Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

MIWA, That Definitely Looks To Me Like Some Sort Of Nutrient Burn,PERIOD!!! Do You Use Cal-Mag??? If Not You Should, And If You Do, It Is Time To Stop Using It, LIKE NOW!!!Because That Looks Suspiciously Like Magnesium Burn, Although On This Screen, It Is HARD To TELL!!!HAPPY,HAPPY WEEDNESDAY DPP, And I Hope All Is Well On your Side Of The Pond:high-five:!!! Don, If Something Were To Happen To Yarrow(GOD FORBID,BUT I AM TRYING TO BE REALISTIC), And I Got A Bug Up My Arse To Come Visit England, And Go And See All Of Our Old Ancestral Estates And Homes, Would I Be Welcome In Your Home, Or Your Neck Of The Woods??? I Can Pay For My Self, That Is Not A Problem, I Would Just Like To Know That There Would Be Someone There With The Same Interests(THAT WOULD BE YOU DON!!!),To Be Able To Drive Me Around, And Show Me, And Help Me Find The Things I Would Wish To See. My Family Apparently Hales From Suffolkshire, But I Have Also Read Other Accounts That Said My Family Was Both Loyal To King William Of Scotland, And One Of My Relatives That Served Under Him Was A Major, And Was Given Lands In IRELAND, After The Rebellion Was Crushed(I GUESS THEY CALL THEM THE BLACK IRISH),Anyways Don, You Could Be My Tour Guide, And I Would Pay For All Your Meals And Lodging,Gas ETC. If I Could Give You My Last Name, I Am Sure It Would Make Things Much Easier, But That Would Have To Come From A PM, Unless You Think I Am Losing My Mind, And Want NO PART OF MEETING SOMEONE THE FIRST TIME, FROM THE INTERNET?!? I WOULD BE SKETCHED OUT TO, I KNOW, So If This Sounds To Crazy, I Would Understand. Well Anyways, I Just Thought I Would Put It Out There And Let You And Yours Decide. And This Would All Be Contingent On Y Not Making It. Take Care All!!! SINCERELY,JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!!
Very sorry you were ill don, I had surgery on my hand like 2 hours ago, and when I got home the anesthesia had worn off, but a fat bowl was all I needed. :bongrip: My issue turned out to be a combination of a K def, and a ph issue, that I corrected with a flush, and 4 teaspoons of molasses.
ok heres the pics, sorry about the poor quality, i did my best to try and stop shaking while i took the pics so took plenty and deleted most as they was to blurry, hopefully the shakes will stop now im not in as much pain,

take a look, yesterday the leaves that was affected where still green but had brown spots all over them, today when i got back i checked the plant and in less than 24 hours some of the affected leaves had turned yellow and going crispy, so clearly my problem is not lack of nutrients as it did not pick up when i upped the dose, i thought it did as the problem did not progress but it then got worse after 24 hours of not changing, so i thought the problem was solved by upping the P and K feed, but im sure its not lack of nutes its either a ph problem or nutes lockout due to them getting to much P and K in the feed i was using, so if its not ph then its going to be a salt build up, either way ive flushed so i cant start again knowing the soil is now clean, i put the pot in the bath and just left the tap running for 10min, it was running just enough so it didnt over flow the pot so all the water was draining out the bottom, so its had a good flush so i can now know for sure what the problem is, i can start again now knowing the soil is ok, not sure if i can check the ph of the soil using the ph tester i got as its one of them electronic yellow ones that you just dip in water,

i was thinking about testing the run off but using tap water would not give me a good reading as id be getting the ph of the tap water as well as the soil so could throw the results off, im wondering if i can buy some clean water then add a few spoons of soil to it and shake it all up so its totally mixed with the pure water then strain it through a coffee filter and then test the water, would that method work if i bought some type of bottle water without minerals in it,

if these pics turn out poor ill try taking some more, just couldnt keep my hand still long enough to use the zoom as much as i liked, i could do with a tripod when im in pain like this, if their to blurry or not close enough then ill find something to rest the cam on while i take pics or ill cut the affected leaves off and do it that way

as you can see by the pics its not affecting the whole plant its seems to be only affecting one side of the plant and just a couple of the branches, so i thought it was best to flush before it affects the bud leaves and buds, at least now i can start again knowing what im putting in,













hope you can see what im going on about
thanks dank, its pretty much what i expect is going on here, im sure its a ph issue, so ill feed some molasses when the pots dried out a bit,
@danklover, i got to give you a number in a bit, i left the receipts in my moms car and text her to let her know, when she texts me back ill drop you a pm with the info you asked for,

so im thinking my problem is ph issue, i flushed so i could clean out the soil, the drain holes in the bottom of the pot where small for the pot size and when i flushed it took a while to come out so i made some bigger holes and water came out much quicker, im thinking salts built up due to it not letting water run off each time i feed or water, the holes where to small and over time they have got blocked so hopefully its now sorted and i can give it a small feed and hopefully thats problem solved, its just strange that the clone from that plant is in the same pot and has not got any problems, which suggests the problem is lower down in the pot as the clone has only been rooted about 4 or 5 days
good to hear from you james, the pain is not as bad now, it crippled me when i was out but ive had chance to rest and its eased off after smoking just half a spiff so its managable now, what really annoys me is they give me these fibregel drinks and other tablets for fibre and other stuff that takes like bananans and oranges, then they just give me pain meds to control the pain, so clearly they know the drinks and other stuff is not going to help so they give me pain killers, i stopped taking the pain killers over 18 months ago now due to the crazy side affects, the worse time was when i woke up in the night to go to the toilet and went to get out of bed and i collapsed on the floor, from the waste down i was totally paralyzed, i could only use my arms and could pull myself back on the bed, so had to sleep on the floor,

plus i was getting addicted to them so slowly cut them down and got off, they wasnt helping me at all, even when i was in pain id take them as prescribed and they would not help ease the pain, then the doctors told me to take some different tablets and take them every day and something to help me sleep at night, none of them helped with the pain and the sleeping tablets worked for about 2 weeks then id end up suffering from the side affects as id be awake after taking them, the only thing thats slowed the ibs down and stopped me being in pain as much is smoking bud, i swear down its the only medication that helps with all my problems including insomnia.

anyways mate enough about me, ill survive, hows the inlaws, i can totally understand where your coming from, my kids mothers side of the family are a right royal pain in the back end, their ok when they want something done, they worship the ground you walk on, but when their not happy or want to have someone to moan at then they can be your worst enemy, i came close to killing my kids mothers dad, he flipped so i flipped and grabbed a hammer and was going to kill him, i had to dig deep to stop myself, still dont speak to him now but i speak to my kids mothers mom as she only had 1 child which was my kids mom so when she died her parents only her their grand kids then, so i let them see the kids often but i only speak to the mother inlaw, we get on ok now, but damn they can be a pain,

so hang in their james, i know what the inlaws are like, i have to put up with it on my own as my kids mom isnt their to back me up or fight my corner so its difficult at times,
i hope both you and Y are doing as well as can be expected, all the best my friend,
Hey Donp, I know this might be late, but you mentioned you weren't sure you were giving them exactly a Tsp or Tbsp. I suggest going out to the grocers and buying one of those bakers sets of measured spoons that go from 1/4 Tsp to 1 Tbsp. Sorry if that doesn't help, but it sure makes for accurate measurements in the future.
cool thanks for reminding me, thats what i was using but you just reminded me to go and check, the one i got has 5 different like little cups that measure from tsp and upwards, i just checked which one i had been using and it says tsp, i didnt look properly and thats what ive been giving them, so im giving them to little it seems, ive been giving them 1tsp per gallon, i guess i should of checked the others before jumping in and using that one, the one i should be using has tbsp written on it, so ive been giving them 1tsp per gallon,

so a huge thanks for making me check i was using the write one, without you saying that i would of carried on using the tsp one.
i dont think thats what caused the problem though as i gave it molasses to try and solve the problem but it never changed if anything it got worse so think flushing it was the best option.

so can i just check with the growers using molasses what doses i should be using and how often, ive looked on the net and ive seen anything from 1 table spoon and up to 2 or more table spoons per gallon, it also says it wont do any harm if you gave it lots as the worse thing to happen would be to have lots of bugs in the soil, i know you probably could give it way to much but most comments suggested it wont harm the plants if you go over the stated dose.

so my questions is this.
1, how mure per gallon of molasses in tablespoons, max and min i can use
2, is it safe to use in my dwc, ive read mixed responses from this on the net, some say its ok and does no harm, others say it allows the bad microbes to thrive and they take over the beneficial microbes and then attack the roots,

ive all ready used the molasses in the dwc so not concerned about using it but at what dose is it safe to use or is it the same as soil,
3, when is it best to start feeding molasses and how often, in veg can it be used to boost the microbes in the soil by saying using it once every 2 weeks or once a week, then in flower how often should i be feeding with it and do i need to do a proper flush if im using molasses before i harvest the plant,

thanks for all the help everyone, im happy using it in the dwc so just want to check i can use the same doses as their are a few different doses on the not,

i know molasses will help the beneficial microbes in the soil which is what a high brix grow does to some extent as thats about feeding the soil and not the plants, if the soils happy then the plants will be very happy as the microbes are what protect the roots and allow the roots to take in nutrients,

so im thinking it would be good to use molasses from about week 3 of growth as this will give the soil a good boost of sugers and other beneficial nutrients which will keep the soil alive and happy, so if its ok to use in veg then how often would be a good schedule,
I would foliar spray on the dwc, and I use like 2 tablespoons per gallon, and 3 if it's a heavy feed. I read a thread on another site and the guy said the plant will uptake more carbs if you do a foliar with molasses, rather than just watering it in. It does leave the leaves kinda sticky, so spray the molasses, then rinse about 6 hours later with ph'd water to clean the sticky off.
I grow in soil and I use it. I have also seen recommendations for up to 2 tablespoons molasses per gallon. I have read that it is good for microbes. I have also read that some say it makes the microbes lazy. Meaning they eat the molasses and don't process the fertilizer.

When it comes to fertilizers and additives... I believe that when used in moderation you will get some benefit from it. When used in excess, you are more likely to have problems.

I use 1 teaspoon per gallon at most. I actually only used a dash per gallon this time a few minutes ago. I give it to my plants from seed around 3 weeks and my plants in flower at 3 weeks. I will use it again about 2 weeks before harvest. These are my general guidelines and I can't say I stick to them 100%.

thanks for the info both, i tried getting epsom salts today but i only got as far as going to the post office before i had to stop, so ill try and get some tomorrow, i think epsom salts will help or solve the problem if i can get some, its def a lockout of some kind but not sure if its ph or due to to much nutrients, i know its not the molasses as they have all only got 1 tea spoon per gallon so cant be nothing to do with that.

reps to you all for helping,

so with the soil plants anything from 1 table spoon upwards is good, 2 is ok and 3 if the plants are really hungry, this plant was really hungry and was drinking lots compared to the other plants, but i water until i get a small amount of run off so it sits in the dish then gets soaked back up by the soil then i empty the dish so the pot can drain if needed, but this plant was in a black pot that had small drain holes and not enough of them, so when i flushed i notice very little was coming out, so i poked several more bigger holes and drainage was vastly improved, so im thiking the nutrients have not been able to drain away and its just built up in the bottom of the pot and its thrown the ph off or to much nutrients at that level, i think if the whole pot was affected then the clone thats been rooted for a good week now would also be having problems but that just looks totally fine, i had to flush due to how quick the leaves went bad over night.

im going to have to get a soil ph test kit, i dont think testing the run off is very accurate at all, i could use a bit of soil and shake it up in a tab with water then filter the soil out using coffee filter then i can test the water, but not sure if that will give me an accurate reading or not, i could ph the tap water before the mix then ph the filtered water after but im not sure if the ph works by doing it that way, i could do with checking the ph in all the pots so i can get things dialed in to perfection, ive not had any problems till now so not needed to do anything to the soil plants, i dont even check the ph in the dwc as the plants do great in that, so ill save up some pennies and get myself a soil ph test kit and also a ppm meter, its times like this when i could do with them, it just shows that you do need them at some point,

so i think miwa is spot on, nute lockout caused by either ph issues or salts building up at the roots, i did think cal/mag def but i upped the nutrient to give higher P and K and also fed it twice with molasses but i thought that had solved the problem as it had stopped getting worse so all day yesterday it was stable but over night and this morning other leaves turned yellow and some totally turned crispy and fell off when touched, so its gotten worse pretty quick which points me towards a lockout or to much nutrients again causing a lock out,

so flushing will now give me a fresh start, ive not added nutrients yet so i can see what happens over the next 24 hours, it wont affect flowering if it dont get nutrients for a couple of days as its got 5 plus weeks left in flower so a few days with no nutrients is not going to hurt it, ill see how its looking tomorrow when i get up, i just want to let the soil dry out a bit and see if the problem stops or gets worse in the next 24 to 36 hours, then ill add nutrients and molasses, ill start with a weak feed than add molasses or just even add molasses and no nutrients for the next feed and see how it recovers, its going to get worse for at least 24 hours until the roots get oxygen and the plant has used up everything in the soil, so the next 36 hours should give me some idea of whats going on.

its just strange that it has only affected leaves on one side of the plant, the other side is not affected and leaves look perfect, the leaves on the affected side are only showing problems on the fan leaves on the inside of the branch, the outside leaves are totally fine, this is what makes me think the problem is lower down in the soil as the roots higher up must be doing ok and getting what they need, N is fine as leaves are a nice shade of green so i think the problem is all down to the drain holes getting blocked, plus in this pot i dont have any pumice stones in the bottom, so i think the issue is the bottom of the pot so now ive poked new holes and bigger holes that should of solved that problem.

it just wish i had a way of checking the ph, i cant do nothing now till the light comes back on but if their was a decent way to test the ph with the pen i already got then that would save me spending money i dont have on more equipment, im going to get an ec or ppm tester so i can push the dwc cuz when this sensi star is harvested im planting my next auto in the dwc so i can see how they repond to that.

so for molasses
2 table spoon max or 3 if plant is very hungry and can take it,

so the dwc is best to foliar feed, i have put some in the res when i last did a res change but i was only using 1 tea spoon per gallon as i was using the wrong measure, so it only got 1 tsp, its just some growers so its ok to use in dwc and others say it can cause root problems if the bad microbes take over the beneficial, would i foliar feed just the fan leaves as wouldnt want molasses on the buds, not that its got any fan leaves cuz she is pretty naked at the minute,

ill use 1 tsp per gallon for the dwc and see how it goes, its nearly at harvest so its not going to affect it much but at least i can monitor the roots for a few days before it gets flushed and plain water for 24 to 48 hours then ill pull it down, if i dont see any root problems or slime build up then ill use molasses but at a lower dose unless anyone can advise if its safe for a dwc or not

so i got the soil amounts sorted,
dwc ill hang back and just feed 1 tsp per gallon until harvest so i can see what happens, if their are no issues i may up the dose when my next dwc is in flower, but ill see what others say.

now all i need to know is how early would you start feeding molasses, its just ive never used it before until miwa suggested i give it a try to bulk up the flowering buds, i know a lot of growers use it so after miwa suggested it i thought id go out and pick some up, again ive read mixed msgs about when to start using it, some growers use it in early veg and just up the dose for flower, others only use it in the last 3 weeks of flower and the rest anything from 4 weeks before harvest and as little as 1 week before harvest,

so its best to flush after using molasses, so flush a week before harvest, ive not bothered flushing as its not needed with --- so i never flushed at all, i have how ever just stopped using nutrients for the last week to 10 days so i know the plant has used everything up but organic nutrients are suppose to be ok and a flush is not needed, but flushing is not a problem.

so now i just need to know how often to feed molasses, is it every watering, or every other 2 or 3, then how early is it best to start, can molasses be used from day 1 at every 3 to 4 weeks until the plant is in flower, or can it be used more often or is it best not to use it at all in veg,

thanks everyone
I almost think you could answer yes and yes to all those questions. I know *soil* growers that use molasses all the way through flowering. Some use less some use more. It is kind of hard to give a solid answer to it. Well, that is for soil. There may be a more structured answer for hydro.

The maximum size pot I use is 1 gallon. I always water with about 25% runoff.

When it comes to testing runoff it can be tricky. If you plants are dry (I am talking soil) when you water it will run straight trough and it will PH closer to your water/mixture PH. I always pre soak my plants. So I water and let them sit in it to soak it up. Then I water again and check the PH of the initial runoff figuring it has had time to absorb/dissolve any salt build up and give me a truer reading.

But I have had it happen like this too. I get the 1st plant PH where I want it. I water the other 3 and get the PH where I want it. Hmmm. Let me check the 1st plant one more time... Bam! PH is lower than I thought. Damn it!.. Ok. Run some more water through it and say hell with it. I will check it next watering :rofl:

Maybe I am making it harder than it needs to be... But my last few grows have been my best and I attribute it to checking the PH more often.
I've been looking for an opportunity to hopefully help you (and a few others) as you've helped me many times brother. I was having some trouble accurately measuring out my nutes to a single gallon or half gallon, especially when it came to anything below a Teaspoon. I went and got this large syringe (no help) and a 10ml pipette (no help), I then set my mind to getting a smaller syringe (BIG help). Thankfully I know a guy who knows a guy that exercises excessively and I was able to get my hands on a 3ml syringe. With this I can break a teaspoon down in tenths (0.1) of a teaspoon if need be. Makes mixing smaller quantities much easier.

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