Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

thanks for the help scarfinger, some reps for you sir,

now the plants been properly flushed ill check the run off tomorrow, ill see what it says, i dont want to give nutrients just yet as i want to see how the plant responds to the flush, i know ill need to add some nutes as the soil has been flushed but i just want to see what happens over the next 24 hours,

would it be best just to feed molasses at this stage and not any nutrient for say a further 24 to 36 hours, just so i know the plant has used up everything in the soil, it could just be that ive given it to much nutrients and with the drain holes blocked it could of built up salts so id prefer to make sure the soil is clean, the clone is not suffering at all, so clearly what ever it is its further down in the pot as not all the plant is affected it just seems to be one side of the plant affected, so thanks for the help on checking the ph, it wont be perfect but might give me some idea of what the soil is, if its way off then i know i got a major problem

its not a huge deal, the plants stretched to much but ive taken 2 clones from it for the next veg period so its not going to be a huge downer if it gets worse, its a good learning curve as ive been very lucky up till now and not had any major problems, im at the stage now where i can tell if it needs N or i need to back off the nutes before it gets to bad so having a problem is not such a bad thing as it have to go through the process of solving it, plus its more info i can use to help others who may have the same problem, if i can get epsom salts tomorrow is it still worth using that,

thanks for the info skybound, have some reps as well, ive been using a kids syringe you get with like cough medicine so thats ok for the nutrients, it was just the molasses i was having problems with as measuring 1 table spoon with thick liquid is pretty tough but i managed to get some like little metal cups that have the measures on them, so thanks for posting the info in my journal as im sure it will help other growers who have problems with measures, i started using a syringe when i had to add 2.5ml per gallon of each nutrient feed, so i bought some cough medicine for children and it comes with a syringe but it dont have a needle on the end, its so you can measure the medicine then squirt it in the babys mouth so been using that for the nutrients as i could not measure 2.5ml without using something like that.

where i am we can go to a chemist and ask for needles over the counter and they give you a pack of 20 or roughly that many for free, so if i needed any i just ask and say its for body building and they just hand you a pack over with lots of 1ml needles in but im sure they do a 2ml but them are to small to be of any use, they would be ok for the smaller doses but when you need to add like 15ml then it takes ages to keep sucking the nutes up, so i found the cough medicine injection thing a lot better as that goes up to 10ml but i can do just .5 if i needed to,

ive sent you both some reps for the great ideas, ill check ph in the morning and im sure others will be grateful of the syringe measuring idea, its ok using teaspoons but its very easy to get it wrong, a syringe means you are getting the exact amount,

thanks for the help everyone, ill post an update on the plant when i get up, its 5am now and not slept yet so going to watch some tv and hopefully get a couple of hours sleep,

Back when I had my rotty puppy, I used to put honey on his dog food. To thin the honey in the bottle, I would heat up a pot of water and put the bottle right in to raise the temp and make the honey less viscous. I bet this will help you liquify your molasses.
hi all,
thats what i been doing, i been using the measures and scooping out the molasses then i put the kettle on to warm it up but not to hot then i just pour it into a small jug and stir it up, then pour that into my water so its well mixed,

the diabetic needles only go up to 1ml, so they would be a bit to small, perfect for small amounts but a pain if you got to measure 20ml.

a quick update on the affected plant, after the flush yesterday the problem seems to have stopped spreading, so at least the flush has stopped it getting any worse, the buds still look totally fine so luckily it only affected the fan leaves, ill give it some nutes in the morning or maybe just some molasses to see i that pulls it back round, its budding as normal so looks like i stopped it before it spread to the whole plant,
ive just checked on the baby plants and the white widow x skunk#1 has to be the best looking seedlings ive seen in ages, ill take some pics tomorrow, i just hope it stays looking as nice through the whole grow, i need to get some nutes sorted out, havnt decided iv im sticking with --- or not, i got great results using it but shipping costs more than the product, so i either need to find something near me or try something different all together,

we got plenty of garden centers that sell nutrients so not sure if fruit n veg type nutes would work, i know they would be a bit hot for the plants at full dose so would need to work out a good schedule from seedling to harvest, im pretty sure sns dont sell products in the UK, they wasnt allowed i think they told me last time, maybe they need some license to sell products over here, so im pretty screwed when it comes to buying nutrients, im might have to visit this hydro shop thats opened up but the problem is its always empty, you dont see any customers in their and i been past a few times, their was something in the papers a while back about the police using them to catch growers so i think a lot of people have stayed away.

so is it worth the risk, could be huge discounts if they got no customers or prices could be sky high because they got no customers, but the problem is it could be a set up, i wouldnt mind if i seen some customers in their but everyone seems to stay away.

but i need some nutes and pretty soon as well, i got some potato nutrients but its an all in one feed, NPK is 8,12,36 then i got some liquid fruit feed which is NPK 4,4,4, im thinking the powder feed is ok for flower but still has lots of N in it, the all in one i guess would do for veg but at 4,4,4 it might not be ideal. but unless i find something soon im out of nutes,

im out of bloom, grow will be gone in a couple of days, i got 3/4 of a bottle of micro and bloom booster so not sure what i can do with them, i guess i can still use them but what ever else i choose is going to a really low dose as i know the nutrients we use are not as hot as regular fruit and veg nutrients so id have to start at 1/4 stated dose, last thing i want to do is end up with dead or nearly dead plants,

so does anyone know if the fruit and veg nutes will be ok, at least till i can get something else, i got bloom booster and micro --- left and plenty of it, so that can supliment what ever i use, but my main problem is for the flower stage, im guessing both the fruit and veg nutes i got are ok for the whole grow but id need to supliment something for late bloom which im hoping the bloom booster will do, ill just have to use a very low dose and see what happens,
heres the break down on the powder nutrients,
soluble plant food, provides nutrients for higher crop yields
use 5g or 1 scoop per gallon
NPK 8,12,36
N = 8%
nitric nitrogen = 5.5%
ammoniacal nitrogen = 2.5%
p =12%
k = 36%
boron = 0.01%
copper = 0.007%
iron = 0.03
manganese = 0.02%
molybdenum =0.007%
zinc = 0.007%

now all that means nothing at all to me, im thinking it might be ok to use for flower stage of growth but still has a high level of N in it, its an all in one powder mix and says apply weekly during growing season and water between feeds if needed.

the liquid food i got is NPK 4,4,4 so thinking it would possibly be ok for veg, but unless i can get something else in the next week to 2 weeks then im pretty well stuck with these as these seem about the best nutrients i can get from garden centers, the rest are for non edible plants so not sure if i could even use them.

ill check out the sponsors and see what they got but it depends who can ship to the uk and delivery costs, or do i risk going into this new hydroponics shop thats always empty, no one i know knows i grow so cant exactly send a mate in to go and check the place out,
You know I watched this older Brit utube video of how to build a grow room, and it showed going to his nearest hydroponics store, buying everything he needed. This guy went temp and humudity and fan control and everything. Then it showed how to clean up the room in the flat and cover the windows from outside onlookers. Why a hydroshop if you can't buy anything? It's not all illegal what they sell...actually none of it is illegal perse.
The hydro store I frequent is maintained by a head shop, and a liquor store next door to it. They keep it locked, and you have to ask for someone to open it for you. I have never seen anyone else in there, when I've been in, but they have customers, because they run out of items all the time. I was nervous about the store at first, but it is like 150 miles from where I live, and I haven't spotted any surveillance. If I was closer to you I would hook you up with some nutes don, maybe one day I will decide to travel across the pond, always wanted to, really.
You know I watched this older Brit utube video of how to build a grow room, and it showed going to his nearest hydroponics store, buying everything he needed. This guy went temp and humudity and fan control and everything. Then it showed how to clean up the room in the flat and cover the windows from outside onlookers. Why a hydroshop if you can't buy anything? It's not all illegal what they sell...actually none of it is illegal perse.
its not what you buy..but what you do with it after you buy it..
its just the store is in the same street the police have used in the past to set up second hand shops to catch thieves,

@Sativa, i was using blue planet nutrients, but im out of bloom and grow feed, the delivery costs where higher than the actual products, it looks like the sponsors dont sell outside the US, so looks like flea bay and amazin are about my only option unless i venture into this hydro shop, i might be worrying over nothing. chances are they will sell everything i need in their it just puts me off that their is never anyone in their, usually a shop like that would be pretty busy or at least have a few customers a day, this place is deserted, always open but never anyone inside.

so ive only used --- products up till now so either need to bite the bullet and hit corey up with an order and spend a fortune on postage around £60 i think it was so well over $100 for delivery, plus when it gets here i have to pay import costs and thats another £16 unless its marked as a gift, but i know --- works and im sure the sponsors have great products that work but im not sure why sns cant sell to the uk, maybe theirs something in their products that the uk dont like or maybe they need a license to export to the uk, i really dont know, i was just told they cant sell to the uk when i applied for samples a while back, so im sure i cant get hold of sns products,

which other sponsors do nutes, ive checked that scientific soils but looks like their US only products as well but postage would again be high.

let me check the rainforest site, you just never know what your getting from them sites though as it could be anything just repackaged or resealed and sold as something more expensive, ive been skanked before on both flea bay and the rainforest site so always a bit warry.

i got about a week or 2 at the most to get something sorted out,

the bloom booster and micro i got plenty left of from --- is in the following NPK
micro is 5-0-1
bloom booster is 2-4-10,

so im thinking worse case if i cant come up with anything then the liquid food plus micro will be ok for veg stage,
for flower i may need to get something else or just go very easy on the powder feed and use the bloom booster as well.

i might ride my bike to the hydro shop but take a different route home, its only because of its location that im a bit warry, im sure their are more hydro shops around so ill check online and see if their are anymore in a better location.

if im lucky enough to win the motm contest then ill have to see what they can ship out, hopefully if all of it can be shipped out even if i have to try and borrow money to pay the postage then i should be ok, i would like to try the new sponsors products as it sounds very easy to use, but it all depends on the postage and if im lucky enough to win. the butter maker would be something new to try, it would give me the chance to make food to take out with me so that would be a huge bonus plus i got lots of trim left.
Yeah, miwa is on point there. Everything in my local store can be used to grow anything. I noticed this store has virtually everything one can want in one form or another, save for the hash bags as I can think of no other use for them. So the owner is careful what to stock his shelves with. This is not to say that the fuzz doesn't monitor who comes and goes, but I personally could care less b/c they would be wasting so much time and money for small potatoes. one way or another, you're going to have to get what you need, either in person, or over the internet with shipping charges and yes, tracking.
my problem is i dont know any growers round here so if i make a mistake and get busted then its because of my own fault so ive always tried to keep as low key as possible so thats why im a bit cautious as so far ive stayed safe,

thanks for the offer dank, im sure we could hook up if you ever came over, but im on my own for now so any risks i take i take on my own back, if i had mates that knew i grow then i could send them to the shop and i could watch from a distance to see if anyone followed them or was watching them as they went in and out, plus all it would take is the hydro shop to have cctv which chances are most hydro shops would have to protect themselves.

its why ive tried to get everything off the net and have it delivered to a safe address, that way i can move stuff around and no one knows who or what is going on, but going into stores to buy nutrients could put me at risk. thats what bothers me, i know their are genuine hydro shops but ill have to check the phone book and see if their are anymore that i can get to, i got a couple of weeks to get something sorted, worse case ill use the powder feed for flower and the bloom booster but go very easy on the doses, i dont mind having items posted to my safe address but i take a huge risk doing what i do, id only need to slip up once to get me sent before a judge,
ill be ok for the flowering plants and the plants in veg will be ok on the liquid feed plus the micro ---, so ive got a couple of weeks or more before i need to start thinking about flowering nutes or transition feed nutes, so i got time to hopefully get something sorted
tracking is not a problem, i got that covered so ordering off the net is how i got my lights, i know people use hydro to grow fruit and veg as well, if you knew the law here you would understand why im a bit para, getting caught with bud is bad enough, get caught with an oz and your looking at getting sent down, so getting caught producint any amount is pretty serious, wasnt a problem when it was a class c but its been put back up to class b, so we are not talking a slap on the wrist and a fine for getting caught producing my own meds.

thas why i cant afford to take any risks, 1 mistake or slip up could cause me a whole world of grief, its why only the growers on here know i grow, i dont grow more than i need and im not a dealer, i grow what i need and i need what i grow,

i might be para over nothing, but its pretty much on my doorstep and thats what bothers me, its like 5min from where i live, ill keep checking out the sponsors and the auction site and amaz@n and see what they got, surely someone must buy products in bulk from the US and sell them over here, its about my only option for now
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