Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Hey good weed to you Dpaul. Id like to pick your huge expansive noodle. Ok what Im wondering is can I use a clone off my Tutt to become a mother for more clones and then use a couple of those to try and bread a cross with another strain. Basically I have A critical sensi starr and im gonna clone her too. She's germing now. Could I use a clone off each, one would be 3rd gen the sensi would be 2nd. Then use your technique for breeding a cross strain.
What is the drawback on trying to bread from clones?

Im just planning this out and have to read up on your methods in detail but I really want to start crossing some of my favorite strains.
Any pointers or homework please lay it on me.

Many thanks once more my friend.
Popping In To Say Howdy Ser Don, SO HOWDY:high-five:!!! Today Has been Very Relaxing Y'all, A Good Brownie For Myself, And Yarrow Complete Control Of The Tube, ALL DAY(WE HAVE THREE,BUT ONLY ONE IN OUR BEDROOM,WHICH IS WHERE WE STAYED!!!) We Just Sat And Lazed Around Today, And For Once She Is Sleeping Soundly(GOD BLESS HER), So I Am Making My Rounds On 420 And Basically Getting Ready To Either Eat, Or Join My Wife In Bed For Some Sleep!!! The COWBOYS Play Early Tomorrow, And I Like To Watch All The BS Pre-Game Shows:clap:!!! Take Care All!!! SINCERELY, SER JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:!!! Lord Commander Of The 420 Knights watch.
@james, ill pm you mate as we cant discuss seeds, i got a msg off the mods saying we cant request or offer seeds in the forum, so ill pm you, a big hello to both you and yarrow, enjoy your sleep, or maybe your awake again now, ill pm you shortly just hitting a few journals first as im days behind

thanks for the comments everyone, not sure on the laws with autos and none autos, but autos are 100% auto so all seeds are auto, so the plant i crossed with was 100% auto even though its not a ruderalis, but its still an auto, i was told the seeds would be 1/4 auto so this is not something i have read or reserached much but will do now im back home as been real busy the last few days so not been on the net as much, i was told that only 1/4 of the seeds will be auto but im getting more than 1/4 been auto, but ill see how they go and will grow more seeds to see whats going on,

got some more great news, this monster ww x skunk#1 is female, its getting huge and growing 3 times quicker than any of my other plants, might even have to put it to flower a lot earlier due to its size, the dwc auto is also growing well and not showing signs of sex yet but is fem seeds so looks like it should be a pretty decent yield,

ill try and get some pics up tomorrow as for some reason my plants seem to be growing like crazy now, maybe the high summer temps slowed growth down but their all growing well now,

@Light Addict, go for it mate, take clones from both if i find a nice strain then i keep it in clone form and either keep taking clones from clones or if i find a better strain to replace it with then i flower it off, but its fine to take clones from clones, basically if you take a clone during veg then the clone will be identical to the plant it came from, so you could take a clone and turn it into a mother plant or use it to produce seeds,

what i do to produce fem seeds is this, i take 2 or more clones from the plant i want fem seeds from, i veg them both for a few weeks then put 1 under 12-12 about 4 weeks before the other, the first one i then leave in flower until it goes hermie and produces fem pollen, i then use this pollen on the other clone and that then gives me fem seeds from 2 parents from the same plant, which seems to give stable results,
the only exception to the cloning rule is the cheese strain, the uk cheese started life as skunk#1, the plant was grown and clones taken, a mother plant was not providing the clones they just kept taking clones as each clone grew, then over several generations the plant changed and its now called cheese, this could be that the skunk strain climatised to the uk, or maybe the nutrients made the genetics change in some way, but thats the only time ive heard of a strain changing but that was after many generations of clones,

the ak47 x uk cherry cheese i got growing at the minute is at least the 7 gen, i have taken clones from the very first time i grew it just in case the seeds produced different results, but they never and results are always the same, but ive always took clones each time the plants grown so its several generations old and still looks and produces the same,

so you will be fine taking clones, ive just took another 2 clones, 1 from the ak x cherry chz but this time ive took it in flower so will be a reveg plant when done, ive also cloned the kerala x skunk because i had cal/mag issues with it and it didnt perform as well as it should of so took a clone again in flower so i can grow it next time with no problems and will be able to sample it at its best, its smells really nice but does not have much trich on it but i think this is due to the nutrients i used on it so cloned it and will give it another try problem free.

i trust my cloning method that much that i just take 1 clone per plant, so far all root and turn into good plants, i used to take several clones but then i ended up with to many plants so just take 1 clone per plant and it keeps my numbers down

as for pointers and homework their is a guide in my sig about breeding for beginners, have a quick read through that and it will tell you everything you need to know, just always pick the best strains to work with, if you crossing male and females then make sure the male is a good strong plant, it should explain all this in that link

@905 sean, welcome to 420 mag, the cloning method cost me nothing and it works everytime, the less i can spend on my hobby means i can spend more on my kids,

ill try and get a pic update tomorrow cuz plants are looking really nice
Happy Skunkday DP..hope you are having as much fun as me..1st nuts...i just can't grow a female with bagseeds...well at least i got some pollen coming..with my luck..the pods will open while i'm sleep and i won't get any pollen..i put a female with him..but the female may be too far into flower..we'll see...

Why are you gonna collect pollen from a bagseed plant? Do you know the genetics of the plant that you'd want to preserve or cross?
Donpaul.p, are you OK? Haven't heard much from you in a minute and that's not usual. Hope everything is cool on our end.
hi all, thanks for the comments everyone,

yep still around just been a bit hectic as my daughter is ill again so back and forth to doctors so been pretty busy the last few days, its difficult when your on your own with 2 kids, if one is ill then the other has still got to go to school and go to after school stuff they do so i have to get my mom to help with watching my daughter while i take my son to school and pick him up,

she is not in hospital this time but she always seems to get ill around this time so i guess its some sort of pollen from a winter plant that sets her asthma off, luckily its not to bad this time so should be back at school soon, last year she got it bad and was in a bad way in hospital having her breathing done for her, so this time i spotted it really early and got the out of hours doctor to come out so think i got it early this time so she shouldnt suffer as much.

ill do my best to get some pics up tomorrow so when i get back from the doctors for myself ill try and get some pics done, my plants are getting pretty big now and the ww x sk looks like a very nice plant and its female so pretty chuffed with that one,

more of the gdp cross purple cheese auto are showing sex, seems im getting a very high female ratio as well, so to me it looks like the purple cheese auto female genetics came out stronger in this cross, im getting autos by the looks of it as most are now showing sex really early and the calyx at the nodes is now forming so they could start to flower soon if their auto, their growing quick as well so should be a very nice plant when its done and give me something to work with over the winter to try and produce a nice gdp cheese strain, ive ordered some more seeds and some more gdp seeds so i can back cross if i need to,

so everything seems to be going ok,
the dwc autos is a pretty chunky indica looking plant so that might yield well, the slow growing auto bubble has started to come to life but its showing sex but its now growing quicker so hopefully that might produce an ok yield as well.

the quickest growing plants ive got is the ww x sk and the gdp cheese, this ww x sk is a huge plant and growing like crazy, ive not had a plant grow this quick before, it was planted at the same time as the other plants and its easily 3 times the size of the others, i thought it was male because of how quick it was growing but its now showing sex and is female, so ill veg a couple of weeks more then flip to 12-12 and take some more clones for the next grow.

ill try and get on here a bit tomorrow, i try and get on everyday but i spend time in other journals so i neglect mine when im not on here as i upddate mine when i come across it in the list im subbed to, so if im only on here for an hour or 2 then i dont alway get to my journal,

ill charge the camera up and hopefully ill get some time to myself when i get back from the docs, my legs are playing up again, i just wish they would find out whats causing the pain, ive had it since i was little i keep getting pains in my legs like their aching all the time, it feels like ive run a marathon so im in some discomfort at night and when walking around so going back the docs to see if they can find out whats wrong, its like my muscles are really aching and my joints hurt when i bend me knew and stuff like that but if suffered with it for many years now but its been causing me some pain the last couple of months so need to try and find out what the problem is

anyways enough of my moaning,

@miwa, good look with the male mate, just be careful with the pollen, once it opens that room will be full of pollen, so make sure you clean the area after so you dont get pollen on other plants, have you grown a female from the bag seed to see what kind of bud it produced, i know some bag seed can be very nice, even if the bud you got it in was piss poor then it might of been the grower didnt have a clue how to grow or they had problems, so the seeds may be some amazing strain from back in the day, you just never know with bag seed,
i just read your comment that you not got a female so ignore that comment,

anways happy 2 tokes tuesday to all, its 5m and got to be up at 7 to get my son ready for school so im going to try and get 2 hours sleep, if i dont get to sleep ill be back on here catching up with journals, so about to smoke some potent sensi star and lie down and try and catch and hour or 2's sleep before the alarm goes off or dog wakes me up,

happy hash wednesday people,

sorry no pics today been to busy, ive got my camera charged up and will take some pics tomorrow before i do anything else,

my daughter is ok ish, she has had bad asthma since she was about 6 months old and had been in and out of hospital a few times a year and around now she is usually in hopsital and then just after bonfire night she is usually back on hospital so i know to look for signs of her getting ill then i can get her to the doctors or hospital before it gets to bad, so spotted it early this time as she started coughing and getting out of breath much easier when she was playing so thought id get her to the doctors before it gets to bad so hopefully she will be much better this time and i wont be sleeping on a hospital floor,

so all been well keeping her off school for a couple of days will stop her getting worse, i think this time of year its the change in weather that gets on her chest but then bonfire night is usually when she ends up been much worse, so could be to do with the fireworks and whats in them, just not sure, could even be some sort of winter pollen i guess, so the docs say keep her off school for a couple of days and see how she goes, so far so good

so ill get some pics up tomorrow, i think ive managed to get a metal detector for my kids as well but wont know till the morning. so things are looking a bit better, will leave me skint but should keep the kids happy and chear my daughter up a bit as she hasnt been able to go out and play or rider her bike so should put a smile on her face,

ill try and get on here a bit more in the next day or 2, so will get caught up with all your journals and get mine updated a bit more often.

what i can say is the gdp cross purple cheese auto has all shown sex now, i got 1 male and 4 females, so will be interesting to see if their auto and how they yield

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