Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

@james, your not rambling my friend, it cant be easy going through what you both are going through.

@harley, the sensi star was defol to late in flower so did not benefit from it, i should of done it 2 weeks sooner but the estimated flower time was a couple of weeks shorter than it stated so wasnt really a fair test as it could not recover in time to be of much benefit,

with the veg plants i defol what im finding is when i remove the fan leaves it slows the growth at the end of the stems and branches but the growth at the nodes then grows and bushes the plant out more, the plants ive got in veg now ive been using a heavy defol on another sensi star as it needs to be repotted when the flowering plants are finished so ive been using defol pretty heavy on that so it dont outgrow the pot but it bounces back pretty quick after i defol.

so from what i can tell it encourages nodel growth more after you defol as the plant tries to replace its lost leaves and if that means it has to grow more at the nodes then it does this to replace what it lost, the sensi star in flower started growing the bud leaves bigger, i stripped it right back an their was very little sticking out but when i harvested it it was clear that the bud leaves had started to grow to replace the fan leaves, so if i had an extra 2 or 3 weeks then i might of seen a big difference in flower size but it finished quicker than the breeder said so it wasnt really a fair test.

i defol most of my plants, if the light is been blocked than i pull some leaves off, they soon bounce back, if anything it makes the plant more bushy as upwards growth is slowed and node growth is increased so they do tend to got a lot more bushy with defol method, id need to run a side by side test to make it really fair which i did plan on doing but i just ran out of space, ill keep using the defol method on the soil grown sensi star and see how that does as that has been heavily defoled, it has no big leaves on it and everytime i remove leaves it just grows them elsewhere, so its a short plant with short branches but all the nodes have got growth and new leaves so if anything its a good way to keep plants bushy without letting them get to high.

but to be a fair test id need to do a side by side grow which i did plant last time but with the high temps i ended up with stretched plants so it was not a good test, ill keep using defol on this sensi star and then follow it through into flower and see how it does, i got great results using the defol method with a 2ltr dwc a while back but not really had chance to use defol properly this time because of the heat so will use it with the plants i got in seedling stage now, plus i got 2 clones that have just rooted so ill see how it goes once my room is back under veg cycle,

if the temps didnt rise like they did then that last set of plants i could of carried on with but most stretched to much for it to be of any use, now we are in cooler temps i can keep things under tighter control and run a more fair test
Don, in the past, I've found it to dispel heat more efficiently to use a small piece of copper in conjunction with silver paste between the CPU or GPU and heat sink as copper conducts heat well. I also agree with your view of a cover to the heat sink as it's a pain in the rocks to pull the motherboard out just to remove duct built up in the fins. Also, I have in the past drilled many extra holes on the bottom surface of a laptop to allow greater passive venting which aids in heat management. I know it also gives dust many more points of entry, but if kept somewhere away from rugs and fabrics, I can easily get a year before I have to go back in to clean it again. I never got into clock manipulation, but it's something that I've been interested in for a while now. Is there a stereotype that PC repair guys also like to grow herb? I also do repairs freely for friends and family only though. I live mostly by give and receive laws, but I also work a normal job. At any rate, just wanted to share that little nugget of info.
I personally wouldn't recommend a shard of metal in your PC as a heat countermeasure, thermal paste liquidises when hot and more often than not a baseunit keeps the cpu in a vertical position, imagine if the machine takes a knock and the metal touches cpu pins. its a pretty logical idea, but doesn't give enough of a benefit/risk when you consider how efficient a good thermal paste is when used generously.

and as to dust....boys, c'mon....either suck it up...if you pardon the pun, or put your pc in a cupboard and get a cheap carbonfilter/fan to feed the cupboard filtered air, only adds a few watts to your overheads and you never need to clean inside a pc that's stored this way ;)
I dont own a desktop, and the method I described and used were only on a few laptops. I actually never even saw inside a desktop, but the shard of metal is clamped between the heat sink and the GPU with paste between the 2, and there are 4 widely spaced tie down screws that ensures nothing touches nothing else.
thanks for the info king, plus reps when it lets me as i got to spread it round a bit first, ill see what i can sort out,

@chronic, cant beat the ps my friend, i must have 5 ps3 and 10xbox here at the minute that im in the process of fixing, by far the xbox is the worst performer, terrible reliablity and luck if you make it last the warranty, the best ps was the 60gig backwards compatible one, that was the first made and contained the highest spec parts, after making that one they used cheaper parts and never lasted as long but always lasted longer than microsofts system,
so hopefully the new ps will be lasting a good while,

@GiGa, i got plenty of software that monitors everything for me such as voltage, temps, speed, load, etc etc, im pretty safe using all the software i use, i monitor everything and keep temps safe, i do sometimes speed the fan up on some laptops to keep the temps really low but i dont like to have the fan running at full speed so i keep temps down and over clock as much as i can get away with without clocking up the fan, on a scale of 1 to 8 my laptop is standard at 4, ive pushed it up to a 7 and could go up to an 8 with no problems but its old so dont want to push it to much, one of the main reasons they over heat is due to the crappy heat sink pads they put on, they dont use paste they use sticky pads which dont transfer heat as much, so changing that to heat sink paste like arctic silver solves many heat problems, the fan on this laptop has never sped up at all since changing the heat sink paste, even when im using videos or copying a dvd it still dont speed up, so the temps are totally fine. i do keep an eye on everything as i dont want to cook the processer or board but as long as you monitor everything then your fine, its when you mess around without knowing what your doing that problems happen.

the sticky heat sink compounds are also one of the main reasons why xbox fail, they use cheap heat sink putty or patches and this then gives you the ylod problem, which is the most common problem i fix, the other thing that causes over heating is the dust build up in the fins on the heat sink, on the xbox the fins are so tightly packed that they got blocked real easy, plus they did not make a good design to get air flower over the heat sink, plus i cant work out why they dont use some kind of filter on the backs of consoles, a simple slide in filter would prevent all dust getting inside the console, i make my own filters and dont suffer problems with dust, i also modify the heat sinks inside the xbox so it allows air to actually be sucked through the heat sink instead of just gently blowing over it, so using cardboard to creat a cover creatly improves air flower over the heat sink and that then stops it over heating.

i just wish these designers put more time into the parts functioning well instead of just making them fit, with todays technology everything should fit perfect and do the job its designed to, but when you outsource work corners get cut and parts dont fit as good as they did on the prototype, so then the consumer suffers as the units start to fail,

@sativa, the software i use is all freeware, it allows you to overclock computers and laptops that are not suppose to be over clocked, but most computers are running at an average setting when they can actually be over clocked, some of the processors are more powerful than advertised by the company you buy your computer from, the gpu and cpu can work at a higher level, so compaq will say your getting how ever much cpu but intel or who ever make the chip know it can be pushed a lot harder, but to prolong life they keep them ticking over at a standard speed but most can easily be over clocked to increase speed, it does push temps up if you go to high but a slight increase will increase performance without risking harming the computer, your cpu and gpu get much hotter when your laptop is full of dust, so brushing out the vents is always a good option say once a month, keeping the vents dust free will prolong life and stop your system from crashing or running slow, the problem is its so damn hard to take a laptop apart just to get to the fan that most dont bother,

again why on earth didnt they make laptops so you took a small cover off where the fan is then you can brush the dut out, instead they bury the fan and heatsinks inside the laptop so you have to completely strip it down just to clean it, they should just fit a small cover that is held on by a screw so we can then undo the screw and clean the fan and heat sink with a small brush, but again these machines are designed to last the warranty then fail, if they didnt we would never replace them every year or 2, itsa all about the money.

DP, they made it harder for the same reason you can't climb in an old Chevy truck and practically stand next to the engine to fix it!!!! Good Weed Day my friend, I hope this day finds you well!!!
DP, they made it harder for the same reason you can't climb in an old Chevy truck and practically stand next to the engine to fix it!!!! Good Weed Day my friend, I hope this day finds you well!!!

That's the truth!
your not wrong on the trucks and cars, you need a degree in computers now to diagnose a fault with a car, car mechanics are not mechanics anymore, i was taught the proper way and can listen to an engine and tell you whats wrong, now they dont have a clue, they have to plug it into a computer and if the computer says their is no problems then they say their is no problems even when their clearly is,
mechanics today are fitters, their not trained as mechanics anymore, the computer tells them whats wrong and they replace the part it tells them to replace after following the step by step instructions provided for them by the autodata programs they use.

my mom took her new car to several car dealerships to find the fault, all said their wasnt one then they drove the car and it kept losing power when you put foot down to over take, then it goes into limp mode and cant take revs past 2.5k, so they get it back to workshop plug it in and cant find the fault, they told her to keep driving it until something went wrong then bring it back then they would sort it, so been a mechanic who was taught the old way i had a listen, test drove it, took 1 pipe off and found out the turbo bearing had failed allowing the engine to suck oil into the intake causing an overboost problem which shut the car down into limp mode, so even top brands like audi and vw really dont have a clue about their own engines or how to find faults, if its not on the computer then they just dont have a clue.

just annoyed that they fit new injectors and crap that didnt need replacing then tried charging my mom as it never fixed the problem, it took me less than 10min to find the fault, it took them over 6 weeks and they had the car several times for 2 or 3 days and admitted their was a problem but they dont have a clue what it is so bring it back when it actually breaks down, so considering it was a new car you dont expect customer service like that or even advice like that from so called experts.

they fit all these fancy new parts like egr valves, the best thing anyone can do if you have an egr valve fitted is get it blancked off as quick as possible, its just forcing the engine to run on exhaust gasses, this drastically reduces the life of the engine as your blasting carbon and other soot strait back into the engine, you blank them off you have an increase in power and the car will run much better as its not choking on its own fumes.

ive modified xbox cases to fit more vent holes as their badly affected by heat, fitted new fans as the 2 fans they fit are way to small for the cpu and gpu so dont keep them cool, over time the solder joints crack due to the new cheap solder they use with less lead content, it just dont last like the old solder did, also why do they solder the gpu and cpu chip onto the circuit board, it would make more sense to fit them the same as pc's do, they would increase the life of the console by years just by changing how their fitted to the circuit board, lets hope the new generations of consoles coming out are of a better quality, but im pretty sure it wont be long before i get people contacting me to fix their console for the, todays products are made to last a certain amount of time, usually the time of the warranty, any longer and your very luck

anyways thats enough of topic ranting,

back to the plants. hopefully the plants got in flower will be done soon because i really need the space, my plants in veg need transplanting so the sooner the others are done the better, might need to transplant early and put the hps back onto veg cycle but take the flowering plants out every 12 hours to keep them under 12-12 but it would then allow me to have the other plants on a veg cycle cuz their all getting to big for the small seedling pots,

hope everyones well, happy munchday my friends
sorry to be a pain people but can someone come and check out this new grower, he seems to be having some problems, the ends of some leaves look burnt due to high N or nute levels in soil, he has not added any nutrients at all, plus the leaves look like their wilting so looks over or under watered but he thinks he is not under or over watering,

so i said ill post a link and see if anyone can come over and have a look and give a 2nd oppinion,

thanks everyone, heres the link
Are my seedlings healthy?
Hey DP Good Weed, sorry for late greeting, just got back from Doctors and found package waiting for me fully intact. Give me time, and I'll give you the run of Herbies and take half the freebies of one sale.
Can't wait to shop there. THC Bomb is on the wish list!!!
Happy Tokesday DP.
I checked out that thread about the sick seedlings. Looks like you all got him on the right track for success:thumb:
Good Weed my friend DP!!! I'm going to be taking hopefully some detailed picks of my Silver LA. I want to supercrop her rather than let her grow vertical but I need advice from as many growers as I can get. Should I try doing A defoliation? I wouldn't know where to begin! In about an hour after I go through posts I put some pics up in my journal.
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