Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Good Luck On The Next Harvest!!! I Hope You Do Well,As Always, I Also Would Like To Wish You A HAPPY,HAPPY MUNCHDAY!!!:high-five: Things Here Are The Same. Do You Plant Using Seeds Or Clones??? If Seeds, Wanna Trade For Some Kushes(MY KUSH, CROSSED WITH Hindu Kush,Highland Kush,Lowland Kush,BB/NL And That Is ALL I BELIEVE!!! Take Care Don, You Are Indispensable To This Sight, At Least In My Head You Are!!! TAKE CARE SER Don. . We Love You DON And Your Departed Wife(GOD REST HER SOUL), And Let ME KNOW What You Think About Such A Trade??? OH, BTW, My Seeds Are Only A Year Old, And Have Been Kept In A Completely Dark Film Container, Then Sealed In Another Airtight Jar, Then Put Into My Airtight Browning Gun-Safe, The Safe Is Fire Resistant As Well!! Well Ponder It My Friend,SINCERELY, SER JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!!
Mounting the fan to the hood could prove disastrous as the fan will likely vibrate too much. when I am able, I will get the 4" fan for a small grow. If in the future I get my bigger space, that 4" will make a great intake fan after the pre-filters.

I mounted my blower directly to the probs......less pipe and ducting=better
Congratulations dp, all that typing paid off :cheesygrinsmiley:

(I am jesting in case that does not come through)
thanks everyone, im so chuffed to of won motm, cant wait to try some of the prizes, well all of the prizes will be used at some point,

@james, ill see what i got mate, ive dished out seeds to a few people now so ill see what i got left, ill check tomorrow and drop you a pm, my seeds are also stored well and ive not had problems with germination, well the only problem ive had is with the last batch of seeds i made, i crossed ken estes gdp with a purple cheese and the seeds look perfect but germination takes ages, i planted some of these seeds about 4 weeks ago now, most took around 2 to 3 weeks to germ but i was just moving my pots around and noticed a seedling growing and its one of the gdp cheese but its nearly 4 weeks old, so them seeds must have a very tough shell, plus they wasnt stored long, id say a few weeks from harvest, the rest of my seeds are stored a while before i germ them and ive not had any problems with any of them germing, so ill check when i get up and see what i got,
thanks for the kind words james, your a good friend.

ive got the batwing type hood and i just use a 12v computer fan at the end where the base of the bulb is, ive not acually attached it to the hood but the fan is resting against the hood and held in place using pipecleaners onto the chain holding the light up, that holds the fan touching the hood and i can feel the hot air coming out of the fan so i know its doing some good, does anyone know why they dont fit vent holes in the top of these bat wing hoods, they dont need to be holes but they could cut a slit and push it up so its letting the hot air rise without letting the light shine upwards, im pretty sure it would help lengthen the life of the bulb and also allow the hot air to raise strait up instead of having to go out the sides of the hood, im pretty sure some vents in the top directly above the bulb will keep the heat down a bit.

ive had to do something pretty drastic today, i clearly need to get some money saved up and get myself another light, i need a veg room cuz ive had to move my veg plants into bigger pots today as they was starting to suffer due to getting root bound, so the last 3 plants ive got in flower are now just getting natural light in the spare room, their going to be getting around 13 hours of light according to the sun rise and sun set info for where i am but their nearly at harvest now so it shouldnt affect them to much, the reveg plant is showing all cloudy but the pistils are still totally white and leaves still nice and green, the calyx are swollen like they got seeds in but their seed free so not sure whats going on, im thinking its going to foxtail on me, but ill know over the next few days,

so i got the last 3 plants in the spare room, they will finish off in their under natural light, all my veg plants are now under the hps on 18-6, i repotted some into bigger pots as they really needed it, when i was transplanting i noticed a new seedling had sprouted, its another gdp cheese but its been in the ground 4 weeks so thinking they really need a good scuff before planting.

so im thinking i need to get a veg room sorted out, but i cant spend any money yet as ive got none plus i need to see how much these prizes are going to cost as im going to have to cover postage costs which will probably be pretty high, so ill just see what the 420girls say and work it from their, id love to get an led light so i can keep running costs down but id need to save up for a few months for one of them, ill just have to see what i can sort out, but no rush just yet as all the plants are now under the hps on veg cycle, so in 4 weeks time ill plant my next round of seeds, hopefully i can get a light sorted out in 2 or 3 months, i should manage till then,

thanks to everyone who voted for me,
hey don.
just a quick one on seeds because I used to have all sorts of troubles with seeds not cracking or cracking then not fully releasing and now I have around 30 consequitive successful seed starts in a row. this is what I do.
Soak seeds in warm water (make it about 33c as it will cool all too quickly anyway. I soak mine in my flowering room in a glass jar with just a sheet of a4 to protect them from the worst of the light, I do this for 8-12 hours.

I then just plant them directly into wet media and cover them up lightly. the medium must stay wet to continually soak the shell. The more difficulty a strain has in removing its seed case, the deeper you plant it next time, I see notable change in success rate from a single centimetre of planting depth. poor things just need to get a good grip and push against a decent amount of resistance to get out of their shells =)
also, just a random discovery with regard to cloning. for those that like to plant a clone directly into a medium to grow roots, apparently you get a better success rate if you place the cutting at the peremeter of the soil so that the stem pushes down the side between the pot and the soil...not a clue why, but every hint and clue should be shared to test and debunk as needed =D
thanks GiGa,

with these gpd cheese seeds i soaked some in cold water for 24 hours, some sank and some never, but even the ones that didnt sink still germed, they just seem to take ages to germ, i even tried scuffing some and it still didnt help, ive not tried warm water but ill give it a try when i plant some more.

im hoping their hard to germ because its going to be an amazing strain,

i know ken estes gdp is a really nice strain and that was the father plant, then the mother plant was a stinky purple cheese auto, didnt produce a huge yield but the buds was stinky and a very nice smoke,
so out of the seeds ill have 1/4 turn out as ken estes gdp x purple cheese auto, so that will give me gdp cheese auto seeds, then the rest will be gdp cheese regular,

now im hoping that that gdp father and the purple cheese mother will produce a very nice regular strain, im just not sure on how it will turn out as the mother was an auto, so hopefully the none auto seeds from the cross should produce a very nice gdp cheese strain, ive got a few growing so i can see what happens, if the first cross produces a nice strain ill leave it at that, but as it was a cross between a none auto and an auto im unsure of how the results will turn out, worse case ill work with the pheno types and try and produce some stable pheno or at least the best pheno type as i can keep clones from these seeds to back cross with once i know which is the pheno type im trying to get,

as im trying to produce a gdp cheese i may even cross it with the big buddha cheese to make the cheese side of it a bit stronger then back cross it with the clones to ring back some of the gdp, i could really do with a gdp female but i kept getting males from the seeds i bought so only had the male to cross with

the clone method your on about i seen on a video but it was about herbs and not cannabis, ive not tried that method but might give it a try, i think as long as their is a good seal between the soil and the pot then it should work, but ill try it and find out,

i find when taking clones and rooting them in soil i find its best to have shorter clones so some of my clones only have a very short stem sticking out of the soil, i find these root quicker, they might take longer to grow by a few days due to their size but i find the root much quicker,

ive also rooted clones without a dome when done strain in soil, but to do this i had to take clones and just leave the top set of leaves above soil level, so no actual stem above ground apart from just a tiny bit to keep the leaves off the top of the soil, ive rooted a couple of clones like this in the same pots as the mother plant, i was removing lower branches as they was getting no light so i just stuck them in the pot and buried them so their was no stem above groung, i didnt even use rooting hormones and they rooted, it did take longer but they still rooted.

sent you some reps GiGa, ill try the seed idea next time i plant some of these slow germing seeds,
@dp, in the near future I will be building one, maybe two CFL reflector hoods for some things I have planned. I will try to include slotted vents nearest the apex to bleed off free flowing heat. After a day with my CFL reflector I noted that I'd want something like that. It makes no sense in tubes and hoods to pull air from side to side, especially if the air is pulled from behind the socket as this brings heat to more heat mixed with any moisture in the air. IMO a recipe for shorter life spans of blubs, sockets etc. Also, in time I will also be getting more HID lights and this 400w one I have in storage will be used to further test the theory of top venting. Because it's a hood, I would only be able to test if slots could be made with no vertical light loss, but that's at least a step towards progress, however that is still months down the road, so we'll see. Great idea though!
interesting skybound, with the slots if it was done like raised vents instead of just holes then their would be no light lossed upwards, hopefully you know what i mean, im trying to think of something that has these raised slots, say you cut a 2inch cut in the hood and then pushed the one side upwards so it didnt open the slit up but it raised the one side so it was higher than the slit, this would stop any light leaking upwards but would also allow the heat to vent upwards,

ill try and think of something that has these raised vents im on about, they wouldnt let light leak up as the slit would still line up but one side would be higher so you would have a gap of a few ml, a sort of raised vent

@kush ill come over and have a look, i just commented in my last journal so ill pop over now
Look no further than a ballast. I've seen a few on this site that people use that have the 'louvered' vent holes. Unless one has access to a punch press with jigs/dies cut for doing this kind of louvered vent, the only other way I could think of is to cut a thin slit with a 45° relief slit on both sides pointing in the same direction. Then heat would need to be applied and a clamp applied to the heated portion to be stretched to cover up the slot. that is of course if you wanted to use a single piece of metal for a professional look, however, let's not kid ourselves here, we're just looking for functionality. So it would be best to cut the slot as you saw fit, then fabricate a second elongated dome shape to be riveted over that vent hole. This will create the effect that I think we're both aiming for. This is well within my ability to make happen and if time and a small bit of funds is within my budget next payday, I will deliver up some pics of the process. if not, I can just use a piece of poster board and tape to make a tape together template and how best to cut the aluminum or sheet metal.

Back to your wing reflector, I don't see why they don't do that anyway as right at the apex does not really function in terms of reflectivity anyways because that would mean that the light that is emitted off the top of your bulb has to reflect and shoot back down through the bulbs and illuminated elements to serve any measurable purpose. Any thinking man could see that the amount of lumens per 1000 gained would realistically be what, 2 or 3? Verses the minimal loss of those 2 or 3 lumens to use heat vents at the apex which would make the entire setup that much more efficient is IMO a not too well thought out design on the manufacturers part.
Hey don =)
yes the water temperature is the most important part. ill be honest im not educated enough to understand the maths behind it, but I found a chart to make my point, which is- water penetrates and softens better when its warm, because its thinner and more able to soak in.
Happy Tokesday DP:)
thanks for the chart GiGa, seems water is more viscous when its warm then so should soak in better, ill give it a try next time i plant a batch of them seeds, ive not had any problems with any seeds germing apart from these, but i usually let me seeds stand for a few months before i plant them or at least 6 to 8 weeks, but as i want to try and get a gdp cheese strain stable i thought id plant some not long after the buds had dried, so i planted some and they didnt germ so i soaked some and they took 2 weeks or more to open using paper towel method, then i find one has sprouted from the 1st lot i planted direct in the soil and its 4 weeks old,

so clearly their is an issue with the gdp cheese seeds, not sure if its the shell or if i left them in the plant to long, i realyl dont know, maybe i pollenated the mother plant to early and the seeds matured to much and the shell became to hard, i know when i scraped the edges of one with a sharp knife it took off the outer skin and it was like a black stone underneath, so their pretty tough seed shells, so im thinking the water is having a tough time soaking into the seeds, but they seem to germ it just takes a long time.

@Skybound, im sure a good vice would work to creat them raised vents, the hood metal is not that hard so you could cut the slit then possibly make some moulds of out hard wood like oak and shape it to the shape you want the vents, you would need top and bottom pieces of wood to go both sides of the metal then close the vice and that should stretch them enough,

another thing im tempted to do is mount a 12v fan to my ballast, they run pretty hot and they only have the air holes to vent air, mine only has big slits running down the sides of the ballast and no holes of vents in the top, i think holes in the top would work much better as heat rises so im guessing the heat is building up inside the ballast which could cause it to not last as long, so im thinking of mounting a 12v fan at the one end as 12v fans would fit perfectly in the ends of the ballast if the case was modified then the fan would pull air out of the ballast, id have to run some fine mesh over the vents to stop dust getting sucked in,
or i might just drill a few holes in the top of the casing to let the air vent out upwards, ive even seen growers take the whole case off and leave it off to help with cooling, i just think they run very hot so any cooling would increae the life of the ballast,
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