Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

I hear you loud and clear sir, and I'm pretty certain you will win MOTM. You currently have 52% of the votes, and 9 days left, so looks damn good for you. You definitely deserve it, given all the knowledge you have given me, and lots of others.
NPK is 8,12,36 then i got some liquid fruit feed which is NPK 4,4,4, im thinking the powder feed is ok for flower but still has lots of N in it, the all in one i guess would do for veg but at 4,4,4 it might not be ideal. but unless i find something soon im out of nutes,

Optimally you want a higher middle number, phosphorus. But if not... Use what you have. It is hard to kill a weed. Honestly some Old timers use 20-20-20 through the whole grow. I have used 10-10-10 through a whole grow. I would use the 8,12,36 and then water a couple days. The main thing that will screw you up is salt build up. So the plant may not be using all the potassium and it will be building up. Just run more water through it for a little more runoff than you normally do. Don't go bonkers and add extra 8,12,36 to max out the phosphorus. You will just get a lock out faster.
One last thought, is it within your safe zone to visit your local store under the guise of a man looking for a new hobby? If yes, this will allow you to peruse what's in stock and what the prices are. then at a later time, possibly sending in a passer by for small orders and give a little extra cash? Not pressing the issue, just offering other possible options.
heres the break down on the powder nutrients,
soluble plant food, provides nutrients for higher crop yields
use 5g or 1 scoop per gallon
NPK 8,12,36
N = 8%
nitric nitrogen = 5.5%
ammoniacal nitrogen = 2.5%
p =12%
k = 36%
boron = 0.01%
copper = 0.007%
iron = 0.03
manganese = 0.02%
molybdenum =0.007%
zinc = 0.007%

now all that means nothing at all to me, im thinking it might be ok to use for flower stage of growth but still has a high level of N in it, its an all in one powder mix and says apply weekly during growing season and water between feeds if needed.

the liquid food i got is NPK 4,4,4 so thinking it would possibly be ok for veg, but unless i can get something else in the next week to 2 weeks then im pretty well stuck with these as these seem about the best nutrients i can get from garden centers, the rest are for non edible plants so not sure if i could even use them.

ill check out the sponsors and see what they got but it depends who can ship to the uk and delivery costs, or do i risk going into this new hydroponics shop thats always empty, no one i know knows i grow so cant exactly send a mate in to go and check the place out,

you will also need to supplement calcium and magnesium to use your dry fertilizer for cannabis.
Happy Friedday DP:circle-of-love:
Hey dp, re: worries about going to the hydro store to pick up nutes, I just fleabay everything to my home address. There are plenty of reputable suppliers that post the nutes etc, and they wouldn't have a business if there were issues. I've got some very good mates in the police and the one thing they're not doing is scanning or tracking post for hydro nutrients to bust small scale personal growers. The busts all come from rented houses with big ass grows and neighbours complaining about strange smells or suspicious comings and goings, the police really don't have the time or the inclination to worry about nutes being posted from a hydro store which could be used for 101 different reasons (and aren't going to be picked up by sniffer dogs because they're not drugs). If the police had any major focus on hydro stores and their business then there wouldn't be any hydro stores, they'd be no business. Completely right to be cautious and I appreciate the worry about going in in person if you live nearby and easy to be followed, but I reckon the post is pretty safe considering the millions of items that go through it, and even if they were suspicious they'd still need a warrant, but a delivery of nutrients is not grounds for a warrant. If you were large scale and slinging it may be different, but you should be ok through fleabay and a reputable hydro store mate.
thanks for all the help and advice people,

hopefully i got it sorted now,

pulled down the ak47 x uk cherry chz and the 2ltr hempie, the sensi star was done and on its way to going hermie so pulled that down as well, so got them to hanging and drying,

the plant that had the problem is sorted, the damaged leaves never got any worse and the bud leaves are growing to replace the damaged ones and new growth looks perfect so looks like i sorted it before it got to bad, im just not 100% sure why only that plant was affected, only thing i can think of is the pot wasnt draining properly and salt built up throwing the ph off lower down in the soil.

but its all back to normal for now at least,

thanks for the advice king, not much cal/mag in that so hopefully i wont need to use it now, ill try and order some nutes in the next week or 2 when i get paid so hopefully should have that covered.

ive got enough --- to use for at least that time as ive got enough grow left, i thought i didnt have much but should have enough for 2 weeks so hopefully by then i can buy what i need and have it delivered, the only thing im out of is bloom but bloom booster whould see me through the last few weeks of flower along with the grow and micro as the feed schedule still says to use them in small amounts, so hopefully i wont need to supliment anything and if i do ill use the powder nute at a very weak mix

what i got left is
--- grow 2-1-6
it says mg 0.5%
then i got micro and lots of it but its 5-0-1, so mainly for veg stage but still used in flower in small amounts like 2.5ml per gallon i think it is without checking, its got 5% cal
then i got bloom booster which is 2-4-10 which is nitrogen. phos and potash.
the one im out of is bloom 0-5-4,

so is it possible to flower the plants for the last 2 or 3 weeks without the bloom
2-1-6 grow
5-0-1 micro
2-4-10 bloom booster
the problem is the --- schedule says use 12ml grow, 7ml micro, 20ml bloom, 8ml bloom booster per gallon, so im out of bloom, so is it still possible to use the grow micro and bloom booster to flower the plants off, or do i need to supliment anything else, could i just increase grow and micro slightly and possibly double up on the bloom booster or would that make it to hot.

id prefer to use --- till i get something else as this power nute and liquid feed are not ideal but i guess i could use the powder feed for flower and add some bloom booster to it, ive just got a couple of weeks left in flower so i can get some nutes in a week or 2 but ill still need to use something between now and then,

so is it best to stick with --- and possibly up the doses slightly by a couple of ml, or would i be better off using the powder feed and supliment that with the bloom booster.

ill be ok once i get paid and got some spare cash but looking at about 2 weeks plus delivery time, so lets say 3 weeks between now and getting some new nutes, so i need to use something between now and then, so its either stick with --- and up the dose slightly or go with the powder and supliment with bloom booster, i just dont know enough about nutrients to mess around to much,.

ive also planted the northern lights auto fem, ill be running this through the dwc so i can see how autos cope under a basic dwc setup, im hoping the extra growth of the dwc will produce a bigger auto,
Just had an auto sprout in my 2 liter dwc sir, and I will put a journal up in a few days on that. I read somewhere that autos have an extremely aggressive taproot, so it shouldn't take long for the roots to grow down into the res. It will be interesting to see how it does in the dwc though, I'm looking forward to it.
i hit you all up with some reps for all the comments and help with the nutes,

hope everyone is having a good sativaday, or what ever day it is where youse are,

im having some comp problems, ive overclocked it way to much and i keep getting errors flashing up on screen, i think i over clocked it to much, cpu and gpu temps are within range so im thinking their ok, maybe the bios is not happy under these new settings, ill see if i can play around with it,

the harvest went well, the sensi start hempie was more than done, i should of checked it more often, the pistils had all shrivled up on the lower buds but main bud was foxtailing to some extent so thought the whole plant was still growing, so it only got a short flush but should be ok as i think --- is ok not to flush, 20%amber on the sensi star, the ak47 x uk cherry cheese was around the same 20%amber but was stinking the place out so couldnt let it go much longer,

in flower now i got a jack flash which is in flower early so i can sample the buds to make sure its the same flash i had years ago, if it is ill reveg, the ak47 x uk cherry cheese i harvested is under 24-0 so i can reveg and put it in a bigger pot,
then i got the monster cropped ak x cherry chz in flower still, not sure why but its taking a lot longer to flower so maybe the reveg has kept it growing longer due to it size and amount of tops, theirs a stretched sleestack x skunk in flower room as well, nearly done about a week left on it maybe a few days more.

once their out the way i can transplant the veg plants into bigger pots and put them in the hps room and give them some veg time,
thanks for the info dank, will be interesting to see how they do in dwc, ive not tried auto in dwc yet,

ill hit you up with a pm tomorrow when im over my moms and give you that number you wanted, been real busy so not had chance to go to my moms yet but got to go tomorrow to help put the kids garden stuff away as their back at school soon then its winter so swimming pool and trampoline needs taking down so will be their early getting that sorted.
Don't worry too much over that number dp, it should arrive next week, I'm sure. I've been very busy myself, physical therapy is over 100 miles one way to drive, and I have to go 3 times a week! Hope you are feeling better, and +reps for your harvest sir!
Heres a computer tip to speed up your processor---- Less Porn.

I got my big auto in the dark box. Shell be chopped tomorrow. I was decideding about the self pollinate idea we discussed, but with my other auto in full bloom, I cant do it logistically. I mean I could, and I may even get a nice cross, but I cant risk a total seed crop. So hopefully Ill let the blue mammoth go to seed while the new girls are just waking up. ;) Good weed donpaul.p
Yeah it does suck, I smashed a bone in my thumb into 3 pieces at work, and had 3 surgeries already, but they pay for gas, so whatever. Plus I get to visit the hydro store, so it's not a bad trip, just hurts like hell.
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