Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Good Weed my friend DP!!! I'm going to be taking hopefully some detailed picks of my Silver LA. I want to supercrop her rather than let her grow vertical but I need advice from as many growers as I can get. Should I try doing A defoliation? I wouldn't know where to begin! In about an hour after I go through posts I put some pics up in my journal.

This grow (my first) is teaching me to NOT defoliate unless I am sure the plant can handle the loss. With that said, the only defol I will do (if any) will be topping or FIMing, but aside from that, everything stays until I have the ScrOG net holding a bush down and it's ready to be lollipopped. Just my opinion, but taking them fan leaves off when I did really stunted growth noticeably and just added to the clock. I like the idea of super cropping though as those who I study say it just adds to the vigor of the plant and as the foliage is still on, the plant can fend for itself. Might want to get Silica in the mix before getting crazy with the bending and popping.

Quote from the bottle of GH Armor Si
"Silica Benefits:
Enhances leaf mobility for improved absorption of light. Strengthens plants, improves plant stature. Improves stress resistance, drought tolerance, heat and cold stress tolerance.
Potassium benefits:
Improves plant growth including structural and foliar growth, increases yield, improves flower and fruit production."
This grow (my first) is teaching me to NOT defoliate unless I am sure the plant can handle the loss. With that said, the only defol I will do (if any) will be topping or FIMing, but aside from that, everything stays until I have the ScrOG net holding a bush down and it's ready to be lollipopped. Just my opinion, but taking them fan leaves off when I did really stunted growth noticeably and just added to the clock. I like the idea of super cropping though as those who I study say it just adds to the vigor of the plant and as the foliage is still on, the plant can fend for itself. Might want to get Silica in the mix before getting crazy with the bending and popping.

Quote from the bottle of GH Armor Si
"Silica Benefits:
Enhances leaf mobility for improved absorption of light. Strengthens plants, improves plant stature. Improves stress resistance, drought tolerance, heat and cold stress tolerance.
Potassium benefits:
Improves plant growth including structural and foliar growth, increases yield, improves flower and fruit production."

This goes hand in hand with the question I asked in my journal last night, but thank you for the heads up, I wouldn't have the courage to defol though I fimmed twice in one week lol!
This goes hand in hand with the question I asked in my journal last night, but thank you for the heads up, I wouldn't have the courage to defol though I fimmed twice in one week lol!

This was in reply to your querry that you made here in DP's journal.

No, i was giving you an answer, well my opinion of your question.
Whats up donpaul.p? I have some issues with my auto harvest. Checking my notes, and my nose, I think I may have had root rot. There was a musty kinda old woody smell about my roots. :hmmmm: Anyway, good weed sir.
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hi all, everythings going ok, the last few plants are not far from harvest, ill take some pics when iget my cam charged up,

@Sativa, defol method will slow growth, but its a method i use, i remove any fan leaves that are blocking light, if the growth below is not getting any light then its not going to grow, so i then remove the leaves blocking the light, i only do this if i cant move the leaves out the way, defol does slow growth but it soon bounces back, say you take the top set of big fan leaves off, then this will slow the main stem down for the next few days until the new set of fan leaves has got bigger, but the growth lower down the plant will carry on as normal or increase if its totally getting blocked from the light,

so i do defol but not a heavy defol, if i think lower branches are not getting any light which usually means the lower branches are going to stretch and have big node spacing, just the same as a plant growing in the shade, it will stretch to get back into the light, the lower branches do the same thing, its why the lower branches produces popcorn buds as their just not getting light and node spacing is to big to produce big buds,

so if the light is been blocked and the growth lower down is been affected by the bigger leaves then you can remove them, outdoors you dont have this problem as the sun is putting out around 1000watt for sq ft, or so im told, so growth is much quicker and the leaves dont end up blocking the lower branches or growth areas, so if any of my plants are blocking the growth lower down then i cut the leaves off as light penetration is a lot less indoors compared with the sun, so any big leaves i remove but they soon grow new leaves to replace the ones lost, so worse case you lose a few days of upwards growth on the main stem,

ive got plants in veg at the minute then i dont want to get to big due to the space their in, so ive been remove the end set of fan leaves on each branch and the main stem, each time a new set grows i clip them off, this has kept node spacing down to about 1cm between each node, its encouranged growth at the nodes to grow so the defol im using is pretty heavy but only because i dont have the space to let them get to big, so i remove the fan leaves everytime it grows a new set at the end of each branch, its left me with some very small node spacing, so it should be a nice plant when i transplant to a bigger pot and put it under the hps,

but at the end of the day its your grow and do what you think is right, each grower has different ideas and does different things, some plants i do nothing to and others i use lst and others i do a small defol to let light in.

@Spimp, is it only the roots that was affected, do you think it was over watered, or maybe it could be down to the roots not having enough space to grow, chances are you will have root problems if their is to much root mass in a small space, but as long as their is no signs of pm on the leaves or buds at harvest then i wouldnt worry to much, their wont be any problems with the bud, could just be the roots got to big for the pot and started to die, or maybe in the soil you had bits of wood that was rotting, ive had some compost in the past with small bits of wood or bark type stuff in it, then in the grow if any is on the surface it can get some mold growing on it so i always take them off the surface now, ive also seen mold on sticks that ive used to support plants but the plants themselves had no problem

you also can have beneficial fungus, really healthy soil can have a white mold growing on the surface, i had this problem a while back as air flower as not as good at soil level in this big pot i was using, so i mentioned i had this mold and i scraped the top layer off soil off and threw it out, then i found out it was nothing to worry about as healthy soil will have this type of mold gowing on the surface from time to time, it smelled similar to what your describing, but the buds and plants where totally fine, my problem was not enough air flow at soil level, i was using a big rectangle type tote and the soil level was a good few inches below the top of the tub so the air was not moving at soil level so it started to grow this white mold, i since moved a fan and not had the problem since.
Good Weed DP, I hope today finds you in better "hands" I basically finished and chronicled the aeroponics clone bucket on my journal yesterday. Just need to do the cover which I will probably do once I am situated there. After the project, I was able to get about 90-95% of the boxes and what little furniture I have left in my life over to the new apartment. I started taking a better look at it but I think I want to take some pics and show you so I can bounce different ideas off you. We will surly talk to you later. Oh and I found out that though the internet is available, in 10Mb/s it's over $150 month or 96.83 GBP!!!! I much rather spend any extra cash on growing supplies, ham radio equipment, guns, and ammunition!
thanks everyone,

@Sativa, i just commented on the cloner in your thread, i did mention you would need a lid but you said the same here, nice diy by the way, should work very well indeed,

@miwa, ill give grafting a go as well, as soon as my flowering plants are done ill move my veg plants into the hps room then give them a few days to settle in then ill have another go at grafting, ill be using the rizzla idea as mentioned in your thread and in my thread a while back, i think that will work much better than tape as it will create a much better seal, i might even wrap some cling film round it so its nice and tight, last time i tried it i used tape but it did not keep the cutting held in place secure enough but i think the rizzla will create a nice tight seal so it should take and hopefully get 2 strains growing from the one plant,
ill give it a try in a couple of weeks and see how you get on with yours, fingers crossed we both pull it off with no problems.

good weed to all, ill try and take some pics tomorrow to show you what i got going on,

im not to impressed with the auto bubble, seems to be hardly growing, but might be the soil im using so cant rule it out just yet, but the auto northern lights is in the same soil and is growing much better, so if the auto bubble dont pick up i wont be producing seeds from it, the northern lights auto fem is in the cup i use for my 2ltr dwc and as soon as i see the roots growing out the bottom it will be put in the hps room and be sitting in the 2ltr dwc, im hoping it will grow well in a dwc, if it does then ill produce seeds from it with the pollen ive been collecting, but so far the northern lights auto seems the best of the 2, the auto bubble seems to of stopped growing,

my flowering plants are not far from done, the kc45 auto female is now flowering so ill wait till its well in flower before putting pollen on it, i find putting pollen on to early stops the plant developing as much so i wait until its well into flower before using the pollen but its going to be a good mother to produce some more kc45 auto seeds, i got plenty of pollen so should be enough to turn the whole kc45 to seed and hopefully at least half of the other 2 autos, should give me a few hundred auto seeds when their done.

ive also got the jack flash under 12-12 and thats now in the first stages of flower, when the other plants have finished ill put the light back under a veg schedule but the jack flash will be moved out for its 12 hours of dark then back under the hps, that way i can keep it in flower, i flowered it early as its a sativa strain and has a long flower period of 11 weeks, so i need to make sure its the jack flash i hope it is before i spend time vegging it as its a slow growing plant, so i need to make sure its the jack flash i know and like, but ive had a good sniff and gently squeezed the flowering buds at the tip and im sure i can smell that cat piss amonia type smell, so for now its smelling how it should do but proof will be in the testing,

if it smells good towards the end of flower then ill take 2 clones from it while its in flower and reveg the clones, or ill harvest the top of the plant and reveg the rest, i just dont want to spend time vegging it if it dont turn out to be the jack flash i know and love, so cant wait to see the end results, if it is the true jack flash then ill grow and flower the clones but ill flower one about 6 weeks before i put the other under 12-12, that way i can get some fem pollen and produce some more jack flash fem seeds, ive love to make an auto jack flash but ive all ready got strains im working on so that will be something for future grows and experments,

so everything seems to be going well, the plants in veg really need to go under the hps and really need to go into the bigger pots, but i dont have room to grow them in bigger pots so the flowering plants need to hurry up and finish, ive heavily defol the sensi star i got in veg and node spacing is less than 1cm all the way up the stem, so defol certainy keeps node spacing tight if you keep removing the fan leaves, ive also removed the fan leaves on the mazor x white rhino as well so i can slow the growth down a bit as im running out of room,

i could really do with a seperate veg room and may get something sorted out next week,
Good Weed DP, thanks for the kudos, glad the grow is progressing well, are you any better? Hope so! Regards my friend!

oh by the way, looks like sunday is official move day, even though I just have my grow tent and bed sheets left here lol. I will lose continuous internet access then, I can possibly get it at the library if that program works, or if I get lucky and find an unsecured wireless router. We will see how it goes! Be well my friend!
Don, when you get a chance could you stop by "new city grower" thanxx
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