Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Was wondering if you ever messed with any strawberry cough or had some legit and know a good breeder, just a strain I'm interested in because my favorite home made beverage is strawberry brandy and I feel like they would go good together even though I've never had it.
Michigan420CareGiver on YouTube predominantly grows that strain Strawberry Cough. You'd be hard pressed to watch one of his many videos and him not mention that strain. His HHT DWC videos grow that strain.
Was wondering if you ever messed with any strawberry cough or had some legit and know a good breeder, just a strain I'm interested in because my favorite home made beverage is strawberry brandy and I feel like they would go good together even though I've never had it.

Everybody loves strawberries :)

I still think a cherry cheesecake is nice too. Hence looking forward to the cherry cheese bud :)
thanks everyone, yep i just had a msg from the staff saying it was last thing at night when they was going through the site and it just got over looked, so alls good, i feel a lot better now as i been wondering what i had done wrong

cant help with the strawberry cough strain, not tried it so cant really comment, but go to herbies head shop, then in the search box type strawberry cough and he got regular and fem seeds of that strain, regular are out of stock for femenised is in stock, sounds like a nice strain.

@jimmy, im trying to chase these letters up as i sent a few out on same day and none have turned up yet, so im thinking they have all been delayed, im looking into it and ill pm you and let you know whats going on, they say 5 days but it takes around 14 working days and its about that now because of the bank holiday we had, the problem seems to be UK end as it moves pretty quick once it hits the US, royal mail is not what it used to be,

thanks shottafire,

@miwa, im thinking of ordering some as well, possibly placing my next order on wed, problem is i keep buying seeds and end up with lots in stock which can cause problems if i dont store them properly,

ill take some pics of the plants tomorrow as been out all day and not had chance,

the big buddha cheese looks identical to the ken estes gdp cross purple cheese, if i pulled the labels off you would say their the same plant, both identical size, leaves are exactly the same, both growing at the exact same rate, no height difference between the 2 strains, so will be interesting to see how the end results compare,

ive got 3 pheno types out of the gdp cheese cross i made, one is short and very indica looking the same as big buddha cheese, the others are taller and have bigger node spacing, so i possibly got 1 or 2 males so ill keep the best male and collect pollen, then i can pick the best pheno type with the females and clone it and back cross to make that pheno more stable, its going to be a slow process but hopefully ill end up with something very nice, i need to order some more ken estes gdp as ive not even had a female yet, i keep getting males, but it all depends on how this first cross turns out,

the white widow x skunk ive topped it and also used lst and pulled the plant right over on its side, it was just growing to quick and would of ended up much taller than the other plants, so if it is female then its a fast growing strain for sure, so i topped it to stop upwards growth but it didnt slow down, then i use lst and pulled it right over on its side and within hours the end of the plant was 1 inch in the air again, so pulled it back down, this should give me a nice bushy plant with 8 to 10 main cola.
Say Ser Don, Just Started Harvesting Today,YIIPPPEEE:high-five:!!! We brought In All Blueberry(DJ SHORTS BLUEBERRY)X Mazari Shareef. Thanks For The Happy B-Day, And The Help With The Downloading Of The Photos, But Somehow I Figured It Out My Self, Something The CORPS Instilled In Me, Just Keep Trying, And Eventually You Will DO!!!:bravo:Posted New Photos, Go Have A Gander, If You Have The Time Ser Don. SINCERELY, SER JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!! Lord Commander Of The 420 Knights Watch.
a quick update with some pics,
sorry about blurry pics but my camera seems to have packed up and no longer likes taking pics, ill borrow one to take the next lot of pics with
below is the ww x sk#1, its been topped and pulled over using lst


below is ken estes gdp cross purple cheese



below is 2 clones, the left one is a reveg from kerala x skunk, right one is sensi star



below is mazar x white rhino, heavy defol all fan leaves removed during veg





2ltr dwc auto northern lights fem,



below is a sensi star, i let it grow as normal for a few weeks then removed all the fan leaves at top of plant as it was growing to big for my small veg room so removed all fan leaves and the results are very close node spacing at the top few inches of the plant. you can also see in the last pic that the plant is low on nutrients, it was in the back of the grow room and got neglected, its now been fed and looks a much nicer shade of green,




below is big buddha chz, this plant also stinks and its only still in seedling stage, one of my gdp cheese plants also has a strong smell to it


below is the very short gdp cheese, similar genetics as the big buddha cheese, my other gdp cheese plants are taller and have bigger node spacing, this one seems to be growing at same rate as the bb chz, so either the others are all male or their different pheno types, its the only plant that stinks without having to rub the leaves, usually i dont get much smell from the plants in veg but this gdp cheese stinks, none of the other gdp cheese stink like this one, fingers crossed its going to be a very nice strain,



below is the auto bubble fem, i had to transplant it twice as it had problems in one brand of compost so chances are this plant is doomed and wont produce much, but its picked up in the last couple of days, it sprouted small and was slow to grow then when i transplanted the leaves started to yellow so transplanted it in to the first batch of compost i used and its picking up a bit now



below is a topped gdp cheese, thinking its possibly male as it just keeps stretching, so its leaning towards it been a male, topped it to slow upwards growth, so either both of these gdp cheese are male or their different pheno types as the other gdp cheese is very short and squatty.



below is another gdp cheese, again grew tall quick compared with the short pheno type, so either these are male or different pheno
but this one was fim'd to slow upwards growth, as i fim'd it really early its now giving me 6 main cola

its hard to tell but in the very middle is 2 main cola, these ones you can clearly see are the nodes just below, then just below them is the next node which will also become the top of the plant


below is a very nice sour diesel, this is a really nice plant to grow, all nodes have good growth so upwards growth is not as quick and its got branches at the nodes very early on so should be a very nice bush plant, femenised



now onto the last few flowering plants, this is now growing under natural light to finish it off but does go under the hps for a few hours in the daytime, monster cropped reveg ak47 x chry chz





the buds dont seem as fat on the reveg plant but theirs more of them so should yield well at harvest, problem is it just keeps on growing, its been flowering for well over 10 weeks and still the pistils are white, trichs are nearly all cloudy but its now starting to fox tail so ill keep it going until its finished growing, hopefully the buds will fatten up now its fox tailing

below is the plants under cfls, kc45 auto seeded, kerala x skunk recovering from cal/mag problems, flushed and back to normal so starting to fatter up now, jack flash is also with this lot as well, flowering it off early to check its the strain i want, if it is ill clone and give a long veg under the dual spec hps

below is the kc45 auto seeded, all pistils are dying and can just see the seed pods starting to swell, my camera could not pick this up

below is the kerala x skunk, you can see the damaged leaves but not pulled them off as the flush stopped it spreading so just the ends of the leaves died, after the flush i let it dry and fed nutes when it get a lighter shade of green, buds really stink but not much trich on them, was going to cut it and bin it but it recovered after the flush and leaves are now turning green again, ill give it a few more days and if it dont pick up it will be binned

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