Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Geez, so many fish in the pond! It could be dangerous if it isn't deep enough, come winter the ice will encroach and if there is no depth, there won't be anyone to talk too!
alls good here,

plus we got heaters in the pond for the winter, no ice here unless its from nirvana, so tempted to plant a couple of nirvana ice but im pretty sure unless i have lots of males im going to be out of room, also got a grapefruit that i keep looking at, to many seeds and not enough space is my problem at the minute, my veg plants are getting to big to keep in the small room so going to need to repot some pretty soon so hopefully a couple of the flowering plants are nearly done, worse case ill have to set up another veg room with cfls for now and keep them in their till the flower room is back in veg
Did I here you had a possible P problem?
If so, I had the same issue. When flowering gets violent, those roots get after it again. I found my PH was below 6 causing a louckout of P. Maybe you have seen a picture of my leaves? If not here ya go--


If you dont have a P problem nd Im just so medicatied I made it up,I apoligize. Im an idiot. :rofl:

Good weed sir. Hope you are well.
Hey Dp I posted it on mine but here you go . I have a blog and the first one is your best bet go to the next page and scroll down til you see your problem. Im sure you have seen this page before:)
thanks for the pics spimp, ill try and find it fish, is it in one of your journals fish,

@Spimp, mines not exactly like that, ill take a few pics tomorrow but you see where yours is patchy bits of brown mines like a dusting of pepper, just lots of tiny brow spots on normal looking leaves, i did think a P issue but its not the exact same thing, its not got worse and seems to of stopped spreading after i gave it some molasses, so at least i know its not getting worse, but would like to know what it is, i thought i had some mites but checked the whole planta and found nothing anywhere,

ill see if i can find fish's blog and have a look, hopefully he has got the same thing, maybe its the same as yours but showing slightly different, but i thought id check before i make any changes to the nutrients, the bud leaves are totally fine and the affected leaves are totally fine but just got tiny brown speckles all over them, so want to find out what it is for sure in case i get it again or in case i havent stopped it spreading, my other plants getting the same feed at the same time are not showing any signs of this, its just this one plant so not sure why this one has gone like this, it must just be down to the strain as their all in same soil and fed the same
ok, i got that same chart in my sig so ive looked at that all ready, but its tough to say which one it is, could be mag or pot, none of my leaves look damaged or have dry patches, they look perfectly healthy apart form having these very light speckles, so no edges burned or curling under, its not actually affecting the development of the plant either as its still flowering as normal a bit faster if anything as the buds are really starting to develop more now, so its not affecting bud growth so ill take some pics tomorrow and you can have a look and see what you think,

someone suggested i flush and feed with a very high P and K feed with very little N and that should solve the problem, but ill get these pics taken and you can have a look and see what you think, its not affecting growth at the minute and its the only plant thats showing this problem, the affected leaves look normal but with tiny brown spots, its looks like a rash as its not patchy on the leaf their actually covered in spots,
thanks for the help fish, im pretty sure a dose of epsom salts will be all i need, im pretty sure its a mang def, just strange its only happening to this one plant but it is using a lot more water than the rest, have some reps sir.

i think if it was more patchy like spimps pic then it would be a lack of P, but ill try and get some epsom salts and see if that works, just have to see where i can get some from

reps for spimp as well for helping me decide on what my problem is
hey brother. would love to see the pics of this issue, unless you have changed your feeding habbits recently, don't second guess yourself. it may be something as simple as rust (plant disease) or random garden sap eaters. double check your feeding schedule to make sure your feeding them what you should be at this stage and have faith. if you get similar symptoms grow after grow, then your feeding schedule has a hole in it. could it be just the way the strain ages as it flowers (or a pheno trait). im not saying its not a p problem, just that there are other options to consider other than food for a grower that's pretty dialled in ;)
exactly like that miwa,

ive been really ill today so only just got on here, went out to get some shopping and collapsed in pain due to my ibs, when i get pains like that i just cant do anything, it leaves me crippled, it feels like someone is tearing my insides to pieces, a very kind person seen i was in pain and offered to take me to hospital, but i asked them to drop me home instead as the hospital dont really help much, plus they only give me what ive got at home so not much help, so really suffered today, my ibs has not flared up like that for a couple of months now and i was totally fine when i left the house this morning, i was just walking down the high street and then it was like been shot in the stomach, itstant pain, i really really hate ibs and wish they could find some cure for it, you think with all this money in research they would of found a cure by now or at the very least medication that works,

so this person helped me home and even held me up till i was at my front door, this nice lady had a kid with her about 10 years old so while i was in her car i gave the kid £10 to get himself something and as a little thank you for his mom helping me home, its not often you get strangers like that, most cross the road and walk away, but this lady crossed over the road to see if i was ok as i was crippled over in pain, so its proof theirs still some very nice people in this world, not many but a few,

anyways i got home and took my pain medication and didnt help, so smoked half a spliff i had rolled last night and had a rest on the sofa for an hour and the pain has just eased, i am sure that thats clear proof that mj helped ease the pain, its as if my stomach just cramps up and tenses up and leaves me in so much pain i can barely talk,

anyways lets get back to the plants,
the plant with the brown spots has got worse, i now know its not a lack of P or K or magn, the problem can only be a ph issue as it looks like ive got a nute lockout and not just a def as it has not got better over the last 48 hours, it was stable for a day when i upped the nutes as its a big plant so i thought it was using to much out the soil and was not getting enough, so i thought upping the feed solved the problem, but today the lower leaves have started to die and go crispy so the problem is a lockout of some sorts,

the strange part is that on the plant their is 6 or 7 branches that are over 1ft in length, now on the one branch only the inside set of fan leaves has turned yellow and died, the leaves on the outside of the branch are fine, i also have a clone growing in the same pot ready for a reveg and thats totally fine so clearly the problem is deep down in the pot,

this is the info i got on one of the help pages on this site, a person had the same problem and i was helping him with the same problem then it happened to me, one of the older members posted this comment

I would say that it appears to be a zinc mobile and Manganese Immobile problem. They get locked out when the P-k goes down low. manganese is only mobile when there is active k,potassium and mg(epsom).

I would blast it with 500ppm 5 gallons of chem ratios 0-3-4. That way you get the p-k and all mobile lower elements. Or you could starve her, a watch her decline while you snip and trip. ltr.

its me again now, that grower suggests its lacking nutrients, so i upped the feed due to the plant been so big and the plants of the same size are not drinking as much as this plant,

so when i noticed it was worse today i pulled the pot out of the grow room and noticed their wasnt enough holes in the bottom of the pot so the water and nutrients wasnt flushing out when i fed, so i think the soil got to hot and its messed the ph up and caused a lockout as giving it extra nutes nearly 2 days ago did not help, ive not been able to get epsom salts yet so cant try that,

ive decided to flush and poke a load more holes in the bottom of the pot, ive gave it a good flush, so instead of messing around with ir for a few days and possibly affecting flowering i decided to give it a good flush as the buds are not affected and neither the sugar leaves but it is slowly creeping up the plant, so its been flushed, new holes in the bottom of the pot, ill leave it to dry out so the roots can get some oygen then ill start with a half strength nutrients mix,

the problem arose as im testing some nutrients i picked up, their not designed for these plants but i was told produces amazing results with veg growers, so ive been using this powder feed that suppose to give amazing results, i think its either had a bad reaction with the nutrients in the soil from the --- or the dose i have been giving is to high or ive fed it to often which is usually every other feed, with --- i was feeding every feed but this new nutrient is a lot higher in P and K,
the npk is N8 P12 K36, so it could be that its to hot and caused a ph issue, but its strange that the clone in the same pot is not having any problems at all, thats growing well with no issues, i want to reveg as its a nice strain but stretched to much this time round so ill reveg the clone and grow a bushy plant,

ill let the pot dry out now, the problem is clearly more than lack of P or K, its a lockout of some sorts possibly due to ph or due to the P and K % been a tad to high, ive been feeding half the recomended dose, but now ive flushed it ill need to put some N back in with the first feed so ill use NPK N4 P4 K4, that should pull it back round, i just cant afford to order nutrients at the minute, its over £60 for postage for --- to where i am so got to get something sorted soon, unless i can get the dose right with this veg feed,

thanks for the help everyone, miwa's problem is the same as i have got, but his could be lack of P and K or could be the same as me and be either a ph issue or over fed,

let us know what you find out miwa
im not to fussed if a lose the plant as the clone is really healthy and doing well, the plant is over 3ft and stretched like crazy due to the heat so wont be producing much due to nodes spacing but buds at the top of each branch are geetting big, i might get 2 x 1ft bus off it by the looks of it but unless it fattens up they will be skinny buds, its got a really nice smell and the buds look really good as well, so i want to grow it properly without it stretching just because i know it could do much better if temps where stable and it never stretched, it might also be that i need a new dual spec bulb, not sure how often they need replacing but im guessing they do lose lumins or even part of the spectrum as the bulb gets older,

so could be the bulb as well thats made it stretch, so do i go with another dual spec bulb or do i buy a mh and normal hps, im getting 55,000 lumins when new but i know some standard hps bulbs put out 65,000, but would i be losing out by not using a dual spec bulb as regular hps dont have the blue spectrum, its a tough decision as im not sure whats best, i honestly think the dual spec is the best option but ive not used a standard hps for flower or mh for veg so really cant compare the 2,
could the molasses caused this problem, ive been using 1 table spoon per gallon or slightly over tbsp as its hard to measure, all the other plants are not showing any signs of problems, im feeding another test plant the same nutrients as im giving this one and the other is growing like crazy and the buds have got much fatter since giving it this power feed instead of ---, maybe ill end up with the same problem, ive had to stop using --- as im totally out of bloom and the grow is pretty much out as well,

can anyone who uses --- please advise me on what i can do with the micro and bloom booster part of the nutrients, as you dont use much micro or bloom booster feed then ive got 3/4's of both bottles full, so ive got plenty of micro and bloom booster, so is it ok to use this without using the bloom and grow, i know ill need to supliment something to replace the bloom and grow feed, but say i use an all in one feed for now could i then add bloom booster to give the flowering stage a boost, i know id need to start with a very low dose to find the level, but then what about the micro part, is it ok to use that on its own to give the plants something extra, maybe not every feed but once a week, id prefer not to waste it as ive hardly used the micro or bloom booster bottles,
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