my daughter dancing on stage in front of a couple of thousand people i was blubbering like a baby, she made me so damn proud, my kids are super stars and ill always put them first, their mother would of done exactly the same,

my son max was born first and when we came home from hospital his mom was pretty tired as it was a difficult birth so i used to lie in bed all night listening to our baby breath, if i didnt hear him breath for a few seconds id get up and check he was ok, his mom wasnt well enough to get up and feed him so i done everything for the first few weeks which i think made our bond much stronger, ill stop their as ill only end up getting up set, god rest her soul, i know she is looking down with a huge smile on her face and im sure i can sometimes here her thank me, or maybe im just going a bit mad. either way it puts a smile on my face and makes me feel better,

thanks for the info skybound, i guess the more polised the glass is the better, ill check the auction sites and see what i can come up with, i was also thinking some type of plastic as well, ill just see what sounds like it would be best to use

sorry spring but another long post
im also a bit upset i dont have the motm under my name, not sure whats going on and i cant think of anything i have done wrong, for the last few days ive gone over all the journals i post comments in and checked if i had said something out of place or promoted myself in the contest but i couldnt find anything which is what i expected,

so im just a bit worried and a bit paranoid now as i have given the staff my name and address and ive not heard anything back from them, im really hoping i have not offended anyone or said something out of place, if i have then it was not intended and i cant appologise enough, i just hope its a case of the staff forgetting to change my title, the only other thing i can think of is the amount of votes i got, i know this month we had a lot more members voting but most of that was down to Spimp promoting the contests so more new members where aware of the contest and we had a lot more votes, its great we had many more voters this month and hopefully we can keep the numbers up, ive msgd the 420girls twice to try and find out whats going on but not heard nothing back, i hope the sites ok and their is no problems,

maybe im just been a bit paranoid but i was so chuffed to be nominated that i was shouting for joy when i won, so i just cant think of anything i have said or done that is out of place, if i have then can someone tell me where i said something out of place and ill go back and put it right, i know my insomnia is pretty bad at times and i can be awake for 4 or 5 days so i do forget stuff a lot as once i crash out everything is a blurr, so hopeefully ive not said anything out of place or said something abusive or out of place, if i have then i can only appologise and put it right,

does someone want to pick 3 strains for me to plant from the first list of seeds, the ones i like the sound and look of is the nirvana ice because the buds look white in the pics and it has won awards, i also like the grapefruit as spimps but was a grapefruit, also teh sativa blackberry sounds nice also, but so does the blue mystic and i know i had problems growing it in the past but a few growers have grown it and like that strain,

so if anyone has grown the strains listed in the list i wrote a few posts back then let me know what you thought of it and how it grew and what the yield was like,
im also a bit upset i dont have the motm under my name, not sure whats going on and i cant think of anything i have done wrong, for the last few days ive gone over all the journals i post comments in and checked if i had said something out of place or promoted myself in the contest but i couldnt find anything which is what i expected
its just the work load and the time difference my friend, 420 is very busy, you'll get it =)
Wow! Your a single father just like me. Most people seem to think we have it hard but in reality we're blessed. From now on your BAD & I'm BAR. With that detector situation you have to be careful purchasing things online. & I as well as you would do anything or go without anything for the sake of my daughter.
It's strange to meet someone so similar yet so far away in such a different atmosphere. My sister always said "Weed brings people together".
I find the posts you make to be very informative, and I think it's great that you are devoted to your kids, lots of people these days just don't know how blessed they are to even have kids. My wife and I have not been able to, and we see people all the time who consider their kids a burden, it's a damn shame, really. I'm subbed to a lot of the same journals you are, and have been all over this site, and I haven't seen any negative posts from you, so I'm sure they just haven't gotten to it.
I second Danklover's POV!

I was doing some digging in Herbies for Alaskan Thunderfuck and was only able to find Alaskan Ice. Is this the same strain under a different name?
@GiGA, your probally right mate, they sent me a msg the same day i won asking for my contact details, i replied and asked about the postage but heard nothing since, then the pom and nom winners had their name edited so it said they had won but mine has not changed, im hoping its just got missed out due to work load, but i sent 2 new msgs 2 days ago asking to let me know about the postage costs and how its going to work and ive heard nothing at all since

@BAR, i certainly am BAD at the moment, but kids are now back at school so not got anything else to get just yet so ill be able to save up a bit of cash in paypal, i just transfer a bit each week and let it build up, its ok with buying online as its from a auction shop and i was given their name by the seasoned metal detectors on the tube site so i know its genuine, so its just a case of saving my pennies, well i say saving my pennies im thinking i got to pay the postage for the prizes but not heard nothing back yet, just hope i can afford everything, im sure some of it is going to be pretty heavy.
i agree i am blessed to have 2 amazing kids, couldnt imagine life without them, i just wish sometimes that their mom could see how their doing and maybe she can, its just tough a times, but my kids keep me busy and put a smile on my face plus their growing up so quick now, it dont seem that long since they was in nappies and unable to talk, so they soon grow up.

thanks dank,

not sure skybound you would need to check whats crossed with them, use your search engine and check what the background of each strain is, ill see if i can find out, ill go check on the net now,

the alasan thfck is northern lights x matanuska tundra
here is a review i found, only one though so could just of been a bad grow
Being an old fart and having lived in Alaska in the '70s, I am familiar with the original. I never did care for it, it tasted awful, maybe it was the way it was cured,

just checking the other strain now, but if your after a nice strong strain then big buddha cheese or exodus cheese would be a good option or any of the g13 strains as their polyploid strains to nice a potent, just depends what your looking for

alaskan ice is one of the strongest strains grown, but thats going back a while, know big buddha cheese is the strongets but your going to get, even seasoned smokers cant finish a spliff, its a skunk hybrid of sorts, it was skunk #1 that was cloned for several generations and for some reason the thc level changed and the smell changed to a dank cheese smell and its the strongest bud i have ever smoked, when people ask for bud they go out their way to get the uk cheese as its by far the strongest strain anyone has come across, nothing else comes close in my oppinion.

but alaskan ice sounds nice
this next comment may put you off the alaskan ice, to me it sounds like its been genetically modified like g13, g13 = gm, m is the 13th letter of alphabet, what they do is treat the seeds with a chemical and it forces the plant to go polyploid and it produces huge buds with very high thc levels, so g13 has that in its background and it sounds like alaskan ice does as well according to the next statement ill show you
The Alaskan Ice is one of the strongest cannabis plants we ever bred. An old best seller from the
Green House Seed Company catalogue, it is a cross of original Green House White Widow and pure Haze.
Unfortunately, there are few individuals (3-5%) that present a genetic anomaly causing slow flowering, and
almost no bud development. Because of this anomaly, we stopped selling the Alaskan Ice for a period of 2
years. We tried to fix the problem, but it is not possible without changing the genetics. Growers and
hash-makers worldwide kept asking for the seeds, because this is one of the best hash and ice
making strain ever.

ok, here you go, ive found the same plant and it even mentions its routes in thunderfk, so this should be the same strain,
! Seedsman Ata Tundra Seeds - Updated:5th Sep 2013
it also sounds a damn nice strain and very stable, ive bookmarked the page and will be ordering some with my next order,

have a look and see what you think, hopefully its what your looking for
sorry to be a pain people but can someone come and check out this new grower, he seems to be having some problems, the ends of some leaves look burnt due to high N or nute levels in soil, he has not added any nutrients at all, plus the leaves look like their wilting so looks over or under watered but he thinks he is not under or over watering,

so i said ill post a link and see if anyone can come over and have a look and give a 2nd oppinion,

thanks everyone, heres the link
Are my seedlings healthy?

might be a lil late but i am on it lol
alaskan thunder fk is a clone only strain, plus its from the 70s so their is not going to be much of it around if any, all their is is the f1 crosses, but im ordering the strain i just gave you the link to as it has very strong genetics and would produce very nice crosses, would give some very interesting results,

let me know what you choose to go with but im pretty sure any thunder fk seeds wont be the real deal, that strain has been long gone and any reproduced versions are nothing like the true potent version, ive read on the net their is a few places you can get clones but only clones, people who have bought seeds ended up growing plants that look nothing like it, the plant stands out and if you had the seeds then you would have the same plant, but it seems everyone who bought seeds ended up growing plants that look nothing like the true original strain,

but f you want a strong strain then go with the cheese strain, not any cheese strain though, the cheese was made in the uk and is some of the strongest bud you can smoke if not the strongest bud you can smoke, buds end up a nice light green colour and stinks to hell, if you opened a small 8th bag it would stink the room out within minutes, it has a real cheese essence to it, not like cheese you buy but like concentrated cheese, its a real stinky strain, its still in clone only form in the uk from the true exodus growers, but big buddha the breeder managed to get hold of a clone from the true uk mother plant and produced fem seeds, so the big buddha cheese is the true uk cheese and i cant finish a spliff when i get hold of some cheese, ive smoked bud since i was about 13, tried all sorts of skunks and white widows and thought skunks where pretty strong but this cheese strain is just to much, some people wont smoke it as its just to damn strong, my sister smokes bud on a regular basis then when cheese came round she would buy some and it gave her red eye and left her sitting on the sofa for hours not moving, she has smoked bud for many years and wont buy it anymore as its just way to strong,

im not sure how skunk #1 turned to the uk cheese strain as it was not crossed with anything, what happened was that this group of smokers grew the strongest skunk#1 type, they kept taking clones from clones for the next grow, but after several generations they noticed the smell had totaly changed and it got you so stoned it was unreal, so they then kept a more plant and gave clones away to growers so they could sample the cheese, now everything sold in the uk is pretty much always cheese, if you go down south then you can get strains like jack flash and haze but from the midlands north its pretty much all cheese, if someone is selling skunk and someone selling cheese then people will buy the cheese as you dont need to put much in a spliff it just gets you totally stoned and keeps you smiling for hours,

but it would stink when growing it, but its by far the strongest strain i have ever come across, im sure most uk smokers would agree with me on this, if your smoking the proper cheese then you know just how potent it is, i used to smoke an 8th a day but when i had cheese i couldnt even smoke an teenth, im really hoping this big buddha turns out the true uk cheese, but if not i can take a trip down south and get a few clones from the true cheese mother as i know a grower down south who was part of the group that produced the strain and he has always kept a mother plant of it and only gives clones away, he wont make seeds because you could end up with different pheno types so he keeps it clone only so the strain is pure,
what ill do is if this big buddha is the true cheese which it should be as its from the same mother plant then ill produce my own fem seeds for future grows and ill also use it to perfect my gdp cheese strain, but it depends how this big buddha cheese turns out, if its not cheese then ill take a weekend trip to the coast and go and pick some clones up, also if the jack flash im growing is not the true jack flash then ill bring some jack flash back as well,

the problem with strains is that they change over time and ak47 from one breeder is not the same as ak47 from another breeder, plus todays ak47 is not like the old ak47 from the 70s and 80s, so most of the true strains have changed to much and are nothing like the original strain, ak47 was always a good yielding plant and still is but the quality is not their compared with how it used to be,

most breeders use ak47 to cross with, when they want to increase bud size and yield then they cross with ak47 then back cross with the parent plant to keep it as close to the mother plant but with the extra growth, so unless you can find someone with the true clones then the seeds are going to be nothing like seeds from the 70s or 80s, most have been crossed to produce bigger yields or bred to choose the best pheno types and this affects the end results and the plant changes,

ill contact the grower i know and see if he has got any seeds from the 70s, i know he keeps a huge stock of old time seeds but not sure what strains, i know he got jack flash in seed form but id get clones if i went down their, he has strains like white widow, skunk from 70s and 80s, so ill drop him a msg and see what he going going on, i know he has got a few strains in clone only form and the mother plants are genuine strains, so ill be hitting him up if this big buddha cheese is not the true uk cheese,
ive not seen or heard anyone finding seeds in the cheese they buy, so it must be very stable as its not producing seeds by self polinating, plus some strains are sterile, so maybe the cheese is a sterile strain so ill know more once this big buddha seed grows up and starts flowering, it should have nice light green buds that look very fluffy, not dense buds but damn is in strong
thanks jimmy,

jack flash is one of my best strains if not my best strain, its a sativa strain and i know it dont sound nice but it has a distinct cat piss amonia type small, its such a tangy fruty smell and tasts really nice when you smoke it, nice to wake up with a jack flash spliff, so i hope this flash is the same as the old flash, if i went into a room with 10 people all with different bud and only 1 person had jack flash then as soon as you walked in the room you would know instantly someone has got jack flash, the smell makes it stand out and as soon as you smell it you know what it is, if you ever do try it and if this is the true flash then you will know what i mean, plus again if its the true flash then ill be making my own fem seeds as i wouldnt cross a male with it in case it gave mixed results so it would be hermied and ill produce my own fem seeds, its a strain id grow pretty much every grow as thats how nice it is, so im keeping my fingers crossed that the cheese and the flash are true to the real deal.

you only need to be near someone who opens up a bag of flash and you know its flash, its such a tangy fruity type smell, i say it has a cat piss smell to it as it reminds me of amonia to some extent, i know it dont sound nice but if you smelled it you would know exatly what i meant, if you smelled it in the street you would instantly know its jack flash, its one of them strains that you know what it is without even asking the name, most other plants you wouldnt know the name just be smelling it, but jack flash is such a distinctive smell and their is nothing else quite like it,

one grower i know down south only grows jack flash and when its ready all the other street dealers lose out as everyone is going after the flash, i cant explain how nice it is, but ive smoked a lot of strains over the last 20 years and ive not come across anything that smells as nice or as tangy as it, i loved waking up to a nice flash spliff, it wakes you up and its like having sour sweets in your mouth, its just way to tangy and i cant get enough of it, but all thats sold around where i live is cheese, people just want cheese, an 8th of cheese last much longer cuz you just cant smoke much of it,

oh did i say i like jack flash, just in case i didnt mention it, i really like jack flash, im sure others will agree if they tried it, but it needs to be the true jack flash and with the strains changing over the years it might not be the same, so i got my fingers crossed that it is, its also a long flower period of 11 weeks
isnt jack herrer, jack flash crossed with something?

I remember jack flash from high times mags back in the 90s very orange nugs not too big but killer looking if i remember.

My jack herrer X G-13 is taking SOOOOOOOOO long to flower lol. They say its a 10 week but yeah i got a feeling it might end up taking like 12 or 13 or 14 the way its been going. Such a good fast vegger though. I still aint ever smoked the shit but I grew it in hydro and in soil and both have gotten big fast.

I cant wait to see how those cheese guys do outside. Ill do at least 2 of them maybe as many as 10. Still keeping an eye out for it though DP, nadda yet :(

Oh nvm I just read that jack Herer was Northern Lights 5 with Haze and skunk #1
whats your journal called, ill try and find it,

you can set it up so it in your signature like mine is below,

to do this have 2 tabs open, have 1 on page one of your journal and on the other have it on this site.
then do the following
1, on the first tab press user cp
2, scroll down the left hand side of the screen and click on edit signature.
3, go to the other tab on the first page of your journal and highlight and copy the url at the top of the page, it starts with h t t : p, but without the spaces, highlight and right click and choose copy,
4, now go back to the other tab thats on the edit singature page, their will be a text box on that page, you can right the name of your journal or what you want to call it in that box,
5, then you have 2 options, you can either highlight the words you just wrote and click on the icon above the box your writing in that looks like a blue ball with a chain in front of it, this is the add link button, its next to the envelope pic, click on that and a box pops up, then click in the bit you write and then right click and choose paste, that will insert the url for your journal, then ok it and it saves it as a link in the box you was writing the title of your journal in, then just click save and it will then save it in your signature, then each time you write a post your journal will be posted as mine and all the others are below the post.
6, the other option is to not highlight what you wrote and add the link below the name of your journal, but highlighting the name and inserting it that way is about the best option,

hopefully thats easy enough to follow, if not let me know and ill go through it again and try and make it a bit simpler, the other option is to msg one of the 420 staff and ask them to add your journal into your signature, some growers have done this so you do have that option open, if just makes it easier for members to find your journal without having to check the current journals list, once you have done it once you will find it very easy to do,

Thank you very much DP for all the time you put into that clear, helpful explanation!!!

I think I got something wrong when it copied the url (doing it on my iphone can't really see it too well) I'm running late for work so I'll fix it tonight. But I just wanted to thank you for the time you put into that

ill chase it up jimmy as i sent 2 out on same day, let me find out whats going on, someone else is waiting on them also, i know bank holidays slow things down but should turn up, others got their letters but they was sent a week before yours, they say 5 days but it always seems to take around double that, should be their anytime soon though.

jack flash is an 11 week flowering time, let me see what the background of jackflash is.

ok a quick update on the plants ill take some pics tomorrow when i get up,
this is just the veg list and what i have done to them
2 x white widow x skunk#1, 1 has been fimmed
1 x mazar cross white rhino fem
1 x sensi star fem (bigger than the other seedlings as its been in veg a while)
1 x big buddha cheeze
4 x my own gdp cheese, 3 different looking pheno types, 2 are identical and look heavy indica and short plants, the other 2 seem to have thinner leaves and bigger node spacing but growing a bit quicker, possibly 2 males and 2 females but will see later on, hopefully one or more will be auto as its ken estes gdp cross with purple cheese auto.
kc45 auto fem in early flower but has been turned to seed, with the kc45 autos ive been selecting the best and biggest male and female with each batch of seeds and crossed these for a couple of generations, trying to get good yields with each generation
auto bubble fem, in seedling stage but will also be turned to seed or half of it turned to seed
auto northern lights in 2ltr dwc again in seedling stage but growing well
1 x sour diesel fem
1 x dragones breath fem with heavy defol carried out
1 x sensi star clone, rooted and now no dome on top
1 x kerala x skunk clone again rooted with no dome on top,

all are under the hps on 18-6 schedule, everything seems to be going ok

ive still got some plants in flower but finishing off under natural light locked away in spare room,
in flower i got 1 x huge reveg ak47 x uk cherry cheese,
1 x kc45 auto the seeded one
1 x jack flash, its in flower so i can check its the same flash i want before i spend time growing a big plant due to the long flower time, so flowered it early to sample the buds and will be taking a few clones and produce my own fem seeds if it turns out how im hoping it will,

ill take some pics tomorrow and you can see where im at with these veg plants, some have been topped, some fimmed and some heavy defol
dont know much about it, i have looked at that strain in the past due to is medical benefits, how ever i find the yields a bit hard to believe,
below is what they say
The plant grows to a height of 45 to 75 cm and has a THC content of 25%. The plant takes full flowering period of 8 to 9 weeks and yields a 550 grams weed from every plant (i think this should mean per mt sq and not per plant)
The plants grow fast and makes many branches with golf-ball-like, rock hard buds.
Medijuana is excellent for scrog-growing a.k.a. screen of green.
Medijuana - Powered by Mother Nature - Warning: This weed can be too heavy for starting smokers!

so as you can see their saying a 2ft plant yields over 550gm per plant, thats some going, i guess it grows more bushy than it does tall, but that was what they showed last time i checked, but im sure their wrong about the yields

thc levels are high so im guessing its not much different to the uk cheese, when i looked at this strain i thought it sounds like a very nice strain to be a mother to a new strain, this cross with cheese would give very nice potent results, plus if the medijuana or cheese was genetically modified to produce a polyploid then thc leves would be around 35% plus, polyploids can produce 2 x the strength of the regular plant, so if it says 25%thc then a poly can double that, i will experiment with poly at some point, been finding places to by the chemicals from, anyways thats another grow and another story,

but yes miwa sounds like a very nice strain and if the yields are true then you will have a pretty small plant with a huge yield, but ive not checked the strain out in 6 months or more, it was one another seed bank told me about a while back so checked it out but didnt end up buying any, but on thc alone it should be a nice smoke, it dont mention cbd or cbn levels but letting it go amber would give higher cbn and a more couch lock affect, but sounds like a great strain, i was just a bit unsure on the yields, but as mentioned above its says a scrog so a 2ft plant under a scrog would possibly hit that yield
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